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Chapter 4: Chapter 4 The Secret of Astra

Oren led Loril through some trees on a worn path until they could hear the sounds of rushing water up ahead. Oren walked at a brisk pace and Loril struggled to keep up.

"Hey, slow down, Where's the fire?"

Oren slowed his pace, "Sorry, I forget myself sometimes."

"Why didn't you let Cain come with us? I can handle myself."

"Two charmers together mean trouble. I learned that lesson the hard way over the years. It's best he stays behind."

"I'm sure I could hold him off."

Oren stopped to face her, "Just what do you think would happen?"

"I don't know, he might make advances at me?"

"That's the least of it. Charmers are pulled to each other as it is but when they are both in the presence of an Earth node the pull is almost irresistible. You may be able to handle it right now but the longer you both stay in this Earth node the harder it will get."

"What are you afraid of?" Loril asked.

Oren resumed walking toward the hot springs, "We would be better off if we kept our relations professional. Emotions change things, they get in the way of what needs to be done and they pollute and taint magic. It's much more difficult to make the hard decisions if feelings get involved. Besides, you never know if it's real or the Earth Node."

"Oh, what sort of decisions?"

"Like parting ways or dividing up spell nodes we may come across. I vaguely remember how to make spell nodes but I haven't tried it in years. If we come across a cache of them we need to remain objective so that we each get our fair share."

"And? What else?"

Oren stopped again, "All right, no need to sugar coat it. This is dangerous work. A lot of people are hunting these magical pockets and they will kill for them. If one of us dies, emotions and attachments could become an issue." He started up the trail again, "But you already know all this. Why are you toying with me still? I thought we got passed all this playing dumb nonsense."

"Habit, I guess." She followed him to where the water rushed over rocks and through moss covered tunnels, "But you will protect me, right? Even if we are not emotionally attached?"

"Of course, I will. I have been searching for someone like you for a long time. I will keep you safe to the best of my ability." He stopped at the edge of a pool where steam rose up from the surface, "Besides, I suspect when you get what you want out of this partnership you will take off, probably without even a word."

"If it suits me." Loril said beginning to disrobe. She glanced at Knox, who averted his eyes but was not getting undressed, "Aren't you coming in?"

"I prefer privacy. I will take me bath later. This is for you. I know how women like to be clean and all."

Loril chuckled, "We like the men around us to be clean too."

Oren nodded and turned back toward the trail, "I trust you can find your way back?"

"I can." Loril said.

Again, Oren nodded and then headed back down the trail to the cabin. He didn't get far before a nagging feeling pulled him back to hot springs. He did not try to hide his presence from Loril as he returned. She had now fully undressed and was immersing her lithe body into the naturally warm and magical water.

She paused before she was fully in the pool with her back to Oren, "You may still join me if you wish."

Oren saw the glow of the magical water rise from the surface and cover Loril completely indicating to him that he was correct and she was indeed a Diabolist.

"Well?" She beckoned.

"I told you. I prefer privacy."

"Then why are you spying on me?" She went ahead and sank into the water up to her neck and turned to face him.

"Do you see the glow from the water covering your skin?"

She lifted her arms, "No, should I?"

"Well, I see it. It tells me what I want to know."

"You doubted what I am, then?"

"Naw, but it doesn't hurt to make extra sure."

Loril smirked, "You really need me, don't you? Getting your wife back is that important to you."

Oren scoffed, "Well, yes, of course, she is. Haven't you ever loved anyone?"

Loril shrugged, "I can take them or leave them."

"I'll take that as a no. I'll leave you to your bath." He turned to leave.


Oren stopped, "Yes?"

"I would like to have a love like that. You're lucky."

Oren nodded and turned back to the path, "Lucky isn't the word I would use. Which is worse, to have loved and lost or to never have loved?"

"Seems to me you haven't lost quite yet." Loril said.

Oren left her to her bath and walked back to the clearing. He paused and looked around as if someone might see him before he removed his gold pocket watch. Her pressed the clasp on the top and the watch face popped open. He raised his right hand and waved it over his head at the top of the node cavern. The crystals contained somewhere up above dimmed and the smaller quartz spread liberally across the ceiling began to sparkle instead, imitating the night sky. As the light faded the old portrait inside the watch cover began to glow and a moment later the ethereal figure of a woman began to form before him. Translucent at first, the figure coalesced into a more solid form. Although still partially transparent, her flowing golden hair and bright blue eyes made her seem as if one could reach out and touch her, something Oren knew all to well was impossible.

"I believe I have finally found the one, Astra." Oren said, "She is one of the most powerful Diabolists I have come across yet. It's only a matter of time now."

"Oren," the apparition's voice was melodic but muffled as if she were speaking from behind a solid wall, "time to let this fantasy go. The ritual is too dangerous now. You remember what happened the last time you almost accumulated the required magical power."

"I have not seen a dragon in over two hundred years." Oren said.

"There are things seeking out magic much worse than dragons or kind-hearted Diabolists. Dark wizards and ancient demons will be attracted to the power and hunt you. The more magical energy you find and store in that infernal spell node of yours, the more dangerous it will become. You will be a beacon for evil to hunt."

"No need to lecture me, Astra. I know the dangers and I am prepared. You once sacrificed yourself to this existence for me. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try the same to get you back."

"So, we just trade places? I would be in the real world without you? I would rather stay like this."

"Don't say such things, Astra. I would gladly trade places with you."

"And that is precisely what frightens me, dear."

Oren reached out for his wife and his hand passed right through her shoulder, "What I wouldn't give to touch you right now."

Astra lowered her head to meet Oren's phantom caress, "I know, dear. I do too but I didn't become this way so you could throw your life away trying to correct a wrong that may never be corrected. Don't risk your life to restore mine."

"You know I can't honor that wish, Astra. I must put things right and bring you back to this world. I cannot allow you to remain between worlds as long as I live and can do something about it."

Astra's image began to fade, "Our time is almost up. Don't waste magic to keep me here longer this time. If you insist on going through with bringing me back, don't waste a single bit of the magical energy you collect and bring me back the second you have the power to do so, don't linger or try to obtain an overwhelming amount. I don't want you in danger any longer than you have to, promise me."

"I promise, the second I have the power to complete the ritual I will."

Astra smiled and nodded slightly as her figure faded out and the pocket watch ceased its glow. Oren put the watch back into his pocket. Astra mentioned the last time he almost had the power required to bring her back. A black dragon over took him and stole the vessel containing the spell node. It took him one hundred years to find another spell node that could hold that much power again. "This time I have Cain." Oren mumbled aloud, "I won't face something like that alone again."

Cain, as if he heard his name, stepped out of the cabin and breathed in deeply the clean air, why does the air here seem so much better than the air out in the real world?"

"I think it's because the air in here is more plant rich."

Cain snickered, "What does plants have to do with it, that's ridiculous."

"I have always favored trees and green grass over prairie grass and sandy, desolate soil."

Cain nodded in a agreement, "I have to admit, plants and trees are far more pleasing to look at. Speaking of pleasing to look at, where is the Diabolist?"

"Taking a hot bath. A happy Diabolist is far more useful than a dirty, miserable one."

"It must kill you to pamper a woman other than your wife."

Oren shrugged, "It's necessary. If I want her to find the greatest magical nodes I have to keep her happy."

Cain squinted at something in the distance causing Oren to look also. Cain reacted by briskly stomping back inside the cabin and returning shortly with a rifle. Oren stood fast watching the figure of a man descending down the path beneath the boulder on horseback.

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