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Chapter 15: CHAPTER 15(Edited)

If the Dothraki respected me before, now they might as well quite literally worship me as their believed chosen one.

In front of me are more than a dozen men groaning and panting on the wooden floor, all while I didn't shed a single drop of sweat.

There wasn't even a need for reinforcing my body with mana, all it took was my superior traits to dance around them, using the ship as a means of dodging and counter-attacking at the same time.

And much to their astonishment, one punch was enough to leave them between the lands of dreams and reality...

"That was amazing! Did you see that Mei?! They couldn't even touch my lord's hair!" Nass exclaimed with joy, moving her head back at me and forth to the teenager maid, that at the moment, also had a dumbfounded face.

"Y-Yes, I saw it. But it's still hard to believe it," Quietly answered Mei, still not believing a single DISARMED man whooped the ass of several warriors who, according to her knowledge, belong to a notorious warrior tribe raised to fight and kill.

Mei gulped, "My lord is a monster...AH! I-I mean in talent, not your person of course" She bowed deeply to me.

I chuckled at her reaction, "It's fine, I know I'm an abnormal case," I'm not even sure Ser Arthur Dayne, the former deadliest man in Westeros, could take more than 9 average men at the same time.

And some of my men are much better than 'average'...

So I understand their fear and amazement directed at me, "But that shows I am more than capable of protecting you if needed, right~?" I teased her, receiving a blush in response.

"D-Don't say nonsense, my lord. Who needs your p-protection...", She embarrassedly replied, avoiding my look.

Heh, I enjoy seeing her breaking out of her serious maid facade, "Besides, you're already provided us plenty of protection" Added her, but only in the form of a whisper, but thanks to my enhanced hearing I was able to get it.

Well, she's not wrong, there is always a platoon of small animals watching over the non-combatants all the time. And all carry a poison potent enough to kill or incapacitate a man in minutes.

You can never be too careful around this world, especially with all the hidden dangers that had yet to make an appearance in the lores...

The old ruins of Valyria in the smoking sea are the perfect example of this.

I mean, what kind of being can cause a 9 feet tall injury in Balerion, the dread?

A fucking powerful beast, that's who.

So, until I have my own army of overpowered dragons, or mastered all the existing magic around, I'm not putting their lives at risk.

"MY KHAL!!" "MY KHAL!!" "MY KHAL" Snapping out of my worries, I looked at the now kneeling Dothraki, presenting their swords at me with both their hands.

"Khal? Why? You're already in my crew." I raised an eyebrow at their actions.

"My khal, we wish to be your bloodriders. To be the blood of your blood, and to accompany you towards greatness!" Spoke to the only one that knows the common tongue.

"Your name was, hmm, Qotto?" I asked him since he was the one who spoke to me back on the island.

His eye scar was pretty memorable too...

"Yes, my khal!", He responded with a small nod. He should be 19 or 20, one of the youngest among the rest, although all of them seemed to be below 30.

He had his hair untouched, reaching the middle of the back, which means he wasn't defeated in battle and sold by his opponent.

At least that's what their custom was.

I nodded shortly, "Very well Qotto, tell me, what do you mean by bloodriders?" Now, I knew what it meant. But usually, they wouldn't take a foreign khal as their own, so maybe there's something else to this...

"Khal, Bloodriders means we become closer than companions, akin to spiritual brothers, for when you die, we, or at least, I'll follow after you," he began explaining but paused after a while.

"...I wasn't born like the others. My father was a sellsword, paid to kill a khal. Yet, he failed, falling in love with the Khalesii instead. And, from their forbidden love, I was born." His face hardened.

"Marked and negated by those of my tribe, but mother. My father was the one to take me in, hoping to never return," by now his knuckles were already white from clenching his fist, "But when I turned 15, I ran to find my mother, with only her memento, and my sword in hand. However...she had already been taken care of by her khal, long ago." A fire burned in his copper eyes as he stared at me.

"My khal. I only ask of you, when the time comes, grant me the honor of bringing you the head of Khal Davro!" He finished, bowing his head at the ground.

The remaining Dothraki seemed surprised by what he said, but continue to kneel despite it.

I stared at the young man laying his head down,"...Alright, why not?" I answered with a smirk.

Taking on a khalasar seems fun. Besides, they are a bunch of savages anyway, the man at least.

No one will care if I shape them up a bit...

Well, some will. But who cares about them.

That reminds me, "But, if I ever see you bunch laying a single finger in any woman, without her consent..." My eyes glowed, as a feeling of dread pressed in the bronze-skinned men, "I will personally feed you to your horses. Am I clear?" I coldly asked them.

"Y-Yes, My Khal!!" "Yes!!" Shouted the sweating men.

"Good," I gave a short nod at their response and picked up an Arakh sword that laying on the wood plate, "Now, who's gonna teach me how to use a sword?" In the end, this was one of my main reasons for sparing with them.

They have the skill, so let's put it to use.


[2 weeks and a half later]

We stopped at Naath to return the ones that wanted to return to their homes.

Among them, only 3 decided to remain with us, stating that they had no more family, nor desire to live in helplessness anymore.

They are quite unfortunate people.

Love peace, but blood and conflicts always seemed to look for their skin...

Such a pretty place they got, too.

[Image Here]

I took pity on them, so I asked some dozens of browbellies wyverns to stay and protect them. Which they accepted.

Rather easily too...

I think it's because of the flowers that the butterflies stay in.

Somehow, the odor exhaled by them ends up calming their aggressive nature.

I have hundreds of those stationed in Sothoryos, so it's no big deal.

Speaking of butterflies. I managed to take a good amount of them.

It was rather easy too, they aren't aggressive or anything, it's just the pores they expelled that you want to be careful.

I felt a slight headache, but they soon stopped when I asked them to...

For now, I just put them in a small garden I made on the ship and asked them to stay put until I say otherwise.

I'll have to study how to provide some sort of resistance to toxins to my crew, later.

In the end, Nissa decided to stay too...

And boy, did she made a scene. I tried explaining the danger that was the seas, but she didn't buy it.

She even went as far as saying, and I quote 'I-If you don't let me come with you, I'll just ask one that stinky man to take me with them' while pointing at my bloodriders, who I glared intensively, making them quickly turn their heads another way.

So, after much crying(on her part), giggling(ladies), and groaning(that was me), I finally conceded...

Whatever, it's not like she's gonna be in danger anyways. The animals already love her, and even Noctur responds when she asks (fucking lizard, where's the gender equality?!).

And she makes these trips much more enjoyable, so I don't actually mind her sailing around with us...

On another note, the training with the 'Blood of my blood'(God, that sounds intimate) was going pretty nicely.

Once again, they were dumbfounded by my learning speed in it, declaring I was a natural-battle born.

At this point, if I could put in numbers, their level of loyalty would already be at 99.

I just need to make a horse knell, and then I can make them massage my feet...

What? It's hard work living on a ship.

I deserve a break once in a while. I'm human too(kinda).

"Do you need anything else, my lord?" asked Mei, my dedicated maid.

"Humm, no. You can keep on" I answered, gesturing for her to continue my back massage.

This world is really unfair, i shoudn't be relaxing while my crew works, I should-Haa~~that's on the spot...

Ehh, what was I saying?

...Meh, probably something useless...

The birds were singing, wyverns were lazing, and men were working hard...

Everything was perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

And so, I succumbed to the fierce battle that was between staying awake and falling asleep. All while ignoring the jealous stares of my men.

Ahh, this is a captain's life~~


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