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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

13 Years Later. "I own what?"

Harlequin Potter sat dumbfounded in front of the desk that sat in front of the tired-looking goblin.

"I said, Miss Potter, that you have acquired a building down in Diagon Ally and there are matters that we need to discuss with you."

Harlequin was stunned. She had a letter delivered to her by a Gringotts owl and had told her parents she was leaving for what she had presumed to be a reference to how much money was in her trust vault that her parents had set up when she was born. As usual her parents merely ignored her, they only spoke to her at dinner to ask if anything happened in short, business-like tones as her sister, looked at her smugly.

But here she was listening to this goblin tell her that she owned a property HERE! In Diagon Ally!

"Miss Potter?" the goblin asked.

"Wha-? Yes, I'm listening." She wanted to know what this was about.

"The building is yours to do with as you please. Here is a timeline detailing how you came into possession of it, it is extensively long so I would rather not go through it with you right now. I trust you can read?

"At this, the goblin looked sharply up at Harlequin and she nodded her affirmative to him."Because you are 13, soon to be 14, the ownership of the building allows you to freely use your magic within it


"Pointless because underage magical children could use magic while in Diagon Ally.

"It also comes with a small vault that was attached to the building. It contains movies, books, archives, as well as various gems and jewels. The building comes with an exemplification from guardianship by your Ancient and Noble House. Meaning you do not have to attend Hogwarts anymore if you do not wish it, once, of course, you must first acquire your OWL's. You will also no longer require any authorization from your parents to do things such as investments and so much.

"This caught Harlequin's ear. No more school? The one place she got recognition and friendship from a few girls just like her?

But then it meant no more popular sister, telling every prankster in the school to go after her every 2 weeks or so.

No more friends? But what would she do without Hogwarts and the others to keep her company? Did she want to do something with the building?

"Would you like to view the vault and then the building, Miss Potter?" "Yes please, Mr. Jewelclaw."

The goblin nodded and sent for a cart and goblin to escort her to the vault, then giving her instructions on how to get back to the main lobby, as well as where the goblin to take her would soon be waiting, bid her goodbye, and went back into his office.

Harlequin was standing near some goblin tellers, weighing gold Galleons and silver Sickles, as she waited. Her thoughts were a mixture of questions and half-answers.

Once she had her OWL's she could leave Hogwarts, but she didn't want to leave her friends, but then there was her sister and-

"Ah, Harlequin. How nice to see you!"


Albus Dumbledore strode down the length of the Gringotts lobby before stopping before Harlequin with a kind smile. Harlequin, however, knew what type of man Albus Dumbledore was. A kind, grandfatherly old man. With a passion for the Greater Good, and a thought pattern that made him think he could do whatever he wanted to achieve his goals.

From Harlequin's first day at Hogwarts, Its Headmaster had treated her like his own child, and that made Harlequin nervous after all her years of solitude. Why would he take so much interest in her? Her parents and he were good friends in the war, and still are from what she could gather. That with the fact he seemed to pop up whenever she tried to study in the library, after a while he stopped showing up, but the Librarian seemed to watch her more than ever after that, and the books she always planned to read or borrow on more advanced or rare subjects and branches of magic seemed to be taken out at the time. After all these incidents Harlequin never planned anything out in the long run if it had anything to

do with Hogwarts or the Headmaster, she just thought about doing it and avoided the Headmaster until she had done it.

"Hello Headmaster," she replied. Keep her interactions short when it came to Dumbledore. "You're looking well today."

"Thank you." As she said this Harlequin turned her head slightly towards him, but never took her eyes away from the front. Never look at Dumbledore's face if she could help it.

There was silence for a while as Harlequin stood waiting for the goblin who was going to take her to her new vault, (why won't they hurry up?), and Dumbledore stood to her left gazing down at her. She was just waiting for him to ask what she was doing here.

"May I inquire" Here it comes. "As to what you are here for Harlequin?"

"Just got a letter from the goblins. Needed to come down for a vault review." True in a sense.

"Ahh. You know you could leave that to your parents. Even I could do it for you. You are so young, you may not understand everything that comes with a vault review."

"No thank you, Headmaster. The goblins have been very helpful in explaining it all to me over the last few years." Please Dumbledore, do you think I was sorted into Slytherin for nothing? I see why you don't want me here.

Just as Dumbledore was about to speak again a goblin came over and beckoned for Harlequin to follow him.

"Goodbye Headmaster, I hope your dealings here go well." She called over her shoulder as she walked down a hallway and out of sight of the lobby and the old, manipulative Headmaster.

The cart sped around a few more bends and then came to a fast and sudden stop in front of a vault door that looked quite like every other vault door, except for the numbers overhead. 13069. She held back a laugh at the last two numbers. God, she could be immature at times.

"Vault 13069." Came the voice of the goblin, Toothsharp if she remembered, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Stand back please as I open it, you may then collect your key." Harlequin did as she was asked and stood back near the cart.

Toothsharp dug a key out of his pocket, rattling Galleons could be heard in the dim silence, and inserted it into the small keyhole in the vault door. With a mighty whoosh of air, the vault door opened and swung in a wide arc outwards until it thudded dully to a stop on the wall next to stepped forward just as Toothsharp spoke.

"I can only give you five minutes at the moment, other things must be done that I need to be present for up in the lobby, once back upstairs you may ask for another trip down if you so wish it." "Thank you Mr. Toothsharp I will try to be quick."

Toothsharp nodded and moved back to the cart.

Harlequin stepped into the vault and looked around.

To her left covering the wall were mostly bookshelves covered in books and papers. At the base were a few small chests filled with gems and jewels, stones and runes. To her right near the door, sat boxes, and when Harlequin opened them up she saw neat piles of clothes.

The back of the vault was dominated by a fairly large pile of Galleons, 60000 perhaps. As well as smaller piles of Sickles and Knuts.

"3 minutes, Miss Potter." Drifted in from Toothsharp.

Harlequin quickly pulled out the small money pouch that she had gotten from the goblins upstairs before she came down and she filled it with around 60 Galleons.

Then she moved over to what she wanted to look at, the books.

Books on runes and markings dominated the first shelf, various books that covered offensive and defensive magic covered the next. Books on planets and arithmancy stacked up on the next. They continued, covering several different topics.

Harlequin heard Toothsharp yell, "2 minutes, Miss Potter." just as one book, placed on the very bottom shelf, all the way to the right, caught her eye. It was purple and black and the picture that was on the spine was of both the male and female symbols joined together by the ring. Harlequin picked it up and looked at the cover.

Sex Magik.

For You And Your Partner.

She stared hard at it, the same picture on the spine was on the front and was enraptured by it already.

Since two years ago, when she had turned 12 and her hormones had kicked in, Harlequin was fascinated by sex. She bought books mostly, but occasionally she found, in her nighttime strolls of the castle, some of the older students playing a few games together that they really shouldn't. Her friends weren't that different. All of them had caught each other masturbating at least once, or in Tracy's case several times, and they were still friends regardless. "One more Minute, Miss Potter."

Harlequin hastily shoved the small book into her pocket, (it only just fit), and looked through the chests of runes, because they were close.

Ancient Runes was Harlequin's favorite class because she was one of the few students to realize that they let you do limited magic in places you weren't or places that you would be caught doing it. So even though she couldn't understand most of them, she did grab a few different stones. One for silence, one for locking, and a few that were supposed to slightly help magic development. After that, she ran out of the vault just as Toothsharp opened his mouth.

"Thank you for bringing me down here Mr. Toothsharp. I know it's not much, but please take this." Harlequin held out 5 Galleons towards Toothsharp. "I just wanted to pay you somehow for your services."

Toothsharp eyed the Galloens with a raised brow before taking them and placing them within his pocket. "Thank you for your kindness, Miss Potter. Not many humans do this anymore. Now we must go, I have a business."

Harlequin nodded and got into the cart, hunkering down, and preparing for the wild ride ahead.

In the lobby Harlequin thanked Toothsharp once more and got in line to see another goblin teller, aware of Dumbledore still in the lobby, standing near the front doors, watching her.

After a few minutes of waiting there was a slight commotion that made nearly everyone in the lobby look in his direction. Dumbledore was being escorted from the building by one of the armed guards that stood out in the front. Harlequin had heard that goblins threw people out for loitering in the Gringotts for too long without reason, she didn't believe the rumor until now. "Next please."

Harlequin moved over towards the free teller.

"Yes, I would like someone to take me to see my new property. Unless your too busy, I can always get the keys and go myself."

"No need. We can have one of our workers escort you." The goblin looked down at a small roster sitting next to his desk. It was on a podium that turned so that the goblin sitting next to him could use it too. As Harlequin glanced at it she saw names, odd ones too, appearing and disappearing on the roster, as well as being crossed out and uncrossed. "There is a 3 Gallon fee, however." "That's fine, I just need someone to come with me and answer some questions."

"Very well please wait while I send for a goblin to escort you. Will you want your keys now or wait until

your escort arrives?"

"I'll wait, thank you."

The goblin nodded and began writing things down while going over the roster again. Harlequin walked away over to one of the benches that were over near the walls and sat down.

As she sat Harlequin placed a hand over the pocket that held her new book. When she saw it her brain

gave a fleeting glance of what she could do, but she brushed it away, she couldn't do that. She didn't

have the skills for it.

"Miss Potter."

Harlequin looked up and saw a diminutive goblin looking at her. Well, more diminutive than the rest of

them anyway, he looked familiar to her. Had she seen him working the tellers before? "Sorry, just thinking to myself." Harlequin stood up and held out a hand. "Harlequin Potter." The goblin took her hand and gave it a quick shake. "My name is Griphook, I will be your escort today."

"I thought I knew you! You managed the Potter vault, didn't you? I heard my father saying so." Griphook got a look on his face.

"Yes, well it must have been when you heard him talk about who I was going to be replaced with. I no longer manage the Potter accounts. I am just a simple worker until my skills are put to better use." "I'm so sorry. I wish I could help."

"Yes. My fee, please. Then we shall go to your new property."

Harlequin handed over her 3 Galloen fee and received a set of keys from Griphook which she put into her pocket. Then they both set off out of Gringotts and towards the Ally.

Harlequin looked around.

"So where is my property located Mr. Griphook?"

She heard him snort.

"What's so funny?"

"I heard Toothsharp telling other goblins about how you kept referring to him as 'Mr. Toothsharp' most amusing. As to your question beforehand." Griphook pointed towards a rooftop that Harlequin could just see over the other buildings. "That is the top of your property over there. The way to get there is just near the entrance to Knockturn Ally."

Once again thought of what she could do with it entered Harlequin's mind.

Dirty, dirty, dirty! Oh who am I kidding, I'd love to do it.

"Do you know what the purpose of the building was beforehand Mr. Griphook?" "No. I do not."

They both continued to walk down the Ally before they came to a stop near the entrance to Knockturn Ally. A small side street was off to the left a building over and they turned down it and continued onward. As they walked Harlequin's mind drifted off to different things. What the building would look like. What type of buildings would be around it? What was she going to do for her birthday?

Her birthday? Well her parents weren't doing to do anything that's for sure. Her stupid sister was going to get it all while she sat in the shadows. Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus might come over for her, but the full moon was 2 nights later and the Aurors were getting bogged down lately.

Her friends will get her something. They always remembered each other's birthdays.

She looked up in time to see Griphook leading her up one final street. Ahead was a large building with what looked like three floors and a large archway-style door. "Here we are, Miss Potter. 178 Diagon Ally."

Harlequin looked up at the building with awe. It was run down and dirty, but it was hers. Somehow, it was hers!

"Can we go in Mr. Griphook?" she asked in a slightly breathless voice.

"I did give you the keys, did I not?"

Harlequin let out a very small, very uncharacteristic sequel as she made for the door while quickly going through each of her pockets trying to find the one that held the keys to the building.

Harlequin went through until she found the large main door key and inserted it into the lock, twisted and then pushed the door open after extracting the keys.

What she saw, even though it was all dirty and moldy, dank and smelly, gave her a little jolt.

It was a large entryway with two large rooms on either side, the place was massive! And that was all the bottom floor had to offer. The second floor had a similar layout and the top floor seemed to be made out of smaller rooms and large meeting areas. With various other things scattered in between. Some walls had been knocked down and tumbled around over time, but the building still held most of its original shape.

"It has been 21 years since the last owner. Water has been cut off so you must pay the bills concerning it. Not for the last 21 years, of course, only about 600 Galloens for around 6 months, give or take. Other than that you may do whatever you like to the place. Was there anything else you needed, Miss Potter?"

Harlequin tore her gaze away from the scene in front of her. Both she and Griphook had made their way through the building until they got to the roof where she now looked over Diagon Ally as it basked in the noon sun. Was it noon already?

"Thank you Mr. Griphook, that will be all. Here." Harlequin handed Griphook another 5 Galleons. "For the trouble of taking me here and putting up with me."

Griphook took the money with a grin and nod before heading back to the stairs that lead back into the building.

Harlequin watched him go before turning back to look at the streets below. She saw Griphook leave through the front door not long after and, after closing it after himself, left-back towards the main part of the Ally.

Her mind jumped to what she thought of before. She had the space. She would need lots of hired help. More money too, most likely, but she had some small trinkets from over the years she could sell for a bit. Her mother always gave her a new piece of jewelry every time she had to go to some function, trying to make her more girly no doubt, more like her perfect pretty sister.

Harlequin scowled at the memory of her sister. Twin sisters but nothing alike.

Juliet had long black silky hair.

Harlequin's was spiky and went to her shoulders.

Juliet wore skirts and dresses that were the latest fashion.

Harlequin wore short skirts in black and purples and tank tops.

Juliet wore heels.

Harlequin wore boots.

Juliet showed off her new belt.

Harlequin was fine keeping her pants up with a chain.

Juliet kept her body perfect for people to look at.

Harlequin had piercings through her right eyebrow, her left ear, the left side of her lip, and both nipples, that she had Daphne do for her.

Juliet was always the good girl in the family.

Harlequin spoke back when she got pissed.

While Juliet liked to watch quidditch and beat off the male players.

Harlequin would like nothing more than to beat Juliet with her beaters bat.

There were only a few things that were the same between the twins. They both were 5″6′. They both had long legs. They both kept their bodies lean and healthy, while somehow, (and they both hated each other for it), keeping them the same as the other. Both had C cup breasts that were still growing and they suited their soon-to-be 14-year-old frames perfectly. Same emerald green eyes. They both even had the same voice.

But the personalities were so opposite of each other unless they dressed up and did a really good drama performance everyone knew which sister was which.

Harlequin walked down the stairs and out the front door. She was heading towards the Leaky Cauldron

for something to eat when she heard something.

"Harly! Hey Harly!"

Harlequin turned around, looked, and then smiled. Coming towards her were two of her friends. Daphne Greengrass. A long-haired blond Slytherin like her with a larger bust and could crush balls with a look. And Tracy Davis. Another Slytherin, with short spiky brown hair, large b cup breasts, and preferred to crush balls with her hands. Poor Marcus Flint. Poor Tracy's hands. "Hey girls!" She called out just as she saw Tracy start running at her.

"No, no, no!" Too late.

Tracy jumped up and grabbed Harlequin on her way down dragging them both down to the ground in a laughing, tangled mess of limbs. Daphne walked up as Tracy Kept trying to plant kisses over Harlequin's face and neck.

After Daphne had caught Tracy doing herself in the dorm bathroom for the third time… that day, she had finally asked why she couldn't stop. Tracy had just kissed her. After that, they became a couple and neither Harlequin nor any of their other friends cared. Since they had all caught each other in bathrooms with fingers in the snatch, no one had made a big deal out of it. Each of them liked girls in some way, now it was like a game to them. They would each now and then with no warning try and do something that should be done in private, if they were caught by one of their friends they would try and pass it off as something else and see how well it went. Funny thing was, each of her friends and her all knew what was going on they just pretended not to know. Made them all think that they were keeping the big 'I like girls' secret a secret, but they weren't.

Since Tracy and Daphne had become a couple of last year in their third year at Hogwarts Tracy had come full out with the fact she was a lesbian, at least with their friends, and tried to kiss and grope them at any possible time. Daphne put up with it anyway but Harlequin still didn't know why.

Tracy finally got of Harlequin and helped her up onto her feet.

"Where are you off to Miss Goth Girl?" Tracy asked as Daphne snickered behind her.

Harlequin rolled her eyes. Miss Goth Girl had been Tracy's standard greeting for her since the first year, and every morning after since.

"Not much going to the Cauldron for lunch then home. What about you two? How have you been?" "Good." Replied Daphne. "Just did a bit of shopping before school."

"Yeah, it seems like whenever I touch these things." Tracy then proceeded to grab and squeeze a

rapidly blushing Daphne's breasts as they all stood in the middle of Diagon Ally. "They seem to be

bigger. I just told her to go without one. You don't even need them Daph, your tits defy gravity!"

"Yes, well as much fun as you grabbing me in the middle of the Ally Can we move on I would like to get

something to eat as well." Daphne dropped one of her bags and pushed Tracy's hands off her before

picking the bag back up again. "Can we join you Harly?

"Harlequin nodded and helped the two with their bags as they walked towards the Cauldron they ordered their food and got a table near the back of the tavern.

"So what's been going on girl? B-day in 2 days, you excited?" Tracy asked happily in a knew why she was so happy. Harlequin was the one out of the five friends to have the last birthday. Tracy was so excited because she was the sex fiend of the group. And from what Harlequin had seen over the last year that was saying something.

In the Wizarding world, it was a law that if anyone wanted to work in one of the three brothers that were around Brittan then the person had to be 17. Since that was the age of maturity to wizards and witches. Since then people thought that 17 was the time people could have sex. Tracy did some digging into the matter after she and Daphne got together and found out that that law only worked if someone wanted to get a job in the sex industry in the wizarding world. Old-time purebloods made a law ages ago that pushed back the limit for casual sex to 14 so that contract marriages could be solidified sooner than later, so the bride couldn't find a way out of it was what Harlequin thought.

Tracy was so happy because Harlequin was the only friend of hers she hadn't given a sex toy to yet.

That was going to be fun to open in two days.

"So what are you going to do for your birthday?" Daphne asked.

Harlequin suddenly got a thought."The goblins at Gringotts gave me an early birthday present." Tracy and Daphne raised eyebrows at this. "Want to have a sleepover at my new house?"

"You got a house!" Harlequin backed up from her face full of Tracy and looked at Daphne. "I'm taking that as a yes, what about you Daph?" "The goblins gave you a house?"

"Yeah. Inherited a huge building. Checked it out before, it's dark and dank and smells weird, but I was thinking of fixing it up. Paying them to do a single room shouldn't be too long would it?" Daphne and Tracy looked thoughtful at this.

"Goblins do cost more than wizarding builders and renovators" Tracy began.

"But as long as you don't ask for goblin-made things then it should be done quickly and still rather cheaply." Daphne finished.

Their food arrived so the three of them sat eating while discussing what Harlequin could do. "What were you thinking of doing with the building?"

Harlequin stopped eating at Daphne's question and looked thoughtful for a moment. She looked up at her friends and wondered if she should tell them the thought that had been going through her head since she had first conjured it up.

"Well…" Harlequin began. Daphne and Tracy looked at her with interest. It wasn't every day Harlequin Potter was hesitant about telling them something.

Tracy put her hand over Harlequins."Hey. You can tell us. We're your friends.

"Daphne nodded her agreement from across the table.

Harlequin looked at them.

"I was thinking, you know just an idea, I'm young, stupid it is." A blush had crept onto her checks now that she thought about it, it was stupid. No backing out now though. "You know, a- well, a brothel."

Daphne and Tracy, with her hand still holding Harlequins, looked at her with open mouths.

"I knew it was stupid," Harlequin mumbled.

"If you open that thing, I want a free dance a week," Tracy said as she pulled her hand away and went back to her meal with her nose in the air and a haughty look on her face.

"What Tracy is trying to say." Started Daphne "Is are you crazy? That is a big decision. You'll need a manager, girls to work, staff to man things like bars because *scoff* people don't go to a brothel just for sex they will want to get drunk as well.

"Harlequin sat there now with her mouth open.

"Wha- What are you saying, Daphne? I thought-"

"Sweetie please." Daphene and Tracy moved around the table until they were on either side of Harlequin, who looked ready to cry. "I can tell this has you thinking about it for a while, and chances are if you don't get a plan going soon about what to do with your property then it will keep coming back to you time and time again until you actually do it."

"And if you do it then." Piped in Tracy, both of them rubbing Harlequins back. Tracy's hand going a bit further down sometimes. "Then you'll do it hastily and quickly. You won't do it right and you'll end up going south with the idea."

"And besides." Came Daphne's last input. "What better way to stick it to your family than opening a brothel at 14. As long as you hire a manager then you can leave all the formal paperwork to them and just own the place that the brothel runs out of. As soon as you turn 17 it all moves back to you. Granted from what you do off the paper before then will pretty much be the same as when you do come of age." They both looked down at Harlequin who was shaking slightly. She looked up. Not a tear, Harlequin was just laughing quietly.

"God damn you two. I should have known you would do this."

"As long as your sure about it then I'm with you. Sorry, I can't be more than just an outside source of information until I'm 17 though." Daphne said moving back to her seat.

"Same here. I just hope we can rent rooms so that I can dress my little Daph up and get a show." Tracy jumped back into her seat and gave Daphne one of the hottest tongue kisses that Harlequin had ever seen.

Then Harlequin thought of something.

"Daphne." A grunt between two pairs of lips was all she got. "Do you still carry around that small law book because your father is a lawyer?"

Daphne unstuck herself from Tracy and started going through her pockets.

"Of course, he's the best magical lawyer in Europe, I always carry one around. You don't know how many times I want to pull it out when I'm talking to a dimwit.

"Daphne fished it out of her back pocket of her tight jeans and handed it over.

"What are you looking for?" she asked as Tracy looked on.

"Tracy said as long as I rent rooms. I know that 17 is the minimum age for the sex industry business because Tracy told us all about it. Here we go! Persons under the age of maturity (17 Years of age) cannot under any circumstances work within any business that works solely within the sex industry." Daphne quickly caught onto what Harlequin was saying.

"So as long as you put your brothel alongside something that isn't related to the sex industry, like a wand shop say-"

"Then you can run it yourself!" Tracy burst in getting looks from all the patrons. What? Their kissing was quiet.

"The building has three floors. I'll make a level system. Something anyone can go to on the bottom, something family-friendly." Harlequin thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. "Renting rooms! Tracy, how many places can visitors from other countries stay at?"

Tracy thought for a while, even counting things off on her fingers before looking at Harlequin. "Not any public places. If anyone comes here then they usually are people who can stay at the homes of other people. No places to rent for nights at all."

"Then how about on the bottom floor I have about 20 rooms where people can rent if plan on staying the night, Rooms for Rent! I also thought about a restaurant and bar, just a place for people to relax." Daphne looked at her. "Don't think too much into this you may have to take some things slowly. The brothel will be the main point of interest right?" Harlequin nodded.

"But there are three floors," Tracy said with a raised finger as if she was going to explain something that would blow them away. "So how about you have the second level be like a teaser level. A strip club with no touching perhaps. Then the people who can't help themselves have to go up one floor to the brothel to be able to have sex with one of the girls."

Harlequin sat thinking. "That's a good idea… I think I should go see the goblins and get a room done up for the sleepover. Can you two send out the invitations to Su and Susan? I would hate for Juliet to find out what's happening."

Daphne nodded. "If she did she would probably try and make it a hell for you. I'll send the invitations out and make sure they send them back to me. Then when we meet for the party I'll tell you if the other two are coming. Shall we set it for 9 in the afternoon?"

Both Harlequin and Tracy nodded. Harlequin didn't care when the sleepover was, as long as she got to see her friends.

The three friends parted ways with hugs, and in Tracy's case, kisses. The two lovers head towards the floor and Harlequin goes back towards Gringotts.

Twenty minutes later Harlequin was once more in front of a goblin deck. This goblin's name was Ringgold.

"Tell me what it is you want to be done to the rooms, Miss Potter."

Harlequin took a breath before she opened her mouth to speak. "I would like this room to be fixed up in purple and black, please. And this room turned into a bathroom. Large bath and a large shower." As she said these things Harlequin pointed out the two rooms. "Do you wish for furniture as well?"

"Two large couches to start with, please. Just that for now."

Ringgold looked up at this. "Do you plan on using our carpenter services in the future Miss Potter? If so then it would be cheaper towards yourself if you plan for more than 20000 Galleons worth."I do plan on making the building into a business. However, at the moment I just need these two rooms ready by the day after tomorrow, if it's not too much."

Ringgold nodded. "It will be no problem. Here is a card." He handed Harlequin a small white card with Raggold's name and position in Gringotts on it. "If you plan on using our carpenter service then please show this to one of the tellers and they will show you shortly to my office."

Harlequin nodded before leaving the office, and then Gringotts. She knew that if she was just wanting them to renovate a small house in the future instead of a large three-story building Raggold would not have given her his card. The money he would make would be enormous if he managed to get the signing.

Harlequin sighed as she lay down on her small bed in her small bedroom. She didn't mind getting the smallest bedroom in the large Potter manor. It was a bit cramped but it was enough until she had her place. Which might not be too long. She had been thinking about what she wanted to do about Hogwarts. She had gotten some papers from Diagon Ally that offered ads about tutors. She could leave Hogwarts with the bonus of owning her property, and hire tutors to teach her. She did the math. Do

3 hours of the six subjects she needs for her NEWT's a week and within a year she should have enough

knowledge to go for her NEWT's. A good year at least before anyone in her year. Problem was that she

would miss her friends. On the plus side, no more Juliet, no more Lily as Muggle Studies professor, no

more Dumbledore.

She wanted to leave Hogwarts… But her friends.

Harlequin decided to stop her thoughts and get some paper and a pencil so she could sketch out what she wanted the first floor to look like in her building (until the top floor was done she didn't want to think of it as a brothel).

She decided to have a wall just in front with a desk and a staircase behind it so that when people enter they have a choice. Go to their left where the Restaurant and rooms for rent will be. Right to where the bar and casino will be. Or up the stairs to where the strip club will be. Someone will always be behind the desk to direct people.

After Harlequin had drawn this out she put down her pencil, put it all in her drawer, and went to have a shower.

On the way there she ran into her sister, Juliet. Juliet looked like she had just come from the shower herself, not surprising, it was about 9 at night. Juliet was dressed in just a pair of panties and a large shirt, her favorite bedtime attire.

"Going for a shower, Lezzy?" Juliet smiled at her. Lezzy had been her nickname from Juliet since the start of last year. She didn't mind it though, she did like women. "Yes, going to get off to one of my friends too."

Juliet made a face and scoffed before moving off to her bedroom down the hall.

Harlequin stuck her finger up at Juliet as she walked away before getting into the bathroom.

She stripped off her clothes and threw them into the hamper by the door before turning on the taps in the shower to a hot but not too hot temperature and getting in under the spray.

Harlequin soaped up her hands and started to wash as she thought about what Juliet had said as well as what she wanted to do with her new building.

Thoughts went through her head, what type of brothel did she want? Did she want all three floors different? Did she want to do this?

Harlequin shook that last one away and moved her hands lower to soap up her abdomen and pussy.

She thought about what Juliet had called her and what Tracy had done to her today.

Her hands started to massage her slit slightly as she thought about taking Tracy into a large room with a bed in the center surrounded by candles. Seeing Daphne sitting on a couch off to the side rubbing herself as Harlequin kissed and sucked Tracy's flesh from face to neck. Neck to breasts. Breasts to pussy. Sinking her tongue deep into Tracy and eating her out as she moaned and writhed below her. Harlequin's fingers sped up, now pushing deep into her twitching twat. Her other hand moved around and started playing with her asshole.

The dream Harlequin now had an 8-inch strap on tied around her waist and Tracy was on her hands and knees being taken roughly while Daphne played with herself just like the real Harlequin was.

Harlequin was breathing heavily as she pumped three fingers in her soaking pussy and two in her ass. She jerked a bit and gave a shuddering breath as she came. Harlequin leaned against the shower wall, fingers still inside her, as she caught her breath. She pulled her fingers out and started licking the ones that were in her pussy. This wasn't the first time she had fantasized about having sex with one or even more of her friends. She felt a bit guilty about it but the feelings soon washed over her and she soon forgot the feeling.

Feeling that she was clean enough, Harlequin turned off the taps and stepped out of the shower.

She dried herself, rubbing herself to another orgasm, before getting dressed in an emerald green tank top and black pajama pants. and heading back into her room.

As she walked back she made a detour for the kitchen and grabbed some small sandwiches from the two elves that worked in the house to eat before bed. All that masturbating had reminded her of the small book that she had taken from her new vault which lay in her desk drawer.

Just before she got to her room she saw Juliet looking at her from her open door with a sneer. Harlequin

licked her middle finger as she gave Juliet the bird before smacking her ass and walking inside her room and closing the door. It wasn't mean per-say but Harlequin knew her little show would push her sister's buttons and piss her off to no end.

Harlequin sat in her room, on her bed eating her sandwiches as she flipped through the little black and purple book, her pussy getting moister the more she read.

Just as she was about to grab her last sandwich her eye was caught by a page.

The heading Read: A Dick For All Occasions. There was some writing below that and a picture that showed a woman on a bed on her hands and knees, (just like Harlequin's dream Tracy), but she had a chain wrapped around her neck choking her as another woman sawed in and out of her pussy with a large cock. A real cock.

Harlequin's hand that was going for the plate snapped back to the book. She read the paragraph below the title.

A curious spell designed by a pair of women that wanted to attain the feeling that a man has when having intercourse with a woman, replaces the caster's vagina with a real penis and testicles. Able to grow to large proportions, this spell was quite popular in the Reminiscence period in Italy. The spell itself is an easy one to manage. Simply point one's wand, or other magic-inducing devices, to the groin area and say the incantation. Soloptious Vantimi Hun*. This will begin the spell. The counterspell to stop and reverse the process is just pointing your wand, or other magic-inducing devices, at the penis and casting a simple 'finite' charm.

Harlequin couldn't get her pants off quick enough.

She had the last minute thought as she reached for her wand, to grab one of the silencing runes she got from her Gringotts vault and place it on the bedside table. Harlequin then picked up her wand and activated the rune. Then with her wand nearly touching her pussy lips she stopped and took a deep breath to gather her thoughts. She had always wanted to know what it felt like to have a cock. Now she would know.

"Here go's nothingSoloptious. Vantimi Hun."

After a few seconds of waiting and having nothing happen Harlequin was worried she had done the spell incorrectly, or it was a dud. Soon, however, a strange feeling in her groin and abdomen started that made her lean forward and hold her stomach. Soon the feeling left and Harlequin could feel something happening.

She looked down to see her clit shrinking down into its little hood, and her pussy slit sealing up. She started to take gasping breaths in astonishment as a small bump appeared on the now smooth skin. It grew and started to take shape just as two more small bumps appeared below it. Seconds later Harlequin was watching as a cock and balls grew out from her groin.

"This is amazing." She whispered to herself in a breathless tone of voice. "I love magic. Wait, what?" Harlequin remembered that when Tracy had told them all about the sex laws, her friend Su Li had randomly said that in Europe the average size of a wizard's cock was around 4 inches, tested 2 years previously. Her newfound cock was about to cross the 8-inch mark.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! What was the cancel spell what was it!?" Harlequin looked back at the book and reread the last part of the paragraph. Then she pointed her wand at the growing cock, poking it in the process. "Finite! Finite!"

The cock grew a few centimeters more before stopping. Harlequin breathed a sigh and looked down. "Damn." she took her eyes off it Harlequin reached over to her desk and pulled out of the drawer a small measuring tape. She had heard that her sister did it for some reason so she made

a show of doing it ages ago just to annoy her. Now Harlequin knew why Juliet kept one. To measure cocks.

Harlequin placed the end of the tape at the base of her new cock and slowly unrolled it along its length her eyes getting bigger and bigger as she went. 9 inches. 10 inches. 11 inches. 12.4 inches! Harlequin's mouth was open for as long as she remembered as she gazed down in awe at the final number that the measuring tape went to when it came to the monster that laid fully erect and held its own on the bed between her legs.

Harlequin rolled the tape back up absent-mindedly and put it back in the drawer without looking away. She wanted to look at the thing that now stood up, pointing at the ceiling. She finally looked away just to look around her cock and at the balls that sat heavily below it on the bed. They were the size of muggle baseballs!

Slowly and tentatively Harlequin reached out and wrapped her small delicate hand around the pole of meat in front of her. She shivered in delight and let out a small moan as she made contact with what she could only describe as a warm log in her clouded mind.

Harlequin slowly started to move her hand up and down a few inches and gasped at the sensation. She started to move her hand up and down more of the monster dick and used her other hand to reach around and fondle her balls.

Soon she was groaning and panting feeling nothing like she had ever felt before.

Suddenly she stopped. She wanted to keep going, she did, but she knew that this was the only FIRST time she had this thing. Harlequin wanted to make the first time she came with her girl cock to be, well, special.

Harlequin got up slowly off the bed and paced around a bit watching her cock bob and move as she thought. Her parents were out and the elves had been tasked to not show themselves unless called or at certain times to give the family privacy. Harlequin got a wicked grin on her face. She could go and jerk off in her parent's bed, that would give them a surprise when they laid down to sleep after they got back. Harlequin kept pacing but ran a slim finger around her cock head and shivered as she thought.

The kitchen perhaps? Order the elves out to go do something, then get busy! Maybe even get a tub of that specialty-made yogurt that was bought just for Juliet and cum in that. Harlequin stopped pacing suddenly. Her sister Juliet.

She groaned again as she started to jerk off once more. It was SO tempting, going in there and having her way with Juliet. The elves steered clear when a silencing rune was up. Go in quietly, grab her wand then tie her up. Harlequin forced herself to stop jerking and stood thinking. She knew it was wrong, oh so wrong, but when she tried to think of something else her dear pretty sister's smug, the arrogant face came back to mind. Harlequin moaned at the thought of that face covered in her girl cum.

Incest wasn't illegal in magical Europe like in muggle Europe. The purebloods made sure of that. But the age law. Could she wait 2 MORE DAYS!

She flopped back down on her bed looking up at the ceiling, forcing herself to not touch the cock head just nestled between the bottom of her breasts, and bit her bottom lip.

She couldn't wait.

Harlequin got up and grabbed her pants. Putting them she noticed that the front was rather tented. She would just have to make sure that no elves saw her going down the hall. Harlequin went into her small closet and pulled out another pair of pants, just for her special time with Juliet. Last, she grabbed the silencing rune from her desk as well as her wand. The movement of the rune deactivated it and Harlequin knew she would have to be very sneaky getting into her sister's room to set it up, near the door will be fine.

With her supplies set Harlequin moved to her door and took a breath.

Then she opened it a crack and peeped through. The house was quiet and she hoped the elves were asleep. Lily and James wouldn't be back until at least 3 in the morning, they were at some Ministry function held at one of the Aurors houses who were partners with her father.

Harlequin sneaked out of her room and made her way down the hall silently as she could. When she got to her sister's door she held her ear close and listened for any sounds. Juliet always forgot to put up her silencing rune that she got from Lily.

On the other side of the door, Harlequin could hear very faint moaning. She smiled to herself and slowly opened the door.

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