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Chapter 10: Title ???

(The conversation between the veela sisters and Harry is in French and translated in English so don't be confused when they speak fluent English.)

Upon waking up, Harry wasted little time heading down to the Great Hall, his haste showing in his crooked tie and bedhead. The boy wizard was eager to speak to his veela friend and apologize for storming out the night before. Avoiding the few students in the halls as he headed towards breakfast, Harry went over what he wanted to say again in his head. When he got there it was still early, so Harry wasn't too concerned with the French veela's absence. He figured he'd just hang around until the silvery-blonde-heads showed up.

That had been his plan half an hour ago, anyway. Neither Gabrielle nor Fleur seemed to be stopping by for breakfast, and as time crept steadily by and the morning grew later and later, Harry felt a ball of unease grow in the pit of his stomach.

Beginning to fear he'd truly offended the teenage veela, Harry brushed off yet another hesitant attempt at conversation from his friends and abruptly stood, exiting the hall and leaving an unfinished plate of food and a handful of concerned teens behind.

Stifling a yawn as he reached the stone steps leading down to the school's grounds, Harry paused when the grand carriage of Beauxbatons came into view.

"Ah, man" he sighed out, steeling his nerves. Conjuring a thin bouquet of lilies and tulips on a whim, the incubus lifted his head, ordering himself, "Go on."

Following his own advice, Harry began making his way towards the elegant carriage, taking its steps two at a time when he reached them. Resisting the instinct to knock, faced with a foreign door as he was, the young incubus instead tried the handle. It was unlocked, so he let himself in, closing the door back behind him.

"Um, h-hello?" he tried, though there didn't seem to be anybody, or indeed anything, in the long, wooden hall, save for an equally long line of doors on both sides, all of which were closed. Further down, Harry caught sight of a spiraling wooden staircase, which he figured only made sense with how big the carriage had to be to accommodate the large number of French competitors. Still, it made him realize that finding where his veela were tucked away would take forever if he did it the old fashioned way.

Twirling his wand between his fingers like a baton, Harry whispered out, "Point Me," and let the stick spin in his palm. After a few rotations the holly slowed to a wavering stop, aimed to the teen's one o'clock like a gundog.

Trusing Hermione's spell, Harry set out hastelessly, his school shoes clicking softly against the hardwood floor as he went.

Soon enough, the boy wizard found himself stood outside a door identical to the one's flanking it, with nothing but his rigidly pointing wand to suggest it was of any significance. Pocketing the trusty stick, Harry took one last fortifying breath and raised his hand to knock.

The door suddenly swung open before he could tap his knuckles on it, revealing the veela Gabrielle Delacour wearing a T-shirt, athletic shorts, and a surprised expression.

"G-good morning," Harry stuttered out, growing even more embarrassed as he felt his cheeks begin to heat up. "I was just about to knock," he explained needlessly, lowering his hand.

Gabrielle, for her part, just blinked. Suddenly leaning forward, the teenage veela invaded Harry's space to scan the hall, letting out a small sigh of relief upon finding it empty of gawkers.

"Um," Harry began as the petite witch stood back up, only to cut himself short and squawk out, "Hey!" as he was hauled inside the girl's room. Stumbling from the unexpectedly strong pull, Harry managed to save himself a fall by catching the end of Gabrielle's bed. Using it to regain his balance, the promiscuous teen turned around just in time to catch Gabby pulling her door shut and locking it.

Standing at the foot of her bed, Harry watched as the petite veela turned to him, fisting the chest of her shirt hesitantly. Quietly, the girl said, "You should'eent have come." There was no bite to her words though, and she continued just as carefully, "We could both get into a lot of trouble if anybody knew you were here and told."

Harry ducked his head a little and said, "Sorry. I was waiting for you at breakfast but you didn't show up." Harry took an unsure step towards the wary veela. "I needed to speak with you," he explained, forcing himself to stand still when Gabrielle began biting her lip.

"Are those for me?" the girl blurted out, nodding at the flowers in Harry's hand.

Blushing even harder, the young incubus cursed himself for his flight of fancy, swallowing hard and forcing a smile on his face as he answered, "Y-yeah." Making himself look the girl in the eye, Harry added, "I wanted to say that I was sorry and th-"

"N-non!"the French schoolgirl interrupted, shutting her eyes and shaking her head. "I am the one who should be apologizing-" she rushed. "I'm always getting angry at people for refusing to try and understand veela, to understand me, but I still!" There were tears leaking from the corners of Gabrielle's eyes, but she didn't seem to notice. "I still…"

"Gabby," Harry whispered, stepping forward and enveloping the girl in his arms in one smooth motion.

Sniffling into his chest, the teenage veela hiccupped out, "I'm so sorry Harry- I did the thing I hate the most and made you feel bad about being different!"

Squeezing the girl tighter to his chest, Harry lowered his nose to her hair and mumbled, "It's okay, you know?" Feeling her shaking shoulders begin to still, Harry pulled himself free of the girl, just enough to look into her eyes and prove to her that he meant his words. "You were just looking out for your sister, so there's nothing to apologize for." Averting his gaze a little, Harry admitted, "I had some stuff I needed to figure out anyway."

Closing his eyes when Gabby sniffled, Harry quietly said, "After my parents died, raising me fell to my aunt and uncle, both of whom hated magic and all the abnormalities it came with and represented…" Sighing, Harry smiled a little and continued, "I admit to it being a pretty alien idea to me, but if I had an older sibling, I'd like to imagine I'd be protective of them as well."

A forward weight, not especially heavy but completely unexpected, forced the incubus back. As he did his best to maintain his balance, Harry, now supporting a clinging, crying veela by his neck, managed two shaky steps backwards before losing his footing, sending the two teens crashing back onto Gabrielle's plush bed.

Conk! went their skulls as momentum carried Gabby's forehead into Harry's.

"Fuck!" Harry groaned out lowly, his vision swimming. Blinking rapidly to clear the stars from his eyes, Harry, when he could see again, found himself a hairs width away from Gabrielle, their noses brushing lightly.

The young veela didn't seem to've been as stunned as he was by their collision, but her face was just as red as the pinned Choiceling's all the same.

Harry was suddenly aware of the weak allure the veela laying on his chest had been suppressing admirably until then.

Feeling his heart begin to beat harder in his chest, Harry noticed that his palms had gotten sweaty all of a sudden. Not only that, he was shocked to notice, but his mouth had also gone dry, and he was feeling unusually shy.

'I've never been so nervous in my entire life,' Harry realized from light years away, remembering back to the first time he'd made himself seduce a woman and not remembering it to have been as bad. As it was now, his hands were actually trembling. 'Is it her allure? Or maybe because I've never been this close to a girl I actually like?'

Swallowing at what sounded to himself like a thousand decibels, Harry found his gaze magnetized to the frozen teen's lips. They were slightly parted and naturally pink and hundreds of times softer looking than anything the boy had ever seen in his fourteen years of life, and before he could help himself, he was leaning up, closing the dangerously small gap shakily. Gabrielle's eyes had widened when Harry began to move, but were almost completely closed by the time his lips pressed up against hers.

A fantastic energy rushed between the two, charging the air and setting the teenage pair's nerve endings ablaze.

A loud, insistant knocking killed the moment quickly, and replaced the boy and girl's nervousness with dread.

Gabrielle's eyes shot back open and she jerked up and away from the blinking incubus pinned beneath her, turning to look at her bedroom door in horror, the knocking getting more and more insistent by the second.

Harry, doing an admirable job purging his head of all impure thoughts, acted quickly. Settling his hand on the straddling veela's hip, flushing a bit more at the feel of her skin beneath her shirt and the intense look she shot his way, Harry nonetheless jerked his head to the side pointedly, motioning for the girl to get off of him. Once freed, he rolled off of the bed, arming himself with his wand in a flash.

Closing his eyes in intense concentration, Harry silently spelled himself invisible.

It was just in time, too, as the young veela's door suddenly unlocked itself with a click. It exploded open in the next instant, a bare, womanly foot raised where the splintered tinder had been a second ago.

"Fleur!" Gabby shouted out in anger, but not surprise, Harry noted, updating the older veela's mental record.

"I smell a boy," the scowling intruder accused, cutting straight to the chase. "Where is he, little sister?"

"T-that's probably your upper lip you are smelling, you violent bit-"

"Really?" Fleur interrupted, relaxing her combative stance. "I guess you could be right," the comely veela drawled out. Suddenly hooking her foot underneath the forgotten bouquet, still on the floor where it had been dropped, something that had both Harry and Gabby's eyes widening, Fleur kicked the flowers straight up, unbinding and scattering them in a freakishly quick move that took the invisible incubus by surprise. He knew the gig was truly up when a harpooning lily bounced off of his chest.

"Got you!"

Like lightning, Fleur snarled and lashed out with her bare foot, catching Harry below the neck and pinning him to the wall.

A vicious smile stole across the older veela's face, and Harry was left to watch on in awe as her features morphed.

Her arms and legs sprouted sleek, gray and white feathers, completely covering the exposed limbs faster than the oxygen deprived incubus could blink. Her fingers and toes grew talons, too, and a second, transparent eyelid slid in from the edges of her eyes, protecting her blue orbs and removing the need for blinking. Showing teeth, the veela demanded, "Show yourself, pervert."

Grinning a crazy, invisible grin in interest, Harry linked both his hands' fingers together and swung, aiming the sledgehammer strike for the inside of the attacking veela's knee joint.

His sneak attack worked, and Fleur's stranglehold on Harry's neck faltered. Seizing the momentum, and keeping Gabrielle's growing hysterics in mind, the still invisible incubus pushed off of the wall behind him. Now moving forward, Harry took advantage of Fleur's off-balance form to seize the girl, grabbing her ass through her pajamas and hefting the larger girl straight off the ground.

"Let-" she started, but Harry had already taken enough steps forward and quickly released the veela's butt to instead palm her bra-less breasts, aiding her falling, downward momentum with a slamming, dribble motion.

"Ah!" the feathered woman cried out, landing hard but harmlessly down on her sister's bed and bouncing. It was during this bounce that Harry drew his wand and used the first restraining spell that came to mind.

"Intima Ansa!"

A silky black ribbon flashed out of the end of Harry's wand, materializing from nothing and attacking the still airborne teen instantly.

The ribbon fastened around the transformed veela's throat first, looping a collar adorned with a tiny bow around her delicate neck. It then shot down her body, tying stylized knots that locked her arms together and behind her back. By now Fleur had fallen back to the bed, and the spell's true purpose started to show.

It continued it's work steadily, moving from the feathered teen's back to her front, where it wound a tight loop around her large bust, drawing gasps from both of the girls. It then wormed it's way underneath the loop, dividing Fleur's chest down the middle so her T-shirt covered tits were constricted and accentuated. The ribbon then stitched a corset-like lace down the wriggling veela's bare belly, her shirt having ridden up dangerously. It's last move was to run a too-tight line from just above her pubic bone, down and around the cleft of her hidden pussy, and back up to her bound arms, where it tied a large bow.

"Nng!" the boud veela ground out, unprepared for the attack on her sensitive spots. Harry and Gabrielle watched the whole thing with wide eyes.

"Oh shit," Harry whispered, dropping his invisibility.

"You?!" the bound veela shouted, jerking her head towards him when he became visible again. "AH!" she cried out when the ribbon did it's job, translating and exaggerating the girl's movements along its length, her bound breasts and threaded cleft taking the brunt of her careless wiggling.

"H-hold still," Harry ordered, and the angry-eyed veela obeyed.

'They've got the same temper,' Harry noted, keeping a wary eye on his accidental bondage victim as he tried to figure out the best way to handle the situation.

"Look what you've done!" Gabrielle cried.

Harry felt a mixture of one part anger and two parts shame bubble up within him, but before he could speak, Gabrielle moved to him, touching his bruised neck delicately, glaring at her bound sister all the while.

Feeling his cheeks heat up again at the unexpected concern, Harry gently removed Gabby's probing hands, smiling at the little veela when she turned to him. "It's okay Gabby," Harry soothed, stretching his neck this way and that to show the injury was only skin deep. "I'm fine."

The petite girl didn't seem too convinced, but Harry forewent any further attempts to reassure her, knowing that the idea of finding fighting enjoyable was odd to most, instead looking back to the still-bound, feathered form on the bed.

"I'm going to have to untie you, okay?" Harry said, explaining that nobody had ever bothered to invent a counter to the spell before and that his own wasn't done yet. "Just," he added, in English this time, "just try to hold still, okay?"

Fleur, finally beginning to cool off, just ground out, "Fine," and lowered her head, slowly this time, into the bed, hiding her face from the incubus and her sister.

Settling down between Gabby and her bound sister on the bed, Harry spared a quick flick towards the broken door, repairing, shutting, and locking it back up, before starting. As he grasped the tails of Fleur's back bow, Harry asked, mostly for the sake of not letting the mood grow tense again, "So, I didn't know that veela have such a strong sense of smell… Are you born with it?"

"Mm-nng!" Fleur began to answer, her affirmative hum turning into something lustful as Harry gently tugged the bow's tails free.

"Harry!" Gabrielle scolded, her face burning up from embarrassment.

"Sorry," the boy wizard apologized.

Thumbing the silken fabric carefully, Harry began again with, "How is your English coming along, Gabby?"

"Eet is not easy, but I am learning more everyday," the young veela answered.

Both she and Harry pretended not to hear the low, stifled moan Fleur was letting out into the bed as the incubus worked on a particularly stubborn knot.

"Um," Harry began, finally getting the ribbon free in that spot, doing his best to not get aroused by the lowly moaning bird-woman laid prostrate before him. Hoping he could distract her from the effects of the ribbon, and save himself too much more embarrassment in the process, Harry lightly brushed his fingers through Fleur's arm feathers as he worked on the network of patterned knots, complimenting, "Your feathers are very beautiful, Fleur. Do you only show them off when you're in combat?"

Next to him, Gabrielle stiffened.

"Beautiful?" the bound veela repeated to herself dubiously.

"Yeah" Harry confirmed cluelessly, almost done with the second to last layer of bindings on Fleur's arms. "Your talons are pretty cool too," he added, casually threading his fingers with her wicked digits, admiring the way they reflected the light.

"Harry…" Gabrielle whispered, too quietly for the teen in question to hear.

Fleur just burrowed her head further into the bed, blushing up a storm.

A few strange minutes went by, with the boy incubus sitting Indian-style on the thirteen year old veela's bed, methodically untying her lewdly bound older sister in silence.

"There we go," said incubus eventually murmured out, finally finished with the laborious task of untying Fleur's arms at last. "You, um, well you should be able to handle the rest now, huh?"

Gabrielle looked up from where she'd been idly playing with a loose length of the ribbon.

"My arms," Fleur said, turning her face to the side so she could be heard. "They're asleep."

"Eh?!" her younger sister cried out in disbelief, dropping the slightly frayed ribbon, which caught the boy wizard's attention.

As the two veela began to bicker back and forth over whether her arms were really too dead to move or if Fleur was just trying to trick Harry into touching her there, Harry felt his face go slack in dubiety. Their argument seemed to be heating up, and either Fleur was a dedicated actress or her arms really were asleep, because she was sticking to her guns on the issue. Ignoring them, Harry slapped a palm to his face, muttered, "Potter, you fucking idiot,", and took out his wand.

That seemed to draw the girls' attention, and it was with a comically blank expression that Harry rolled the stick between his fingers, wordlessly conjuring a pair of silver scissors.

"Snip," he muttered, cutting through the rest of Fleur's bindings in seconds.

The two veela girls' expression went blank as Fleur suddenly found herself free.

"In my defense," Harry muttered in known pointlessness, "the ribbon is suppose to be indestructible."

A synchronized barefoot and talon to the face, along with dual accusations of, "Pervert!" were his only answer.

"So you see," Harry summarized, lowering the ice pack from his jaw, "that's why I was here earlier."

"I see," Fleur agreed, now back to her featherless form, despite Harry's objections. "You just snuck into my seester's room, weez flowers, while nobody was looking, weez ze door locked, to apologize to her, but not in any inappropriate way."

Harry picked a bit of lint from his ear and flicked it, distractedly answering, "Yeah, pretty much."

"Ahh," Fleur sighed, rubbing her forehead with her eyes closed in irritation.

"Actually," Harry retracted, affording the older veela his undivided attention, "there was one more reason I came to visit, now that I think about it."

Gabrielle, brushing her teeth in the connected bathroom, cocked her head to the side, tuning into the ongoing conversation in curiosity.

"Oh?" Fleur asked, blinking.

She leaned back in surprise when the incubus seized her hands, holding them between their chests passionately as he asked, "Would you do me the honor of allowing me to seduce you?"

Slap! and Harry was holding his face again, cursing the violent bloodline of the fascinating creatures he'd found himself wrapped up with lately.

In the other room, Gabrielle spat out her toothpaste in shock and held her breath, staring at herself in the folding mirror as she continued to eavesdrop.

"God damn it," Harry whined, scowling up at the taller veela. "Why'd you hit me?"

"What did you expect," Fleur ground out, "asking me something like that?"

"Fair enough," Harry grudgingly admitted. Letting out a sigh, the teen flopped back onto Gabrielle's bed, appreciating it's fluffiness once again as he started explaining, "Sorry about that, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to go about asking."

"You shouldn't be asking a thing like that to begin with," Fleur scolded somewhat hesitantly, a bit confused.

Aiming a serious look up at the lightly frowning witch, Harry said, "I'm asking this because I think it's the right thing to do, as opposed to just fucking you regardless of what our mutual friends think. If it weren't for Gabby, I'd have already taken you to bed." Closing his eyes, Harry explained, "I'm a Choiceling, Fleur, as you already know. You're a female, which means all of your fantasies, all of your desires, every little mannerism and all of your sensitive spots, plus things even you don't know about yourself, sexually, are all like sweet, low hanging fruit for me."Reaching a hand up towards the ceiling, Harry added, "I could pick you, just like this."

He made a fist, and a shiver ran down the uneasily staring veela's spine.

"And I may have already, if not for what Gabby said to me last night at dinner." Tilting his head back, Harry caught said younger veela's eye through the crack between the bathroom door and the wall. "I'm not going to do that anymore- consider my friends or my friends' friends the same way I do strangers and acquaintances." Holding the staring girl's gaze captive, Harry strongly added, "However, I am an incubus," he turned his gaze back to Fleur, "and you are a woman, and one I find myself physically attracted to as well. That makes you my prey," Harry explained with a straight face. "At least, as long as you'll allow me to hunt you, that is."

Fleur staring at him with wide, blinking eyes, not actually saying anything.

Gabrielle remained silent in the bathroom, digesting what Harry had said.

The silence dragged on, but Harry was content to rest on his veela friend's bed, knowing better than to rush a decision like this on instinct.

"Are you planning on offering this choice to many other girls?" Fleur eventually asked, seemingly having come to a decision but not saying yet.

"Mmm," Harry confirmed. "My friend Hermione for sure, and Ron's sister too. I'd say Luna as well, but she already knows the score and has set standards."

"Basically all of your female friends" Fleur noted shrewdly. "What about my sister?" she asked dangerously, not noticing that the girl had been listening in for a while now.

Exploding in a blush, Harry stuttered out, "O-of course not!"

"So you plan to violate her without her consent then?" the veela whispered out, the beginnings of talons beginning to form on her hands again.

Holding up his hands in surrender, Harry angrily said, "Hold on a minute! I don't 'violate' anybody- there's no magical manipulation or anything like that at play here. An especially smooth and intuitive human could do what I do. And besides," Harry added, lowering his voice so that the eavesdropping girl couldn't hear, "what I meant was I'm not trying to have sex with your sister anyway."

Fleur obviously wanted to ask the Choiceling for his reasons, but even as fired up as she was, the veela seemed to understand that asking 'why not' would be strange and counterproductive. Instead, she allowed her fingers to return to normal for the second time in a few hours.

"So I take it your answer is 'no', " Harry ventured after the tension had mostly cleared, the disappointment poorly hidden in his voice.

"No," the veela disagreed, setting her chin and sending the teen a considering look. "I didn't say that."

Rubbing her knee where she'd been struck, Fleur's look turned challenging, and she said, "You are a warrior, yes? I am as well. You caught me by surprise earlier, and I think I can beat you if we were to fight again."

Harry made a face at that, but the French veela continued on anyway.

"Enter the dueling tourney. If you make it to me and manage to win, I'll let you try and win me over. I think that you are so full of hot air you're in danger of floating away, but I suppose if you somehow defeat me then we will see."

"If I beat you in the tourney, eh?" Harry repeated, a grin slowly creeping across his face. "Wicked."

"'Onestly," the French teen said in false exasperation, her face resisting a pink dusting and flattered smile admirably, but not perfectly.

Gabrielle finished rinsing the last of the toothpaste from her mouth in the bathroom, her troubled expression smoothing out into a helpless smile as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Despite feeling like she should be much more upset at what she'd overheard, the teenage veela was instead proud of how accepting she was of the whole situation. Being of creature heritage, and knowing that Harry honestly didn't have much of a choice, despite his species' title, went a long way towards her unorthodox attitude.

As she exited the bathroom, dressed and ready for a day of Harry-led Hogwarts tours with her sister, it occurred to Gabrielle, as she caught sight of the Choiceling in question laying peacefully on her bed, his eyes closed as he hummed lightheartedly, that there was probably a deeper reasoning to her willingness to adjust her worldview.

The way her lips continued to lightly tingle helped too.

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