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Chapter 2: chapter 2

Meanwhile in the castle that stood on the top of the hill of the Kingdom, knew what was really happening. In one of the large rooms of the castle were two female middle aged servants wore a long plain white dress. Their hair was tied up tightly in a bun. There was also a man dressed in Priest clothing and wore a large cross around his chest that sat on his flat stomach. One more person was in the room which was a small boy. He wore a blue and gold jacket along with maroon pants. They all stared at the frail figure that laid on the huge bed in the middle of the room. One of the maids in the room was wiping the man's brow while another was making sure he was comfortable. He waived both women away. He turned his head towards the young child and spoke,

           "My son," a weak male voice was heard in the quiet room." Please come." The young boy, who didn't look younger than the age of eight, looked at the frail man he called his father. The young boy knew that he was very sick. No one knew how this disease came or how to cure it. Only thing they were all aware of was, the fact that the King was about to die and there is nothing anyone could do to prevent it.

           "Yes father," the boy finally spoke. His words were crackling out of his mouth.

           "My son, I'm sorry to leave you like this-."

           "No!" The young boy yelled. "You're not going to die on me." A smile was shown on the older man's face to calm the yelling youngster. He knew his son had been through so much already at a young age. His mother had just passed away not too long ago and they believed it's the same disease the King now had. "You can't leave!" The boy began to sob. He stared at his father that looked like a fraud. This man did not look like his father. His peach tan skin had become dull and gray. His once fluffy pink cheeks were now sunk into his face showing off his cheekbone structure. The frail man reached out with a bony hand trying to touch the boy's face and spoke gently,

           "Please don't cry. You are a boy who will become a man, and not just any man, but the King of this Kingdom."

           "I don't want-." The boy yell, but was shushed by his father.

           "My child," the man laughed a bit without coughing. "You should be proud, my son. Take over this Kingdom and rule it like I have. Make sure you do not lose the power you currently have." He spoke with positive thoughts. However, the boy did not care for the Kingdom; he cared for his father that lay in front of him. The taller man walked up to the young boy and spoke,

           "Your highness, it would be best for your father to rest." The man that spoke was the Priest that was in the room. He had cared for the young Prince since he was born and knew the pain that young boy was going through. The sound of the King's coughing made both males looked towards the King. Tears were streaming down the Prince's face.

           "I'll be fine my son" the man spoke. The young boy did not want to be separated from his father, but was ushered out by one of the care givers in the room. Once the doors shut behind the crying boy, the Priest sighed. He knew the boy did not want to part from his father, but they knew this would be the second hardest loss the young boy will have to go through.

           Poor boy, the Priest thought.

           "Joseph." The Priest was pulled from his thoughts and looked upon his King.

           "Yes, your Majesty." Joseph spoke.

           "We both know that I will pass soon."

           "Sire…" The Priest started.

           "Hush while I speak." The King interrupted the younger man. The Priest stayed quiet while the older man began to speak again. "I want you to do me a favor."


           "I want you to look after my boy and make sure he becomes the rightful King."

           "Sire… Why are you asking this? Is there something that you're hiding from me?"

           "Why are you talking back to your King?" The man spoke trying to sound stern, but his voice began to crack and started to cough. The Priest's face showed pain, knowing he was helpless in the situation.

           "Sorry Sire..." Joseph bowed politely.

           "Raise your head my child." The King spoke. "Just make sure you protect my son. Make sure he is able to fulfill his duties of becoming the next King."

           "Sire, I will follow this order and make sure that this will be done under your demand" The King smiled. He knew the Priest would be the perfect person to take this mission and follow it through. The men were silent before the King spoke again.

"There is one thing I want to tell you and make sure you do not utter a word, not even to my son." The Priest nodded and listened as the older man spoke

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