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Chapter 10: Suitable Weapon

After realizing he would need a scythe sooner or later, Messor went to the family armory to search for a suitable weapon.

There were thousands of basic swords, spears, and other various weapons but to his surprise not a single scythe.

Further into the armory was a vault filled with higher-quality weapons meant for the descendants of the Torvus family.

But to his disappointment, yet again not a single scythe could be seen.

Not understanding why there weren't any scythes Messor decided to look for the family elder in charge of the armory.

"Greetings Elder Armond" Messor politely bowed greeting the elder.

Elder Armond looked as if he was getting up there in age, his once amber brown hair showcased plenty of graying hairs but not as many as his scruffy beard had.

Currently, he was sitting down and covered in robes however if he was to stand up and take his robe off what would be visible would be a mountain of a muscular man covered in plenty of battle scars.

Elder Armond was a well-versed master of many weapons, due to this fact he was given the important role of being weapons master of the family.

His brilliant insight and knowledge had helped many within the Torvus family to choose the right weapon and were guided by him on the path they should take.

"Ah, hello there young master Messor, how can this old man be of assistance?" He had seen Messor enter the armory previously but didn't say anything, a long time ago he had decided he will not engage someone unless they make the effort to reach out to him first.

He believes there is no need to go out of your way to try to help somebody if you don't even know that they want help.

Too many times had he gone out of his way to help instruct someone only to be respectfully ignored or worse.

"I'm looking for a scythe however it doesn't look like there are any for some reason"

Elder Armond's eyes widened slightly "A scythe? Why would you be looking for a scythe?"

"I've heard about what had happened at the recent banquet and it is said you've slain a beast in another realm with ease"

"it's clear you are talented when it comes to the sword so why are you looking for a scythe?"

Having perfected his story Messor responded "Well, truth be told, I've recently recovered thanks to the grace of an unknown expert. This wasn't the only gift I've received as I've also gained their inheritance"

"Ah I see, and I take it you've received some scythe techniques?"

"Yes, something like that…" Messor replied with a vague answer that didn't escape the elder however he chose to ignore it.

"Hmm, unfortunately for you, we possess no scythes" Elder Armond shook his head apologetically

"Why don't we have any scythes?"

"What two weapons come into your mind when you think of a scythe?"

[Spear and a Sword}

'Shut it, that was my first thought…'

"A spear and a sword" replied Messor

"That is correct, it has the reach of a spear with at least one long blade reminiscent of a sword"

"And here lies the root of the problem, the main strength of the scythe is its speed and power on a battlefield, a single slash could slay dozens of enemies. But that's all it is good for."

"You cannot stab with it and only slash, a scythe is an unbalanced weapon too. The majority of its weight is concentrated at the tip where the blade or blades are attached. Meaning that to swing it you most likely will need to utilize your whole body making you susceptible to counter attacks"

"You wouldn't be able to do a feint with a scythe meaning every attack you do will require your commitment"

"A spear has no such weakness, it's weak in close range but it's a lighter and more balanced weapon while a sword, in general, has almost no disadvantages other than the lack of range."

"It is technically possible to make a scythe an unbeatable weapon as it is with any other weapon but the journey there will be harder than anything you could imagine and the odds of your premature death with such a path will increase a thousandfold."

"Not only will you need to be strong and agile, but you will also need to learn how to make up for the shortcomings of the weapon which will not be an easy task with no guidance" Elder Armond explained his thought process to Messor trying to sway the young man from making a grave mistake.

Unknown to him however Messor would be able to solve these problems quite easily.

"So, are you still certain you wish to use a scythe despite knowing that there is an excellent chance of it being your un-doing?" The elder probed Messor curious as to what the youth was thinking

"Yes, I can't tell you why, but I believe this is the best path forward for me" Messor answered honestly with a determined look in his eyes.

The elder exploded in laughter "HAHAHA, good, that is how a man should be, forging his path no matter how difficult it may be!"

The elder stood up revealing his towering stature before extending his hand towards Messor "extend your hands, palms facing upwards"

Messor did as he was told and soon after a scythe appeared in his hands.

[Oh, this is unexpected]

The scythe was taller than he currently was, the handle looked as if a random long stick was used for the weapon. It randomly turned and twisted making it jagged in various spots, near the center was a cage-like spot, wood seemed to splinter and twist and turn revealing a white gem housed neatly inside as if it grew there.

Messor tried snapping one of the "cage" bars as they were quite thin only to find them tougher than the sword his brother had gifted him.

The blade atop of it looked to be bound to the handlebar with black cloth, the blade itself looked to be made of a rough material with plenty of imperfections. The color of it was as black as the night and the entire weapon itself gave away ominous and sinister vibes.

Messor could tell that despite its look this was a special weapon, his gut feeling was further confirmed by Odin's random thought, only bringing to question as to why it was in the hands of the elder.

As if he could read Messor's mind, elder Armond answered the question he had yet to ask "I've gained this weapon after a duel with its original owner"

There was no need for him to explain what happened to the original owner as only one thing could have possibly happened if they were separated from their weapon.

Messor believed that there might be more to the story that the elder let on but he decided to not pry further as it would most likely not benefit him and only increase the risk of the elder rescinding his offer of the gift.

"Are you sure I can have this?" Messor asked knowing there is no such thing as a free meal…

"Hahaha, no need to be suspicious. I have no use for the weapon, and even if I did, it looks as if no one can use it, try swinging the scythe at the dummy with intent to kill and see what happens"

"However, if by some miracle you do manage to use it, I would like you to tell me how you did it, I've dedicated my life to studying weapons yet I have never met a fickle weapon such as this one"

"There is another thing that I'd like you to do however we can leave that for later." He said smiling looking excitedly towards Messor

"I'm not sure I fully understand but if I'm able to I will be sure to share everything I can with you" Messor replied in a respectful tone that slightly gave away his eagerness to try out this new toy.

"Hahaha, good, good. Now try giving it a swing" Elder Armond urged

"It's a bit large for me but I'll do my best" Messor took the scythe firmly in his hands and walked towards a wooden dummy closest to him.

He placed the heavy blade of the scythe right behind the head of the dummy in preparations for a swing, he planned to take the dummies head off its shoulders with a single swing.

[Oh, this should be fun]

Messor wound up his swing but the second he thought of swinging down the scythe towards the inanimate object but as he did it he found himself being sent flying backward.

He tumbled multiple times across the training field before stopping and picking himself back up over 50 meters away.

"What was that?" Messor asked out in disbelief only to hear a laugh coming from where he stood moments ago

{Ha, Ha, Ha, that's the furthest yet}


1/2 bonus chapters that were promised so far for goals. Sorry that it's a bit shorter chapter but I'm trying to use it as a setup for the journey and Messor's new weapon. More will be revealed about it in the next chapter so stay tuned for it!

Krackers Krackers

As a reminder, make sure to add this to your library if you are enjoying it! Helps boost my motivation and anytime we reach a goal it's a bonus chapter for you guys and a reason for me to not drop this due to the belief that I have no clue what I'm doing.

We are close to reaching our goal of 25 power stones so be sure to vote for yet another bonus chapter!

No promises that the 2nd bonus chapter will come tonight but I'll be sure to do my best.

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