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Chapter 19: Powerful

As the Progenitor Serum was injected into Draco, horrifying things were happening inside of his body.

Truthfully, Progenitor Serum was just a bunch of Progenitor blood mixed with compounds meant to prevent the blood from destroying the host's body.

After all, the serum was made from the blood of a Progenitor, and even the weakest Progenitor was a near immortal entity.

Even after being separated from their body, a Progenitor's blood cells will continue to survive. As a result, integrating them into your own body was an extremely dangerous process.

When the serum flowed into Draco's veins, the Progenitor blood in it began to immediately attack all of Draco's red blood cells.

As his own blood cells were being destroyed, the Progenitor red blood cells seemed to absorb them, growing stronger in the process.

Millions upon millions of Draco's blood cells were being devoured every second by the more powerful Progenitor blood cells as they began to spread throughout every corner of his body.

To say the least, this process was excruciatingly painful for Draco. It made getting his organs turned into paste by Samir feel like getting slapped in comparison.

However, this was the serum functioning exactly as intended.

A minute after the serum had been injected into Draco, he was still thrashing against the restraints of the metal bed.

Inside of his body, the powerful Progenitor blood had already ravaged through all of his veins, and was now starting to tear the veins themselves apart.

Draco screamed in agony as his veins threatened to burst under the pressure, and he could feel that his heart was about to explode in his chest.

"This is the most crucial moment of integration. If Draco can survive long enough for the serum to activate, he should be over the biggest hurdle." Amira muttered to herself as she watched Draco, worry apparent in her eyes.

Suddenly, just as Draco's heart valves were about to overload from pumping such a volatile substance, something miraculous happened.

The Progenitor blood cells that were ravaging throughout his body, all seemed to suddenly start excreting a golden substance.

This golden liquid escaped from the pores of the blood cells, and then started layering itself against every single one of Draco's veins.

Soon, the substance had also reached his heart, and just like before it coated itself alongside its walls and valves.

When Draco felt this substance coat every inch of his circulatory system, he felt the pressure from the Progenitor blood lessen greatly.

However, he still felt like there was molten lava flowing through every inch of his body, and he couldn't stop himself from foaming at the mouth as the substance began to start circulating throughout his body.

Since Draco's heart was now aiding in the process, the Progenitor blood began to flow through his blood at a much faster pace.

Soon, Draco's blood had circulated through his body over a dozen times, and by now was almost entirely made up of Progenitor blood.

At this point, the new blood in his veins had taken over his circulatory system and was systematically strengthening his body.

This was different from the strength that he had built up from his time in the Immortality Room.

Every time the Progenitor blood cycled through his body, his organs became more efficient and his muscles hardened.

After the blood had circulated a few hundred times through his body, and several minutes had passed, Draco was finally able to think clearly.

His body still burned though, and every time he let out a breath plumes of steam would escape from his mouth.

'This is incredible!' He thought to himself as his blood furiously pumped within him, 'It's like the time I did c*caine, but a hundred times more potent.'

When Draco looked at Amira, he saw the relief in her eyes.

"Draco, how do you feel?" Amira asked.

Draco looked down at his arms, and then flexed them. Suddenly, the metal clamps holding him against the bed shattered, and Draco sat up.

"Powerful." he said, looking at his hands.

"You didn't have to break the bed." Amira replied, amused.

Draco laughed, and then looked at Amira, "Sorry, I didn't even mean to. It's just that this strength, it's incredible." he said, feeling the power of the Progenitor blood flowing through him.

Amira nodded her head, "I know. With time you will get adjusted to your strength. Also, that sensation you are feeling should fade in time as well."

Draco was slightly disappointed when he heard that he wouldn't get to keep this high forever, but inwardly he knew that it was probably for the best.

Getting off of the bed, Draco struggled to keep his balance as he kept putting too much strength into his steps and cracking the floor.

Amira smirked under her robes, "You look like a little puppy, so adorable."

"Shut up." Draco grumbled under his breath as he tried to get the hang of walking again.

Seeing how Draco had finally remembered how to walk, Amira headed towards the door with Samir following closely behind her.

"Come, Draco. We have much to do." she said.


While Draco and Amira were heading out of her mansion, tensions were brewing within the central palace of the royal family.

Aided by spatial compression artifacts, the already monumental palace had a spacious interior that looked to be the size of a small city.

Inside the central palace there was a massive, white staircase that seemed to extend upwards for more than a mile.

There were also a large number of towering, golden pillars that extended all the way to the roof of the palace. These pillars all thrummed with a mystical power that made Old Bear's chain look like a toy in comparison.

If one were to travel up the heaven-defying staircase in the center of the palace, they would eventually find themselves in King Zain's throne room.

It was in this throne room, seated atop a large golden throne, that King Zain was looking down upon his many sons.

King Zain looked like an indomitable figure, and if one were able to see past the domineering aura surrounding his body, they would notice that he was nearly 8 feet tall.

His large frame that was hidden by white robes would put even Old Bear's to shame. He had a strong, boxy jawline, glistening bronze skin, and golden eyes.

King Zain's golden eyes were piercing, and they blazed with an intensity that made them look like miniature suns.

With these eyes he glanced at each of his sons.

His sons were arranged in a line in front of him in the order of their birth. They were all relatively tall people, but only three of his sons approached him in size.

If one were to look closer, they would notice that these three sons all shared King Zain's trademark golden eyes.

Looking at the end of the line, you would see that King Zain's ninth son was much smaller than the rest of his sons, and had the appearance of a small child.

However, interestingly, this child also had the same golden eyes as his father.

In front of the row of princes was a single kneeling figure. The man was almost the same size as his father, and was dressed in the traditional garb of a royal prince.

He was wearing white robes with a red and white checkered fabric over his head, and had golden eyes.

"Idris, speak. Tell me what that greedy old bastard wants from us." King Zain commanded.

'Idris' hesitated for a moment, before saying, "Father… he said that he wants grandchildren."

When King Zain heard this, his eyes narrowed.

The looks in the eyes of the princes also turned severe when they heard this, as they all knew what those words implied. Even the young boy standing at the end of the line understood.

Suddenly, a childish voice could be heard off to the side, "No way! Just because second brother foolishly angered someone he shouldn't have, doesn't mean that our sisters should have to suffer!" the boy yelled as he angrily glared at Idris.

Idris turned his head to yell back at the boy who said this, "Who told you to speak, Ninth Brother? At this point it's too late to point fingers, for the whole family is implicated now!"

Just when this 'ninth brother' was about to retort, and the other princes started to chime in, King Zain's booming voice reverberated throughout the throne room.

"Silence!" King Zain yelled, and immediately every prince in the room shut their mouths and looked towards their father.

Looking at his sons for a moment, King Zain's eyes landed on a familiar face.

"Muhammed." he said, and after his son had stepped forward and kneeled he continued, "Although you are just my fifth son, you have once again proved yourself with your most recent mission."

When the other princes heard this, almost all of them hatefully glared at Muhammed, their gazes spitting fire.

"I have another task for you. Take one of the mythical-grade planes and go pay that old bastard a visit."

King Zain flicked his wrist, and a golden bracelet flew from seemingly nowhere towards Muhammed.

After Muhammed caught the bracelet, King Zain continued, "See if you can get him to accept some other form of compensation, but try to keep things civil. Although my Khalid Dynasty fears no one, such a needless conflict will bring no benefits."

Hearing this, Muhammed nodded his head solemnly and stood up, "It shall be done, father."

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