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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Akari apologized to me before she started to speak. According to her She only just transferred to our school last week. She said all of the boys are already swarming around her and asking her out every time they find an opportunity, and she already turned down fifteen boys. Those confessions have started to brother her, she didn't want anything like that and she just wanted to have a peaceful school life. She reminds me of myself that also just wanted to have that life. She further explained that she heard my name in some of the students, talking about how creepy I am because of my eyes and gloomy face. Looks like there are already existing rumors about me before. She said that she heard it on her first day in our school. The next three days she followed me due to her curiosity and that's when she happen to saw what happened on that day.

"What? you saw that happened back there at the train station?" I asked.

"Yeah I saw everything and I am the one who called out the guard. Don't worry, I explained to him what happened. On that day when I saw you, I thought that, if you were my boyfriend no one will bother me because you're strong and, so I.. That's why I asked you out and I-I...I can't believe that a rumor contradicting what really happened is circulating right now in our school. I felt bad for you, but I thought this was an opportunity too to ask you out, because if people know that I'm your girlfriend they won't bother me anymore because you're strong. So uhm....Please have a fake relationship with me until graduation! I'll do anything you want, so please help me out!"

"A fake relationship? So you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?"


"Are you sure that will happen if you go out with me?"

"Uh..well, I think so"

What? So she's not sure about it but she still did all of this, and what if it's possible? Did she really think I'll be her boyfriend if she ask me out?

" So you asked me out because you're gonna use me as your shield is that it? And you thought I'll play along with you?"

I indifferently asked.

Well, from what I heard, that's what I think she was trying to say and Everyone probably think so.

"Well I thought it will goes well.... and I even act like that because I was desperate...Sorry I tried to do that to you...Just help me with this one and I won't bother you anymore." She grabbed my hand and look at me seriously. Her face have started to become flushed red.

Hmm..An act huh. Just like what I've had thought earlier, it's just an act, deceiving the people around her, huh. I don't quite like it, but it's not like she was doing something that is wrong. She said she saw what happened on that day, should I ask her to know what exactly happened? Maybe she knows how things turn outs before the time I was already holding the assaulter.

"Akari was it? You said you saw what happened on that day, right? Can you tell me what you saw?"

"U-uhm..Well.. I saw you saved a girl but the details is... I don't remember it anymore."

"I-is that so."

Shit. It looks like I won't get any details from her. Sigh, if only I can remember it. W-wait, she knows what happened right? That means if I ask her to explain it with everyone my peaceful days will come again. Should I ask her now? No, maybe later.

"Are you sure I'm not gonna do something bad to you?"

After all, there are some bad rumors about me, how can she trust me and asked me even after hearing those words?

"Well I investigated your background and it shows nothing bad about you and I've been observing you for almost a week" She said with a proud face and smiled.

What? She investigated me? No wonder she knows me. I thought she doesn't know too much about me though.

"So, what if i refuse to help you?" I asked.

"Well, my father has a lot of connections you see... The rumors may get even worse you know Te~hehe~hhe." She hide her hands on her back and smiled mischievously.

"Are you threatening me? And If your father has a lot of connections you may also have a lot of money, so why don't you hire a bodyguard?" I indifferently said.

"Ehhhh... That was just a joke, Don't be serious too much ...And more importantly, I don't want that! I want to enjoy my school life without some bugs like usual. I'm already tired of that, that's why I moved here!" She said in a complaining tone.

Must be hard being a princess huh. But And why me? Something is not quite right here...

"Ahh.. I saw you go to work before that means you're in need of money right? If you pretend to be my boyfriend I'll pay you and I'll help you clear your name. You're having a hard time right? I saw you got call from the office." She proudly said.

What a stalker. Well her offer is tempting, it will help me to clear up the misunderstanding, and financial income at the same time.

"Hmmm..Isn't my offer too good, are you not gonna do it?" She said in a playful manner.

"Okay! So when am I gonna start?"

Akari's eyes sparkled when she heard me said those words.

"Then it's decided, Starting tomorrow we'll be boyfriend and girlfriend! It's a pleasure to have you!" She cheerfully smiled. Her gloomy face earlier is already gone and now she seems satisfied that I agreed with her selfish request.

I decided that I'll play along with her for now, I only did that because I want her to return the favor and clear my name to everyone and and end the relationship. That's my plan for now.

Well, I guess tomorrow will be tough.


After accepting Akari Mitsuha request we walked home together and separate our ways at Ayala station. After that I went home, finished my assignments and sleep.

-Waking up at six am as usual. I brushed my teeth, take a bath, prepared my things and head to school. As usual, every students that passed by was looking and whispering something about me. I finally reached my classroom and I headed to my chair. While I was walking some of my classmates are giving me a disgusted looked; they are emitting a murderous aura, especially the boys is looking

at me with disdain, not only because of the rumors but also because i was sitting next to Shirasawa, our class rep. I finally reached my chair and i sat .

"Shirasawa san! Good morning!"

"Shrasawa san! Hi!"

"Want to go out with us later?"

As i was sitting on my chair some of my classmates approached shirasawa and now they're talking to her. What a bothersome, first thing in the morning and they're already like this.What's

more they always do this everyday. "Hey! Hey!What did you do yesterday? I went to amusement park yesterday with my boyfiee heheh." A cheerful girl suddenly appeared out of

nowhere and entered their conversation.

They're talking so loud that I can hear everything in their conversation.

"Eh you're still here? Why are they letting a criminal here?" One of the girls looked at me with contempt and said.

Criminal? Am i going to be treated like this from now on? I have to ask Akari to clear my name as soon as possible. We have to clear up this misunderstanding. I don't want to be treated like

this... "Eh... He's still coming here huh...What a bold one, A trash like him should be put into jail right? Hahaha" The guy with a long hair mumbled and laugh with the rest of his friends.

The thing is, i don't really care about what they think about me but this one is too much. This atmosphere have become a bothersome, for some reason because of those rumors my reputation now is beyond help. I can't even go to cafeteria or library because i was prohibited to enter. Sigh, what a hassle.

"Okay class. Go back to your seat! Homeroom is starting!"

Sakura sensei appeared in front of the door. She walked towards the table and spoke.

"Today we're going to change your seating arrangements!"



"Sensei, why seating arrangement precipitously? We've only changed it three weeks ago"

One of my classmates raised his right hand and asked.

"Well, I just decided it. No reason at all."

"Ehh!!!" Everyone in the class said in unison.

And the class fell silent...

"Okay! Start with the girls, pick one here!" A few seconds have passed and Sensei break the silence and bring out the box, containing a piece of papers that have a seat numbers. "Let's start it with Shira Matsuki." said Sensei.

"Okay! I'm first!" Shira Matsuki picked up one piece of paper out of the box.

"Don't show it to others and wait for all of your classmates to get their own."

said Sensei.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Everyone in the class is showing an enthusiastic smiled in their face. For everyone, seating arrangement is a break for them from studying and they always get excited to this dumb thing. While I'm being left behind on the left side corner at the back, just like always, Everyone is whispering with their Friends at their own pace.

All of the girls are almost done and the last one is....

"Shirasawa San!"

..."Shirasawa Mitsuri?"



Shirasawa san got called by Sensei many times and the third time she got called, she gets up on her chair like she just woke up after taking a nap. She is always prim and upright, It's unusual for her to space out.

"Geez..Don't space out and get yours here!"

"Uhm... s-sorry."

Shirasawa-San flusteredly apologized and walked towards Sakura Sensei. I looked at her and saw her pale body. Is she not feeling well? After all, her face had become dull and gloomy.

After she finished to picked her seat number, it's finally our turn.

"Today should be my lucky day as what they said in the news, this lucky charm will let me sit next to Shirasawa San he~he~he~"

"What did you say? I'm the one who will be sitting next to her!"

My classmates have started to argued who would be sitting next to our class rep. Why are they arguing about it when it's all comes to luck. Sigh, what a bunch of kids. Wait, isn't this a good thing? Their murderous gaze towards me may decrease if I'm not sitting next to Shirasawa-san. Just thinking about it gives me a peace of mind. After the seating arrangement, She won't be sitting next to me any more and I'll be freed from the piercing gaze of the boys. Just thinking about it makes me so happy...or so I thought.

The homeroom is finally over and we're also finally sitting to our new seating arrangement. Yeah, that's right. New seating arrangement means new classmate will be sitting next to me and I won't have to suffer anymore from the gaze of the boys. Yeah that's how it supposed to be.. or so I thought. Shirasawa-San is still sitting next to me. What the heck. How did this happen? Although before she was on the left side, now she's sitting on the right side, we're still sitting next to each other, nothing have changed. Sigh.

"Hey, why is that bastard is still sitting next to Shirasawa-san, isn't that unfair?"

Unfair my ass...who said I wanted to be target by your gaze.

"Ahhh!! Why?why? Even though I brought this lucky charm of mine..why?..."

Sato sawa said in anguished. He's one of my weirdo classmates, he admires Shirasawa-San a lot and always want to be able to sit next to her.

"You lucky bastard!" He looked at me with contempt, along with his hand pointed at me, he started cursing me.

Lucky my ass...Do you really think I'm lucky to study again in this atmosphere?

"Yo! Yusuri " A male voice came from behind. I just brushed it off and I opened my bag to get my pen to prepare for the lecture.

"Hey! Here! You're Yusuri kun right?"

A follow up voice came from behind, it came from the same voice earlier. I turned my gaze towards it and saw Iyatsuki Makoto. He's one of the hunk in this school. Of course he has A decent look and good grades that made him become popular.

"Yo!" He raised his hand and said.

"Do you need something from me?" I asked.

He moved his right hand and touched my shoulder along with his infuriating line.

"I just want to be friends. You seems interesting with those some kind of rumors about you going around in the school and you're still here. You're a tough one huh."

He wants to be my friend?.When did I ever heard that word before? Ah, A friend huh, A friends is someone who suck

up with each other and sometimes it's a one sided. Friends only exist to benefits yourself .Dont joke around, I don't have any intention to have that kind of thing. Even before no one wants to befriend with me, why is he acting like this? It's kinda annoying.

"Oh...friends..sorry but I'm not interested."

I glared at him and removed his hand on my shoulder.

He's too suspicious to act around like that, lets just brushed him off.

I turned my gaze on the front and waited for the class to start...

The class have started. It starts with Sakato Sensei, our teacher in English. The lecture and lessons had gone by as usual and without realizing it, it's finally lunch break.

I putted my things into my bag and stand. I'm not allowed in the cafeteria so I guess I'll go to the rooftop to eat something.

"Y-yusuri kun...uhmm..." A soft voice came from my back, I turned around and saw Shirasawa-San. She's beet red and her hands are shaking. Am I really that scary? Hmm I think she's fine now compared from before. Earlier she's not feeling well.

"Do you need something class rep.? Is it about the assignm--"

"Yusuri kun!!!!... A familiar voice called out my name when i was about to ask Shirasawa san. I turned my gaze towards it and saw Akari. "Hehe~he~ it's already lunch time, let's eat together Yusuri kun!"

The class fell silent. Everyone is shocked that someone is inviting me to eat and moreover, it was Akari, the transferee.

"Isn't that Akari?"

"You mean the Akari who tuned down fifteen guys in just a week?"

"Yeah it's her, there's no doubt about it"

My classmates have started to make a fuss. But why is she here?

"She's going to eat with the rapist? What happened to her?"

"Maybe he's threatening her"

My surprised classmates have started spouting nonsense in their own accord.

Before they're calling me an assaulter and now they're calling me rapist? where did that even come from?

"Ohh.. you're there, let's go and eat at the rooftop" Akari said after she founded where i am and walked towards me.

"Ahhh right, I should call you Miyuki-kun now right?"

She said and smiled. She's now standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What else? fetching my boyfriend to eat with me"

She said and cling onto my shoulder.

"What? Boyfriend?"

"Hey, did she just say boyfriend? The gloomy assaulter? Her boyfriend?"

My puzzled classmates have started to murmur again.

Hey...I know that you're shocked, even I is confused why she's here but are you really obliged to say those words? And what the... Gloomy assaulter? Earlier you called me rapist, now you're calling me like that. Am I going to have so many nicknames from now on?


A stuttered voice came from behind. It was Shirasawa.

" two ar-are dating? Yu-yusuri kun have a girlfriend?"

Shirasawa San shocked face was shown in front of me as she asked those words. The aura around her have become gloomy and she started to waver for some reason.

Is it really that hard for them to believe that i have now a girlfriend ? Everyone is shocked, i guess it's hard to face that someone as gloomy like me got ahead of them. So they really don't expect me to have a girlfriend huh and now they're at this state because I have now a girlfriend, though. it's a fake one.

The atmosphere got really awkward so I grabbed Akari's hand and run towards the rooftop...


"Haaaah....Haaaah...haahh.. that's exhausting"

We're now at the rooftop and Akari is breathing heavily, I guess we ran too fast.

"Sorry I dragged you here all of a sudden"

I apologetic said.

"Haahhh...Ha..I'm fine, and this is where we're supposed to go, so it's fine" she said while catching her breath.

"So what are you trying to pull there? Barging into our classroom like that?"

I asked.

"Of course I'm your girlfriend now and we're dating now so we have to act like one or else they won't believe us"

I guess she have a point but did it really have to be in my classroom? we can just told them we're going out and all.

"Do we really need to act like one? shouldn't we just need to let them know that we're dating or something?"

We sat down on the bench and i asked her those questions

"Of course We have to! We have to act like a normal couple to persuade them that we are really dating or they won't believe us"

She looked at me with a serious face and said.

Well I guess she's really right..

We sat down on the bench and then, "Here" Akari pulled something out in her bag and bring out a lunch box.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious, it's a lunch box."

"So what I'm going to do with that?"

"Obviously you're going to eat this!" Akari held out the lunch box and said

"Why though? It's not like we're really going out or anything."

"Well, it's a thanks for helping me." She said in a soft tone and flushed, could it be, she's embarrassed?

"No, It's fine. You don't have to, It's not like I'm helping you for free, I'll also gain something from this right? You'll help me clear my name and pay me. That's already enough, you don't have to do this." I said and she gave me a cold look.

"What? Enough of that just eat it! eat!" She picked up the lunch box and push it onto my chest. The way she pushed it is too much that it's started to hurt my chest

"Alright, alright, I'll eat it, so stop pushing it onto me!" I held the lunch box and one of her hands to stop her.

"Really! Then, eat this until there's nothing left." Her eyes is sparkling as she said those words.

"Okay then, thank you for the food" Without hesitation I started to dig in and stuff myself. It's so delicious. Did she really made this? This lunch box was something, it's full of different varietes of food. This is bliss, I started to lose my self and without realizing it, the lunch box is already empty.

"Oh *munch *munch you're finished already? That was fast." Akari is eating next to me and got surprised that I was already done eating.

"Is it delicious?"

"Yeah, It's delicious" I answered.

Now that if I think about it, this is the first time I've eaten a homemade lunch from a girl, the only food I ate is the one i made and the one they sell in the convenience store. A girl huh, isn't my mom cooked for me before?....

.My mom huh? Now that if I think about it, I  still can't  remember her? I've started to wonder and search my memory of my mother, but there's none. "Arghhh!!" I let out a shrieked voiced. My head have started to hurt again. Ahhh it hurts. What is this? It hurts so much like back then. It's happening again, shit.

"M-miyuki-kun, Are you Alright? Did you got stomachached because of the food I made?" Akari asked me, her face is flustered and worried.

"No it's not the food. The food you gave me is really delicious. It's just my head had started to hurt again, that's all."

"Really? I'm glad. Are you okay now?"

"Ye-yeah, I guess"

".. Ehh.. what's that?"

Akari's face is showing a puzzled expression in front of me. what is she looking at? Is there something wrong with my face? Ah I think she's not looking at me, rather she's looking at something behind me.

I turned my gaze where she was looking and saw a different kinds of characters floating in the air. What is that? The characters is shining and floating freely in the air. Is that a new technology? Hologram?

"What are those Miyuki kun? For some reason I feel uneasy about it." Akari abruptly said. She hold my hand and I felt her hand trembling. Looks like we felt the same.

The characters have started to form a circle and surrounded us. The floor have started to glow as well.

I looked at it and saw some unknown form of letters and symbols on the ground. what is this? I have a bad feeling about this. The circle form

That surrounded us earlier is now shining so bright. Due to what Ive felt I instinctively hold Akari's hand and pulled her behind me.

"Miyuki kun what is this? it's too bright to see" Akari worriedly said.

"Just stay behind my back.I have a bad feeling about this." We're now standing,  Akari is behind me while her eyes is close. The light enveloped the whole rooftop, It's too bright to see anything, so bright that I can't withstand it anymore, It started to hurt my eyes so I protected it with my left hand. The light is too bright so I decided to close my eyes

as well


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