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Chapter 3: The bar

It's been five days since I got the job with Kolnis

Light rain in the early evening

From that day onward, my nightlife is completely in shambles because of this nightclub gig

Trying to force myself to sleep at 4 PM , I set my alarm clock at 10 PM so I can get the most amount of time to rest . But then , due to my body haven't gotten used to the sudden change in sleep schedule , I suddenly woke up at 8 PM . Although I tried to put myself to sleep again but all of my efforts were in vain.

I opened my laptop , scroll through a couple of YouTube videos as well as some post on Polokis. More than a weak have passed, the serial killing has seem to stopped. The news about him are getting fewer and fewer and instead we got the usual mundane topic such as traveling, cooking,…

After ogling and liking hot babes online , I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of instant noodle with some left-over vegetables in the fridge. Ever since the founding fathers taking their turn ditching my wallet , you can say that a hot cup an instant noodle is my best friend in my day to day life. I maybe single , my clothes can be wacked but instant noodles are essential .

In short, I love instant noodle! Easily one of the best invention that has ever been invented by humanity.

Even when I told myself that , tears start to dripping down on my face. I miss the taste of meat in my mouth. Though the noodle cup have some dried meat in there , it's still pale in comparison. That feeling when you got to bite down on a big juicy piece of meat is simply euphoric. And it's quite depressing to see the noodle cup on my hand.

As I tighten my grip , I shook my head and said to myself: "Just a few more days , from this today onward , my life will turn to the better"

After munching down on the noodle cup, I thrown the cup into the recycling bin and walk toward my drawer which is next to my mattress. The last time I did my laundry was 3 weeks ago , so my selection of clothing isn't something to really brag about.

10 minutes of hesitation have passed , I just took a simple white T with some Chinese letter printed on the back which I don't even know the meaning of it with a blue jean. Cause this is the best I can do.

After done "gearing up", I picked up my phone on my desk and check up on the last bus of the night, heading toward to station 31 – which is only a few minute walk to the nightclub I worked at. It seems like I still got a few minutes to spare. But I still want to show up at the bus stop a tad bit early.

So I grabbed my black umbrella next to my drawer, my green thin jacket, and stepped out the door of my dorm. The night can be a little bit chilly, even though it's in the summer.

The rain dripping down the road and just like what the weather report said, the rain will drag on till the next day. Which is why, I'm using my rain boots instead of my usual sport track. It looks quite old, the leather part outside it's all worn out but other than that, still in good condition. I also got these bad boys for a pretty good deal from that second hand store I mentioned earlier.

A strong gust of wind carrying these rain droplets suddenly blow right onto my face. In a flash, I opened my umbrella and continued onward to the empty street ahead. Since it's almost midnight, the road doesn't have that much traffic going in. Sometimes, the road got lid up by the headlight of a passing by car. And every time a car passed me, I have to squint my eyes, trying not to get myself blind due to the car blinding light.

I don't know if it intentional or not, but some jack-ass in a four seater just ran by puddle in front of me and splatter it all over my body.

The area that I'm currently residing in is rather secluded so the street lighting system is poorly maintenance. So the lights just keep flickering on and off which created this eerie and creepy atmosphere, there are even places where they don't even install the light at all. Which makes me question where did all of my taxes that I have to paid yearly went to.

The bus station number 12 is about 1 km away from my place. Partially due to the heavy wind mixed with the rain, I was walking at a slower pace than I normally would have. But luckily the last bus hasn't arrived yet. I looked over the station, there are still a few people waiting.

"Excuse me" I said as I closed my umbrella a wriggle my way between them.

Six minutes later, the bus slowly approaches. It's an older model, painted like a traditional school bus

I put my hands in my jacket pockets, looking for a few loose change to get on the bus, but the driver just waved at me and said:

"Hey, there's no need" He told me that and pointed at the last row seats. "This is the last trip of the day so free of charge"

I quickly nodded and said my thank then I quickly zoomed to the back of the bus. To be honest the only thing that I don't really enjoy about this job is that I have to take a bus every day to work. I have car sickness ever since I was still a kid and I still have it until this day. if I have to choose between sitting in the middle or the last row of seats in the back, then I would just rather use a bike to move around. So once I got this seat, I would rather die than give it to someone else, I don't care if they are old, young or pregnant. Especially those who are pregnant, should have just dated someone with a car.

Plugging in headphone, I slowly let myself drift away into the melody of these 70s, 80s ballad and rock songs. Ahhh, the golden age of US-UK music is the shit to listen too. With such legendary classics like "Hotel California by The Eagles" or "Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen" these songs will never get old. From the lyrics to the voices of these timeless singers, this is why these songs will forever outshine most of the generic craps these days.

My taste in music is not bad, I know that but it's just that since I only listen and appreciate these kind of music which makes it hard for me to find someone who have the same taste like mine.

As the guitar riff ended, the bus also arrived at station 31. I quickly remove my headphone and put it in my jacket pocket along with my phone. Give my thanks to the kind-hearted bus driver, step out of the door and be on my way

The rain continues to fall, as the rain got heavier and heavier. My hands are getting numb from the shivering cold. Once again, I took out my phone from my pocket just to check the screenshot of the map that I took in the morning.

Around midnight, the 3rd Street became more quiet than ever before. Here, the city lights lit up the dark and silence street but there are no people in sight. On the side walk, the grayish pavement got damped by the merciless rain, creating an unnerving yet calming vibe. The only sound that I can hear is my own footsteps blending in with the sound of the pouring rain.

A sudden chill run down my spine, I instinctively looked behind me but there was nothing behind me. Which is not a pleasant thing to experience in these kind of situations.

In spite of the rain, I can feel myself starting to physically dripping sweats. Something is definitely watching me: "Oh shit, oh God, in the sweet loving embrace of Jesus Christ, please don't be him, please don't be him. I still got a whole life ahead of me, PLEASE"

But yet, that feeling of being followed it's still there. Someone is definitely watching me. And usually when someone or something is doing this kind of stuff to you, you know for sure they don't have any good intentions by doing so.

I looked up to the skies, took a deep breath then close my umbrella. At this point, I have to do it to them.

I stopped for a moment, give my neck and arms a good cracking. Give myself good warm-up, after all, It's been a while since I have the change to used "it" again.

The Joestars family's "secret technique": Running away!!!

My body is reacting on fear alone, I moved my legs and started to sprint toward. In this very moment, every single synapses in my brain went into overdrive, a wave of adrenalin rushed throughout my whole body, I'm not a sporty type of guy but in that single moment, I am speed.

I left everything behind me and I started to run with speed that I never thought I could achieve. Never in my life I have to push myself this much. Maybe those cases that I have read had left an impression into my subconscious. Especially in time like this, when everything is blurrier and creepier.

A hand unfolded from the dark abyss, touching my shoulder sending a bone chilling feeling down my back.

So this is it, 20 years of my life have led me to this, I closed my eyes and pray, and let death embraces me. My only regret is that I haven't deleted my browser history. If I die, at least I want to go out with dignity and pride. I just wish that the cops will never have to check my computer.

"Oi, we are here bro? Where the hell are you running to?"


I screamed and twist my heel, giving them round housekick special that I saw people do online.

"What the heck are you doing?"

They quickly grabbed my foot with their firm grasp. I recognized that voice and that face, it's Kolnis, my best friend.

"Oh it's you, I thought you were someone else." I laughed and start scratching my head at the same time.

"Oh? If it someone else, you would let them have your "Super Kick" huh? Luckily for you, I know all of your tricks by heart."

He said that as he let go of my leg with an annoying look on his face. Right when I lost my balance, he starts puffing his cigarette smoke at me.

*cough, cough* My eyes!! Asshole, if it wasn't for him introducing this gig to me then I would mess him up big time. I have more than just "Super Kick"

Even though he act like the biggest douche and asshole to ever walk this Earth, deep down Kolnis is still a good guy. He's always trying to act cold and uncaring, it's actually quite the opposite. He does care about other people feelings, which is also the reason why it's hard for him to find a friend since he act like a dickhead all the time.

I must say, beside me. I don't think anyone would put up with his bullshit. I'm (such) a generous god.

Kolnis threw his still lit cigarette down to a nearby puddle and stepped on it using the tip of his leather boot. After that, he gave me a distasteful glare.

"Hey, what are the hell are you wearing?"

Yeah sure, this shirt maybe a little old but it's still in good condition. And we all know that, the worn out the jean is the more fashionable it is, so calling it "old-fashion" is a dumb statement. That's why I was a little confused why he asked me that.

"Uhhh, something wrong?"

"Tch, forget it."

Kolnis clicked his tongue then went in ahead of me, towards the mansion that was decorated with a blue-ish and purple-ish shade chandeliers.

If we are talking about the size of this place, then this could be one of the biggest nightclub in the city. Just with the entrance door alone is three times bigger than any ordinary door. On it, it's a glowing neon sign that said "Curabao, Open"

The moment the door is opened, deafening music start blasting out, I almost got sucked in by the place. Loud and ear-raping music, with flashy LED lights along with the stage lights make me feel sick. On the walkway there are six other big burly men, wearing shade and crossing their arm in a discipline matter. They are all wearing a black vest so I guessed they are the security for this place.

And with that, a concern start to emerge from within me: Would I be qualify to work here??? Since everyone here is looking like they have protein shake as their blood type. If we are talking about appearance then I'm not that bad, but I'm no where near these guys level of beefcake. Kolnis on the other hand, he's a gym rat. So if we compare him to these guys then I think he would have a better chance than I am. He's got that ideal height, and a burly body like a grizzly bear.

Both of us went to a room in the far corner of the club, which is also behind the club center dance-floor. Standing outside and wait, Kolnis signal me to tidy up my clothes then slowly push the door open to walk inside.

The sudden flash of fluorescent light takes over me making me squint instinctively. It took a few second for me to regain my vision.

"Good evening chief, this is the guy I was telling you about"

Kolnis said in a calm a respectable manner.

Behind an fancy and expensive oak desk, is a man in a shiny purple vest with his fingers crossed into one another. He's slowly moved lean forward, inspecting me from head to toes like some kind of scanner.

"All right!! You're in kid"

He shouted with joy and slammed his desk.

Which startle the hell out of me, my weak and fragile have too much to handle. I feel like my life span just shorten by a couple of years just because of everything that had happened today.

The man suddenly stood up, cane on one hand and the other one he used it to touch his gray silver-like mustache. Step by step, he approached me.

"Good evening kiddo, I'm Wiko, the owner of this fine establishment called "Curabao"."

The man spoke as he shown his hand in front of me.

After a moment of hesitation, I quickly shook his hand and give him another bow just for safe measure.

"I am Hung Nguyen. Just call me Hung is fine sir."

Wiko is a middle-aged man with a tall and slim figure. With salt and pepper like hair colored, which was grew a little longer than usual, but it would seem that he has taken good care of it which made it looked pretty formal yet stylist. And the weird thing that I noticed about him, is that he's wearing a white glove on his right hand where there are also five other rings on top of it.

"Hung, I welcome you to our nightclub."

He continues as I was fascinated by those dazzling rings. I don't know how much this place is making but this man for sure is making the big bucks based on those rings he's wearing.

"Thank you, sir"

Wiko let out a hearty laugh and give my shoulder a good pat. Then, he turned his attention over to Kolnis and did the same thing to him, this is like a habit of him.

"You did a good job, kiddo. You brought a pretty good catch in such a short notice."

"He's just a friend of mine sir, just when he needed a job so I just asked him to join. No biggie, boss."


Wiko nodded.

"If he's with you then I can trust ya. So? Can he start working today?"

Kolnis immediately hit my arm, signaling me to answer Wiko answer right away.

"Yes sir. I can start right away if you want me to."

I answered with all of my heart.


He started to approached me and grabbed my hand once again.

"You are the kind of person that I have been looking for. Give me a moment, let me get the thing you'll need."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Wiko quickly turned to the corner of the room. Using the keychain on wrist to open the locker in the corner.

Before coming in here, I was pretty anxious about the boss being a total dick or an asshole, but for once life doesn't seems so cruel to me. Wiko is surely a chill and easy-going pe…person?

"Here ya go. Here is your tools, luckily for you I bought this in advice,"

He placed a metal bucket in front of me with a pretty worn-out mob. Right when I'm still processing what is going on, Wiko pulls out a spray bottle and a brush.

What is this, some kind of bullying the new kid ?

"Alright. So you pick it up and take a right turn to head over to the restroom. After you done with cleaning the toilet, go to the basement and look over the guest cars for me , would ya ?"

He said it with a gleeful smile on his face.

"Alright, try not to screw it up, ok? I got things to do so I will head out first."

Kolnis turned his back on me, and start walking toward the door. However, I quickly grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Come on bro, let go of me."

He turned back, he looked at me lovingly.

"What in the …? Did you tell me that this is a security position?"

"Yes. Everything here is a must for you bro."

I couldn't keep my cool because right now, I feel like I'm about to explode.


"Just shut up and pick it up. I told you that it's a part of the job"- He responded with the same monotone voice.

In the distance, Wiko is looking at us. He grips his right first within the palm of his left, like he's trying to say that: "Ahh, I see what's going here."

"It would seem that Kolnis didn't tell you the whole thing, huh? It's true that we are hiring a security but to be more specific we are looking for a PARKING-LOT security and also a janitor. But rest assured, the pay is 150$ per day. If you don't want the job, the so be it."

It's like my whole world just crumbled beneath me, everything is happening like some sort of sick joke. Life is just too cruel and unforgiving, it played me like a damn fiddle.

Yet, for money, I'm willing to do anything. So I'll just swallow my pride and take the job.

"Fine, I'll take it."- I took the bucket with the mob and with a heavy heart, I walked out of Wiko office.

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