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Chapter 3: Raid and Repel

(A/N 1525 words not including A/N edited by HeliosTheDepressed)


[one month later]

It's been a full month since my first attack on a wagon. Since then we moved and hit 2 more wagons. I also started training shooting because it was one of the most powerful pre-grand line forms of killing someone. I asked Aiden why we moved when we were so successful in the last attack. He said "We may have been successful that time but their security was much more than what it has been recently. If we don't move soon they're gonna get stronger and wipe us out."

It makes sense, the only problem with moving is we were almost 100% gonna end up in some other bandits territory. We now have more or less 60 troops to move around so we weren't exactly hard to take on.

I was wandering around the camp looking for something interesting when I saw Jared, Brian, and Aiden talking about something 'hmm seems interesting!' I tried to get closer but just when I got in listening range someone grabbed me by the cloak and dragged me back to the middle of the camp.

"Hey! what the fuck are you doing man!" I screamed in anger turning to look at him.

"Savin your ass kid." The stranger said in a stoic voice. "If Jared found you trying to eavesdrop he would gut you and hang you by your guts, even if he's expecting a lot from you." I made an audible gulp at this. He would gut me? holy shit.

"Wait, what do you mean by expecting a lot from me?"

"Agh forget it. You're a weird kid. What I want to know is what a weird kid like you is doing pretending to be a bandit." He said with a suspicious look in his eye.

"What the hell do you mean by "pretending to be", fart? I don't want to be a bandit, my dream is much much bigger than that you see-- keuk!" I covered my mouth with both hands to stop myself from rambling, for some reason I felt compelled to tell everything to this guy.

"What the hell was that Farticus?!" I named him Farticus

"An old trick, though it would be better if I didn't have it," he said gloomily.

"I'm not gonna ask *sigh*" I decided to leave this weirdo alone. I think he needs to work some things out in his head right now. Well, what should I do now? I guess all I can do right now is train.

[1:30 am random bandit POV]

"*Snoooooore*--ugh, gotta take a fuckin piss."

"Then shut up and go I'm trying to get some shut-eye" a kid maybe 13 or 14 whispered loudly to me with one eye open. I could also hear some stifled laughter coming from the bunk above me.

"Brat." I got up and walked outside into some bushes and started to drain the pipes. "Ahhhh this feels goo *splat*" I looked down slowly. "Oh shit AHHHHHHHH"

[1:33 am Noah POV]

"AHHHHHHH" I heard a scream come from the distance and suddenly remembered about that random guy that had to piss. 'That fucker, disrupting my beauty sleep!' I grabbed my gun and a knife then raced outside with 4 other people and what we saw will haunt me in the future.

The guy who had to piss was holding his groin and blood was leaking out between his fingers. Suddenly he fell down his stomach first. "OH SHIT are you alright man?!" one of the guys beside me said and ran up to him.

The guy that was beside me ran up and crouched next to the random bandit but suddenly out of nowhere a poleaxe chopped off his head. After that, a huge guy dressed in leather barbarian armor walked slowly into view and screamed at the top of his lungs "GO GO GOOOO! KILL THE INTRUDERS!!!"

And with that 43 other bandits came out of the forest behind the barbarian guy. Obviously, this was an attack from another group of bandits so I whipped out my pistol and tried to shoot the barbarian. Unfortunately for me, the bullet dinked off his heavy armor. "FUCK!" He rushed at me and swung his pole ax horizontally trying to decapitate me. I pulled a Neo and ducked backward the spear tip of the ax just barely missing my nose.

"This kid has potential!" He said excitedly, are all bandits this bloodthirsty? I wanted to counter and pulled out my dagger. I tried stabbing the barbarian in his exposed armpit but he was able to use the handle of his ax to hit my arm stopping the knife in its tracks. I dropped it and decided this was the time to dip. I used all the force I could and dug my feet into the ground and pushed, darting off to Jared's room. The barbarian just looked amused and went to kill some other guys. 'Thank god for plot armor!!!!'

I ran to Jared's room hearing the screams of bandits. I couldn't tell if it was my boys, theirs, or both of our troop's dying. I barged through Jared's door to see him completely naked with a random woman we found on a wagon. "Gross man! Put on some pants we're being raided by our neighbors!"

"HAH FINALLY! Noah, chain her up and get ready! I'm gonna go out there and fight!" Jared ordered me and ran out the door putting on his armor as he left.

"I got clean-up duty?! Fuck me. I guess they are all that bloodthirsty" I don't really like rape but as Jareds inferior I couldn't really stop him. I looked over to the woman, she seemed 30 maybe. She looked at me with pleading eyes that basically said 'Help me!' "tch! I'm sorry, but I can't help you." I said solemnly as I chained her to the wall. Her eyes turned angry then filled with despair.

[5 minutes later]

I made my way down to my bunk silently and got my clothes on, I was still in my pj's this whole time. I got my butterfly swords and some more ammo for my pistol. I ran outside and went to work sneaking and slashing enemies from behind. Soon I had to actually fight and the moment came when a random opp slashed at me with his sword.

"Fucker do you want to kill me!" I shouted as I dodged to the side and slashed at his stomach left to right with my swords. He seemed to just barely weave back and I only cut his shirt. I used my momentum and did a spin and then slashed from above this time. This forced him to block, I swung as hard as I could down making him drop his sword. He looked spooked and started to turn to run, I dashed and used my momentum to stab my swords through his back and they just barely poked out of his chest.

He fell forward and I landed on top of him, stomach to back I stopped to catch my breath and looked up from the ground. Suddenly a large foot stomped right in front of my face making me jump back, luckily I held onto my swords this time. The people fighting were Jared and the barbarian, though it was obvious Jared had the advantage, he was pushing the barbarian back fast with swift strikes that the barbarian could only defend against.

"RETREAT!" The barbarian shouted as he realized he can't defeat Jared, he kicked Jared and started running, the other enemies also ran. I started to pick them off with my pistol until Jared also shouted.

"FOLLOW THEM! KILL THEM ALL!" Everyone gave a battle cry and sprinted after the enemy bandits. Earlier we had about 60 troops, now we have 42. Most of us were killed in the initial surprise attack, when Jared, Aiden, and Brian joined the fight it gave a morale and strength boost to our troops.

[2 hours later]

Everyone in one piece has ungodly stamina, we have been in a full sprint for 2 hours. The worst of us are breathing hard and the best look like they walked half a mile. I'm somewhere in the middle, even though in my last life my mile time was 12 minutes. Anyways we've chased these guys for probably 30 miles now and finally, we saw lights in the distance.

"JUST A LITTLE LONGER BOYS!" The barbarian shouted, which means that we're coming up on their base. After another minute of sprinting, we were at their camp. Everyone prepared for combat now that we chased them all the way to their base. Suddenly a new voice called out.

"Moneybaggs! I have a proposition for you!" We all stopped and looked at the camp, the people who attacked our camp absorbed into their main force. I could see the barbarian red in the face, the one who shouted was a skinny disheveled man with jet black hair and creepy eyes. When Jared saw the guy his face became sharp.

"Slithering Kenny." He said with a low growl...

To be continued...

Lanceboi Lanceboi

cliffhanger yay 3rd chap have a nice day. Like it? Add to library! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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