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Chapter 5: Raid on Wolfwater [2]

(A/N about 1200 words sry for the short chapter, edited by HeliosTheDepressed)


We pushed up through the more elite guards than the regular town guards until we made it to where the governor was. He was sitting at a desk with lots of papers and was surrounded by 3 of the most elite guards they have. It's time for the final fight to begin!

He stared at us looking grumpy and tired. 'He's not afraid, even in front of over 50 bandits in his room trying to gut him?' This confused me. How could a man be fearless and even bored when his town was just burned to the ground. Suddenly I realized exactly why he looked bored when one of the elite guards crouched slightly and dashed to a group of us.

The guard moved like a machine, super-efficient and deadly. They sliced off 4 bandits heads with one swing then tried to move on but Brian engaged the guard with a powerful strike with his longsword. Without missing a beat the other 2 guards dashed to engage Jared and Aiden respectively.

The guards that were fighting Aiden and Brian were doing so easily only unable to defeat Aiden and Brian because of the tens of bandits being thrown at them. On the other hand, the other elite guard that was fighting with Jared was having a hard time but would probably win if given enough time.

Brian was now losing, all he could do now was block and pray he didn't have any openings. I needed to help him so we didn't lose this battle, I started sprinting towards the guard just as he was lifting his huge pole ax above his head ready to chop straight through Brian's guard and split him in half.

[Brian POV]

I could not defend anymore. My arms are numb from the constant attack and my legs are numb from dodging so much. Suddenly "AGHHH!" I heard a warcry that made me lose focus for a second. It seemed to affect the guard as well and the bandits that were trying to help me with the guard.

A figure dashed and tackled the guard to the ground, trying to stab through the heavy plate armor the guard was wearing. "Noah! what the hell are you doing?!" I screamed.

"Getting you out of a sticky situation!" He said in an aggravated voice. 'This kid is fucking insane' I thought.

[Noah POV]

"Getting you out of a sticky situation!" I was kinda annoyed because I just saved his ass. I gave an involuntary war cry at the time, it seemed irrational and stupid but it felt like the right thing to do.

I got up from the ground and yelled at all of our troops around me. "ATTACK HIM NOW!" The guard's heavy armor would not let him get up from the ground so easily. Now that we have an advantage, we should do as much damage as possible to the armor and hopefully to the actual guy.

Everyone around the big guy started to hammer attacks on him while he tried to get up. Every time he would get somewhat close to getting up people would kick his side and head until he fell back down. It was kind of gruesome, but now was not the right time to feel bad for someone trying to kill me.

I looked at the government guy, he started to look worried seeing one of his elite guards getting beaten to death by a bunch of bandits. Brian was sitting on the ground. It looked like he was out of the fight, for now, I decided it would be best to help Aiden next.

I kicked this guy one more time before sprinting to the other side of the room and trying to tackle the other guard. This time however the guard wasn't stuck in an attacking animation and was able to step back to avoid my tackle. There were fewer fodder bandits over here as well because most of them went to try to kill the other guy since he was weakened.

The big guy switched his target to me and swung his large katana seemingly to disembowel me. It was fast but I was just slightly faster, I kicked the floor as hard as possible and leaned as far back as possible and even then the blade barely missed my nose and cut my long hair a little bit. Aiden then screeched "I'm your opponent fatass!" as he kicked the guards back sending him stumbling forward directly towards me.

I almost did a backflip because of the momentum I built up but I steadied myself and stabbed at the stumbling guard's armpit where there was no plate armor. My sword almost didn't go through because of the chainmail he was wearing. I put enough force into the strike to get through the armor and penetrate his arm.

Without skipping a beat Aiden ran up behind him and swung at the guard's knee, which was unprotected as well. This meant the guard lost an arm and a leg on the same side. He fell down and started pleading for his life.

"Please don't kill me! I have a family!" My face scrunched up, this felt wrong. This man was just doing his job and we came and tried to kill him. I was about to say something when Aiden came out of nowhere and stabbed through the man's eye killing him.

My jaw dropped as Aiden said, "Teach you to never mess with us!" Then he spits on the guy's corpse. He turned around and then asked me "You ok Noah? Thanks for the assist!"

"Y-yeah im ok, and you're welcome." I said stuttering a little bit.

"I'm gonna help Jared, you go take care of the injured one." He ordered me.

"Ok, it should be quick then we'll help you guys," I said as we ran in different directions, I went back to the now very weakened guard that was basically hanging onto life by a thread. "Everyone back off of him." Everyone did as I said, I walked up to the guard and trying to emulate what Aiden did, stabbed him right in the eyehole. I didn't give him a chance to talk. If he talked I would hesitate and even for an injured man, it could lead to my death.

I looked over to where Jared was and saw that they were basically done with their fight. I walked to Brian and helped him up and we hobbled over to Jared and Aiden.

"What the hell happened to Brian?" He asked.

"More like what the hell happened to you?" Brian mumbled noticing a giant slash on Jared's chest.

"HAHA! That fight was exhilarating! Now, let's find that retard governor." He said looking over to an empty chair.

"""Oh shit.""" We all said in unison. It looks like the guy slipped out while we were saying our final goodbyes to the guards. I ran over to his desk and found a button that opens a secret passage of some sort.

"Jared, what should we do?!" I asked, waiting for an order.

"Meh, leave it. The faster they learn about this the faster we get to have more fun!"

And so the killing continued as we took over town after town, killing everyone in our path. Until one day all that stood was the king and his most loyal soldiers and town, Larkinge.

Lanceboi Lanceboi

I know its a short chap but I have something good planned for next chap. gimmie powerstones plz

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