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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Various Pov's

If the last couple days could be summed up in a single word for Yukari Yakumo it would have been, 'Exhaustion' That bastard Moria had become the very worst type of God to awaken within the confines of Gensokyo.

"Fucking mountain gods... I thought I would never need to deal with them with how the Shinto's outside sealed away and have been constantly draining the only mountain god to form in Japan at Mount Fuji..." Although Yukari had nothing to do with the sealing of that poor mountain god who just awakened and wasn't even entirely sentient. Even she couldn't deny the value of having basically a hose shooting out infinite mana to support whatever she wanted.

"It's the only damn reason Takamagahara hasn't collapsed yet with the declining faith of humanity..." Yukari pouted as she slumped into her chair at her modern house between dimensions.

"Lady Yukari can't you just mend bridges... A fully sentient mountain god helping to support Gensokyo will do much to help you." Ram Yakumo's tails behind her flared out as she began nagging at Yukari. "Besides it's not like you two have fought or killed one another's people so why haven't you attempted to play the long game as the god certainly can't be all that intelligent having just been born?"

Yukari shook her head as she groaned in defeat and laid her head onto the table and between her arms. "He is almost certainly a human who was incarnated as the mountain god as he seemed to know me and little Reimu..."

Chen Yakumo, Ran's shikigami then popped her head out of her bedroom with her wearing gaming headphones as she sarcastically yelled down the hallway. "Just give him a priestess or something from one of the girls running around causing trouble in Gensokyo."

Yukari stood up in excitement. "Ahaha Chen you are genius! If he has a priestess to help him gather faith, he will be too busy impregnating her and trying to process the purer filtered faith through the priestess to cause problems!"

"And if he isn't like Greek gods who try to impregnate everything, they see whether it be sea foam or a tree?" Ram said drily but Yukari waved her off as her mind was in a whirl trying to think of possible candidates and whether she should chance trying to snag one of the Hakurei priestess candidates from the real world.

"He is a god so if he doesn't attempt to stick his nose and other bits into other people's business then we have a much bigger worry." Yukari waved off.

Ram just sighed, smiling lightly then asked respectfully. "Well either way would it be alright if I attempted to play peacemaker Lady Yukari?"

"Yes, yes, Ram I heard you, go ahead make some food," Yukari replied blowing Ram off making the nine-tailed fox woman's eye twitch in frustration before a literally foxy smile that showed a bit of teeth flashed.

"Yes, Lady Yukari... I will get something for you to chew on..."


Reimu Hakurei was having a mixed day today. Oh she was glad to hear from one of the villagers that some hero had managed to track down the spider Yokai and exterminate it, while also saving the missing children that it took.

But she knew deep down the trust and faith that the Villagers had in the Hakurei Shrine was waning again with all the incidents happening every few weeks or at most a couple of months apart. The elders were complaining about how her mother never allowed such monsters to take root and play with the very world by wreathing it in blood mist or doing stuff with the moon.

"I can't do a damn thing when a Yokai want to flip the world sideways..." She groaned as even though she either alone or with Marissa had always beaten the tar out of the troublemaker, but the incidents kept happening which was the trouble.

"Maybe I should ask Yukari to help disperse the Moriya gods and make them reform for a few centuries. That should teach them a lesson plus I will be long dead by the time those troublemakers can even talk to people." Reimu muttered before groaning hearing a loud crashing coming from her small storage shed where kept a bunch of stuff that wouldn't fit inside the shrine. "My booze." Reimu cried as she sprinted outside hearing the giggling of Suika.

But even as she ran outside Reimu's finely tuned battle senses felt a powerful magical signature rapidly approaching and as she looked up from trying to wrestle the large jug of Saki the villages gave her for helping to fight off the invading Yokai, she saw what looked to be a small golden brick covered in magic falling towards her shrine.

"Suika stop that, and I will give a bit of the Saki!" Reimu cried out knowing how Suika's ability was able to mess with the weight and mass of stuff she wanted and Suika obviously saluted hearing how she wouldn't need to fight Reimu to chug half the large barrel of alcohol.

"Alright, you said it Reimu that barrel of Saki is mine haha!" Suika yelled and then blasted up into the air and slapped the falling golden boulder and made it lose almost all its 'density' with her special ability and then brought it down with an old expression.

"What's with the face Suika..." Reimu asked as she nonchalantly put the Saki into the storage shed and then put a number of seals around it to both protect it and keep a certain thieving Oni from stealing it before she can exterminate her a little.

Suika's face twitched several times as she flipped over the golden brick several times. "Hey Reimu imma keep this brick... See Ya!" She yelled and attempted to fly off, but Reimu already knew something was off and with this being the Hakurei Shrine with a great many numbers of seals placed around the temple she was able to easily bind up the Oni and take golden brick from her.

After looking at the brick Reimu was able to see how it was basically a letter being sent from Moria about how he had the children and asked for Reimu to play messenger and bring a couple people from the human village and to escort them back should they desire it. "It's just a letter why do you want it so much?" Reimu scoffed making Suika cackle. "Oh, and for trying to steal my Saki again I am going to leave you bound there for a week." The Hakurei Priestess said nonchalantly making the drunken Oni moan out in defeat.

"Alright Reimu you win... If you let me out, I will tell you why I wanted that brick so much." Suika said pitifully as she would rather die than be left out in the sun without any booze.

"You aren't just going to say it was shiny are you..." Reimu said dryly and Suika paused for a minute before shaking her head with a smile as that was obviously her plan and Suika was many things, but she wasn't directly a liar as she saw that as beneath her as an Oni.

After making the seals loosen and drop the Oni to the ground with a yelp, Suika soon enough got up and gave the golden brick a longing look making Reimu hold it possessively in her arms against her breasts. "Reimu not only Yokai, or Oni but even Gods are willing to attack you for that metal as not even a hundred of a percent of that slab of metal went into making my divine wine casket or was imbued into Yuugi's wine bowl." She said solemnly making Reimu roll her eyes at the thought of a bunch of troublemakers once again making trouble. But hey at least this time the troublemakers would come directly to her.

"Get on with it Suika what is the damn metal..." She said making the seals around the shrine jostle making the Oni pout in not be able to act mysterious.

"Bah Reimu you aren't any fun..." She said smiling before she went back her more solemn face. "Thats Heavenly Gold which in particular has the ability to enhance the power of enchantments many folds without increasing the cost of using them."

Reimu blinked in surprise and stilled for a second before shrugging and stuffing the small brick between her breasts and under her wrappings. "How much do you think I could get if I tried to sell it in the Human Village." She said excited as she didnt really care for the additional power she could get from it in comparison to not needing to eat a bunch of wild mushrooms with all the donations drying up.

"Nothing more than normal gold as they wouldn't be able to use the metal especially to its fullest extent. If anything, your best bet for selling it would be those Moriya godesses as they have been getting plenty of donations since they came to Gensokyo." Suika said poking at how Reimu was falling behind in working with the people in comparison to Sanae.

"Hmm those goddesses are troublemakers... Meh maybe if I drain all there purses, they won't be a problem!" Reimu cried out making Suika facepalm.

Azazyel Azazyel

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