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57.14% Cold Iron AFP

Chapter 4: Meeting of Ice

It's been a couple of days since I've become a member of the league and I haven't been doing much. I saved a bunch of people here and there but most of the time I just flew around Gotham looking for my brother and Bane. haven't found anything on Bane so today I was called by Batman for backup during a raid. I flew to the Watchtower to meet with the team for the mission, As I got close to the air dock I saw they call Cyborg on the mission. He met me at the door and we walked to the mission-ready room.

"How have you been Jake? hope you've been good since you've been on your own?" He said to me and I turned and smiled, "I've been good but just worried about Brad my brother, haven't found any traces of him anywhere. " We talked a bit passing by a couple of heroes going to the ready-room, I saw Barb was in the mess hall and she waved at me. Cyborg nudged my shoulder, "You know she's Dicks Ex right?" He said to me and I laughed a bit, "She's just a good friend and has been helpful on my brother's case. Plus I don't think she could handle me if you know what I mean." I said back to Cyborg, he blushed a bit then we got serious once we entered the hall.

"All right you're here, we have a mission to find Cold's brother, we found he's being held here and the whole place has sensors and guards." I interrupted Batman during the briefing, "Why don't I just go get him myself?" Batman looked at everyone and I shut up when they glared at me, "If you trip the sensors the guards will kill all the kidnapped kids including your brother. You, Supergirl and Superboy are to wait till the ground stealth team takes out the sensors. After that, you three will bust in and get all of the kids out of the building." Batman looked at me then pressed my shield, my dark blue turned to black on my suit and he said, "This is going to be the hard part, keep your anger in check if they feel you cooling the area it will trip the sensors." I shook my head, yes and we started the mission heading to the location of the kidnapped kids.

The ground team went to work and I was standing with Supergirl and Superboy, "So did my cousin really train you?" SuperGirl asked me and I shook my head yes, " Yeah along with Batman and some others." They did their part of the mission while I talked with the Supers, "how did you get your powers? was it from an experiment, or was it something else?" SuperBoy asked me and I smiled, " I was blown up by a cold bomb, it froze me in a wall of ice, and from that my powers awakened." I said and they looked at each other and then mentioned my superman like abilities. " Ah that's right, Batman had some of Superman's skin or hair on his suit from a different mission. When I was close to him apparently the hair or skin got on me." I said and SuperBoy started to say, "So when then explosion bust of helped combine that d.n.a to what was already changing."

We talked about my powers for a bit till that was when we got the all-clear signal from the ground team. I grabbed Superboy and Supergirl and I charged in throwing Superboy into a heavy suited guard. I flew over to the cages with all of the kids I saw my brother in the corner, he was huddling in the corner. "Brad! are you, alright brother!?" I yelled to him and he stood up and I saw he had a scar on his face. He ran over to the door and I ripped it off and grabbed him, "I finally brother, are you good?" I said to him and he shook his head, yes and I had Batman take him out of the building so I can get the rest of the kids out.

One cage after another I got every kid out without losing my temper till I spotted Bane who was just coming back to the building. He saw the kids running away and tried to stop them, I caught him with my fist and brought him to the ground. "Oh, they brought in the new little hero to do their bidding." He said in that old Hispanic accent that almost seemed fake, " You have taken someone who is precious from me and now I will make sure you are going to prison." That was when I started to unload on him with more hits till he was on the verge of death. Superboy and Supergirl had to stop me from actually killing the man. Batman then came around to see the very badly beaten Bane laying on the ground.

"Kid I thought we said not to kill anyone!" Batman yelled and everyone told him Bane was alive, "Sir I'm sorry when I saw him my mind went blank, and then these two stopped me from killing him." I looked down at Bane as the league took him away to prison. "Son go take a vacation, we'll call you if we need your help," Batman said to me when I calmed down from the mission, I took my brother and we just did that. I took a long break I needed from looking for Brad for months, I even moved into an apartment in Metropolis near Superman's place. Bradley was very quiet and this was very unlike him, he was always talking to me about some huge scheme he was going to try.

one morning when I was drinking some coffee he asked me, "Are you really part of the Justice League?" I turned around and saw he was dressed in a familiar suit, it was closely resembling a thief on the news. "You're the freak arent you? did Bane pawn you off so you could steal for them?" I asked him and he shook his head yes, "I was given stealth powers and I stole so much in the months I was under his control." He told me and I came up to him and he gave me a cube device and showed me the things he stored in it. It was all the things he stole while he worked for Bane, "I'll return these when the times comes now just relax and don't tell anyone about this." Brad sighed and he went to school after it turned nine.

I sat in the chair for a bit till I decided to go for a flight after I called Superman, "Hey can you have someone keep an eye on my brother while I go for a little trip?" Superman agreed to send his cousin and I went to Star City. I was in my civilian clothes when I was walking around, everyone didn't pay attention to me at all and I liked that. I've been in my Super suit for months and this was a well good change of pace. I came across this bar with a weird name on it and so I went in. There inside were a ton of henchmen and villains drinking and dancing. They stopped watched me walk into the bar with a smirk on my face.

I walked over to the bartender and she looked at me like I was the dumbest person she's seen come in. I smelled a cigar and looked over to see the guy in classic zebra stript clothing smoking one. "You have another one?" I asked him and he offered me one, "Here you go little champ, this one is my cheaper one." He said to me and I lit it and took a long drag as everyone went back to their dancing and drinking. "What brings you normal type into this bar?" The bartender asked me and I laughed, "You think I'm normal? this is funny I'm on vacation and wanted a change of pace." The Bartender looked offended and I asked for a beer, she smirked and handed me a warm one. She watched me cool it off when I started to drink it, everyone saw me do that and surrounded me. "Are you the one who hospitalized Bane a week ago, that new hero?" The who gave me the cigar asked me and I smiled a bit, " Maybe, next time he shouldn't kidnap kids if he doesn't confrontation."

I turned to everyone and then drank the last of my beer and said this, " It took everything I had not to end him for kidnaping my brother. Would any of you do the same if given the opportunity?' Everyone looked at me with sad eyes and wondered what my next move is. "Can I ask you guys not to take kids or touch my brother?" Everyone agreed and told me that most villains have a code on those kinds of things. Only deal in kids if they get paid upfront and triple the normal rate, you never know who you might piss off.

I and the rest of the people around me started to drink a bit and I smoked with the guys next to me till I got an alert from Batman. I shook the guy's hands around me while I left saying, "Don't do anything to get my attention and we'll be fine." I walked out of the bar and flew to the Batcave in Gotham. When I got there Barb was the only one in the cave, "Head to Gotham PD Bat's is waiting for you." I hovered for a moment then I jetted away to find Batman, When I got to the cop shop I saw he was talking to Gordan.

"Ah, you finally made it Cold, this is Chief Gordan he's in charge of the whole Gotham PD," Batman said and I got an attitude with him for a moment. "We have an Ice meta to deal with, she and her boss she's been working for have been stealing from jewelry stores for a couple of days no. We don't know who it is for sure but we think it might be Captain Cold and Killer Frost." Batman let me know all of the information and I smiled. "So just a smash and grab mission right?" I asked Batman and he seemed to smile for a second.

Gordan then told me not to hurt them too much for their trial, "Sir I'll go easy on them believe me, Bat's orders." Gordan didn't like how cocky I was but I could unlike most people back up my words. We left the roof and headed to the last scene of the last jewelry heist, like Batman fashion we were on the edge of the building hiding in the shadows waiting for something. "Bats, why are we waiting here, don't you know where they are?" I asked him and he turned to me and asked if I could feel when an area is colder than normal.

I shook my head, "Yeah, but if it's only fresh and from an actual Meta's and thing unnatural. It's not like I can tell who they come from without knowing them." When I told him that I did see a little bit of Ice on the doors of the building. I put my hand out and felt cold pressure coming from the west of the building. Batman looked at me and then I jumped down and headed down the street for a moment. I stopped when I heard ice crack in a dark alley, I looked down the path and caught an ice spike with my hand.

Then from out of the shadows came the two we were after, Captian Cold and Frost. I looked at both of them and I smiled, "Well isn't this a surprise Bats? I found both of them." I said as Batman landed next to me and saw I had cornered them. "Careful Kid, these two are very dangerous to deal with," I stopped him and I had to look at who he was telling that to. "Yeah they are, but for old Cold Iron here, they aren't even a hair on me face," I said to Batman and Frost seemed annoyed by that comment and hit me with a spike once more.

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