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Chapter 4: Chapter Three: A Strange Occurrence (Alex’s POV)

A short walk from the Quiet Blossom pavilion, where my new home was attached, brought me to the inner courtyard where my disciples and the disciples of my Senior Brother were working diligently on their morning chores. If I remember correctly, the book stated that Lan only had two disciples he hand chose and a few others given to him from his Sect Brother.

The sweet smell of blooming peach blossoms wafted through the air and the gentle babbling of a turquoise-blue stream that cut along one side of the courtyard, snaking between the vibrant peach trees, made me feel a sense of peace. It didn't take much convincing to understand why Lan disliked leaving the Sect. The book didn't give this place any justice; in my eyes, this place was tranquil and could quell even the most discordant soul. However, I could take in the sights later; for now, I needed to find my current number one disciple and interrogate him.

As I walked along the cobblestone paths, the rowdy chattering of disciples drew my attention, and soon I came across a small group of young Cultivators. Thanks to the memories still contained within this body, I recognized them as my disciples and discerned which one I was searching for.

Zhou Su was a plain-looking teen; nothing about him was noteworthy besides his above-average usage of Qi. In a world with exceptional beauties, it was a shame that Su did not get the same love when he was created! However, it was probably because he was just cannon-fodder for Kai to become the Demon Lord since Su was his primary source of grief during his time in the Sect. With his Master overlooking the abuse, it was a wonder why Kai didn't hate Lan in the story!

[Inner Dialogue] "Ahh, I wonder if Su will torment Kai this time as well. Maybe if I recruit Kai earlier, they could at least learn to tolerate each other; they would still be Brothers after all." I scowled at the thought, "Sure, it'll be that easy. But, at the very least, I need to make sure Kai isn't tormented!"

"Zhou Su," I called out quietly to the group of disciples. My voice surprised me; it was pleasantly soft but commanding. A voice that befits a Monarch who dictated respect. Sure enough, the rowdy group of disciples quieted instantly at the sound of my voice and cupped their hands in a respectful greeting.

Su raced over as soon as I called out his name, his hands cupped before him in a deferent greeting. He was always eager to please his Master and often came running to do whatever was needed. "Yes, Master?" He asked, his tone agreeable. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes slightly as I thought about how he enthusiastically abused Kai, who showed more promise in Cultivation and Martial Arts within the book. I shook myself of the growing resentment, reminding myself that I could still change that myself if needed.

I flicked the fan slowly, letting a light breeze caress my face as I looked down at my disciple before finally speaking, "Tell me what day and year it is." A look of confusion overtook Su's modest face; he seemed to be on the verge of asking me about it before thinking better and quickly answering.

"It is the seventh day of the fifth month, during the tenth year of the Fanrong reign!" He diligently answered, hands still cupped before him.

I nodded once before dismissing him and the others, firmly advising that they begin their morning practice. Perhaps a bit too firmly if the pale faces were anything to go off of. I sighed and blamed my inability to show expression, though I think if I tried smiling, that would have scared them further.

Turning on my heel, I walked along the stone pathways, weaving in between groups of disciples that began their martial training. I strolled along until I came to the edge of the forest that rose up behind my home. From the edge of the forest, I could tell that this place was different from what I was used to. It felt alive, sacred, and tranquil. Taking a step past the boundary, I was greeted with a refreshing breeze and the soft trill of birds that sat high within the leafy boughs.

I wandered further into the forest, passing my group of disciples who diligently practiced their Martial Arts with practice swords until I came across a clearing. My clearing, my space. This area was off-limits to everyone but the Sect Master since I often trained and meditated here. The clearing was surrounded by towering Oak and Larch trees that formed a circle with a pristine, natural waterfall and lagoon taking up one side. Empyreal flowers resembling Spider Lilies decorated the ground in batches, but what caught my eye the most was what dominated the center of the clearing. An Oaktree, but this wasn't just any Oaktree. This one was ancient! It was believed that ancient trees housed spirits of nature, and they resembled good luck for a Cultivator like him. This one stood at the center, overshadowing every other tree within the vicinity with its massive trunk and widespread verdant branches that reached high into the Heavens.

I was in awe of the tree and couldn't help but place my hand against the thick trunk once I made my way over. There was a soft hum against my palm and, instinctually, I closed my eyes where a gentle heat enveloped me. It felt like a mother's embrace, safe and warm. Though I never had a mother that I could remember, and Lan's memories were fragmented, it still brought forth a feeling that I couldn't tell whether it was from 'me' or this body. I felt like I was being comforted by the old tree as if it could sense the chaos that I endured upon being thrust into an unknown world.

I withdrew my hand and looked up at the many branches above me with a shaky sigh. If I could smile, I would have, but all I could do was press on with what I came here to do. Which was getting a grasp of my skills and what I could do. Even a little bit of knowledge would help!

To start with, meditation. I sat in a lotus position and closed my eyes, feeling the circulation of Qi to discover what core I was at. After a moment, I recognized that I was at Rank Seven, middle-stage, a difficult feat at my age. It was no wonder Lan became a Monarch at such a young age, or maybe this was thanks to his blood. Lan's parents weren't mentioned much in the novel, but from some speculation and the fact that he was essentially genderless, fans could deduce that he was from a Divine clan, or at least he was half-Divine. Maybe mortal from his father's side of the family, since his mother was a Divine herself. I really wish I could scan through Lan's fragmented memories, but I assumed they would come back in time.

Standing slowly, I stretched my arms above my head and thought of my next move. Perhaps I should move on to Martial Arts now? I'll start with Luoxue and my fan; it would be helpful to get the hang of using both since I might need them soon. I slowly unsheathed Luoxue from its lustrous scabbard hanging at my hip. The delicate, longsword in my right-hand glimmered in the sunlight as if it was made of tiny snowflakes that reflected the caught light. A pure silvery-white blade with the characters for Luoxue, or Falling Snow, etched into the blade near its ornate hilt. Concentrating on the sword, I could feel my Qi stream into it, causing a brilliant cerulean-blue aura to blanket the sword to add to its strength and durability.

I thought it would be good to start with a simple Aura Swing as it was the basics of basics in learning how to wield your sword's aura. With a simple swing of my sword, a blast of the same cerulean-blue light erupted from the blade and cut across the ground, leaving a deep scar in the earth and leaving me dumbstruck.

[Inner Dialogue] "Ahh! What is this? Why is it so powerful? How did Lan die before if even a simple strike like this could part the earth so easily! Maybe I should take a break from practicing my sword aura attacks for now," I whined to myself and continued muttering over the terrible fate of the Lan from the story. (ლ `Д ́ )ლ

Time passed quickly as I practiced how to control the strength of my aura attacks and sword techniques. By the time dusk arrived, bathing my entire clearing in a pale red, various trees had become subject to my practice. Leaves embedded with my aura stuck to the mid-section of multiple trunks, some deeper than others as I worked on my control, but by the time I finally stopped, I could feel I had a better understanding of my power. I also learned that animals loved me if it was any indication by the growing audience of the assorted animals lined along the trees' boundary. Me from before and the current me both adored animals, and I could feel the excitement flutter in my chest as I gazed at each of the animals, especially those with fluffy coats!

The snap of a twig behind me startled me enough that I whirled around with Luoxue brandished and ready to strike. However, the strike never connected as the unknown entity quickly sidestepped the aura attack, scattering petals of the bright spider lilies. I paused for a moment as my vision cleared and settled my gaze evenly at the entity, now man, before me.

"Did I startle you, Junior Brother? I did not realize you were so engrossed in your practice that you did not feel my approach," the man smiled, lightening his teasing tone as he approached.

With a start, I realized who it was, memories of this man trickled back into my mind one by one, and I silently cursed at myself. Then, cupping my hands, I bowed in respect, "Greetings, Sect Master Yue." A simple, even response, but it was just like Lan. However, on the inside, I was a mess of emotions. I just attacked the Sect Master, Yue Yahui!

Sect Master Yue chuckled and raised his hand before speaking, "Enough of that; I think we've known each other long enough that you don't need to be so formal when we're home! Ahh, but that is just like you, isn't it, Little Lan?"

The familiarity of his words caused an instant reaction from me, and I shot him my best glower despite my expression never changing as I straightened. While I didn't feel any displeasure from the apparent affection, it was still unusual for a Sect Leader to call his Junior Brother. However, Sect Master Yue had always been determined to be a real brother to 'me' and, despite my best efforts, I was still happy by the warm tone.

Sect Master Yue held a simple cloth-wrapped package towards me and explained, "When I couldn't find you at the pavilion, I assumed you were still training, so this is a change of clothes for you. Hurry and bathe. I have something to discuss with you, so I will wait for you in the Room of Tranquility." A warm smile graced his handsome features as I took the clothes from him. The Room of Tranquility was the name Sect Master Yue took to calling my bedroom since it was always clean and quiet.

I watched the Sect Master walk away with a purple fan clasped in his hands, the one he always used after his precious Junior Brother bought it for his birthday. It looked like he never used a different fan from Lan's memories. Taking the opportunity to scrutinize Sect Master Yue's appearance when he paused to inspect one of my many training trees, I couldn't help but appreciate that this world just kept sending handsome men and beautiful women here!

Yue was tall, a good head taller than me, and while I may be considered slender due to my more feminine looks, he was lean in a purely masculine way. His hair was a light shade of honey-brown that traveled to his waist much like mine, but he kept his tied up in a simple black ribbon instead of a crown that most would use. His eyes were unique and shocked most when they first gazed into them as they were like a warmed jade, instantly drawing you in and making you feel at ease with him. True to his style, he wore a deep plum-colored robe with a golden dragon coiled around a group of white Jasmines embroidered along the sleeves.

Before I got caught checking out my Sect Master, I hurried over to the translucent lagoon. I never saw water as clear or blue as this in my previous life! Placing the folded clothes close to the side of the water, I peeked around to make sure the Sect Master had left before shrugging off my robe and stepping gingerly into the water.

I couldn't explain the feeling that overcame me as I sat in the water. Heaven? Was this Heaven? I sighed deeply and sank further into the heated water, feeling the stress of the day float away as my muscles relaxed. The lagoon made me curious, but I had no memory of what made this water special so far. However, that could wait until later. Sect Master Yue was waiting on me to get back, and I shouldn't keep him waiting any longer.

I stepped out of the water and gathered the clothes from its wrapping. Getting dressed while my body was still wet should have felt awkward, but it felt natural to me instead until I spotted the towel used to hold the clothes.

"Ah." I should have known it was strange that I was only given clothes, but instead, like a child, I just put on the white robe with little thought to being wet. "Sect Master Yue has it tough having a little brother like me," I mumbled, sulking as I collected my discarded robe and towel.

The walk back to my home was quiet save for the few calls of nocturnal birds, but their calls were still unfamiliar to me, so I couldn't place which bird it was. The stars in the sky were much the same as in my previous life; however, the moon was more prominent and seemed brighter. I didn't dwell too much on it as I approached the backdoor to my home and stepped inside, dripping water onto the clean floor.

"Little Lan! Are you finally finished?" The voice of Sect Master Yue carried through the small house from his seat at the table within my room. He paused and sighed helplessly as he spied the stray water droplets running down my hair, but instead of commenting on it, he simply gestured to the seat next to him.

"Zhou Su," I called in the usual serene tone. He emerged from outside the house quickly and cupped his hands in greeting. "Get some Sweet Rose Tea prepared." The order was carried out swiftly, and Su returned carrying a white teapot with Jasmines painted along the side. He placed the teapot on the table and whipped out two peacock-blue cups for Sect Master Yue and me. After pouring the cold tea, he loitered near the entrance to the room, bowing with usual reverence.

"Ah, before you leave, bring a towel," Sect Master Yue shot me a look as he played with the cup. Su raced off to get the towel for his Sect Master, presenting it eagerly before finally leaving.

The towel was the same as everything else here, another shade of blue. I was beginning to think that Lan really loved the color blue, or maybe it was just pastel colors he enjoyed. With a soft chuckle, Sect Master Yue made a gesture for me to turn around, and so I did with as much sulk that I could muster with this expressionless face. Unfortunately, he seemed to find that more amusing than I intended and began speaking as he dried my hair.

"I need you to go to Disong Village tomorrow," he spoke so simply as if it was natural that I just go without asking for more information. When his hands stopped, I glanced back at him, taking note of his furrowed brows as if he was picking his words carefully. He continued expertly wringing my hair of water as he spoke, "There are some reports of ghouls coming from the forests and attacking the villagers. So far, there have been few fatalities, but this village is under our care, so we need to look into it."

"En," I agreed readily and shook out my hair when his fingers withdrew before turning in my seat to face my cup and brought it to my lips. The sweet taste erupted in my mouth, and I enjoyed every second of it. Sweets were the best after a day of practice!

Sect Master Yue seemed to notice my enjoyment, and he smiled before continuing, "The village leader has been growing fat off the backs of the villagers while the villagers struggle to maintain a living. Try as I might, I can't find the reason through sending ordinary officers there, nor can I go myself. So I need you to rid the ghouls and the village leader. I don't care how you do it since I'll be able to cover up most things." He said that last matter with such a sincere smile that I couldn't help but wonder just how deep this brocon went.

Though now I understood why he was hesitating earlier. The thought of a leader taking advantage of those he was meant to protect made my blood boil. Lan seemed to hate people who took advantage of the weak just as much as I did.

"I'll set out early tomorrow," I sighed and placed the cup back on the table. I didn't need my disciples to get rid of ghouls, and it may be easier for me to move on my own if I needed to go up against the village leader. Sect Master Yue seemed to agree as he did not press upon the fact I would be going alone. He had too much trust in his Junior Brother!

"Then I will retire for the night. Let me know the moment you return, Little Lan!" He nodded his head and left before I could send him off, leaving the cup of tea untouched.

"Hm.. does he not like sweet tea?" I mumbled to myself and stood to stride over to my inviting bed. But, as I pulled the sheer curtain to drop in front of the bed, I couldn't help this nagging feeling like I had forgotten something. "I'll worry about that tomorrow," I whispered, eyes already heavy with sleep. Hopefully, tomorrow will go smoothly.

ASleepyBookRabbit ASleepyBookRabbit

Hello, dear readers!

This chapter is a bit long because I had too much fun with it.

(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

I'm having so much fun writing this book, so I hope you guys are enjoying it as well! Your comments are motivation to me and help me figure out if I need to change anything for the next chapter, so drop those comments!

The next chapter maybe a little longer to update since I want to get a few chapters written first.

Also, what do you guys think about me posting a character review of the characters Lan has met so far? Kind of like an interview for the characters!


Lan: So many pretties~ “ヽ(´▽`)ノ” Sect Master Yue is too nice to his Junior Brother!

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