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Chapter 1: Cultivation Levels - Mortal World

Rank 1 → Early Stage (Early)

Rank 2 → Early Stage

Rank 3 → Early Stage (Peak)

Rank 4 → Middle Stage (Early)

Rank 5 → Middle Stage

Rank 6 → Middle Stage

Rank 7 → Middle Stage (Peak)

Rank 8 → Late Stage (Early)

Rank 9 → Late Stage (Peak)

Rank 10 → Peak stage


• Body Forging Realm : 1~10 Ranks

Rank 1~3 - Skin Forging

= In the initial ranks, ranging from 1 to 3, Practitioner's use various methods into forging their own skin, rendering it impervious to swords and arrows of inferior quality. As the process reaches its zenith at Rank 3, the Practitioner's pores undergo a profound transformation, expanding significantly. This allows for the absorption of greater quantities of Qi in elevated realms, simultaneously purging the skin of impurities.

Rank 4~7 - Body Forging

= Between ranks 4 and 7, Practitioners engage in a comprehensive body forging regimen. This intricate process propels the Practitioner's strength to unprecedented levels while systematically purging impurities from the body. This phase is pivotal, serving as the nascent and paramount rank of cultivation, wherein the practitioner unwittingly lays the groundwork for profound advancements (i.e The start of creation of their foundation, if these ranks were done recklessly it could be a problem in higher realms due to weaker foundations).

Rank 8~10 - Organ/Blood Forging

= During ranks 8 to 10, a crucial phase unfolds as Practitioners meticulously forge their own organs and blood. This intricate process is essential to sustain the reinforced and fortified body, preventing any risk of internal collapse. When executed with precision, this endeavor empowers the practitioner with significantly greater strength while simultaneously purging concealed impurities within.

NOTE: In essence, this initial cultivation phase is pivotal as it kickstarts the journey. Beginning with the meticulous forging of the body, it establishes a foundation for strength and stability while ridding the body of certain impurities. If cultivated diligently, this process becomes instrumental in the higher realms, ensuring more open pores and a reduction in internal impurities, contributing significantly to overall progress. Practitioner's at the tenth rank will be able to gain +50 years worth of vitality to their lifespan.

• Body Refining Realm : 1~10 Ranks

Rank 1~3 - Skin Refinement

= In rank 1 to 3, Practitioners focus on refining their forged skins, enhancing their resistance to weapons in direct correlation with the quantity and quality of the skin refinement. Additionally, this process entails opening previously clogged pores, boosting Qi absorption in higher realms while simultaneously cleansing impurities that obstructed the pores. The outcome not only fortifies the skin but also leaves it smoother and softer, achieving the coveted status of "jade skin" for that added touch of glory (for the meme).

→ Rank 4~7 - Body Refinement

= At this ranks, Practitioners push the limits of refinement on their forged bodies, surpassing their endurance thresholds. With each advancing rank, the Practitioner's strength experiences a significant surge, directly proportional to the extent of body refinement. Simultaneously, this process purges lingering impurities concealed within the body, gradually cleansing the foundations from impurities that couldn't be eliminated during the initial forging.

→ Rank 8~10 - Organ Refinement

= During these ranks, Practitioners undertake a meticulous process of refining each organ, including the brain. This critical step prepares the organs to handle the flow of Qi, simultaneously enhancing their functions. For instance, refining the brain can increase thought speed and memory recall. Significantly, this process is intertwined with the Practitioner's foundations. Diligent refinement not only strengthens the Practitioner's foundation but also offers potential benefits in the higher realms. This practice serves to expel deeper-seated impurities and contributes to increased resilience, providing fortitude against physical blows, whether a punch, jab, or beating. By achieving the last rank, Practitioner's receive +150 years worth of vitality.

NOTE: The final three ranks of this realm pose substantial risks if mishandled, emphasizing the need for Practitioners to refine their bodies in a secure environment or under protection. Incorrect execution could potentially result in severe harm or even death. Despite the apparent resemblance to the preceding realm, it serves a distinct purpose – preparing Practitioners for challenges in the higher realms and potentially extending their life expectancy. Each rank here contributes proportionally to strength, with notable advancements occurring at ranks 3, 7, and 10. Cultivators at this level wield significant power, capable of effortlessly overpowering practitioners from lower realms with a mere punch.

• QI Gathering Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 - QI Pathway Establishment

= In the initial ranks, specifically from 1 to 3, practitioners undertake a gradual process of absorbing small quantities of Qi, allowing it to permeate and open up the Qi pathways within their bodies. This meticulous practice requires practitioners to cultivate mastery in manipulating these modest amounts of Qi, laying the foundation for their progression to higher ranks. During this stage, practitioners also begin to utilize Qi for basic applications, particularly at Rank 3. This marks the threshold where they've garnered sufficient mastery to control Qi for everyday tasks. These foundational ranks set the stage for practitioners to further refine their control over Qi, a crucial skill that becomes increasingly significant in the ranks that follow.

→ Rank 4~7 - QI Gathering

= In the progression from ranks 4 to 7, practitioners leverage the mastery cultivated in earlier stages to absorb Qi from their surroundings or the atmosphere. Strategic practice in areas abundant with dense Qi is recommended for optimal results. As practitioners assimilate Qi, they concurrently circulate it throughout their entire bodies, triggering a rejuvenating process that significantly augments their strength and durability. This stage serves as a pivotal period where practitioners, now adept at absorbing Qi, begin to experiment with basic cultivation techniques. However, the usage of these techniques is restricted to short durations, typically no more than a minute. This limitation emphasizes the importance of learning and refining control over Qi during these ranks, laying the groundwork for the substantial advancements awaiting practitioners in subsequent stages. The mastery acquired in manipulating Qi becomes a linchpin for success in the upcoming ranks, highlighting the critical nature of these formative stages in the practitioner's cultivation journey.

→ Rank 8~10 - QI Compression

= In these concluding ranks, practitioners undertake the crucial task of compressing the Qi accumulated in the preceding stages, refining both its quality and creating additional space within their dantian. This process, involving compression and enhancement, ensures practitioners generate a more potent and refined form of Qi. In cases where their reserves are depleted, practitioners adeptly absorb fresh Qi and repeat the compression, perpetuating a continuous cycle. Beyond mere refinement, these ranks serve as a valuable practice ground for higher realms, allowing practitioners to hone their skills in preparation for more advanced stages. The ability to execute cultivation techniques extends beyond the minimal practices, contingent on the quantity and quality of their Qi reserves, coupled with their mastery in controlling and manipulating Qi. As practitioners reach the pinnacle of their journey, the heavens bestow upon them a divine blessing—a remarkable extension of +350 years' worth of vitality.

NOTES: Within this realm, practitioners immerse themselves in the art of manipulating and controlling Qi. The meticulous practice of Qi not only enhances their spiritual prowess but concurrently nurtures their physical form, progressively amplifying strength and durability with each advancing rank and realm. This harmonious integration of Qi mastery and bodily refinement forms the foundation for practitioners to ascend through the intricate stages, unlocking greater potentials and embodying the epitome of martial and spiritual prowess. Also the realm where Practitioners can start using the bare minimum of techniques.

• Qi Condensation Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 - Qi Deposition

= At these ranks, practitioners focus on solidifying the absorbed and compressed Qi in their dantian, enhancing the solidity and durability of their dantian's structure. The expansion of their dantian depends on the amount of Qi held and compressed. With each rank increase (from 2 then to 3), practitioners experience enhanced strength and gain the ability to use techniques normally for more extended periods, excluding those with high tax, restrictions, or specific requirements. This effect becomes more prominent as they progress to Rank 3.

→ Rank 4~7 - Qi Transformation

= From ranks 4 to 7, practitioners, having successfully solidified all their Qi in the dantian, embark on a gradual transformation from solid to liquid. This process imparts versatility to the Qi. As the liquid Qi circulates throughout the practitioner's body, it significantly enhances their strength and durability. Following the recommended path of first solidifying the Qi and then slowly transitioning it to fully liquid ensures the stability of the dantian, preventing cracks or instability caused by the Qi's pressure. Additionally, the increased versatility of Qi at these ranks amplifies the potency of the techniques employed by the practitioner.

Rank 8~10 - Qi Condensation

= In ranks 8 to 10, practitioners refine the liquid Qi into a more purified and high-quality form through condensation. This meticulous process is prolonged as the condensed Qi must meet specific criteria dictated by the laws of the heavens. If the condensed Qi falls short, practitioners must persist in the condensation process. Throughout this stage, the Qi continues to flow and circulate within the practitioner's body, enhancing not only strength and durability but also improving organ functions. For instance, the brain benefits from strengthened functions, leading to heightened memory recall and a faster thought process. The increased versatility and potency of the refined Qi further amplify the results of techniques employed by the practitioner. Achieving breakthroughs or even ascending through the next realm in these ranks is a notable milestone, often requiring years for those with average talent to ascend each rank or break through this realm. Practitioners at the 10th rank get bless with +500 years worth of vitality.

NOTES: The Qi Condensation Realm stands as a pivotal juncture, a realm where intricate processes unfold within the practitioners' Qi, accompanied by notable escalations in strength across the ranks. It serves as a defining threshold, acting as both a crucible and a talent barrier. Average talents navigate a slower journey through this realm, while geniuses with higher innate abilities surge ahead. This transitional phase introduces practitioners to more abundant Qi usage and marks a significant boost in Qi's versatility. The meticulous practices undertaken here set the stage for practitioners to seamlessly progress to higher realms. The Qi Condensation Realm not only refines the physical and spiritual aspects but also serves as a crucible for one's talent, determining the pace and efficiency of their cultivation journey.

• Foundating Establishment Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 - Land Establishment


Rank 4~7 - Pillar Establishment


→ Rank 8~10 - Foundation Establishment


NOTES: Each rank stages build up the strength, stability, durability, and quality of a practitioners foundation.

Core Formation Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~2 - False Core


→ Rank 3~5 - Pale Core


→ Rank 6~7 - Silver Core


→ Rank 8~10 - Gold Core


→ Rank 11~13 - Extreme Gold Core

= Only those of supreme talent could ever get to this, each level from 11 to 13 will divide those of supreme talent from each other. Being edited currently.

NOTES: This is a test of determination, will, and talent that will divide those talents from above average to geniuses.

• Golden Core Realm : 1~10 Ranks

Rank 1~3 -


→ Rank 4~7 -


→ Rank 8~10 -



• Soul Formation Realm : 3 Types

→ Infant Soul


→ Adolescent Soul


→ Nascent Soul



• Nascent Soul Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 -


→ Rank 4~7 -


→ Rank 8~10 -



• Deva Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 -


→ Rank 4~7 -


→ Rank 8~10 -



• Insight Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 -


→ Rank 4~7 -


→ Rank 8~10 -



• Paradise Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 -


→ Rank 4~7 -


→ Rank 8~10 -



• Nirvana Realm : 1~10 Ranks

→ Rank 1~3 -


→ Rank 4~7 -


→ Rank 8~10 -



Daoist_Kaito Daoist_Kaito

Currently being worked on. The process will be faster if Junior's and Senior's are generous enough to help this Daoist.

• Cultivation Realms based on their own characteristics may speed up progress depending on the practitioner's path, an example for that is, body path cultivation, the first 2 starting realms would benefit them the most and able to progress faster. Similarly to Soul Formation and Nascent Soul Realm, wherein, soul path cultivators would have a significant increase in their strengths and considerably faster breakthroughs in these type of realms. And for the last example is Qi Gathering and Condensation Realm, Qi Path Cultivators, would have a considerable increase in versatility in their arsenal and faster progress rate.

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