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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

The first thing that Alex felt was a dull throbbing pain that emanated throughout his body. The next sensation he got was the taste of dirt and grass in his mouth. He quickly sat up and tried to look around, but blinding pain assaulted him the moment he opened his eyes. Luckily nothing else happened to him while he was recovering from his transmigration and the pain eventually faded.

Now that he was able to see and think straight Alex looked down at his body. From his estimation, he was around 16 years old with no fat on his body, but not a lot of muscle either. The most striking thing was that his skin and hair were both completely pure white. Not fleshy pink like most white people, but pure porcelain white.

"I guess I'm no longer Alex, from now on my name is White," he thought to himself as he got up off the ground. White slowly inspected his surroundings and was only greeted by a wall of trees in every direction. Next, he activated his skill [Save Point] to make sure he could come back if something happened to him while leaving the forest.

It was also then that White realized that he instinctually knew how to use any skill that came from the system. The information was just directly inserted into his brain without him even realizing it. Next, he activated his devil fruit ability. Dark purple venom was instantly secreted from his pours and soon the venom completely covered him in a protective layer of toxin.

As he watched the plants around him started to die from the fumes that the poison released. He had been a bit worried about not being able to control the fruit at first, but that didn't seem to be an issue. While he didn't have complete control he at least had a passable degree of control. White couldn't shape the hydra heads that Megallan could do in One Piece, but he could manage tendrils of poison.

The quality of his poison also wasn't too bad. He couldn't instantly kill anybody yet, but the poison would paralyze most level 1 adventurers in a few seconds. White wondered if his abilities would get upgrades as he leveled up, but he didn't dwell on it for too long at the moment. He just started walking in a random direction, hoping that it would lead him out of the forest.

As he walked he went over the information about his [Save Point] skill that was now ingrained in his brain. He could only have one save point at any given time and creating a new one would override the old one. Though there was practically no limit to how many times he could use the save point. As he sorted through this information White continued to walk forward while training his fruit's abilities.

Nothing notable happened while he walked. Every once and a while he would see a deer or some other sort of animal, but not much else. It was only trees, trees, and more trees as he walked. White wasn't expecting anything else though, this world didn't have major highways and megacities that cleaved their way through the natural environment. In his previous life trees weren't rare, but they certainly weren't too common.

Time passed and the sun started to set. Pink and orange light filled the sky as White crested a hill that overlooked the endless sea of trees that he had found himself in. He was hungry, thirsty, and he also happened to have no supplies to set up a tent or anything with him. He just sat and took a break as he watched the sun finally sink below the horizon and night started to set in.

When night came so too did the stars. White looked up at the blanket of stars above his head, unable to recognize any of the constellations that were located there. He briefly wondered if any of those pinpricks of light out there were his homeworld, but he quickly turned his eyes back down to the forest.

White found himself at a crossroad, either he could continue forward and try to find a village or city or he could return to his save point that he had made earlier in the day. He didn't want to spend the night out in the open, but he also didn't want to have to use his save point this early on. The decision was made for him when he saw lights illuminating the forest a fair distance away. With the light illuminating the trees he just barely managed to make out a break in the trees that indicated a road.

He had missed it before due to the lack of light, but now that he had seen it. White hesitated a moment before finally overriding his old save point to create a new one on the hill. Now that he had found a path he figured that it was probably better to just try with this path instead of having to go back to the beginning if something went wrong. Looking back to the light in the distance he saw that it hadn't moved so it was probably a camp.

It was dangerous to approach strangers, especially at night and on the road but White was emboldened by his save point being close by so he decided to risk it. Plus with his devil fruit, he was sure he could take them if they were ordinary people. He would probably have to reset though if it was adventures and they weren't friendly.

It took another half an hour to walk through the woods to get to the camp. White peeked at the people sitting around the fire from behind a tree. There were five people in total, 4 men and one woman. They sat around the fire eating and laughing. They all had weapons, but he couldn't see what all of them were from his vantage point. Deciding to just risk it he stepped out from behind the tree and walked closer.

Just as White reached the outer ring of firelight one of the men's heads snapped around to face him. White immediately put up his hands as the ground raised their weapons. "No need for alarm, I'm got lost in the forest and am just looking for directions," he said, trying to defuse the situation. All of the people around the fire looked to the man who was furthest away from White. He had a long scar running from the bridge of his nose to his left shoulder.

The man looked at White and his plain, unassuming clothes. He then spoke something that White couldn't hear. The people put down their weapons though so he assumed that it was a positive response and an invitation for him to come closer, a whizzing sound snapped him out of his thoughts. The woman had moved so fast that her body became a blur and she released an arrow.

White cried out as his knee exploded in pain, the arrow had gone cleanly through his knee leaving a gaping hole in his knee. In the few seconds he was stunned one of the men approached at lightning speeds and skewered white on his sword. He couched blood as a numbing feeling spread from the site of the wound to the rest of his chest.

The man pulled the sword free, twisting it as he did. White nearly blacked out from the pain but managed not to as he fell to the ground, limp. Just as the woman drew an arrow to finish him he managed to activate [Save Point]. For a moment time stopped, then he was back on the hill. White fell to his knees and gasped for air as he threw up. He could still feel the blade as it pierced through his chest and lung. It was nothing like he had ever experienced before.

Instead of wallowing in his own misery, White managed to get to his feet. He stood and looked at the firelight in the distance as he made a vow to himself. He would never let anyone else be it man or monster walk all over him again. He wouldn't buckle due to his setbacks, he would push through them and achieve new heights. As he made that vow he lost consciousness and fell to the ground once more.

He was exhausted due to the stressful situation and the strain that [Save Point] put on his body.

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