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Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Storm Brewing

Deathstroke stands refusing to kneel. Like a true assassin, he kept his eye open and muscles are coiled ready to strike at a moment's notice. "Where is Copperhead?" demands Ra's Al Ghul.

"I am not her keeper," states Deathstroke.

"I do not have time to play games. I gave you both an assignment." Ra's was losing his patience with Deathstroke. Lately, his number one assassin had been going off on his own far too much. He expected his assassins to be at his beck and call like proper soldiers. Ra's had been planning to promote Deathstroke to replace Sportsmaster as the Light's personal assassin. Such ideas were slowly vanishing from Ra's mind at Deathstroke's recent behavior.

Deathstroke glances into the shadows. Reluctantly, he decides to play nice. "She went off on her own several days ago. I have not heard from her since."

Ra raises an eyebrow. A pensive expression settles on his face. "Interesting."

"I warned you that she was a risk. A fool that allows her emotions to get the best of her," states Deathstroke with no compassion.

"Risk or not, she is necessary in finding the child. Her abilities make her a valuable asset. At least for the time at hand." Ra's Al Ghul turns around. "I have plans for the child. With the proper guidance and training, he will make for an excellent successor."

A hint of anger appears in Deathstroke's eye. It is quickly concealed. Deathstroke is going to enjoy bringing the world down around the man. Ra's Al Ghul reign will soon come to an end. And the one to do it is going to be the child that Ra's wants so badly. "You are dismissed. Find the child," orders Ra's Al Ghul.

'Soon, your time will come soon,' promises Deathstroke. The assassin vanishes into the shadows.

Talia steps out of the shadows. "Father, I sent our best agents to find Copperhead. There are no signs of her at all. It is like she never existed." Her eyes glance into the shadows where Deathstroke vanished. "I believe he eliminated her. He may have his own plans for the child."

"I am aware," Ra's gives his beard a light stroke. "I have been watching his movements carefully. He is of no concern. It is a pity. I had high hopes for him." A hard look that promises death is in the immortal's eyes. "But I will not let anyone interfere with my plans. Not even my own daughter." Talia feels a shiver go down her spine. Ra's disappears into the shadows.


Diana spots Superman staring at the monitor. Her eyes notice a picture of two individuals on the screen. A slight frown forms on her face. The decision was made a week ago. It was time for him to let the matter drop and accept it. She walks over to him, determined to settle his worries. "At least you are no longer focused on Superboy," states Diana.

Superman doesn't even turn. "This is not a joking matter. These are children…"

"Your arguments were noted during the meeting. The League took a vote and by the end of the year, both will be members of the League." Diana places a hand on his shoulder. He turns to face her obviously not at all eased by her words.

John Stewart enters the room to take over on monitor duty. Superman flies off not saying another word on the matter. Diana folds her arms under her bust. A look of disappointment upon her face. John notices the images on the screen. "I take it he is still upset with the decision?"

"On one hand, I agree with him, but on the other hand, I don't considering the circumstances behind these children."

"I understand," nods John. "In the Lantern Corps, I have several comrades that are around the same age. It was hard working with them at first, but I learned that despite their young age, they were well trained and very mature. Their age became irrelevant."

Diana is in full agreement. "I was raised since I was a little girl in the art of combat. By the time I was their age I was one of the best warriors in my home."

John gains a small smirk of amusement. "Didn't you get on Batman for inducting Robin into crime fighting at an early age?"

"Once again, different circumstances," defends Diana.

A shrug comes from the Green Lantern. "Personally, the sidekicks are in as much danger working on that covert team as they would be in the League. All we are really doing is changing their hangout."

Diana agrees with John. The sidekicks were in danger every time they go out on a mission. There is no difference from them moving on up to the League except having a larger target on one's back. In time, Superman will learn to accept the newest members.

Mount Justice – December 2nd

"Any plans for Christmas?"


"Really? I expected Megan to be planning a party and inviting everyone on the team."

Naruto uses an open palm to block a punch. A small shrug comes from the ninja. "To be honest, I expected the same. But perhaps she wishes to spend the holiday in private with Connor." Artemis takes a moment to think. Spending alone time with one's boyfriend does sound pretty good. A sigh escapes the girl. There is no way that her mother will ever let her do that. "How about you? Do you have plans?"

Artemis goes back to throwing punches. "Decorate the apartment and maybe get a tree. Nothing special." A smirk appears on her face. "Since you are new to the holiday I will give you a heads up. As your girlfriend, I expected a great gift."


"What?" asks Artemis curiously. There is something about that response that rubbed her the wrong way.

"Zatanna also told me I had to get her a good gift since we are friends."

Anger starts to burn in Artemis's eyes. She twists around launching a kick that is blocked with ease. "I see. Did Zatanna say anything else?"


Naruto can see the anger in Artemis's eyes. Recently, he had been noticing that Artemis tends to get into such fits when he is around other females. It is known as jealously from his knowledge. Honestly, he finds it extremely annoying. Artemis has to know that he would never cheat on her. When it comes to loyalty, his is unquestionable. Besides liars, he hates traitors. "I am going to have a talk with Zatanna," grits Artemis.

"Do you have a problem with Zatanna?" Naruto already knows the answer.

"I don't have any problem with Zatanna." Artemis folds her arms across her chest. "I just don't like that she keeps talking to my boyfriend all the time."

"Zatanna is a friend."

"Yeah well, Connor and Kaldur are your friends, but they are not asking for gifts."

"If they did, I would get them one. There is no difference between them and Zatanna."

Artemis narrows her eyes. "They are not constantly trying to get your attention."

Naruto frowns, "what does it matter? As you stated, I am your boyfriend. There is no need to worry about my loyalties."

The argument doesn't get a chance to continue when Kaldur enters the room. Artemis scowls. Angrily, she brushes past Naruto leaving the room. Kaldur glances at Artemis. One would need to be blind to miss the anger on the girl's face. "Is everything alright?" asks Kaldur. Naruto doesn't even bother to answer such an obvious question.

"Did you wish to speak to me or was there another reason for coming here?" asks Naruto.

Kaldur raises his hands in surrender. "I apologize. I came to seek your council on a certain subject. A subject that for the most part is being dealt with in privacy." He speaks in a loud commanding tone. "Computer, lock down the room."

All cameras are turned off and transmissions into the room are being blocked. The motion sensors are at the highest sensitivity to alert those in the room if anyone approaches. Naruto gives Kaldur his full attention. "It was not long ago that the subject of a possible mole was brought up. I do not believe there is a mole on the team, but…"

"You can't fully rule out the possibility," finishes Naruto. Kaldur nods. "The most obvious suspects are Artemis, Superboy, and myself. I am sure that I rank high above the others due to the fact that the League of Shadows seems to have an interest in recruiting me."

"Out of everyone on the team, you are the one that no one truly knows anything about."

Naruto doesn't take it personally since it is the truth. He appreciates Kaldur being upfront instead of trying to coddle him like a child. "Do you truly believe that there is a mole on the team?"

Kaldur answers without hesitation. "No. I trust everyone on the team."

"I don't believe there is a mole on the team either," states Naruto. "I wouldn't worry so much on the matter."

An amused smirk appears on Kaldur's face. "Let it go, just like that?"

"The truth of the matter is that you don't believe a mole to be a true problem. If you don't consider it to be a problem then how can you ever solve it?" Naruto folds his arms across his chest. "I happen to agree with you. I do not believe that there is a mole on the team, but there is a simple way to check."

"How is that?"

"I can ask each member of the team directly. Remember, I have the ability to detect lies."

The leader of the team forgot all about Naruto's ability to detect lies. Naruto could easily find the mole with a simple question. Kaldur frowns, "but that eliminates everyone accept you."

Naruto nods, "which will put me as the prime suspect should I find out no one is the mole."

"The whole team would be suspicious of you. There is already friction between you and certain members on the team," states Kaldur. Naruto remains silent. A sigh escapes Kaldur. "No, I will not place that burden on your shoulders. I am confident that there is no mole on the team." He extends his hand and gives a warm smile. "Thank you for speaking with me." Naruto shakes hands with Kaldur. A small friendly smile on his face.


Megan's Room

Megan opens a secure channel. A holographic image appears in front of her. "Have you found the information?" asks a beautiful chocolate skinned woman.

"No." Megan whispers in a low voice. "I don't have that type of access."

Queen Bee narrows her eyes. "I suggest you work a little harder." A cruel smile forms. "I would hate to reveal your secrets."

Megan lowers her head. "I understand."

"Good girl."

The screen vanishes. Tears fall down Megan's cheeks.

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