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Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Problems, Solve One And Another Will Rise

"Welcome back to the land of living Mr Scott or from what I heard you go by Ant Man now."

Scott groggily opened his eyes and found himself inside a small and completely white room, he looked around to find Harry Potter sitting across him. Scott still had his suit on so he tried to shrink down but unfortunately nothing happened, "What the . . ."

Harry snorted, "Do you really think I wouldn't counter your suit and let you escape easily?"

Scott replied nervously, "Hehe, I was just testing. By the way, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Potter."

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same Mr Scott Lang, you were trying to get inside my company's research centre. Care to enlighten me about the purpose?"

"Oh, I was just interested to know what you'll have been working on that's all." Scott replied quickly. "How did you catch me anyway?"

"Some of the best SHIELD agents couldn't get inside my company so what made you think you'll be successful, would you care to tell me the truth or I have to go into some extreme measures."

Scott fidgeted nervously, "What measures?"

Harry gave a dangerous grin akin to a predator, "First I would make sure that you are locked up so deep down that you'll never see the sunlight again, you'll never see your daughter again and I would pluck out everything I want directly from your mind. So, will you now talk?"

Scott nodded vigorously after all he knew that Harry could do what he said, "Please, I'll tell you everything."

Harry smiled, "Good, tell me why you were trying to break in to my company?"

Scott quickly answered, "Hank Pym, he's the one who gave me this suit and he told me to do this. There was some problem in his company as Darren Cross was planning to sell his shrinking technology similar to the Ant Man suit to some bad guys, I took care of him but Pym thought that maybe Cross has sold a few of his research to you. He sent me here to find out about your shrinking technology and bring all the information I can get on it to him."

Harry sighed, "So Mr Pym has a habit of stealing huh, this behaviour doesn't suit a brilliant man like him. First you infiltrated the new SHIELD facility which forced them to create a barrier for cases like you and now you are trying to steal from here, do you want to become a thief or what?"

Scott didn't reply and looked down, Harry continued. "I'll let you go for now but I am warning you, do not try anything like this again or I'll do as I said. Tell Mr Pym that I developed my technology on my own and he better mind his own business otherwise the result will be bad for him, he won't like the result of me being angry." Harry took out a small bottlecap which was a portkey and tossed it at Scott, the moment the bottlecap touched Scott he vanished.

Hedwig who was standing invisible in one of the corners made herself visible, "You let him go?"

Harry sighed, "He is a good man Hedwig and Hank Pym was trying to use him, his intentions were not bad so I gave him another chance. Collect everything on Dr Hank Pym, if he ever tries something like this again I'll destroy him, his company and his reputation."

"It'll be done." Hedwig then added, "Phil Coulson called you a few minutes ago, he said that Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons found something and he want you to meet him quickly."

Harry nodded, "Finally some good news, where does he want to meet me?"

Hedwig answered, "In the apartment that Fitz and Simmons are staying in right now for their undercover mission."

"Well then I should get going."


Harry arrived in the apartment to find Coulson with Fitz and Simmons waiting for him, "Hello everyone, what have you got for me?"

Jemma started, "Bolivar Trask hates mutants and he is making an android that can counter mutants, he calls the android Sentinels and these sentinels are based on the mutant Mystique's DNA that Trask somehow got his hands on. Mystique ability to change her shape at will gave Trask the idea to have the Sentinels to effectively counter a mutant, Trask has come close but he wants to get his hands on Mystique so he could dissect her and make the perfect Sentinel. He has created a system that can detect a mutant but the worst part is it can also detect human beings who are most likely to give birth to a mutant, Trask wants to kill mutants and the people who may give birth to a mutant."

Harry frowned, "That's bad, anything else you got."

Fitz added, "Yes, Bolivar Trask is connected to HYDRA but somehow he also knows about Inhumans."

Coulson looked alarmed, "He knows about Inhumans?"

Fitz nodded, "Yes, I listened in to a meeting he was having with someone in the phone related to HYDRA when Inhumans were mentioned. The problem is from what I heard they are planning to get something called Monolith that can take HYDRA forward, they have acquired Terrigen Crystals and they are planning to use them on all of the Inhumans."

"This is not good, this is definitely not good. Coulson, what's the status of Monolith?" Harry asked.

"Wait you mean you two know what Monolith is?" Jemma asked in shock.

Coulson nodded, "The ship in which Mack and Bobby fought off HYDRA was housing the Monolith and that's why Fury ordered to shrink down the ship, it's actually an aircraft carrier called Illiad. The Monolith is an unknown stone like object that is a complete mystery for us, itis still in the ship Illiad since the new FRIDGE is not complete."

"Damn, HYDRA must have found out it's location then. Coulson take your team and guard the Monolith in Illiad, Daisy will be joining you as she has her powers fully under control. Fitz and Simmons, you two should go back with Coulson and I'll take care of Trask." Harry instructed them, "I'll tell you if I find anything of value from Trask but right now you need to take care of Monolith."

Coulson nodded, "You are right Harry, we'll head there right now. Try to find everything on HYDRA you can from Trask and tell me,"

Harry nodded, "Don't worry Coulson, I'm going rip out every valuable information from his mind. Make sure to secure the Terrigen crystals, it is highly dangerous for normal human beings."

"I'll keep that in mind."


Harry arrived at the so called Afterlife which was the home of most of the Inhumans on earth, he went to the big house in the centre of the Afterlife while staying invisible. It wasn't hard to find Jiaying as she was sitting alone reading some book in a small office of her.

Harry made himself visible to the shock of Jiaying, "Hello Jiaying."

Jiaying was shocked to find Harry Potter, one of the most rich and powerful person sitting in front of him, she knew that Harry Potter was responsible for taking Daisy away from her but she never thought he could come here. Jiaying composed herself and put down her book, "Hello Mr Potter, may I ask why you are here?"

Harry shrugged, "To take care of you of course." Jiaying frowned in confusion on that so he explained, "You see Jiaying, I don't have any problem with Inhumans after all I helped out your daughter and few other Inhumans but the problem is you. You have been killing innocent to prolong your life and keep your body young, this is not acceptable since your doing is creating an imbalance in the nature. Personally speaking, I hate everyone who do immoral things to keep themselves alive for long and you have come in that list."

"So, what?" Jiaying said smugly, "Do you think a pity human like you could do anything? We Inhumans are better than you but you won't be going out of here alive if I can help it."

Harry laughed, "Good joke Jiaying but I have better things to do than listen to your jokes." In a flash Harry had the Elder Wand in his hand, "Avada Kedavra."

Jiaying was too stunned to do anything as the green beam of the killing curse and sapped the life out of her, her body started to lost her young visage as her dead body shifted to the body of a really old woman. Harry made sure that she was completely dead and then he apparated away leaving the dead body on the chair. After about an hour Gordon came to Jiaying office to found her dead and her body completely aged, he inspected her but from the look of it the death seemed to be natural.


"So, what do you want to know first, the good one or the bad one?"

Harry shrugged, "Mix it up Coulson, tell me what happened thre?"

"Well we were late as the HYDRA force had already taken over Illiad when we reached there, unfortunately Grant Ward was also there. Ward know most of our strategies as a former SHIELD agent so we did something that we mostly don't do, we went for a frontal assault to take back the Illiad. Daisy's power prove to be a big help and gave them a surprise attack, we were able to take back the Illiad. HYDRA also had a couple of Inhumans fighting for them but one of them gave us a problem, he was Gordon and he had the ability to teleport."

"Gordon huh." Harry interrupted, "I thought he would be busy finding the reason for Jiaying's death."

Coulson replied, "Not exactly, he tried to persuade Daisy by saying that SHIELD killed her mother but unfortunately for him Daisy already knew that you were planning to take care of her mother and she had no problem with it. Fitz, Mack and I were able to kill Gordon but Gordon threw a Terrigen Crystal in his last moment, I caught it before it could touch the floor and my hands started to crumble. Mack cut off my hand before it can affect my whole body so I need a new hand now."

Harry smiled, "I think I have something for you, still what happened afterwards?"

Coulson continued, "Daisy's father was also there with Ward but he changed sides when Daisy convinced him to, a brainwashed SHIELD agent who was with Ward shot at Daisy but Daisy's father took the bullet for her and gave his life to protect Daisy. Ward was able to escape but in the scuffle all the Terrigen crystals fell into the ocean. According to the test Jemma performed the water is now contaminated with Terrigen Crystal, it'll not harm humans like it did in its pure form but all the Inhumans who come to contact with it will go through Terragenisis. Can you do something about it?"

Harry frowned and replied, "No I can't, it would have already spread over so there's no chance of stopping it. Put all your agents in alert o find anyone going through Terragenesis and I'll try to find them as well."

Coulson nodded, "I'm planning to put a team with Daisy in the lead to search for any Inhumans, she has improved a lot by the way. What did you train her in?"

Harry smiled and replied, "She learned to control her power and use it effectively but Betsy trained her to fight like Ninjas and she was a pretty good student according to Betsy. I'll send an artificial Hand for you with the user manual, I am sure you'll like it."

Coulson nodded, "Thanks Harry, for taking care of Daisy and for my new Hand."

"No problem Coulson, just make sure to secure the Monolith. I'm going to take care of Trask and his Sentinel programme now."


Bolivar Trask was a short man who had a deep hatred for mutants, he had two children but when he found out they were mutant Trask killed them and he killed his wife for giving birth to mutants. He wanted the world to be rid of mutants or anyone with powers with the help of his sentinel programme but then he came to know about the Inhumans through HYDRA, he was so close to achieving his goal but the Inhumans were proving to be a hitch in his plans add on to that he didn't have anymore DNA samples of the mutant named Mystique.

Trask was completely unaware of the figure watching him in the shadows. Harry in his Reaper costume hid in the shadows and scanned Bolivar Trask surface thought, what he found disgusted him. Trask wanted to find Mystique at any cost and then tear apart every part of her body so that he could use it for his Sentinel program. Harry decided to make himself visible and confront Trask, "Hello Mr Trask."

Trask whipped back to look at Harry but then he frowned in confusion, he took out a small device from his pocket and pointed at Harry but there was no response. "You are not a mutant then how did you get in? who are you? why are you here? "

Harry completely stepped out of the shadows so that Trask could see him as Paladin, "Ch, ch, so many questions. I am not here to answer your questions Trask, I am here to get some answers."

"And what would that be?" Trask said confidently but inward he was shit scared, nobody knew anything about Paladin but what they knew was that Paladin is a mysterious but very powerful man with variety of powers.

Harry smiled, "I can see your fear Bolivar Trask and you should fear me, after all I'm going to be your end. Legilimens." Without any warning Harry dived inside Trask's mind, Trask was a genius but everything he did was focused on the eradication of anyone with powers from the earth. He had a few likeminded higher up government officials in his pocket or supporting him but he wasn't connected completely to HYDRA, he just got some anonymous information and support from HYDRA.

Harry came out of Trask mind and I'm sighed, "If men with mind likes you would rather focus on development of humanity this world would be a far better place but you don't deserve to be a part of humanity anymore nor do your partners." Before Trask could say anything Harry used an Imperio curse on him and gave him a small bomb that he himself created. "Call everyone who is with you or supporting you in your sentinel program project to your office, make sure that no one else is there and gather everything you have on the Sentinel program. Once the meeting start say 'I don't deserve to stay alive' and push the button."

Trask under Harry's control nodded and then started calling every man and woman who were supporting his project for a meeting in his office. Trask gathered every scrap of Sentinel program in Trask Industries headquarters where he called for the meeting, once everyone was there Trask stood up. "I don't deserve to stay alive." He pushed the button in the bomb that Harry gave him, there was a massive explosion as the whole Trask Industries building crumbled into dust killing everyone inside and everything on the Sentinel program burned down with Trask.

Meanwhile Harry and Raven were watching the destroyed and burning building from afar, "Well the Trask problem is solved."

Raven nodded, "Yes, are you sure nobody could track this down to you?"

Harry smiled, "Positive, I am going to convince Tony Stark to buy anything remaining of Trask Industries and there will be no evidence of whatsoever happened here that cause the explosion. Even if there is anything related to Sentinel program remaining, Tony will take care of it. So, what are you going to do now?"

Raven shrugged, "Travel around in search of problems I guess."

Harry nodded with a smile, "Do visit Potter Manor time to time, Irene misses you a lot."


Harry was sleeping comfortably on his bed with Emma and Betsy on either side when his phone rang and woke the three of them, Emma still asleep scowled. "Who likes to call in the middle of the night?"

Harry lazily picked up the phone to find it was Coulson who's calling at this time, Harry picked it up and said, "Come on Coulson, you should know the time zone difference. It's the middle of night right now, I was sleeping man."

But what Coulson replied took away Harry's sleep, "We have a problem Harry, the Monolith has swallowed up Jemma and we have no idea about her whereabouts and Fitz has taken this very hard."

Harry was purely shocked, this was not something he was expecting. "Are you sure that it was the Monolith?"

Coulson replied, "Yes, we have the video feed that shows the big rock change into liquid and then it swallowed Jemma and now the Monolith is back to its original form."

Harry sighed, "Don't worry Coulson, tomorrow morning I'll be there with someone that can solve the mystery of Monolith. Tell Fitz to be strong and that we'll get back Jemma from wherever she is."

"I'll be waiting for you Harry." Coulson ended the call.

Harry put down his phone and looked backward to find Betsy and Emma staring at him, "Jemma Simmons is missing?" Betsy asked.

Harry nodded, "Yes, she is swallowed up by a artefact called Monolith which is a complete mystery to me since it's just a big piece of rock but from time to time it changes to liquid form for few moments."

Emma asked, "So, what are you gonna do?"

"Tomorrow morning, I am going to take Ruth Aldine aka Blindfold with me to the SHIELD facility, Ruth is the only mutant in the Potter Manor who has the power of Psychometry. Ruth can find out the history of the Monolith and I'll plan my next step after that but right now I need some sleep."


In the morning Harry approached a young girl with a blindfold where her eyes should be, she was Ruth Aldine. When Ruth activated her powers, she lost her eyes as the eye sockets disappeared from her body, many had suggested her to put some glasses but she preferred a blindfold for some reason. Ruth also had Psychic and telepathic powers in addition to Psychometry and this helped her to have a clear picture of her surroundings. "Hello Ruth, I need your help with something."

"Oh, hello Harry. What do you need me for?"

Harry replied, "There is an object that is a complete mystery and I want you to use your Psychometry powers to find anything on that object, that object is called a Monolith and it looks like a stone but it can change its form to liquid and swallow up someone. A SHIELD agent was swallowed up by the Monolith and I need your help in finding her."

Ruth shrugged, "Sure, I would be happy to help but where is this Monolith."

Harry smiled, "It's in a secret SHIELD facility, come I'll take you there." Harry took hold of Ruth and teleported to SHIELD secret facility Playground.

Harry arrived with Ruth in the SHIELD secret facility called Playground, "So is this the secret facility you talked about?" Ruth asked as Harry and went inside using Harry's access card.

Harry nodded, "Yes, this is the Playground."

"Ruth, Harry." The two of them turned around to find Daisy.

"Oh, hey Daisy. So, this is where you work huh, it's pretty cool." Ruth asked.

Daisy smiled, "Yeah it is, so why are you here?"

Harry answered, "To solve the mystery that is Monolith."

Just then Fitz joined them with Coulson, "Hello Fitz, you don't look well."

Fitz was in very bad shape with dark spot under his eyes and from the looks of it he hadn't slept in a long time, "Can you find Jemma?"

Harry smiled, "Don't worry Fitz, we'll get her back from wherever she is."

Coulson led them to the secure room where Monolith was kept locked in a glass case, Harry walked forward with Ruth and opened the glass case. Coulson spoke up, "Be careful Harry, it may change its form anytime."

Harry nodded and touched the Monolith which seemed like a normal stone, "Ruth touch it and tell me what you can tell about it's history."

Ruth nodded and tentatively touched the Monolith, she seemed to go in some sort of trance for a long time but finally she fell back down. Harry quickly close the door and looked back at Ruth, "So, you got anything."

Ruth nodded, "Yes, it is an alien artefact. I can't get much on it but I caught many glimpses throughout its history, it was used to send away an ancient Inhuman leader through it to some another planet called Maveth. That Inhuman is known as Hydra and the original HYDRA was formed to bring that inhuman back to earth, many people have been sacrificed to it in order to bring back the inhuman leader Hydra but none of them have returned."

Coulson asked in shock, "You mean it was an Inhuman that led to formation of HYDRA?"

"From what I can gather, Yes." Ruth answered, "The monolith changes its form on its own but I can't say if it's a pattern or just random but the form changed can be forced by vibrating it in a particular frequency."

Harry nodded, "You said it's a portal to a planet called Maveth right?" Ruth nodded as Harry continued, "Maveth is a planet very far away from earth, the team that was responsible for collecting data on that planet didn't land on it as they just scanned it by flying over it."

Fitz spoke up excitedly, "I can create a vibrational field that can change it into its liquid form and we can go from here."

Harry interrupted, "That's not a good idea, we don't know if it opens up at an exact location on that planet. I'll have a team go near Maveth in one of my Space Ship and I'll go through here, I'll find Jemma and bring her back and maybe take care of the Inhuman leader Hydra."

"I'll go with you." Fitz said stubbornly.

Harry nodded, "Ok then, get some sleep and prepare whatever you need to take with you and I'll do the same. Daisy can use her powers to create vibrations and open the gateway from here."

"I can send a team . . ." Coulson suggested.

"Don't worry Phil, I can do this alone and Fitz will be with me." Harry said to Coulson, "You take care of problems that is happening in New York right now, there is some problem of Yakuza going on and the Hand is involved as well."

Coulson sighed, "You are right, there are few new superheroes fighting for the good in New York streets but they'll need backup."

Harry nodded and looked at Fitz, "Fitz, get some rest because you need it badly. I want you with me fully fit and functional when we go there and don't worry about Emma, she is a tough girl after all." Fitz nodded, "I'll see you all later." Harry took hold of Ruth and teleported back to Potter Manor.

After making sure that Emma can take care of the company in his absence Harry contacted the main Space Station and told them to set a course for Maveth. Harry gathered all his essentials including all of his potions and a magical tent in a shrinking suitcase but most importantly he took the miniaturized Black Phantom.

Finally, both Harry and Fitz were ready to go to the planet Maveth through the Monolith, Daisy started vibrating the Monolith with her powers and in the third try the Monolith changed and swallowed up Harry and Fitz together.

Just before disappearing Harry shouted, "I'll see you all soon, until then toodles."


AN: - Well Trask and Jiaying are taken care of and the next problem is the inhuman Hydra and bringing Jemma back. A guest reviewer pointed that Harry is killing the opposition unnecessarily but you have to understand that Harry has changed from what he was previously, he is the Master of Death now and killing is not a big problem for him. I hope to see you all in the next chapter, until then toodles.

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