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Chapter 7: Alacrya

As I was about to exit the room one of the elves asked me

"So what do we have to do?" She asked with a sigh

"I don't know I'll probably keep that for later" I replied

I then left the room, and walked to the castle's garden to take a peacefull walk.

"You've seem better then the first time you came here" Ashborn said

"You were right they were different, and I had no reason to hate them. But I can't completely forget about it" I replied

"I know even I still strugle to forget the scene of my creator getting pierced" He replied

"So Sylvia Ahborn said you taught him how to turn into human? I asked

"Oh don't get me started he wouldn't let me rest at all when we first started" She said with a sigh

"There were sleepless nights, and unending questions. Even when I was meditating" She continued

"Ashborn it sounded like you've abused her" I said

"I was simply learning the magic in this world" He replied

"Well that doesn't mean you could abuse anyone for knowledge" I replied back

"Does the void have a room system where we could have private space" Sylvia asked

"Nope" I answered

"Just hang in there Sylvia I'm sure you won't need to be in the void forever" I said

"If I were here forever I would rather die that day" She replied back

I laughed as I walked in the garden my mood lighten because of our conversation. As I navigated myself through the garden I had the urge to visit the beast glades, so I went to Virion's room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in" He said

"How do I get to the beast glades?" I asked

"First of all you need to be an adventurer to enter the beast glades" He said

"Second problem is you could only be an adventurer in the human kingdoms as they are the ones who actively adventure, and travel in the beast glades.

"All right thank you for your explanation, I leave Arthur in your care Virion" I said as I exited the room

I then connected with one of my shadow who was in Arthur's parents. I sent it to an alley in the city while I checked no one was there I switched my location with him. As I exited the alley way I could see the beautiful street of the floating city Xyrus. As I walked, and navigated myself to the adventurer guild, A mana signature caught my intrest, as I located it I found a man walking to an alley way, although his mana was similar to Cadell's when he was alive but the man I was following right now was far weaker.

"Traces of scythe Cadell has been found in a cave but I'm afraid he has died. I've retrieved his corpse, and sent it through a messenger that should arrive the next day" The man said to a crystal ball

"Good job, now try finding out who killed Cadell" a voice from the crystal ball replied

"Sylvia told me that the other continent wasn't friendly, but I had no way to get to them at least that's what I thought as the man walked out I filled his shadows with a couple hundred of my shadow army ordering them to enter the shadow of other people he met, and report to me if there was anything suspicious going on. I then proceed my orignal plans, and went to the adventure guild, I registered as an augmenter, with gravity magic since Ruler's authority was all I had, and gravity magic was the closest thing to Ruler's authority. As I turned in my paper they escorted me to a ring where they said my performance would get me a rank that will be decided by my demonstration. There are a few ranks in the adventure guild E, D , C, B, A, AA, S, and lastly SS this was similar to my old world the difference was just AA, and SS. As I heard my name called out by the man in the middle I made my way down as I took out my weapon Knight Killer, and Kasaka's Venom Fang. I took a stance, and as the match was about to start someone stopped it, and came into the arena

"Could I test this adventurer myself" He said

"But sir Kaspian...." His words was cut of by Kaspian as Kaspian told him to leave

"I hope you don't mind me doing this" He asked me

I just shrugged, and got ready again. As he unsheathed his rapier I felt the wind gathering around him

"So he's a wind mage" I thought as I dashed towards him

He was surprised by my speen, but then I slowed down a bit to be less suspicious, as I pluged towards him mana coating my daggers so the blade wouldn't be too sharp my daggers clashes with his rapier. The sheer strenght of my attack managed to push him back a little, as he was about to fall I could see the wind mana pushing him back up.

"It seems like you're as mysterious as you look mr Jin-Woo" He said

I didn't reply but I knew that I would make a mistake, and reveal unnecessary things, so I used Ruler's authority on him, as it was about to hit Kaspian dissapeared, and appeared beside me his rapier lunging towards me. As his rapier was about to hit me I managed to raise my dagger to block it. Kaspian then turned to see the ground where I used Ruler's authority. If I failed to dodge that I'm afraid that I could've died back there, but his words was stopped as I used Ruler's Authority once again this time managed to catch him, as I try to control the pressure I used I could see Kaspian trying to fight it, but in the end he couldn't, and surrendered.

"Sung Jin-Woo S rank" He announced

Everyone watching went to a state of shock and soon after the arena was very loud, people talking, and some clapping their hands.

"As expected of my lord" Beru said

"Bellion how is Arthur doing" I asked

"He is doing well sir he is now currently in the process to...."Bellions word was cut off

"Bellion?" I asked panicked

"Forgive me my lord there was an explosion from Arthur, but he is fine" He replied

"The boy did it" Sylvia said

"The rock?" I still asked curious

"You'll see it soon" She replied

I then went to get my adventurer card, and went towards the beast glades. I entered various dungeons as I walked, and walked I felt a presence similar To Cadell again. As I turned invisible, I followed the mana to the core. There I saw two people, a man neatly-cropped ash black hair with heavy lids beneath his eyes and black horns above his ears. He wears tight-fitting black armor underneath a lavish purple cape. And a woman who had obsidian horns that glowed like precious stones, contrasting with her long pearl-colored hair that flowed back past her narrow shoulders. possessing dark eyes and a thin frame, Her skin had the quality of polished alabaster and her eyes were as piercing as her long black horns that spiraled up like an impala's. I was trying to see how strong they were at first but then their conversation made me interested, keeping a distence I sent one of my shadows, and listened to their conversation.

"Cylrit is it true that Cadell is dead" She asked

"Yes scythe Seris his body has been retrieved, and currently they are shipping it to Agrona to be experimented on" Cylrit answered his voice filled with anger, and disgust, I knew Cadell wasn't really a good man but the thought of experimenting on the corpse of you own soldires disgusts me, I continued to listen in to their conversasion

"Agrona has rulled over our people without a care in the world it is normal for us to be taken, and experimented on Cylrit have you forgotten what he did to us, I'm sure he's going to be more rough towards Cadell's corpse" Seris said her voice cold

"I am aware Scythe Seris but how long must we suffer by his tyrany rule" Cylrit replied his tone angry

"We can only hope, and wait Cylrit" She said her voice weak, and sad

"It seems like this Agrona guy doesn't really value the lives of his people" Ashborn told me

"Agreed, but from their talk I know he cares about special people to experiment on them" I said my voice cold

"This world may be peaceful on the outside, but I fear that once war breaks it may be more crueler then you old world" Ashborn said

"I couldn't agree more, in my old world we mostly experimented on monsters, never humans" I replied

"So now that we know the other continent is hostile what should we do" Ashborn asked

"We wait, until they step foot in this continent, and I don't mean spies, I meant his armies" I replied

"Be careful Agrona is careful, and also does whatever means necessary to acieve his goals" Sylvia joined in our conversasion

"But you can trust her, I've know the scythe for a long time, she had accompany me many times before helping me escape from Agrona's imprisonment" Sylvia continued

"The other one?" I asked

"I do not know, I've never seen her come visit me with anyone" Sylvia replied

"I'll wait until she's alone then I'll talk to her for now I'll just follow them, maybe I could know how they came here" I said

Seris Vritra POV

As me and Cylrit talked I couldn't help but feel unease when we first entered the dungeon a feeling that something was watching us a feeling of dread flooded my instincts, my instincts told me to turn back to the portal, to return, to run away, to get as far away as possible, but as I scanned the area around me I found nobody near us, so I decided to stay, and hear on Cylrit's reports.

"What shall we do now?" He asked

"I do not know Cylrit" I replied

"We need more power to fight back" He said

"Cylrit their Asura's they don't care if they killed a majority of us, to them we're just their breeding grounds, expendable, replaceable." I told him my voice filled with anger

"I understand, Scythe Seris but what if we never get our chance to live free" He asked me

"All we can do now is just see where Fate brings us" I replied with as sad tone as we have reached the portal where we came from

"I'll go first maybe you should stay here for a moment to calm yourself down" Cylrit said to me

"You're right I need some time to think" I said as he walked into the portal

As I walked around the dungeon thinking about the fate of my race. I saw a black entity in front of me at first I thought it was just a monster, but suddenly it jumped into my shadow, and my vision became dark as I opened my eyes once again I was in a cave with eight pillars in the middle towering high. I looked up to the top of the pillars to see three figures sitting down, as one of them snapped his finger I was suddenly beside a dragon I have not seen for a long time.

"Sylvia?" I asked to the dragon

"It is nice to see you again Seris" She replied with a smile

As I looked around I saw a handsome and muscular young man with gray eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features. besides him was a huge, muscular shadow with glowing flame-like purple hair, glowing purple eyes, two curved black horns, and sharp claws. He also wore jet-black armor and a long smoky black cloak.

"My name is Seris Vritra" I bowed towards them

"My name is Ahborn" The big shadow replied

"My name is Sung Jin-Woo" The man replied

"May I ask why you have summoned me here" I asked

"I simply wanted to talk with you Seris" The man said

He didn't appear to be strong nor weak, looking at him he was more like a mysterious figure walking in the dark, as I stared at his grey eyes it felt as I was gazing at a bottomless pit, no matter how hard I tried to look I couldn't find an end to it. As I looked at the mana particle around him it was like even the mana itself feared getting near the man, as I saw black, and purple mana radiating from the man not letting other kinds of mana get near him.

"What did you want to talk about" I asked my tone polite

"I heard an interesting conversasion between you and Cylrit" He simply replied

"Was he Agrona's Ally? No that wouldn't explain why Sylvia is with him" My mind was confused after listening to his answer

"What would you like to know" I finally answer

"Everything about your continent, and it's ruler" He replied

At first I hesitated, but his expressionless gaze bore through me making me feel weak, little, submissive, as I saw the mana around him didn't change nor the expression he wore also didnt change, I eventually nodded, and started telling him from the beginning, about the ancient mages, to how the suddenly dissapeared leaving our land vulnerable, and then the Asuras came which were now called Sovereigns rather than Asura's. I told the man all about how magic in Alacrya was different from magic in Dicathen, and lastly I told him all I knew about Agrona. As I finished telling him everything there was no changes in his expression as he was listenning to a report, he just nodded to me, and said

"I understand" Was all he said

As he snapped his finger I returned to the place I was at, my eyes whirled around the dungeon to find traces of him, but I didn't, no more like I couldn't sense him. I eventually gave up, and took the portal back to Alacrya.

Sung Jin-Woo POV

"I pity their people to have such a ruler" Ashborn said

"I agree" Sylvia said nodding

"What would you do" Ashborn asked as he turned towards me

"I was never a man who cared about justice, I just want to live a peaceful live, protecting those who are dear to me. I have failed that miserably, now I had a second chance to protect someone I see as a little brother, if I have to fight I will fight" I replied

"Kyu" an alien voice rang in our link

"Mama" it said again

"Sylv at least call me papa, I'm a boy you know" I heard arthur's Voice

"Who's that?" I asked Arthur

"Oh we're linked?" He asked also surprised

"It's the rock, well it wasn't really a rock it was an egg" Arthur answered

I turned my head to Sylvia who gave me a grin and then said

"I heard you calling her Sylv is that her name?" She asked

"Yes I named her after you her full name is Sylvie" Arthur answered

"I like it" Sylvia replied

"Can we take step back and discuss how Arthur now has a fourth voice inside his head" I said, while Ashborn nodded in agreement

"Well it's nothing Arthur Can't handle" Sylvia replied

"Arthur take care of her for me would you" She said

"Yes I already plan to do it" Arthur replied

"Arthur I'm going to go away for a while" I said

"Huh where?" he asked

"You don't need to know but I've already assigned a couple of soldiers for you so you shouldn't worry too much, but they'll only help whenever you are in death's door, don't worry one of them is a capable healer so draging you from the gates of hell won't be a problem" I said as I stood up

(A/n: Guess who healer is cause it's not Beru =) )

"Ashborn look the boy for me" I said

"Sylvia please teach Ashborn about social life if he ever decides to go out" I said to Sylvia

I closed my eyes as I felt my shadows swallowing me, I was then in the shadow of Seris as she entered a room I scanned to see if anyone was here, and as it was all in the clear I was about to show up but Seris started to undress, I immediately closed my eyes and looked away, as I felt my face heating up.

"Fuck this is the second time this had happened" I thought to myself

"I need to teleport but in order to do that I needed to be out from her shadow same goes with using my skill I can't activate it while I'm in her shadow." I thought, I then decided to just close my eyes as I waited I heard the sound of a shower

"Calm down clean thoughts clean thoughts" I repeated those words over, and over

As I heard the sound of the shower stopped I still didn't want to look I waited, and waited until I heard a door open, I Hesitantly looked and was glad to see her already dressed, as she was walking in public I couldn't come out now. She walked until she was in front of a house that looked similar to that of a castle, as the guards bowed to her, and escorting her in I decided to talk to her.

"It seems like you're well respected here" I whispered in her ears

As she looked behind to find nothing behind her I said again

"I'm in your shadow" I whispered to her

"Find a private room so we could have a chat" I said

She then walked towards one of the guards and said something as the guard escorted me to a room with a little girl around Arthur's age inside she had blue navy hair, red ruby eyes.

"I thought I told you to find a private room" I said as I sighed

"She is my student that I recently teaching, and we're not talking here I need to tell her to do some independent trainning since you decided to show out without notice" She said to me

She then moved to another room, and casted a sound barrier. As she gave me the all clear I slowly appeared from her shadow, and looked around the room, as she took a step back.

"Ah sorry" I said as I supressed my mana

"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked

"I want access to the Relictombs" I said

"Surely you could've done it yourself without me" She said

"I also need an identity in Alacrya" I continued

She stared at me her eybrows furrowed in confusion at my last request.

"May I ask for what?" She asked

"I don't need it now I'll decide after I visit this Relictomb, which is why I came here in the first place, but I don't know where they're located at" I said still wanting to hide my shadow abilities

"Well if it's just that sure I can guide you there, but probably after I teach my student" She said

I nodded as I returned to her shadow, but then she asked

"How long were you in there" She asked me, but I just stay silent as I saw her face got red

"We are going to have a talk about this later" She said to me

Seris taught the girl which I learned later her name was Caera Denoir they both had sword trainning, and mana trainning for the whole day, until it got dark. She then exited the house, and walked.

"So where are we going?" I asked mentally

"To an ascension gate" She replied coldly clearly still angry at me

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