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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

I stood there outside my classroom as I greeted my new class with my best smile. I really wanted them to like me or at least earn their respect enough for them to try in my class. I caught Shotua staring for a few moments as some woman in a tight-fitting ensemble was chatting her head off to him. I gave him a nervous wave before the last of my students entered my classroom quietly talking amongst themselves waiting for the bell to ring. He completely ignored the woman returning my simple wave before disappearing into his own classroom as the woman I'm assuming finally got the hint and rushed away out of embarrassment. I left my door open before turning back towards my new students as I walked to the front of the room. "Good Morning students I'm your newest teacher Ms. Neru Rirakkusu but just call me Ms. Neru or Ru will be just fine. Now I did talk to Shotua... I mean Mr. Tsukarehateta about what he's covered so far with you guys. So I think we should start with an urban classic, we're going to start with the urban classic that sadly is banned Fahrenheit 451. Now a quick pop quiz does anyone know the importance of the title of the book?" I stated happily as I gazed out at the faces of my students some were confused and some nervously chewed their lips. A girl with a black bob cut with dyed ends slowly raised her hand while everyone else followed her lead. "I believe that it has something to do with what happens in the book." Her voice rang out as other students started shouting out their guesses. "No no, it has to do with books in that world right?" One rang out excitedly. "It's the temperature of something isn't it?" Another answered as I smiled happily at how they were in this class for not even a whole ten minutes before crushing my expectations as my students. I was shocked at how quickly these teenagers decided to interact with each other over a banned book not to mention that some if not most of their guesses were either correct or almost exact. "Okay okay quiet down guys! Some if not most of you are correct the title has to do with the burning point of paper and some of you even foreshadowed why the book title happened to be the burning point of paper. But dont worry I will give you a brief description of the book before we go over why it was banned." I stated as I gave two students stacks of the book before they passed them out to everyone as I wrote down the rules of my class on the chalkboard of course I made my rules simple and straightforward even for teenagers in high school. Rule number 1- No bullying in my classwhatsoever, rule number 2- No spoiling the ending to books or movies but that one was pretty obvious and finally rule number 3- Absolutely under no circumstances will there be cheating. I took my rollcall book and began to take attendance so I at least know everyone's names, I had 21 students in total but I only counted 19 students in attendance right now. "Um does anyone know where the Baez sisters are? I dont see them here today." Well this is just great two of my students could be absent and they'd be confused the next time they come in because we're getting started on this book today. "Ms. Neru they could be in Mr. Shotua's classroom without him knowing. I saw them in homeroom this morning when I checked for attendance amongst my peers." I glanced down at my seating chart to find her name and hopefully not make a fool of myself. "Lizabeth is it? Thank you for the information. Everyone take a moment to talk amongst yourselves while I walk over to Mr. Tsukarehateta's classroom." Hopefully, he doesn't mind me looking for my students but I dont want them falling behind in my course it just wouldn't be fair to everyone else specifically if they're just ditching class on purpose. Glancing back at my students conversing with each other quietly I made my way across the hall knocking on his door before entering and hopefully not interrupting his teaching. I was surprised he kept teaching as I picked up his subtle hint to stand by his desk to wait for him to finish his sentence and assign his students some classwork while we talk about my missing students. "Alright, class pull out your textbooks and open up to page 13: The Mexican - American War. You're going to answer questions 1A to 10C or if you think you can answer questions 1A to 13B be my guest. I'll be at my desk with Ms. Rirakkusu discussing some topics of importance try to not be pests unless you really need the assistance." He did sound annoyed but I dont think it was towards me, maybe it was from this morning while he was talking to that mystery woman in the hallway before class. The wait felt like forever but I wasn't bored in fact I watched him walk through the rows of desks checking on his students before coming towards me I noticed he had his hair down this time and it rested on his shoulders gently. "Well good morning to you Neru to what do I owe this meeting? Did your laptop malfunction?" His smile...those eyes yet here he is worried about me and my classroom. His tone changed completely almost like it was with Heather or his friends but his eyes were guarded almost like he was suspicious of the reason behind my quick pop-in. "Do you have any of my students by chance? I'm missing two of them but according to one of my students, they both were in homeroom. Their last names are Baez." I told him as he sighed before he checked his attendance book for any extra students he might have had at the moment. "Yeah they're here alright most likely they probably snuck in while Jill was talking my head off about the upcoming spirit week. Which reminds me you should probably check your email about that." He called the girls over who looked a little too happy to be called over by the teacher whose class they just snuck into. The smiles on their faces were a little too fake yet more flirty and mischievous almost like they were hoping he'd have a reason to talk with them. "Yes Shouta I mean Mr. Tsukarehateta how can we assist you?" I noticed both girls wore similar outfits to each other the only difference was the tightness and color of their clothes. You only see girls try this hard to look mature when they have a massive crush on their teachers or they're trying to get into a grown man's pants that probably already said he wasn't interested in girls like them then again this is high school and girls think they're more mature than they really are. "Do you two wanna tell me why you cut class to hide out in mine?" His tone was laced in annoyance at their teenage shenanigans and disrespect, I was a little annoyed at the snide looks I was receiving from these girls when Shotua would bring up my name while he chewed them out. I smiled watching him go-between helping his students and disciplining my students for me before I realized they were waiting for me to stop him but I wasn't planning on stopping him anytime soon. Their excuse as to skipping my class was nothing but utter bullshit especially for a bunch of teenage girls who have no sense of respect for their teachers. "Apologize to Ms. Rirakkusu right now and then get your asses to class and behave. If I hear even one thing about you idiots being assholes to your teacher I'll personally call your father and make sure you two are punished." His eyes matched the tone of his threat and I was actually shocked he gave a damn about me but I guess he just doesn't like any of the students being disrespectful to teachers or staff. The girls shot me a nasty glare as they made their way towards the door to go back to their rightful class, I was about to get up to head back to class before Shouta gently grabbed my hand stopping me for just a moment. "Hey, Neru...before you go I wanted to remind you that those two are known for pushing buttons cause their parents are on the school board and they think they are untouchable. You just got here and I'm enjoying not having to teach English during my free periods I don't feel like giving that up just yet." I couldn't tell if he was actually serious or he was trying to end this conversation on a light-hearted joke to ease my nerves. But looking in his dark eyes he had so many emotions swirling some I couldn't put my finger on as to why he'd have them showing but he did seem genuine about his warning. I don't even remember walking back to my class and resuming taking attendance before the dismissal bell ended my class it was like I blacked out and subconsciously started teaching for whatever time I had left of my first class for the day but from the looks of it, I managed to make a good impression on my class except for the twins for "ruining their morning" by letting Mr. Tsukarehateta discipline them for cutting class. The morning classes were a blur and after Shouta ignored Miss Tight Clothes during the start of our morning I never saw her at his door again or maybe I Wasn't paying attention and she actually was there trying to get his attention again. I was wiping my board clean as someone knocked on my doorway before entering my classroom clearing their throat to get my attention. "Ms. Neru Rirakkusu? I hope I said that correctly I don't want to offend you on your first day here we really could use more teachers." His voice was deep and almost sounded Southern maybe Cajun or a Georgian accent? I turned around clapping the dust off my hands before looking up at my surprise visitor. "It is okay if you can't pronounce it correctly most people call me Neru unless your Shouta and you call me Ru." I chuckled grabbing my phone and wallet as the lunch bell rang alerting the students that first lunch is beginning as we speak. "Oh, where are my manners if my mama was still kicking she'd smack me upside the head for being so rude to a pretty lady. I'm Kai Albetta I teach Biology and Chemistry a floor above you I'm here to escort you to the cafeteria for lunch duty. Grandma Nora told me you were going to be my newest lunch monitor partner Ms. Orimono will be there as well but when isn't she the gym is less of a walk away than the English wing. I'm sorry I ramble when I meet someone new and try a little too hard of making friends." I glanced at him smiling he kinda reminded me of a golden retriever as we walked towards the cafeteria. We actually had a few things in common, we enjoy home cooking rather than take out and both of our grandparents came from foreign countries hoping to find a better life for their families. "So how's teachin so far? Are any students giving ya trouble yet? Have you made any friends yet aside from myself of course?" He chuckled as we walked into the lunchroom and took our post waiting on Ms. Orimono to join us as well but talking with Kai was so simple and easy plus he was super helpful to the students we were watching over. "It's been surprisingly well for my first day, I had 2 students cut class to go gawk at Shouta but he disciplined them and sent them back to my class. I don't think I made any friends yet? But Shouta Tsukarehateta and I seem to have a mutual understanding of each other and respect each other enough." I laughed with Kai before a certain someone caught our eye and his name was Shouta fucking Tsukarehateta more specifically Shouta Tsukarehateta smiling and socializing with another teacher. I looked at Kai in confusion as excitement flashed over his vibrant green eyes and a flashing smile spread across his face at the sight of Shouta with another woman I haven't seen yet. "Ms. Orimono It's good to see you again. How are the kids? Is little man still sick with the stomach flu?" So she has children that Kai knows about, I wonder if Shouta knows about her kids too. My mind wandered with questions before I was snapped back into reality by Ms. Orimono waving her hand in front of me snapping me out of my whirlwind of inner thoughts. "You alright there? You checked out for a moment darlin' and I didn't want you passing out on us." She has bright red hair like it was professionally done and her clothes were amazing it kind of made me jealous but I preferred my somewhat darker colors in such casual attire. I usually don't wear bright colors unless I'm teaching or it's a special event that requires me to dress up a little bit. "Oh no, I'm okay just got lost in my thoughts. I'm the new English teacher Neru Rirakkusu its good to meet you Ms. Orimono. Mr. Albetta speaks highly of you." Her smile could light up the whole city at the mention of Kai speaking about her I see why he always gets nervous around her. "All good things I hope. I teach physical education but other than that I usually supervise study halls and detention." I just now noticed Kai blushing as she turned her attention towards him continuing their conversation. I snuck away from our little group to go supervise the lunch lines and maybe buy my lunch ahead of time but I can just eat next period when I have free time. Lunch was pretty basic and no student caused trouble for us to send them to the principal, the twins were staring at Shouta with their little friend group Rosa and Kai were talking together happily about some fundraisers that were coming up and well I was on the other end of the lunchroom not noticing that Shouta was staring at me when I wasn't paying attention to him and signing out students. I just hope nothing eventful happens before lunch ends and I get back to my classroom to be alone with my food and thoughts.

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