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Chapter 6: Ch. 4 - Growing Older

{Author's Note- This is a small timeskip, but I'll make sure to keep them small if I do them. They won't happen often.

Also, thanks for 10k views, and 18 votes! I didn't expect that to happen this quick, I was gobsmacked at my Issei story getting the attention it did xD}


I awoke with my Raptors covering my entire body, Blue's face directly in my lap, and a lot of snoring from them, which was quite adorable. It's been only two weeks, and they're already three feet tall. It makes snuggling with them that much better, as they are really warm.

Charlie's legs twitched as she seemed to be running in her dreams, drool collecting on my chest. Dammit Charlie, well, I guess It should be easy to clean my shirt, I've done okay so far. Just really wish I had my soap back and all.

"Alright, c'mon girls, time to get up, we've got a new day ahead of us!", I said to them, though all they did was snuggle deeper in my embrace, still sleeping. Is this what I was like when I was fourteen?

Blue stirred, but all that did was make it difficult, as her muzzle was directly against my crotch, and it was growing, literally. Why, life, why?!

It was only after a very awkward few minutes, that it became okay again, when she finally lifted her drool covered face up from my crotch, blearily blinking, then smiling as she saw me again, calm returning.

Phew... I don't want to explain the birds and the bees to Blue or Charlie, Echo, and Delta yet, that would make things a lot more awkward around here, hahahaha...

Especially since I learned that Charlie, Echo, and Delta call me Daddy, and Blue started doing so as well. I apologize to their parents, excessively, please don't hurt me when I die.

"Morning, Daddy! What are we going to do today?", Blue asks with a bright grin on her face, seeming like she's begun understanding something she shouldn't yet.

"Uhm, well, we still need to finish the roofs of our homes, soon I want to start a garden as well. Of course you four probably won't be interested, as they are plants and all, but I want to at least have more than just meat. It's kinda unhealthy, for my species.", I say, tapping my chin, before bringing up my Status Screen.


Status Screen-

Name: Tommy Age: 18 Sex: Male Level: 30

Title: A Raptor's Alpha

Title Stats-


A Raptors Alpha: Any Raptor that you have in your family/tribe, earns a 5 times increase in stats when leveling up, also allows one to be more intimate with ones Raptor's such as being able to love, and be loved by the Raptors. Further increase in Rarity allows for more intimate interactions, no matter if you want to or not.

Rarity- S


HP- 300 MP- 300


STR- 25

PER- 15

END- 30

CHA- 30

INT- 50

AGI- 25

LUC- 10

Stat Points- 30


I've definitely had a steady growth through my building, playing with my girls, and coming up with things I can do to increase my stats, it was quite a bit of work. I don't know what increases my supposed MP bar though, as my Intelligence is way too high to only have it at 300.

My chickens now have a litter of Eight chicks, and eventually when I have my own Chicken coop, they'll populate the entire thing, so I probably need to build a big one. But first, I need to be able to smelt the metal, then make it malleable enough to make the special fences that are required for chickens in my past life.

On another note, throughout the last two weeks, the T-Rex from before was last seen four miles away from the girls family, and so I thought it was safe enough to have a funeral for them, and Blue really appreciated it. I felt a slight disturbance in the area when that was going on, like I was being watched, but with gratitude? I'm not sure how to explain it.

"Whelp, c'mon girls, let's go outside!", I call louder, and that's what does it, as they reluctantly get off me, or in Echo's case, got out from underneath my head.

"Yes, Daddy!", Charlie exclaims, as she seems to love being able to talk like me and Blue, it took until two days ago before she and the others could do so, and she hopped up, grabbed the handle with her teeth, and pushed, letting the rock on the other side fall to the ground. She then ushered my chickens back into the other house, as a few had found ways to escape, and sat with a happy look, like a cute dog waiting for compliments.

I rubbed her head, with a smile, and she coos, her tail wagging. I then turn to the others, clapping my hands to get their attention, and they all turn to look at me, expectantly.

"Alright girls! Y'all are getting around that age that you can help me hunt, and maybe I'll teach you all how I built things, if you can maneuver your claws like I can my hands and all. Are y'all good with that?", I smile at them, and they all seem to silently cheer.

"Yes, we are Daddy! We'll make you proud!" Delta exclaims this time, showing a thumbs up somehow with her claws. How amusing hehehe...

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