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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Knockout\Cute

(Hotel rose, Top floor, The Kings suite)

The city of New York went about is usual day of craziness, girls and boys ran the streets trying to form groups to raid dungeons. Usually this would be a normal day of hunting, riches and parties but the city seemed to be frozen. Even normal humans who walked the streets, could just feel something was off not to mention the hunters who were sensitive to mana.

Each and every person who walked the streets moved at a snails pace. No matter who it was be it man, woman or child felt like the world was on their backs. A crushing weight from the sky pushing them into the ground.

Hunters around the city saw as people started to pass out. Hoping to help the hunters moved around the city as it broke into chaos. Cars almost crashing, trains being stopped and the city almost going on lock down. Even so the hunters were not spared, first the E-ranks dropped and soon all the ranks above them followed.

Those of S-rank or had high defense could only move slowly as the golden mana ran wild throughout the city. Just when the city was going to completely shut down, the mana vanished. Hours after this event, people who had recovered would tell of the event until new reports started to roll in. Talking about the city wide knock out and where it had come from. Little did they know the man who caused this was just now getting himself together. Never realizing the mess that could have happened until days later.

(M. c PoV)

"Fuck that guy! Preparation my ass! What was that, 15 seconds?" Yelling out as I got up from the floor, I smashed my hand on the table destroying it as I did.

'Damn, I say that but that was a lot to take in at once. This world, my life, my power? All of it was written down in a book from a different world. One with no hunters, no monsters, no power? Still I seems some of them had the ability to see in to different worlds. They wrote down everything that would happen, even if it's annoying and takes away from the surprise. I still think it's pretty damn amazing.' Lifting myself off the floor and on to the bed, I leaned on my knees thinking about everything I now knew.

While in deep thought, I never noticed the door had been knocked on and after no reply a person walked in to check it out.

"Guild Master?" Breaking me out of my thoughts was a sweet voice, even if the sound of exhaustion didn't get passed my ears.

"What is it.." turning my eyes to her as I propped up my chin with my hand. I looked out of the corner of my eye, they glowed as i scanned the woman who spoke to me.

'Did I scare her? She looks a lot more eye catching like this to.' Thinking to myself as I saw the blonde woman stare at me.

She was a beautiful young woman with blue eyes and blonde hair that she wears in a bun. Wearing her usual black business suit, with a skirt but for some reason she looked much more appealing. Her designer, sweater turtleneck hugged her body close. Sweat dripped down her neck and her hair was out of place. She was shaking out of fear but her eyes were full of resolve as she spoke.

"Guild Master, it would be in the best interest of this guild branch.. if you didn't let your.. uh, mana.. run. G-guild m-ma-master?" Laura spoke to me in a professional manner as she always did. Getting her words caught up while she watched me stand and slowly walk over. I stood to my full height as I looked down at her pretty face.

"Let me ask you something Laura? Are you scared of me?" Looking down at her my eyes light dimmed as I saw her lift her head.

"No Guild master, I'm not scared of you. I wouldn't work for someone I was scared of sir." Looking in my eyes her resolve harden.

"Good, I like a woman like you. Strong, beautiful.. and that look in your eyes." Tilting my head at her words, I watched as she turned her head and I smiled showing my canines.

"*Ahem like I was saying sir please control your mana." Looking down Laura spoke to me. Stopping as she felt a large gentle hand touch her head.

"I understand Laura.. I will do just that, sorry for the inconvenience." Rubbing her head, I smiled and moved over to the bed again as Laura's ears turned red.

"I meant what I said Laura, just remember what I said. Now let me have some time to myself." Cutting laura off who was bowing and saying her goodbyes i spoke in a gentle voice.

"I will remember sir, thank you." Laura said with another bow before walking out of the room with red ears and a slight beat to her heart.

'That was fun, I like seeing her reactions. With that being said what do I do with this thing." Watching Laura leave I could only shake my head at the thoughts I had for a moment. She was blushing but that professional look never left her face.

After getting a cup of whiskey and changing my shorts I sat on a chair closest to the window, looking out at the city as an object floated above my palm.

(Laura's pov)

Exiting the room of my guild master, Thomas Andre. I had strange thoughts as I replayed what just happened. I could remember his gentle touch and his out of character actions just a moment ago.

'Did Andre.. really say that to me? When has he ever taken interest in women like me?' I thought leaning against his door as i bite my nail a little. I tried to control the heat from my skin as the blush creeped up my neck.

'He called me beautiful and strong? Does he really see me like that? Where does he get the word strong from looking at me?' I knew myself I wasn't a strong hunter so hearing it from someone like Andre really messed with my mind. He was type that loved strong women and I didn't feel like I fit the characteristics of the strong.

'I mean he is.. no no! What am I thinking?! But he is handsome.. handsome?! Handsome?! Andre handsome?! what the hell am I saying?! Uhh!' While thinking I couldn't help but touch my hair where he placed his hand.

I started to pace back and forth as my face grew redder, thinking about the stupid things I just told myself. This didn't go unnoticed by a few guild members up here on the top floor, they stopped and watched what I was doing in front of Andre's door.

"Um Laura? Are you ok? I mean you don't look so well.. is it about the mana earlier?" Taking me out of my thoughts was a short red headed man, him and a few others who had passed out in this hallway looked at me funny. I could hear the concern in his voice as I finally noticed how I was acting.

"*ahem I'm perfectly fine, just shaken up a bit. Thank you for your concern Mark. The guild master gave his word that it won't happen again. He asks for no one to disturb him. If that's all I'll be going." Realizing how ridiculous I just looked, I coughed and fixed my clothes talking to them as I looked down a little and went to my own office room.

Getting to my room I closed the door, leaning up against it as I slid down. Leaning my head back as I looked up at the ceiling and watched the fan rotate above my head.

"I must be crazy, I can't think like that.. but it would be nice."

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