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Chapter 2: A Start To It All

"It's been 3 years and I still haven't found a way!" Samuel shouted as he slammed his hands on his desk furiously as a cup of pencils fell over and onto the ground.

Then the whirring of some motors became audible as a high pitch robotic voice said, "Maybe you should stop thinking about it and go somewhere for a while," the voice spoke aloud. "Maybe somewhere with other people; like your friends."

"Maybe you're right Gizmo, maybe I should stop thinking about it for a while." Samuel said as he bent down onto the floor, picking up the dropped pencils.

Gizmo was a robot Samuel made to make sure his house wasn't going to get out of control when he was away, and had an A.I. so that he could talk with it and have average conversations. (A/N: Gizmo's design is based off of Vector, a robot that the company Anki made (Now digital dream labs) but bigger and better).

"That's the spirit. Now go on! Go on now, get out of here!," Gizmo shouted, as he started pushing Samuel out the front door.

"Alright, alright, I'm leaving! Make sure to keep the house tidy when I get back." Samuel Shouted to Gizmo as he exited through the door. "Oh hello, what's this?" Samuel said, checking his text messages on his phone. "Hmm… What a coincidence I got a party invitation to one of my 'friends' parties. " Samuel said knowing what has happened in the past before. "Should I go? I mean last time it got crazy and the house almost caught fire," Samuel said in a worried tone. "I mean how bad can it get this time?" Samuel said as another message came up. "Oh dear, well of course there are going to be drugs at the party, oh but only like wine and other things like that, ah well no matter not like I drink anyways, " Samuel thought. He got in his car which was a 2021 Koenigsegg agera RS, and drove off for miles.

As he drove on for what seemed to be a half hour, listening to the news as he kept on saying, "goddamn the idiots in this world," to basically every world that popped up. Eventually after driving through a dense forest with a poorly paved road, he eventually reached a big city. After driving around for a few minutes in the city he finally found where the place was.

When Samuel arrived he saw a familiar face, " Chandler is that you?" Samuel asked as he walked up to a person.

Then the man that appeared to be around 500 pounds of pure fat (226.796 kilos) with a black and white suit replied with, "Ah, Samuel you made it! I thought you weren't going to come due to your, well, 'research'," Chandler said.

"Well I decided to come anyways, besides it's been awhile since I have been out," Samuel said to Chandler. "Plus I've got to get my mind straight again."

"Well it's still good to see you," Chandler said.

"Hmmmm did you invite Ammon?" Samuel asked Chandler.

"Oh Ammon? Yeah I did but I don't think he will show up though," Chandler said. "Hmmm well let's not stand out here forever."

"Yes, yes, let's head inside," Samuel said to Chandler.

However little did Samuel know that this party would change his life. Well more like what happened afterwards but still it will change his life.

"So any new discoveries?" Chandler asked as they walked into a pretty big building with big glass chandeliers hanging all over the ceiling. Not to mention the how fancy it all was, it was like a building made out of gold on the inside.

"No not much, however I do still have ideas," Samuel said.

"Like what? You're still not thinking your theory is true, are you?" Chandler chuckled.

"Hmm I am not sure but I still have hope," Samuel said as if it would answer Chandler's question.

"Hope... that's what you have," Chandler said in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, but hear me out, I have reasons why," Samuel stated.

"Oh yeah and what might those reasons be?" Chandler asked.

Samuel paused for a moment to think about a good answer for he didn't know what to say. "Well still I have reasons why I should be continuing this."

"Yeah keep on telling yourself that," Chandler said to Samuel. "Plus even if it is tr-," Chandler was interrupted by Samuel.

"You know that's not the first time I heard that, plus I said I would find a way eventually… didn't I?" Samuel stated in a mean tone as they were then brought to a table and sat down.

"Fine but still you should be careful you don't want to spend your whole life on something that's not true, even if it is true, we don't have the technology to prove it," Chandler stated.

"Yeah you're right you guys don't, but I do," Samuel said. Samuel has been working on this universal travel system for a few years and wasn't going to give up anytime soon. "Well I guess I better leave, there are still things that need to be done."

"Well before you leave Samuel," Chandler started, "I'd like to make a toast."

"Oh really?" Samuel said looking at Chander with a "are you serious?" face.

"Yes, yes, everyone!" Chandler said as he was clanking the side of his glass. Chandler then whispered to Samuel, "here take this," Chandler said as he handed Samuel a glass of champagne. "To my dear friend Samuel as he pursues his dream even if it might not come true," Chandler said to the crowd.

"To Samuel!" the crowd said.

Samuel was looking down at his glass knowing he shouldn't drink it but he drank it anyway as the crowd cheered. However a few moments later Samuel was starting to feel a bit tired he knew something wasn't right. "Chandler somethings wrong with-," But Samuel passed out before he could finish his sentence. After Samuel passed out there were screams followed by the sound of glass breaking and gunshots.

When Samuel woke up he was lying by a machine, one that he never had seen before nor thought he built. Samuel could remember very little of what happened yesterday but still remembered some things. "Gizmo you there!" Samuel shouted but no answer, this made him worried when he went searching for Gizmo all throughout the house. Samuel did find him eventually but not in great condition he tried turning Gizmo on but Gizmo just stayed there not moving or talking. This wasn't much of a big deal however because Samuel did still have some spare parts.

After Samuel got Gizmo up and running again Samuel wasn't very happy. "Gizmo what the hell happened here!?" Samuel asked.

"Not very good things," Gizmo replied.

"How so?" Samuel asked.

"Well for one when you came home you weren't alone... there were others with you," Gizmo said.

"How many other people were with me?" Samuel questioned Gizmo for quite a while with unclear answers.

"Three other people were with me?" replied Samuel, still confused about what happened the day before.

"Affirmative however before I could scan them I was shut down somehow," answered Gizmo.

"Hmm possibly an EMP I didn't make you immune to those," Samuel Replied.

"Possibly, but it would have to be small for all the other machinery "were still working somehow," Gizmo stated, "It would have to be something more like a taser that would still be enough to overload my system with power."

"Hmm true, however I still have a question: what is the machine I woke up by?" Samuel asked.

"I do not know... should I scan it?" Gizmo replied.

"Sure go ahead," Samuel answered. As they headed upstairs to the machine Gizmo then scanned it. It looked like a cryotube one to keep you asleep for a while but that wasn't the case.

"Seems harmless however isn't new, it's been around for a few days," Gizmo replied.

"I think I know what it is... IT'S A CRYOTUBE!" Samuel stated in an excited voice.

"Looks like it, should we test it out to see if it works?" Gizmo questioned.

"Sure why not," Samuel answered. "Ohoho boy NASA said they would give a ton of money if I figured out how to build one of these, guess I did I just forgot about it," Samuel stated as he climbed into it. "You got the controles Gizmo?" Samuel asked.

"Sure do!" Gizmo replied.

"Alright then fire it up!" Samuel ordered.

"Alright all systems seem to work, wait how long do you want to stay asleep?" Gizmo asked.

"Umm lets do a day alright," Samuel Answered.

"Alright plugging in 24 to the machine and activating," Replied Gizmo as little robotic arms came out of his lift and started to press on some buttons on the number pad.

As the machine shook a ton and made loud noises it then stopped after a few minutes revealing something bad. Samuel had made a mistake for it was not a sleep pod or chamber it was a machine that made you young. So when the machine opened up there was quite a lot of confusion.

"Uhhh Gizmo has been a day yet and if so take note, side effect number one is feeling small," Samuel said as he rubbed his eye's.

"Umm sir you're not feeling small... you are small," Gizmo replied.

"WHAT!?!" Samuel asked in a surprised tone of voice. "How am I small?" Samuel continued.

"Uhh where's a mirror, wait no, here we go," Gizmo replied as he used his face to show a screen of what Samuel looks like, "Ummm so yeah you look um whats the word, young."

"What the hell," Samuel said to himself as he looked at what Gizmo was showing on his screen, "Holy shit its not a cryotube, its some kind of, aging machine."

"Scanning... your age is now 13," Gizmo stated.

"13!?!? How? Wait, a minute I was 37 right then you put in 24 which makes me 13 so that 24 wasn't hours it was years, years of age really," Samuel explained.

"I guess so but why was it here and how did it get here?" Gizmo Replied.

"My guess is that I got drugged at the party I went to, then was forced to make the one thing I didn't want to make, an aging machine," Samuel continued explaining, "The thing is I don't know any drugs that could do that."

"Hmm maybe, so what should we do now ?" Gizmo asked.

"The one thing I wanted to do, make a device that could travel through Universes," Samuel replied as he stepped out clumsily, "Gizmo I think my muscles were also changed."

"Right, we need to figure something out about that," Gizmo said as he helped Samuel out, "also how are you going to make a something to do that?" Gizmo asked.

"There was a machine that I thought would be impossible to make, a machine that could transform into anything," Samuel said, "and now I am going to build that machine."

After a few months even though Samuel was turned young his mind was the same and in that time got the new machine running. Of course he worked out every other day so that he could get his muscles back into a good condition since they were "reset". This machine uses devices called nanomachines which are about the size of a human white blood cell; with a hundred or more it can create more and more nanomachines creating objects in any color, any size, any shape, any density and also any weight. Each nanomachine has a SSD card that holds a petabyte of memory each. With downloaded schematics it can create a gun, a ship, a space shuttle you name it, it can become it. They run off of solar energy because if they need to go somewhere like space, then the stars can give the nanomachines energy as there moving around. The machine's main form looked like Samuel in his adult look but made up of multiple little sections of nanomachines flying about, like sand particles flowing through the air, except just in the color of silver.

"So Gizmo a few months later and I am still young but that's not the point, I have downloaded schematics onto this robot so that I can now finally travel to a different universe," Samuel explained.

"Are you sure it will work?" Gizmo asked. "Also does it have an A.I?"

"Hopefully and yes it does have an A.I… This robot's name, is Shell," Samuel answered.

"Shell seriously why? Like why the name Shell?" Gizmo questioned.

"Because Shell is what is going to keep this planet from harm and allow me to travel to different universes," Samuel answered as Shell walked up behind him, "Also you do know you can speak Shell."

"Oh sorry I thought you two were in the middle of a conversation," Shell said. "So what ship do you need, Samuel?" Shell asked.

"The universal explorer please," answered Samuel. "Gizmo you're coming with us whether you like it or not," Samuel said.

"Alright fine, I'll come," answered Gizmo.

They then headed outside of Samuel's house As Shell started to transform it was almost flawless; it was quick and didn't miss a detail on it.

"Everyone ready?" Asked Shell.

"Definitely," Samuel Answered.

"Sure why not," answered Gizmo.

"Alright here we go!" Shell said.

The Universal Explorer was a red, black and white ship that used plasma engines to move however it only had three. The main one was large and was set in the center of the ship in the back, the other two were on the ends of the left and right wings and were also on rotating motors for more movement. It also had two seats, one for Gizmo and one for Samuel, and was relatively small. It also had energy shields and a 1 inch thick titanium armour plating. It's dimensions were: 70 ft (21 m) in length, 23 ft (7 m) in height and 56 ft (17 m) in wingspan.

As the ship went to 0-60 in less than a second, the last thing to do was to reach a speed of 100,000,000,000 miles per hour (160,934,399,999 kilometers per hour) and once it does the final step is to create a black hole. As the speed increased from 20,000 to 50,000,000... 100,000,000,000 seemed easy, and it was. Shell had evasive maneuvers and weapons just in case of problems when they transferred to a different universe. In 15 seconds it reached 100,000,000,000 kilometers an hour and Shell then applied the final step which is making a black hole and Shell was able to on his first try.

The device that makes the black holes works by making a gravitational pull, which pulls in a lot of particles and energy and then strengthens the gravitational pull making those particles compress even more until it makes a black hole. Now you might be thinking no way this actually works right? (A/N: In reality it most likely won't… but this is Fiction so fuck reality) Wrong as the black hole is created they are immediately transported into a tube that Samuel likes to call the Universal Travelling Tube (UTT for short). However there were some problems when this did happen.

As Shell entered the UTT they didn't know what to do, but before they could do anything Shell's nanomachines lost energy causing the engines to stop running and as soon as the speed dropped below 100,000,000,000 miles per hour (160,934,399,999 kilometers per hour) it fell out of the UTT and into a different universe. As the ship tossed and turned onto the ground it wasn't hard to assume that they had crash landed.

"Oh dear what happened," Samuel said as he rubbed his eyes and wiggled a bit trying to wake himself up.

"We are apparently in a different universe from what I am reading on the schematics," Gizmo answered. "Wait, why isn't Shell responding?" Gizmo continued.

"He is probably out of power, because he has to use a lot of power to use the nanomachines and the ship," Samuel answered.

"I'm here! just unable to control all the nanomachines, only able to control so many," Shell said.

"Good as long as you're still in operation that's all that matters," Samuel answered, "now Gizmo what about the universe are you reading?" Samuel asked.

"Well for one this planet isn't normal, it's shaped like a star and we are on an island with over 100 other living beings," Gizmo answered.

"Wait, a star? Like a star shape or a sun star Gizmo?" Samuel asked.

"A star shape," Gizmo answered.

"Hmm Shell, how long until you are back in operation?" Samuel asked.

"About a week," Shell answered.

The planet was shaped like a star, however this universe is known as universe KR35-04 in this story. The first set of characters is the universe type, the second set is the version of that universe. The device that did this was called the Universal Naming Device (A/N: UND for short) and it was what named each universe. "Ok then Gizmo what time is it? Can you even tell?" Samuel asked.

"Hmm from where I am scanning the sun it appears to be 21:04 military standard time," Gizmo answered.

"Say you said there were other beings on this island, how many of them are hostile?" Samuel asked.

"Hmm it's hard to tell they're not normal like humans they seem different," Gizmo answered.

"Wait, I'm scanning a vehicle moving towards us," Shell answered. "Some sort of car or jeep."

"Shell I don't remember fitting you with scanners," Samuel said. "Oh wait you probably downloaded the schematics for Gizmo's scanners and then built them out of your cells."

"Yeah that seems kind of self explanatory Samuel," Shell said. "Wait, I scanned the vehicle further. It appears to have a cannon of some sort but not one that could get past these shields."

"Well as long as there isn't a chance of it getting past these shields don't engage," Samuel explained.

"Oh alright, should I at least bring out the guns to scare them off?" Shell asked.

"Fine but to only scare them off," Samuel said. "Wait, how close are they?" Samuel asked.

"Alright bringing the guns out and about a few hundred meters away, there also appears to be a town that's quite small and a castle on the other side of the island," Shell explained as some guns appeared on the ships wings.

"Hmm alright well if they leave we will stay here until the morning," Samuel said.

"Sounds good to me," Gizmo said, "I am not built for fighting."

"No I didn't think you would have to fight," Samuel explained. "Well again let's stay here until the morning."

"Agreed," said Shell and Gizmo.

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