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Chapter 2: Gangland

Unlike the realms of man, the rule of law holds no power within the Pitts, which has given birth to the rise of gangsters. Carving up the Pitts into miniature kingdoms, the numerous gangs of the Pitts force all those living within their territory to pay tribute or else they'll suffer their wrath.


The gangster is one of the most common profession found in the Pitts, made up of mainly young uneducated man with no future, fighting and dying for the many gang bosses of the Pitts. And it's these Gang bosses that live lives of pure bliss with all their desires satisfied, yet they still hunger for more and they will use their lesser brethren to obtain it and violence to keep it.

This doctor here is in fact travelling to meet with some gangsters, to sell the documents he's carrying and by doing this, he is betraying the infamous gang boss known as Big Larry. As he walks he grows nervous because he knows what is going to happen to him, big Larry will send the Ripper after him.


The Ripper is big Larry's personal mercenary who acts as his trump card, always completing his contacts with ruthless efficiency.


The doctor looking behind as he did many times before, spots something within the crowd. A hooded figure dressed in all black and seeing this man, the doctor nervous picks up his pace.


The more he walks down the filthy streets, the greater the feeling of dread becomes. Dread, dread is all he feels, almost as if a predator is hunting him. Just as prey would feel when being hunted  so does the doctor as his animalistic senses tell him danger is close and he is not the only one.


Other mutants around him begin to avoid him as they see the man is black walking ever closer to him. Turning around, the doctor sees the hooded man is less than a few metres away and begins to panic.


The doctor with fear in his eyes, runs as fast as he can to the location where the gangsters are waiting for him and as he runs faster and faster he keeps checking behind him and sees that the hooded man is still following.


The doctor soon turns towards an alleyway, he has almost reached the gangsters but feeling the presence of a killer, he stops and slowly turn behind him.

He knows what is behind him and yet he still checks. Now fully turned around, he hooded man standing behind him and from what he could see the hooded man is tall, standing 250cm in height with a very muscular yet lean body, he is clearly a strong mutant.


His hooded black overcoat covers most of his body while his similarly black clothing covers rest. His mouth and lower face lay hidden behind a mask with a fanged mouth design while his piercing blue eyes stare him down makes the doctor, making him quiver in fear.


The doctor gazing up at his pursuer who is 67cm taller than him, notices one last feature of the hooded man, his twin forward facing, blade like horns protruding from the sides of his head which are pointed slightly upwards.  


All these qualities together male this man seem like a demon from the old legends, a harbinger of death.


The hooded man soon approaches the doctor causing him to yell, " stay back! I know who you are " which made the hooded man pauses as the doctor goes on " are big Larry's Ripper! ".

Indeed, this man s the Ripper and glaring at the doctor , he laughs before stating in a deep masculine voice " haha, good then you know there's no point running away ".


The doctor clutching his briefcase as the Ripper approaches him and he watches he place right hand on a wall.  The doctor noticing the Rippers hands, sees that it's grey in colour with claws at the ends of each finger.


The Ripper then scratches deeply into the wall, leaving deep marks as he walks towards the doctor.


The doctor turns back and run away, as fast as he can and runs into a small open area at the end of the alleyway, he finally meets the gangsters he was selling the briefcase too. These gangsters are a collection of different mutants made up primarily of Pandari.


The Pandari are humanoid panda mutants that can be found throughout the Pitts. Standing at the doctors height with fur of black and white, the gangsters are dressed in ragged clothes and they are armed with assault rifles and baseball bats.


One of the gangsters seeing the doctor running towards them asked " hey doc why the hurry? " with the doctor yelling  " he's behind me! The Ripper is behind me! " as he runs into the arms of one of the gangsters.


The gangsters looking among themselves before staring nervously at the alleyway as then two of them begin walking to it. One of the two gangsters is arms with an assault rife while the other only has a baseball bat and as they draw closer, the Ripper suddenly emerges out, slashing one of them with his claws.


Blood burst from the gangsters neck as he drops dead while the other panic, before desperately swinging his bat at the Ripper only for it to break on impact.


The entire squad of gangster's watch on in horror as their now defenceless comrade stands before death itself and before he could react, the Ripper grabs his arms and with a horrible tearing sound, rips it off.

The gangsters are frozen, helpless as their friend screams, falling as he bleeds while the Ripper looks down on him as he holds the Pandari's arm.  


Seeing his friend fall, one of the gangsters yells " fuck! " one of the gangster yells as they all reach for there guns only to hear  boom.


One of the gangsters head erupts into a fountain of blood causing another gangster to yells " what the fuck! " as a second boom goes off and now his dead.

The horrified doctor turns and the Ripper holding two large pistols no, they are far too big to be called pistol, they are more akin hand canons yes, the Ripper's hand canons.


The Ripper fires several more shots, all hitting their marks, all headshots. The Ripper is efficiently killing all the gangsters, without even wasting a bullet as the doctor watches on in horror, as he knows that soon the Ripper will have him.


However, a gangster grabs the doctor yelling " this way retard! " as he leads the him down another alleyway towards a steel door however,  the Ripper noticed and this runs after them while yelling with an annoyed tone " get back here! ",  his deep intimidating voice further frightens the doctor.

The gangster with the doctor in hand yells " hey big guys, get in here! " as they reach the door with the Ripper nearing them before suddenly stopping as a group of Bulls charge out.


The Ripper watches as the bulls charges towards him and with no hesitation the Ripper fires his guns boom, boom and two Bulls drop dead.


However, there are still more bulls with the largest of the bulls who stands at almost 3 metres tall, with two very large grey horns and midnight black fur who says in a dooming voice " so you're the Ripper huh? Ha, you are strong but bulls are stronger! " before attacking.

As the Ripper battles the bulls, the doctor and gangster make it pass the thick metal door closing it as they run through and the Ripper, seeing this becomes viable annoyed as his eyes seem to glow red.

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