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Chapter 105: Delivery

"Kris! You've got another visitor!" Mia's voice echoes throughout the convent and out into the balcony.

I have spent the whole day out here. Even though I have been in Eden for a few weeks, I still can't help but appreciate the sight of green grass and the smell of fresh air. My heart feels at rest when I see all that under the blue sky.

Below me, Faye is running around with Astra and the twins, and Lohikaarmi stands by their side, quietly watching.

What a surreal scene this is. Two of those girls are marginalized by the belief of a Goddess the other two girls devote their lives to, and the smallest one is the very Goddess in question. If I was told by Cisca that this was going to be a part of my mission before we initiated Project Eden, I probably would have lost confidence in her expertise as a woman of science.

The work ahead of me is monumental, but for now, I have something to take care of.

"Coming!" I call back and start heading down the stairs to the lobby with air in my steps.

Mia is standing beside the open door. I have a pretty good idea of who might be on the other side.

"Hey, Connor." I greet the man at the doorstep.

"Kris, how are you doing?"

There is a big carriage stopped on the street outside of the front gate of the convent.

"I'm good. Those are…" I point to the carriage behind him.

"Yep. Enough to occupy the third ring."

"What?" Mia cuts in.

Why would Connor say that?

"Uh, don't mind us, Sister Mia. Can you go get Astra for me?" I say.

Mia crosses her arms and says, "You'd better not be planning something shady again Kris, or I will make you regret coming to this convent."

"Sure, sure. Just go."

Mia clicks her tongue and walks away to the backyard.

"Not getting along with the nuns?" Connor asks with a laugh.

"Just that one," I say, "Can I take a look at the load?"

"Of course. They are all yours."

Connor steps out of the way, and I walk into the front yard toward the two-horse carriage.

Unlike Alice's carriage, there are no side doors or butlers on this one. Connor walks around to the back, where an attached rope dangles off onto the ground.

Connor grabs the rope and gives it a tug. The entire wooden backside flips down with a loud creak, revealing a spacious cabin behind. Walls of chests stacked on top of each other fill up the inside.

Connor whistles. "You've got more armaments than you will need to clear the entire Pitted Woods sitting in one carriage."

"Lovely," I say and reach into the cabin to grab onto one of the chests not buried under a stack. It's hefty. I reckon it's no lighter than Astra.

The size is also no joke. If I were to stuff it full of cash, I'd pretty easily be able to get a couple million dollars in there.

"Each one's got five to ten weapons in them," Connor says.

I nod.

That's a few gold slabs of products, and yet the chest itself is rather unassuming. It's made of a yellow wood and some metal nails and hinges. It looks like the kind people would use to store old clothes or something.

I set it down at the edge of the cabin and flip up the latches, then I lift the lid. Under the afternoon sun, the contents within the chest shine like stars. I see a pile of pristine blades overlapping one another. At the hilt of each is a polished prayer stone the size of an egg.

"You know," Connor says, "I sometimes regret not picking up the sword arts. I can't imagine how cool it is swinging one of those babies around."


There is a variety of weapons in there, all of them bladed. I am no expert when it comes to arms, so I pick up the one I am most familiar with - a broadsword.

I have done a little bit of fencing back on Earth, but that's in a completely other world, quite literally.

The sword is a lot lighter than I had expected, but I can feel the diamond quality of the build by simply touching it. There is an indescribable sense of connection where my skin contacts with the metal handle.

Oh, sweet Goddess, help me run lightning through my blade.

The prayer stone embedded into the crossguard illuminates from within, engulfing its entirety in white light.


Blue electric sparks begin shooting out from the blade into the ground and the metal fences around me.

"Whoa, you got it working," Connor says.


I swipe the sword across the air beside me, and a wave of electric charges flows out into the ground, creating a loud buzzing sound.

Impressive. Even if we didn't fuck Earth up to the degree that we did, there still would be no way of seeing something like this back there.

"You like what I've got?" Connor asks.

"One hundred percent satisfied," I say and carefully set the now-calm broadsword back in the chest.

So this is the key to success that also traps people of the lower class.

"Krissy, what do you want?" I hear Astra's voice call out.

I turn around to find her walking across the front yard toward us.

"Hey, it's you again, little girl," Connor says.

"Hello. What are we doing here?" She asks.

"I am just delivering some stuff you brother bought." Connor turns to me. "You guys can take care of it from here, right? I will have to head back soon."

"Sure," I say, "But how are you going to get back if you rode the carriage here?" I ask.

"Don't worry. I got a valet at the stable right now. He's probably got a horse with him by now," he says.

"Alright, then yeah, feel free to head back. Thanks for the weapons. I owe you one."

Connor laughs. "No, you owe me nothing. If anything, the smiths and I owe you big time." He pats me on my shoulder and walks away, giving a wave behind his back as he strolls down the street.

Huh, I wish the people back on Earth were this easy to make deals with.

Astra comes up to the cabin beside me. "Watcha got?"

I turn around to her. "A carriage full of Holy Weapons."

She takes a look at the chests and chuckles. "You… are not joking."

Astra takes out the broadsword that I was playing around with out of its chest.

"It's been a while since I last held one of these," she says while staring at her reflection in the blade.

"You've held one of these before?" I ask.

"Actually… I can't remember. I think?" She scratches her head.

"Whatever, can you try out that Divine Blade thing you were talking about?"


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