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Chapter 2: Chapter 02: Deep Roots

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes, Priapus and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Warlord

Chapter 02: Deep Roots

Rising to my feet the moment my vision clears, I pause and look around the rather traditional Japanese bedroom as memories flood my mind.

I am Hei Nara, Heir of the Nara Clan in Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I have loving parents and a lazy younger brother.

Years of memories overwhelm my mind as I fall to one knee, my mind burning from the intensity as I grit my teeth to stop myself from crying out.

I am a Genin, a member of Konoha's ninja forces. I am talented enough to be a Chunin already but I missed the last exam. I'm on leave due to the death of my mentor and teammate on a mission gone wrong.

They're my memories, but at the same time, they aren't. I still remember my past life, enough to recognise Naruto even with my rather casual knowledge of the anime.

I remember seeing my birth mother taken from me and seeing my father die. But I also remember being raised by my loving but overbearing mother Yoshino and training with my lazy father Shikaku.

If Kuro thought giving me a new family and new memories of happy family life would stop my desire to make him pay, he was wrong.

I don't know much about Naruto, but I have enough memories to know I can continue my training here, and I know I have Chakra. I wanted power and here I can get it.

More information enters my head as my 'system' pumps knowledge on my powers into my mind.


[Chakra Control - Apprentice]

You have gained the ability to use Chakra, manipulating it to perform chakra based techniques such as ninjutsu and genjutsu.

Shape Transformation:


Nature Transformation:

Earth Release

Water Release

Yin Release

[Nara Clan Hidden Techniques - Shadow Style]

As a Nara, you have been taught how to utilize Yin Release to perform 'Shadow' ninjutsu.

Techniques: Shadow Imitation - The signature Nara technique by linking your shadow to another person's, you can puppeteer them to copy your movements.

Shadow Step (Unique Jutsu) - Sinking into your shadow, you reappear out of a shadow within range. No other Nara has been able to replicate this technique yet.

[Taijutsu - Apprentice]

You have learnt how to use your body to fight, able to hold your own in unarmed combat.

[Bukijutsu - Apprentice]

You have learnt how to use a variety of weapons used by ninjas, including shurikens, kunai and various types of swords.





[Seal-less Jutsus]

Ninjas around here tend to be flashy, but not you. You have the incredibly rare ability to use your ninjutsu without needing hand seals.


[Home-field Advantage]

When fighting on the territory you either own or serve the owner of, you gain a boost to all your attributes. This bonus increases based on the size of the territory and your position within it.

[I See You]

You gain a sixth sense for people who mean harm to you or your land. While within the territory you own or serve the owner of, you can track down traitors, saboteurs and spies. This sense gets more accurate and refined based on your position within the territory.

[Unbreakable Will - Rank 1]

A Warlord cannot show weakness. You are immune to all forms of abilities that affect your mind, and your mind cannot be broken by pain or other means.

[The Conqueror's Pinnacle - Rank 1]

Your territory is your power and you are the living embodiment of it. You grow stronger and more flawless as your territory grows.

[The Conqueror's Harem - Rank 1]

All good Warlords need a harem of dutiful beauties. Those in your territory will instinctively understand your need for multiple lovers, defeated women will have their resistance to being claimed weakened, and the size of your harem will increase the power of skills that would normally rely on the size of your territory. Being around your harem members will activate skills normally reliant on being in your territory, at a weaker level.

[Imposing Presence - Rank 1]

As the Warlord, you have gravitas far beyond that of lesser men, and on the battlefield, your mere presence emboldens your minions and can cause weaker enemies to rout.

[To the victor go the spoils - Rank 1]

As a Warlord, it is your right to take the spoils of your battle. Nobody will question your right to claim the belongings of those you defeat. Also reduces the resistance of defeated enemies and their lovers, should you decide to claim them as well.

One of those powers is rather vague on what they do, what exactly does 'become more flawless' even mean?

Still, that's quite the starter pack.

Well, Naruto is a world that can go from zero to a hundred real fucking fast. It's boring if you die too quickly.

Kuro's voice echoes through my head as I frown in annoyance. I should have known that not even my thoughts would be private.

Eh, it's not like I'm gonna listen in on you 24/7, you're not that interesting and I have better things to do. Besides, I'm just here to finish your character creation. I picked the world and system, but I decided you can pick the starter subclass.

As he says that, options appear in my mind. Just a couple of words each, but enough to give me a hint of what they represent.

The Dark God, The Rightful King, The Cult Leader, The Alpha Beast, The Demon King, The Shadow Behind the Throne, The Guild Master, The Dragon Lord.

All archetypes I can choose, and all damn tempting. I can almost see other choices, blurred out in the back of my mind, but I put them out of my thoughts and focus on the available ones.

Each one comes with its own powers but if you take an archetype you have to act accordingly to progress it, and they all come with downsides, so choose wisely.

I understand his warning immediately. Sure, Dark God is tempting but while the power it would grant is probably amazing, I'm a low-rank ninja, how would I complete quests made for a God?

Presumably, it'd involve gaining worshippers, but I need much more power before I try that, so I rule it out for now. He said starter subclass and that means I can change later.

The Rightful King is ruled out as well, for the same reason. I'm not in a position to be completing Kingly quests. The Demon King is just the Rightful King but darker.

I don't want to risk starting a Cult in a fucking ninja village, and a Guild isn't much better. I need more renown and power in Konoha for that (assuming I stay in Konoha).

The throne here would be the seat of Kage, and I'm not going to try and pull the strings of the Third Hokage, because I'm not fucking suicidal. He's known as the God of Shinobi for a reason.

I'd need to be a lot better or have a far more incompetent leader to try and pull that off.

The Alpha Beast or The Dragon Lord?

I can see the benefits of either, but both will make me stand out. That's not inherently a bad thing, just an uncomfortable one in a world like this.

Dragon Lord might attract a little too much attention before I'm ready for it and while I want to pick it, I might be better off going Alpha Beast first

You can change after the single class starter quest if you want, so it's not like it's permanent. That said, the more subclasses you take the more downsides you'll gain. You can get rid of them, but it isn't easy, especially if you're jumping around too much.

Hmm, that's good to know at least. Downsides are another big problem I need to consider. I can think of plenty of 'downsides' to both, but I can't not choose one because I'd be hindering my growth out of fear.

Fuck it, Alpha Beast for now and I'll see how things go from there.

Alpha Beast

[Alpha Werebeast - Rank 1]

You have gained the power to take on the form of an alpha werebeast, stronger and faster than a regular werebeast. You also gain a regenerative ability that is far stronger when you are in your wereform.



[Feast on the Fallen]

By consuming the flesh of the fallen, your regeneration is massively boosted for a short time. Eating the heart of a being you've slain increases your werebeast form's power, and can grant other permanent bonuses.

[Alpha Pheromones - Rank 1]

You are the pinnacle of beasts, and your scent ensures other beasts know it. You also leave your scent on your lovers, marking them as yours and preventing other men from trying to take them.

[My Pack is my Strength]

As the Alpha, the size and strength of your pack increases the effect of territory based abilities, and being around your pack members activates abilities that would usually require you to be on your territory.

[Drawback - Blood Rage]

Whenever you take damage above a certain threshold, you have a chance to fly into a blood rage until you regain control, the damage is healed or there is no one left to fight.

Hm, that drawback could certainly be a problem but just a regenerative ability alone is worth it.

Just don't get hit and it won't be a problem.

Man, I'm smart.

I'll keep that in mind.

Ignoring Kuro because I can't do anything about him, I look over my abilities again as I think to myself.

So, I need territory, a harem and a pack to make the most of my abilities? Well, I can't say the idea of a harem doesn't appeal to me, especially if it grants me power to go along with it, but getting territory is going to be difficult.

Though I already have quite a lot, because of how it registers territory.

The Nara Clan Compound is a source of power because I'm the heir of the family, a rather high ranking position, and all of Konoha is also a source of power but I'm gaining less power from all of Konoha than I am from the compound because I'm just a Genin.

If I was Hokage it'd probably be a massive boost, and presumably, the power boost will grow as I get promoted since it talked about 'my position' in the territory.

But since getting promoted or getting more territory is going to be difficult, building a harem and pack seems like my best chance to increase my power.

I can also practise with my Shinobi skills because this is a Shounen world and I have chakra now.

Moving over to a mirror in my room, I look at myself with an appreciative eye. I still look like myself and I've always been a good looking guy, but now my hair is far longer.

I kept it short so it didn't get in the way, but it looks like Hei Nara prefers to keep it long, as I have silky black hair going down to my upper back.

I've also got on my ninja outfit. There's no real uniform at this rank and my outfit of choice is a very dark blue and black robe and shirt, that opens up below the waist to reveal a pair of black pants.

I can move incredibly easily in it, and the robe has hidden compartments for kunai and shuriken. I also have the sheath for a ninjato at my waist but it's empty for now, and a half-face mask that's currently pulled down around my neck.

Finally, I have a black metal Hannya mask hidden away inside my robe. I had it custom made so I could hide my identity while on the job. I can tuck my hair into my robe's hood to hide that distinguishing feature as well. I put a lot of thought into my outfit.

My mentor found it funny since so few ninja outside the Anbu bother actually hiding their identity, but I remember being insistent about it. It's nice to know that Hei Nara has the same common sense I have.

A sting of grief catches me by surprise, but I suppress it. I did lose my mentor and friend recently, even if it wasn't me it doesn't stop it from still feeling real.

Leaving my room, I move through the compound easily with my memories of growing up here, reaching the living room and spotting my parents sitting down talking.

"Hei, you're up early," Shikaku Nara says, he's my father, head of the clan and the Jonin commander of Konoha.

"It's almost 10 am, I slept in," I say calmly, letting my memories guide me in my interactions with him as he chuckles sheepishly.

"You're the only male Nara I know who sees being awake before midday as sleeping in," Yoshino Nara says, giving my 'father' a stern look. She's a retired Kunoichi herself, leaving the ninja business when she became pregnant with me. "You've made your mind up then?" she asks, her tone going softer as she looks over my outfit.

"I have, sitting around at home for weeks might seem like a dream to some people, but I don't like feeling so idle. I'm heading to the Hokage's office to end my leave," I reply, making her smile softly.

I'm on leave indefinitely because I lost my team, but sitting around feeling sorry for myself won't help me grow stronger. This is a dangerous world, I can't expect it to go easy on me.

"If that's what you want, nobody would judge you for taking some more time off," my father says kindly, making me shake my head.

It's… strange to have a loving family again after so long, but the years of happy memories help me get used to it quickly. I don't miss my original family any less, but I'm not going to push away people who care about me because of it.

"But I would, besides I've got to set an example, right?" I ask, making him chuckle.

"I suppose so," Shikaku agrees, knowing exactly who I'm talking about. "I'm proud of you, either way."

Shikamaru is lazier than anyone else in this family, and I'm going to have to light a fire under his ass and get him working. I lost one family, I won't lose another because he thinks training is 'a drag'.

"I think Shikamaru needs a lot more than a good example, you'd think becoming a Genin would make him less lazy but nope," my mother says as she stands up and pulls me into a hug. "Thank the gods at least one of my sons takes after me, I don't know what I'd do if you were both as lazy as your father," she says, pulling me against her body tightly, her breasts pressed against my chest.

"…I'm right here, you know?" Shikaku adds, making her break the hug and glare at him, a brief relief passing through me.

It's been a while, okay? Plus she has surprisingly nice breasts for an older woman.

"Yes, I do. You're right here, despite being due in at work almost an hour ago," Yoshino scolds as Shikaku goes pale, making me chuckle.

"And with that, I'm going to head off. Have fun mom, good luck dad." I say with a light smirk, giving them a wave as I head out.

Firstly, I'd like to replace my broken sword if I'm going to be going into the field again. Fortunately, I know a place where I can get good quality weapons and I had the foresight to put in an order when my leave started.

I got the message it was ready to pick up a few days ago but Hei Nara wasn't in the mood to leave the compound so I'll just have to do it now.

Taking advantage of my new abilities, I hop up and onto the rooftops of a nearby building as I leave the compound, jumping from rooftop to rooftop as I make my way through my new home, not even drawing any attention as I head towards the weapon shop.

I even paid in advance so this should be a quick pick up. I'm a repeat customer here and they've never let me down before. It's where I ordered my mask as well.

Landing in front of the store, I admire my new body as the landing doesn't even strain my legs despite the height I just dropped from. I can definitely get used to this.

Heading into the store as a quiet bell rings, I immediately find something else I can definitely get used to as I pause, my eyes landing on an incredibly curvy posterior barely covered by a rather revealing blue and golden qipao, thicc thighs wrapped in tight leggings. I can barely see her brown hair tied up in two buns from her position.

"Just a minute!" the woman says, bent over as she tries to get something from under a counter.

"Take your time, there's no rush," I say kindly, my gaze not moving from her magnificent backside until she finally stands up, a kunai in her hand.

Turning around, she gives me a happy smile as she spots me waiting by the door, placing the kunai back where it belongs.

"Hei, I take it you're here to collect your blade?" Chun-li asks, making me nod calmly.

"That's right, I'm ending my leave today so I'm going to need it," I answer, watching her move towards a door behind the counter, following without needing to be prompted.

Chun-li was a rather famous Kunoichi herself before she semi-retired to raise her daughter, a friend of mine, and I think she's still technically an active Jonin on the roster, she just doesn't take missions anymore unless it's an emergency.

My father brought me here years ago, and Chun-li taught me how to use my sword. She's both a kenjutsu and taijutsu specialist and while I'm not quite as good as a certain weapon obsessed nutjob, I'm pretty good with weapons.

"Already? I'm not surprised, you've never been good at sitting around," Chun-li says with a small smile as she pulls a box from one of the shelves, placing it on a table and opening it up, lifting my new sword.

"I don't like wasting time, you know that," I reply easily, accepting the blade as she holds it towards me, sheathing it away. "Thanks, I'll try not to lose this one," I say with a small smile as she chuckles.

"Well, it'd give you a reason to come to visit me again. You stopped visiting after you became a Genin," Chun-li says accusingly, making me rub my neck awkwardly.

"Sorry, my sensei had us training a lot, so I didn't have much free time, I'll try and visit more often," I promise, making her smile softly.

"I'm just teasing you, I know how busy ninja life can be," Chun-li says as she moves forwards and pulls me into a soft hug. "I'm glad you're doing okay, that's all that matters," she says softly before releasing me.

Hei Nara has a pretty blessed life, being a child soldier with minor PTSD notwithstanding.

Well, I'm eighteen now so a former teenage soldier would be more accurate since I was in my mid-teens when I graduated from the Academy.

"I wouldn't have been if you hadn't taught me so well," I admit, making her smile as she ruffles my hair.

"Flatterer, I think you'd have been fine either way," Chun-li says with a laugh before she smirks slightly. "But it's good you're okay, Tenten would have been sad if anything happened to you," Chun-li says suggestively, making me sigh.

"I'm sure she would have been, we've been friends for so long after all," I deadpan, making her laugh at our old 'argument'. "Neji would have to comfort her," I add, making her frown.

"I certainly hope not, I've said it before but I just don't like that boy. If you're right about her crush, Tenten has terrible taste in men," Chun-li says disapprovingly, making me chuckle.

I was a year above Tenten, Neji and their other teammate, Rock Lee, but I also trained under Chun-li a lot and Tenten was my usual sparring partner.

Chun-li thinks Tenten has a thing for me, I think Tenten has a thing for Neji, we've been squabbling over who is right for ages.

"Perhaps. Neji is pretty stuck up but he's not that bad," I say, stressing the word. He's kinda… weird. I avoid talking to him, because to quote my little brother 'it's a drag'. "Besides, why would I want to try and date Tenten when my heart belongs to another, although if she grows up to look like you…" I say playfully, making her roll her eyes and slap my chest lightly with a smile.

"You're terrible," Chun-li says, not offended at all. Her husband died in action a long time ago, before Tenten was even born, and this kind of harmless flirting isn't new. "Now get going, and remember to make time to train with me, it gets lonely around the house now that you and Tenten are both Genin," Chun-li says, making me smile slightly.

"I will, the skills you taught me saved my life once, I'd be a fool to not continue my training with you," I say calmly, before smirking. "Plus, what man doesn't want to keep a lonely mother like you company?" I ask, making her laugh again.

"Off you go, before I decide to keep you here forever," Chun-li says flirtatiously, giving me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek, maybe a little too close to my mouth as she gives me a playful grin and lets me go.

She likes feeling young, most older women do. I'm 99.9% sure she doesn't mean anything by it but it doesn't make it less fun, plus she wears revealing clothes and she's a hugger with amazing tits.

"That's supposed to convince me to leave? I can think of far worse fates," I say, even as I head for the door, giving her a wave.

I don't even need to test my new blade to know it's perfectly balanced, this store is the go-to place for ninja weaponry, they're expensive but they're damn worth it.

Plus, I'm the heir of a rich clan, it's not like I don't have the money. You shouldn't cut costs when your life can depend on the quality of your gear.

Next stop, the Hokage's office to file my request to have my leave cancelled. This is a military dictatorship, so I can't just decide I'm ending my leave since it's all up to the Hokage and a few other high ranking ninjas. That said, one of those ninjas is my father so it's mostly just a formality.

It's much harder to get given leave or to leave the service entirely as my only surviving teammate did, but Momiji's parents pulled some strings for her.

If this was somewhere like the Hidden Cloud village or worse the Hidden Stone village, I wouldn't have been given leave and Momiji definitely wouldn't have been allowed to just leave the force.

If this was the Hidden Mist village? Well, I hear the Mist village isn't exactly the best place to be right now if the rumours of their civil war are even remotely true.

Shaking my head, I set off down the road. I could roof hop but I'm not in any real rush and roof hopping towards the Hokage's office seems like a questionable decision.

I don't think the ANBU that are undoubtedly stationed around the office would see me as a threat, but why take that chance?

The streets are surprisingly bustling for a ninja village, but we have a pretty good relationship between the ninjas and the civilians in Konoha, better than most ninja villages at any rate.

Konoha really is the best place to be, if you have to be in this mad world anyway. This world is insanely dangerous and I'll have to be very careful moving forwards.

If I die, my mother remains Kuro's prisoner and whatever hope I have of reaching a level where I can challenge Kuro will die with me. This isn't going to be a short term goal, so there's no point in trying to rush to the finish line.

It's a marathon, not a 100-metre sprint. As long as I'm alive I'll be making slow and steady progress towards my goals.

Entering the Hokage's building, it doesn't take me long to get my request put in, one of the Hokage's assistants happily filing it for me.

It's not like the Hokage deals with every little request personally and a Genin like me doesn't require his personal attention.

That said, he did visit me at home and talk with me after my last mission and I know he visited Momiji as well. For a military dictator, he's a surprisingly kind old man or he wanted to try and make sure I wasn't going to leave the force like Momiji. It could very well be both, genuine concern for one of his ninjas and the cold logic needed to lead a ninja village wrapped into one.

Either way, he has my respect, it's a small thing but it meant a lot to me at the time. If it was a blatant manipulation then well played on his part, if he genuinely cared then I applaud him all the same.

Leaving the building less than ten minutes after arriving, I walk for a bit and find a bench to sit down on.

I'm not entirely sure what to do now, it'll take at least a day before my request is accepted and that's a generous estimate even taking into account my father fast-tracking it. The red tape of bureaucracy is rarely fast, even in a village of ninjas.

I'd like to start training, but with my sensei buried in Konoha's graveyard and my father probably already at work, my only other option would be Chun-li, which isn't a bad idea, to be honest.

I could also train alone, but I'd need to find somewhere to train and without a team getting a training ground could be difficult.

I could also try my new powers but I don't want to attract unwanted attention before I'm ready, and even my clan compounds training area would have unwanted eyes.

The Nara clan is rather large, not as big as, say, the Hyuuga and we don't have any 'branch family' nonsense going on, but I still have a lot of distant family members and it's rare for the grounds to be empty.

I suppose as the heir I could just show up and claim it for myself and tell everyone else not to disturb me, but that would both alienate my family and worse, rouse the curiosity of my clan. The Nara clan are a clan of geniuses, putting a mystery in front of them is daring them to solve it.

I'm seen as a prodigy even by Nara standards, thanks to the 'system' giving me some unfair advantages, being able to do seal-less jutsu before I even graduated the Academy drew a lot of attention, but that doesn't mean I can get away with pushing my clan members around.

If I'm going to be staying here, I'll be the next head of the family and if I lord my position over them now I won't have their respect down the line.

"Do you mind if I join you?" an elderly voice asks, bringing me out of my musings as I look up at the older man standing in front of me, resting on his walking stick.

As he looks down at me with the one eye that isn't bandaged up, my eyes widen slightly as I realise I didn't hear him approach, despite his walking stick.

"Of course not, Lord Danzo," I say as I calm myself down, recognising the very high ranking Shinobi as he gives me the slightest smile. He's a member of the Konoha council, and while they don't have any real power since the final word is always with the Hokage, it doesn't change the fact that he's one of the highest-ranked people in the village.

"I suppose Shikaku has taught you to recognise the movers and shakers of the village," Danzo replies simply as he takes a seat next to me.

"He did. Is there something I can do for you?" I ask, I highly doubt a councillor was just wandering this random part of the village.

Look underneath the underneath and all that.

And it hasn't escaped my attention how quiet things have become, I wandered into a fairly unpopulated area but there's a difference between quiet and dead. Danzo seems to be the only other person in the area.

Looking back at him, I swear I see a hint of approval in his eye at my mistrust, but he's incredibly hard to read.

"There is, firstly I'd like to give you my condolences for the loss. Ryu was a valued member of Konoha, and it is a tragedy to have lost him due to such faulty information," Danzo says, making my eyes narrow.

"Faulty information?" I ask, making him nod.

"The client lied about the danger of the mission, it's not uncommon but we normally catch such deceptions. A single Jonin with their Genin team should not have been sent on such a dangerous mission, no matter how talented. Rest assured the client has been severely punished for their actions," Danzo says sternly, making me nod slightly. "I came to speak with you because I heard you've already requested to be taken off leave?"

"I have," I confirm quietly, making him nod again.

"Do you feel ready to return to service?" Danzo asks, his tone putting me on guard. I'm definitely being tested, and my father warned me that Danzo was a hardliner.

"I do. Loss is a part of being a ninja, I've seen clan members go on missions and never return. I can either accept it and move on or give up and drop out," I say calmly, making that tiny smile return. "I didn't train for so long to give up."

"Indeed, your family has raised you well," Danzo praises. "Are you aware of what is likely to happen to you now?"

"I'll either be placed in a team that's missing a member, a new team of people in my position will be formed, or I'll be sent back to the academy," I say, not exactly thrilled with the options.

"That is correct, and that's what I want to talk to you about," Danzo says, making me look over at him. "To be blunt, the reports from your sensei claimed you were already Chunin level in skill, had your team not been on a mission during the last Chunin exams you would have already been promoted. It would be an insult to you and unfair to the other students to send you back to the academy, and there are no free spaces in other teams at the moment."

"I take it there is another option then?" I ask calmly, making him nod.

"The next Chunin exam will be held here. Do you know why we invite the other villages to take part in our exams?" Danzo asks, making me nod.

"It's a mostly non-violent show of force, we have our best Genin take part to demonstrate our power," I answer. Technically we're allies with the Sand, but alliances between the ninja villages are fragile at best.

"Correct, and we cannot afford to look weak in our own village. As such, I have an offer for you. I want to sponsor you, in a manner of speaking. You'll be a solo Shinobi, assigned to other teams as appropriate and I will ensure you have adequate training to help you gain experience before the Chunin exams," Danzo explains, making me straighten up. "When the exams arrive, you will be placed on a team of elite Genin as their leader, and I expect you to show the other villages the power of the Leaf village."

"You're expecting the other villages to do the same," I realise, making him pause before he smiles again.

"Indeed, the Cloud and Sand villages will be taking part, along with several smaller villages. We expect that both villages will send a similar team of elites, beyond the skills of any regular Genin. We have a unique opportunity thanks to your position because they can't accuse us of planting you in the tournament. After all, you are a legitimate Genin," Danzo says, making me laugh slightly.

"Even though you are planting me in the tournament?" I ask.

"Especially because we are. We cannot allow the other villages to embarrass us in our own village, and I have no doubt the Cloud is hoping to do exactly that," Danzo agrees.

"Then I'd be happy to serve my village in this way," I say as I straighten up.

I don't have to go back to the academy, I get access to more training and I get the support of one of the most important men in the village?

"Excellent, I will inform the Hokage of your agreement," Danzo says with a nod, placing a hand on my shoulder for a moment. "Then I have one last thing to discuss with you, do you believe you're ready for a mission immediately?"

"I am," I answer without hesitation. The sooner I can get back in the field, the sooner I can get used to my new life.

"There is a group of bandits led by a pair of missing-nin hiding in our land, and later today there will be a mission to wipe them out," Danzo starts, pausing for a moment. "What the ninja involved in the mission don't realise is that exterminating them is a secondary objective. The missing-nin gathered some rather sensitive information belonging to the Yamanaka clan, and are attempting to blackmail them. We know they have a spy watching the active Yamanaka, so they cannot be involved with the mission. Consider this a test of sorts, to see if you live up to your reputation."

"What do I need to do?" I ask immediately, understanding the seriousness of the mission.

"You will join the Jonin that are performing this mission, but your assignment is to find the information. Three scrolls were stolen from the Yamanaka compound, you will retrieve them and return them directly to Inoichi. That isn't the challenge, the difficulty will come from doing this without the other ninja realising it. The Yamanaka do not wish the other clans to discover this embarrassment, only myself, the Hokage and your father know about it," Danzo orders, making me nod.

The Yamanaka Clan are a close ally of my family, I've been over to their compound countless times, them and the Akimichi.

"Should things go wrong, you will be given a scroll with the Hokage's seal ordering the Jonin to not investigate, I expect you to do the mission without needing to use it," Danzo says simply. "Whether you succeed or fail, my offer is open, however, if you succeed in this mission, I'll know that you are the prodigy your sensei believed you to be and will make sure to help further nurture your potential."

"Then I won't let you or my sensei down," I swear.

"We shall see. Words mean nothing if you cannot back them up with action," Danzo says as he stands, removing a scroll from his pocket. "This is to seal the scrolls inside, tonight at 10 pm you are to meet with Tsume Inuzuka at the village gates. Do not be late," Danzo orders, placing the scroll down and walking away as I pick it up and sequester it away in my robe.

Well, if I have a mission tonight then I suppose I should get some rest beforehand.

— Later —

"So, you're the whelp?" the scowling woman with untamed, spiky brown hair asks as she walks up to me, narrowing her angry eyes. She has the trademark fang markings on her cheek that all Inuzuka have and if that didn't give her clan away, the large scarred wolf-like dog certainly would.

"I am, Lady Inuzuka," I reply, not offended by her words. The matriarch of the Inuzuka clan is infamously brash.

As she reaches me, she pauses in place for a moment, whatever she was going to say dying in her mouth as she leans forwards, her face inches from mine.

"Is there a problem, Lady Inuzuka?" I ask as she all but presses her face against mine, taking a deep breath as she takes in my scent, something strange in her eyes.

"Call me Wolf, your codename is Whelp. That's Cat," Tsume finally says, gesturing at the already masked ANBU agent watching us, her only definite feature being her long purple hair. "And no, you just smell… good, not a scent I expected a little pup like you to have," Tsume says with a loud laugh, not moving away as she sniffs me again.

"Stop sexually harassing the Genin, Tsume. We have work to do," the massive dog says, making her back away with another loud laugh as she pulls on a mask of her own.

"Fine, let's move. You better not hold us back, brat," Tsume says as she turns and she walks out of the gate, Cat following behind as I pull up my own face mask and put my Hannya mask on.

Well, time to get to work.

— Bonus Scene — Danzo

Hei Nara was a shinobi who had gained his interest years ago, but when a child started performing jutsus instantaneously with no seals at all, that was inevitable.

He'd considered forcibly enlisting him into Root, but if there was anyone in Konoha who could pull Root into the light it was Shikaku Nara and he deemed too risky.

The death of Ryu Hayabusa and the Genin Kasumi had been a great loss to the village, but it also opened up a new avenue to utilise the Nara prodigy.

Hei himself likely didn't realise it, but that entire mission had been a trap by Orochimaru who had bribed a local noble to create a false mission. Of course, he'd already had that noble assassinated for their treason, but the damage was done.

Orochimaru had hoped to steal the sword used by Ryu, for what end they did yet not know, but while he'd succeed in killing Ryu and Kasumi, Hei actually managed to catch him off guard, likely not even realising the opponent he was facing was the infamous snake sage.

Hei did the smartest thing he could do, he grabbed his sensei's sword and instead of throwing his life away trying to fight, he grabbed his last surviving teammate and used his seemingly unique shadow jutsu to pull them both into his shadow, teleporting repeatedly until he was entirely out of chakra and on the brink of killing himself from exhaustion.

It only worked because Orochimaru had been amused by Hei grabbing Ryu's sword and seemingly getting ready to fight, but the snake's arrogance and sadism cost him once more as Hei managed to escape and the sword was returned to the village, although Ryu was the last member of the Hayabusa clan.

Orochimaru would not take such a loss well.

Danzo wouldn't allow Hiruzen to send such a skilled Shinobi back to the Academy, it grated his nerves that the soft-hearted fool had let the other Genin leave the force.

He couldn't recruit Hei into Root, but that didn't mean he couldn't make use of him. That was the benefit of having multiple roles, what the leader of Root couldn't do, the councillor of Konoha could.

— Kuro —

Nothing is funnier than giving new gamers epic backgrounds. No easy mode for you.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author's Note: Milf Chun-li. That is all that needs to be said. 

Also, I’m altering the ages of everyone slightly. Basically, Academy lasts longer or starts later and that means that every character currently has their Shippuden looks, not their OG Naruto looks. It just makes the smut better, because the Shippuden girls look damn good. 


I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change, to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

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