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Chapter 6: CHAPTER 06


After we kissed, Lara fell asleep on my lap. I stayed at the side of the road for about thirty minutes with Lara sleeping on my lap.

I keep staring and caressing her beautiful face, and I peck her lips once in a while. I know I'm taking advantage of her, but she is my wife, and I have the right to kiss her. She would groan or scratch her face every time I caressed it. She is so beautiful and innocent, sweet and caring, and she's all mine. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and rocked her like a baby on my lap.

The kiss we shared still lingers in my mind. Lara has very soft lips, and I wanted to make it longer, but I held myself. She's drunk, and I'm sure when she's sober, she'll get mad at me.

The way she kissed me back told me that she felt the same as me, and I couldn't help to smile at that thought, and my heart pounded inside my chest.

After five more minutes, I settled her back on her seat and put her seatbelt on. I chuckled when she wouldn't let go of my neck, which earned a kiss on her lips. Finally, after many kisses on her cheeks and lips, her arms fall limp at her side. I smiled and planted a lingering kiss on her forehead. Then I drove off to her house. I kissed her lips one last time before I stepped out of my car. I don't know when I will ever have a chance to kiss her or if she will ever let me again.

I went to the passenger side and opened her door. I unbuckled her seatbelt and scooped her up in my arms, and she quickly buried her face in my chest. I only took two steps towards her front door when it was open, instantly revealing Ashley and Owen.

"What happened?" Owen asked when I was in front of them.

"She's drunk. I don't know that she's a light drinker. We only drink one bottle of red wine."

"Come, can you carry her to her room?" Ashley asked.

"Okay! I said and followed, behind her, up the stairs. She opened the door to my right and let me in. I carefully laid Lara in the middle of the bed and brushed the hair off her face. 

"You, you have a feeling for her, huh?" Ashley said behind me, with Owen beside her.

"Yes, I love her." I honestly answered. 

"You should be because she's your wife." She smiled. I removed her shoes, covered her with a comforter, and kissed her forehead.

"I need to go now, but before that, can I have your number, Owen, just in case I need to contact you?" He nodded his head, and I quickly handed him my phone. He typed his number, and I heard his phone ring. 

"I saved my number on your phone already." 

"Okay, thanks, and if something happens, don't hesitate to call me."

"I will." He replied. I planted a kiss on Lara's forehead one last time before I left and drove off home.

"Boss." James greeted me as soon as I stepped out of my car.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I walked inside the house.

"The officials are suspicious of your long absence, and they want you back. They doubt you're hiding something because your right-hand man, Scott, is missing." I chuckled.

The mafia officials didn't know Blade, and Scott Miller was one person until now. They all feared Scott because he was the voice of Blade, who initiated all his works and faced all of them. They only saw Blade on a screen with his face hidden, and he didn't talk.

"Okay, let's go back," I replied shortly and entered my room. I changed my clothes, and I put my things in a bag. I picked up the phone I had placed above my bed and dialed Owen's number.

"You just left. You missed your wife already?" He teased.

"Owen, I'm going back. I don't know when I can return. The officials are now suspicious of my sudden disappearance, and I don't want them to track where I am and find out about Lara."

"Okay, I understand."

"I will just call Lara tomorrow. If something happens, call me immediately. I left some men behind. I will give you the number of one of them. If you need their help, call him. His name is Aron."

"Okay, Boss."

"Don't call me that. You and Ashley are dear to Lara, and everyone dear to her is important to me too. Just call me Scott."

"Okay, Scott, and take care."

"I will, for her. And please be extra careful starting tomorrow. We don't know if someone already knows where I was. Tell her other guards."

"Okay, I will."

"Okay, that's all. I will call Lara tomorrow to tell her. " I told him and hung up. I picked up my bag and went downstairs. Aron, Mark, and James are already there waiting for me.


"Yes, Boss."

"You stay behind, and ten of our men. Ensure that your phone is always available so that Owen can call you as soon as he needs you."

"Who's Owen, Boss?"

"Lara Carter, bodyguard."

"Lara Carter??" They echoed.

"Lara Carter, as in the Lara Carter, your wife?" James asked, surprised."

"Yes, she's Lara." They gasped.

"Wow!! You are fated, boss." After all her running and hiding, you still meet." James said, smiling. I smiled, which was rare for them, and I saw their eyes widen, but they didn't comment.

"I think we are. Owen's number is on this paper. Call him so that you can meet him. And I don't want you to follow her. Wait for Owen's call."

"Okay, thank you, Boss. I'm honored to guard the successor and your wife's boss."

"Just in case you got curious and wanted to follow her, I want to warn you to ensure she wouldn't notice you. Owen warned me about it. I don't know how skilled she is at fighting because I didn't witness it, but Owen said, you'll end up dead. The last time James asked two of our men to guard her, she noticed them instantly, so just be careful."

"I will, boss. I want to witness her in action." Aron grinned. I smiled because I, myself, wanted to witness it too. Her father was best at fighting both hands to hand and armed combat in the organization before those people killed him, as well as his wife. Of course, he should, or he won't last long leading all those people. And I'm sure Lara is also skilled, even though you cannot see it in her features. She looks so sweet and fragile that you will think that she couldn't even kill a fly, but underground children are good at masking their true identity, and Lara, I'm sure, was an expert at it.

"Aron, I trusted you with this, and I don't want you to fail me. And report to me every day."

"Yes, Boss."

" Let's go," I said and headed outside and went into one of the waiting cars. James and Mark ride with me, and our men ride in the black SUV behind us. 

We arrived in front of my mansion after three hours of driving. The estate is far away from the city. It was a two-hectare lot. The Mansion stood in the middle, surrounded by the houses of my most trusted men and their families. As soon as I became the boss of the mafia, I bought this land and built a mansion for myself and houses for my men. I surrounded the compound with a concrete wall 12 feet high to ensure passers-by wouldn't see what was inside, and a live wire secured the wall for precaution. 

It's private property. No other people are allowed except my men and those with permission to come.

I stepped out of the car, and four of my trusted men were already there waiting to greet me.

"Boss!" I nodded at them and went straight inside the mansion, and they followed behind me. I settled in the living room, and they followed me. Mark and James stood behind me. They are my most trusted men who know who I am, together with Aron.

"Boss, some officials want to talk to Boss Blade," Adam said. He is in charge of the Northern Area, 

'I already know about it."

"And they also want to see you," Rick said. He is in charge of the Southern Area.

"I will tomorrow. Set up a meeting for all of the officials. Told the Boss would hear them out."

"Okay, Boss."

"Boss, Perez has been visiting all the officials these past few days," Kris said. He is in charge of the eastern area.

"Find out what he is after too." 

"Okay, Boss."

"Boss, the man we were looking for five years ago, was spotted in my area," Carl said. He is in charge of the western area. I quickly bolted from my seat.


"Two days ago, Boss. And we found out where he was hiding."

"Where?" I asked, my fist balled beside me.

" Near Seoul University."

"What?? I asked, surprised. James and Mark were also surprised by this information because that's where Lara was going. Why was he there? 

"Did you see him meet anyone?"

"I only saw him meet a young lady. She's a high school student at Seoul University."

"You know the girl?"

"I have a photo of her, Boss," he said. He takes out his phone from his pocket, then shows us the photo of a man talking to a girl, and they seem to like looking at something or someone. 

"Who is the girl? Do you have any information about her?" And what are they looking at while talking?"

"The girl is just a normal civilian. She doesn't have any bad records. She's an orphan who lives in a dorm at the school, and she's a scholar. Her name is Cherry Lee, and she is eighteen years old. Senior high, and they are looking at another girl." He swiped the following picture, and my eyes widened, and my heart instantly pounded. The following image is Lara talking with Owen.

"Are you sure they are looking at them?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, Boss." I quickly dialed Aron's number, and after three rings, he picked it up.


"Aron, I will send a picture to you. I was hoping you could watch this girl's every move and always be alert around Lara. One of our men spotted the man we had been looking for for five years near Seoul University. I want you to find the girl, and if you can get her or that man, get them. Use force as long as you can. Just be careful not to alert the authorities. Call me as soon as you get them. I'll be coming back there after I talk to the officials."

"Okay, Boss." He answered, then I hung up.

"Adam arranged the meeting tomorrow as early as eight o'clock. I want everyone to be at the meeting at exactly eight o'clock. Tell them they will be there."

"Okay, Boss."

"Okay, everyone, rest. I want all of you at the meeting tomorrow. 

"Okay, Boss."


My men and I arrived at the meeting hall earlier than the others. My men quickly set up the screen where everyone could see Blade. The fake Blade is wearing a mask and a cap. I wear an earpiece to pretend that Blade is talking with me through it.

After waiting five minutes, the officials slowly filled the room with some of their men.

"Boss!" They greeted, bowing their heads. I nodded my head and motioned them to sit down.

"Okay, we can start now," I said. James was sitting beside me. James is not only one of my trusted men, but he is my adviser, consigliere of the Boss, Blade, and I, as Scott Miller, are the Boss and underboss, the second in command, and under me are the three caporegimes or a capo.

Orlando Corpuz is the oldest among the caps, quiet, and you can't read what he is thinking. He talks when asked and when he has a question to ask. He is the richest among the capos, and I know he has a hidden agenda he's been cooking for a long time, but I haven't figured it out yet. 

Herman Carter is Lara Carter's Grandfather. He should be the Boss after his son Teddy Carter, the current boss, died, but he declined the position and passed it to me. The capos opposed it because they didn't know me. They wanted to see my face, but I refused, and many challenged me, but no one defeated me. Many tried to uncover my face during the fight, but no one achieved that goal. They couldn't remove my mask because I painted on my face? That's the start. They feared Blade because they saw how I slaughtered my opponent like animals. They deserve it because they are animals. After that, I appointed Scott, who was also myself, as underboss. No one opposed it because they knew Scott, Teddy Carter's assassin. Who killed anyone he ordered me to kill. They knew who Scott was, and they feared him as well.

Brent Hernandez is the youngest among the Capos because he took over his father's position after he died. He's lucky-go-lucky and always acts as if he doesn't care. Brent always smiles and throws jokes here and there, but I know him. He's a snake. I have known him since young. He hid his true self, acting like that to hide his real intention. 

"Boss, there is some small gang in my area, and they are competing with our business there," Brent said. "I just wanted to ask if I could wipe them out?" He said, smiling.

"Of course," I answered shortly after a minute passed as if I was listening to Blade's words. The masked guy on the screen was walking back and forth, and sometimes he would stop and sit reading the papers in front of him.

"Okay, Boss. I'll do it later." He smiled. I nodded my head and faced the other capo.

"Boss, there's another group trying to intercept our goods every time they come. They seemed like big groups, and it seemed there was a spy on us because they knew the date and time of the arrival. It's already happened two times since you left," Herman said.

"They got any?" I asked.

"No, Boss, but they almost got the second. I lost ten of my men."

"Do you have any clue who they are?"

"We saw a tattoo on one of them. It's the same tattoo as those men who killed my son." I cursed inside. They are planning big. They want to take over the organization.

"Formed a group to investigate this issue. I want those who are not related to our organization. So if ever there's a spy inside, he wouldn't know who they are."

"Okay, Boss."

"Corpuz, do you have any problems in your area?"

"No, Boss, I wondered why you are gone for a month. I thought something had happened to you but hid it from everyone." He said, looking at Blade on the screen.

"Nothing happened to Boss. I was with him all this time. He only has important things to do," I answered.

"Still searching for your wife, Boss?" From the corner of my eyes, I saw Brent cover his mouth to muffle his laughter, but it was instantly replaced by a groan of pain when I threw a dagger at him, grazing on his arms.

"Sorry, Boss." He quickly said, bowing his head. 

"I'm not searching for my wife. I know where she is. She's in the place where she was safe." I said, looking at the screen as if he were dictating to me. 

"Why hiding her? She's the daughter of the previous boss, a granddaughter of Capo Herman. I'm sure she can defend herself."

"It's the boss's personal life, and he can do whatever he wants for his wife to protect her. You don't have the right to question him." I said, now furious. Corpuz, he knows something I don't know, and I want to find out what it is soon.

We are done here." I stood up from my seat, and the screen quickly turned black. And I left the meeting room, followed by James, and Mark and I went straight to my car. The rest of my men followed, and we drove off home.

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