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46.15% Fate Deified

Chapter 12: First Day 12

When you got back down to your motorcycle, Rider was already waiting there, Sakura in her arms still, "Are you done?" she asked casually, as if she wasn't watching the whole time out of sight.

"...Another servant?" Medea grimaced from within your arms.

"That's Rider, she's the servant of the girl in her arms, my girlfriend Sakura," you casually introduced them, "No need to worry about her, she's on my side."

"..That remains to be seen." Rider refuted, but you ignored her and set Medea down on your bike, getting on yourself,

It really didn't after all. Once you got home, you'd easily take care of Sakura's worms, summon your own servant then contract with Medea. Simple and easy.

"You feel familiar," Medea said to Rider, "Have we met before?"

"No," Rider shook her head, "Though, I am of Greek Origin like yourself, our ages were far apart, perhaps that is what you sense?"

Medea nodded her head lightly, "It explains the divinity I can sense from within you," the robe clad woman revealed something very interesting, "A Demi-god or descendant of a god perhaps?"

You turned to Rider in interest, 'Hoh?' you hummed in interest. Not quite what you were after, but the ichor of divinity would be of great help to you. You'd put it to much better use than the foolish gods.

Rider looked away, face impassive, "Something like that." she replied non committedly.

Seemed she didn't want to reveal her origins much at all. 'Well, she's Greek, odds are she died tragically. With how beautiful she is, it probably involves rape or mind control.' you looked away, taking a seat on your motorcycle in front of Medea.

The usual shtick of the Greek Gods. God were they pathetic. 'Imagine being a god and having to rape to get a girl.' you snorted. Truly they were the trash that stood atop all other trash.

"Will you be alright to hang on till I drive us back?" you looked over your shoulder and asked Medea.

Her hood covered eyes stared into yours and you had the feeling she was rolling her eyes at you, "I'm not so dainty I can't hold on to you driving this absurd modern vehicle, weakened as I am, I'm still a servant master, remember that." she sighed, shaking her head.

Despite her tone, your lips quirked up into a grin when you heard what she called you. 'Master, I could get used to that.' you thought happily as you revv'd the motorcycle to life once again.


t didn't take much longer before you arrived at your mansion. As you did, two of your boys on guard duty, large, muscular men in black suits with black shades over their eyes, with semi-automatic rifles hung over their shoulders were quick to greet you, "Boss, welcome back!" they declared together, bowing their heads to you.

They didn't even blink at the sight of Medea, and Rider carrying Sakura even when she landed beside you from high up in the air. After all, they'd seen you perform astounding feats like that all the time. And they were capable of performing absurd feats of their own, though not to the same level.

Every one of your boys that had gained clearance to you personally to enter your mansion, had been enhanced by your body enhancement magic. And each carried weapons that had been enhanced through reinforcement magic by you.

Even a servant should balk at trying to infiltrate your mansion. After all, they may have been immune to normal guns and bullets, but they were not immune to magically enhanced guns and bullets that shot faster, hit harder and were far more sturdy.

"...I can see why Shinji was so jealous of you." Rider snorted.

"This is your base of operations?" Medea hummed, taking your hand after you parked your bike and held it out to her, eyeing your two boys outside with interest, and a slight bit of impression.

"He's a lazy yakuza leader," Rider 'helpfully' informed, "From what I've gathered, he killed his old teacher who tried to steal his body as a child and then built his own gang in this city to do the tedious grunt work like earning money for him."

You rolled your eyes, "That's simplifying it far too much," you replied, "Though, not untrue." there was far more to it than simply your hedonistic desires after all.

"Hypnosis over time, and you've even reinforced their bodies over time in a similar manner to your own," Medea hummed inspecting your boys who just stood there waiting for your words, they were well trained like that, "And quite the Bounded Fields you have. Physical barriers, magical barriers, hypnotic barriers to ward away the eyes of normal humans, you're very thorough, and cunning at that, these do not just draw magic from the air itself, but from your subordinates as well."

"Good eye." you praised her. Then again, a woman of her level should be at least capable of this much.

None of your boys had any inborn magic circuits. That did not mean you could not give them then. All who had been verified and allowed permission into your mansion, had multiple nerves turned into magic circuits. While not of truly great quality, it was a simple matter for you to heal them one by one and keep them from being paralyzed thanks to your magic.

A pity it was so hard to perform on yourself and concentrate on your magic at the same time. Otherwise, you would be even more powerful than you were now.

But, as Medea said, your Bounded Fields were so strong, because there were easily a hundred that qualified as spellcasters in your home at all times, guarding you and powering the Bounded Fields. You had made sure each and every single one of them was capable of performing Reinforcement upon themselves and their weapons, so that the reinforcement on their weapons never ended.

The very suits they were wearing, were more sturdy than kevlar.

Usually nerve circuits like them would fade over time, but with your magic, it was a simple matter to make them permanent.

0_Jordinio_0 0_Jordinio_0

If you want to see stuff a little bit early, feel free to check my pa--treon. You can find the link in any of my story descriptions.

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