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Chapter 1: His Majesty, Tracy

Year 1300, Wandenreich

It has been 280 years since Tracy was crowned Emperor of the Wandenreich. Following his father's death in the war against Shinigami, he assumed the post as the only one qualified and suited to do so. Since he's the son of their late emperor Yhwach, he possesses the charisma and aptitude to lead the Quincy back to its feet.

With the assistance of his two childhood friends, Jugram the current Grandmaster of the Star-Cross Knight Order and also his adviser assisting him with empire-related affairs. Firenda, the daughter of one of Yhwach's most devoted servants back in the day, maintains significant authority in the empire as the Director of Intelligence Bureau and Director of Research Institute.

280 years have gone fast since the empire went into hiding in the Shadows of Soul Society to recuperate, with these three leading figures overseeing the empire.

The empire has not only recovered to its previous grandeur, but has become far stronger. It was better than before, in terms of technological advancement, military strength, and people's livelihood.

Though it was not easily achieved, there were still obstacles along the road, such as Quincy who are traditionalists who opposed the advancement of the Quincy and their traditions. Of course, they were banished since their notion was impeding Quincy's progress.

Following the issue, the Emperor made a firm stance that anybody who disobeys their orders without good reason shall be exiled or, if necessary, executed. After that, no one questioned their judgments any longer.

Almost no one disagreed to his assertion since it is self-evident that if they do not progress, future generations of Quincy will be left in dread. In a world ruled by the strong, 'The weak have no rights or choices. Their only fate is to relentlessly crushed by the strong.'

And now, for the previous six months, the empire has been busy preparing for our comeback to the Human world. Even though living here in this place is a blessing since no violence is taking place, people are sleeping well and all the children are cheerful. The late emperor's ideologies are still instilled in us; he is a lover of peace, despising violence and thinking that painful battles should be concluded as soon as possible.

There is a saying that goes, 'A conqueror is always a lover of peace.'

With that saying, we may deduce that once we return to the human world, we may or may not conquer other kingdoms in the same way that we did in the past, everytime a sword clashes, rivers of blood pour and many lives are lost.

Right now, some of the citizens of Wandenreich are concerned, some are enthusiastic, especially war veterans, and the rest are unconcerned.

Nonetheless, one question occupies everyone's mind.

Will the new Quincy leading figures finally bring the Wandenreich to the heights that the late emperor was unable to achieve?


Wandenreich's Imperial Capital, Berlun

A massive tower-like palace can be seen in the heart of Berlun, with a two-tiered superstructure on top. In addition, the palace is framed in front of it by two gutted, curved, tusk-like structures arching toward one other, and is overshadowed by a massive, rectangular tower with a cross on each side rising up behind it.

It's called Silbern, it is where the Emperor resides within this magnificent edifice, guarded by his protective echelon 24/7. It's also where influential figures go when the Emperor convenes a conference to address crucial issues.

Currently at Silbern, Emperor's Private Quarters.

A young man could be seen sleeping soundly on his bed in one of the palace's private chambers. He has short golden hair with bangs that sweep over his jewel blue eyes, which he inherited from his mother.


Suddenly, a loud knock was heard, causing him to twitch his eyes, but he quickly dismissed it and returned to sleep.

"Tracy! You lazy shit, wake up! You called us here for a conference, but you're still sleeping! Seriously, what is wrong with you?!"

A presumably irritated female voice heard outside the large doorway


The girl outside seemed to have excellent hearing since he heard Tracy's muffled voice even through the thick doors that separated them. In irritation, a tick mark appeared on her forehead.

"I see." The young woman's usually closed eyes slowly opened, exposing her jewel blue eyes identical to the male presently sleeping blissfully within.

As she pulled back her arms, aiming towards the door, she released a massive amount of reiatsu that cracked the floor where she was standing. She pushed her foot forward, balancing her body, but just as she was about to throw a punch, she felt something on her shoulder.

"Are you planning to decimate the entire Wandenreich, Firenda?" A sweet and mellow voice whispered next to her ears, making her body shudder.

When she heard the whisper, Firenda responded immediately by swinging her arms backward, intending to backhand punch the man behind her.

"Woah there, Firenda."

Instead of hitting him, the man's head vanished onto her shoulder as he reappeared in front of her. It happened so fast that her eyes didn't even catch his movements. But she knows deep down that they were both just messing around.

Since they were just messing around, she decided not to stop and continued with a high kick aimed for his neck.

But, as was the case before, she kicked nothing but air. Even if she wasn't using her full strength, this kind of kick is quick that an ordinary soldier would have a hard time avoiding it, and if they are unlucky enough and got struck, they'd be bedridden for a month or two.

Despite that, the young man in front of her dodges her blows like it's nothing. He's even got the audacity to smile.

Tracy leaped at least a meter away from her after dodging the kick. Then, he turned to look at Firenda and said,

"Hey, don't do high kicks when you're wearing a skirt."

Firenda instinctively tugged her skirt down after hearing those remarks. She then gave Tracy a disgusted look. "You damn pervert."

"What? How does that qualify me as a pervert? I didn't even see that white thing underneath your skir—" Tracy, of course, disputed being dubbed a pervert. However, rather of proving his innocence, he dug his own grave.

"So you saw it after all... YOU FUCK*NG PERVERT!"

She vanished from view and reappeared directly behind him, raising her hands as she grabbed Tracy's head and slammed it into the floor.



Inside Tracy's Private Quarters.

"How are you?" Tracy asked inside the bathroom as he dressed into his uniform, a white double-breasted trench coat, white trousers, and trench boots.

During the six months since I declared that they would be returning to the 'real world,' all of the staff members in charge of the preparations, including her, have been extremely busy. Well, she's always been a busy in her laboratory, but I still need to inquire about her well-being.

"I'm good, but thanks to you, I didn't have enough time to do researches on my 'Babies'."

Firenda, as the Director of the Wandenreich Research Institute, is a scientist herself. So, of course, she has her own experiments. Back then, she requested whether she could use part of my blood to develop a Pseudo-Sternritters.

Since I am the son of The Father of Quincy, Yhwach, I inherited not just his 'eyes,' but also his ability to share part of his soul. But there's a catch; I can't fully exploit it like my father since I'm more inclined to combat; no matter what I do, I just can't do it like him, giving his souls away like candy. Unlike him, there is a prerequisite that must be met before I can give 'Schrifts' to other individuals.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, I agreed to her request to do an experiment on my blood since it would strengthen the Empire's foundation. I do trust her since I've known her since I was a child and know everything there is about her, even her penchant for stealing, which is the reason how she obtained the Schrift, P- PLUNDER from me.

Even then, I know she's a sweetheart. But, when it comes down to it, executing her would be like to killing an ant. Not because I am physically stronger than her, but because I was the one who gave her the Schrift. I could take it back with her life as payment at any time. But I hope it doesn't come to that.

Stepping out of the bathroom carrying a tattered ankle-length maroon-black cloak over my shoulders Tracy stared at her laying on his bed before saying, "Haha~ Sorry about that. Don't worry, you'll have more time once we're in the Human World. Supernatural's corpses are littered everywhere, that's a lotta materials, you know."

"Hmph! You're mistaken if you believe that carcasses would make me forgive you for what you did earlier." She said, as she buried her head in my pillow after that.

Tracy stood there speechless, shaking his head, then staring at her antics and thought, 'I didn't realize until now, but she's gotten a lot more attractive, hasn't she?'

Looking at her ankle-length pink hair tied in a ponytail-braid with bangs hanging on the right side, her jewel blue eyes that resemble mine, and, of course, her beauty mark on the bottom right side of her lips.

I guess it was natural for me not to look at her that way back then, considering I viewed her more like a sister than a woman.


And I'm pretty sure there are a lot of guys out there that want to take her but are too afraid to approach her. I mean, who isn't terrified of her? She's scarier than any monster they'll ever encounter in their lives.

After ending my thoughts, I lightly kicked the corner of the bed to wake her up seeing as her eyelids gradually closed due to lack of sleep.

"Oh my~, you came here just to sleep? I see, I see."

"Wha—, don't give me that nonsense; you're the reason I'm here in the first place. shithead." She said, while her head was buried in the pillow, so all I could hear was a muffled noise, but I still understood it.

I ground to a standstill and turned my head to look at her; I just don't understand women sometimes. She was irritated with me for being late just a minute ago, and now she doesn't even want to get out of bed.

Since she refuses to get up, I suppose I have no choice but to do this, huh.

"Hey, considering we haven't met in months, how about I prepare your favourite parfait after the conference? What do you think?"

That words pricked her ears, and she sprang out of bed and ran to where her military trench coat was hanging. Then, she came to a halt and turned to face me, while gripping the door handle, she murmured, "You'd best prepare it later, or else."

Tracy gave the nicest smile he could muster, "Of course."


She quickly disappeared after hearing my response and slammed the door shut.

I didn't waste time, and so as soon as she was gone, I readied myself, donning the tattered maroon cloak over my Wandenreich military uniform. It was what my father used back then, and I'm now using it to at least commemorate him while also displaying that I am the Monarch of Wandenreich.

As Tracy stroked his cloak, a melancholy expression formed on his face, but it quickly faded as a smile surfaced.

"A world without conflict, a world in which all beings are subject to my authority. That is indeed wonderful, right dad?"

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