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25% #Forever

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The morning sun was not smiling at all.. as it shone brightly in the part of New York Estate... Causing Grace Miller to shift on her bed and turned the other way.

She groaned, unable to stand... Cause she was stressed.

She was sure.. if she continued with the way she walked on the normal days.. she would definitely get paralyzed.

She yawned, as she closed her eyes... Due to many many sleep.

"Wake up Miss Grace, the time is 8am!"

"Wake up Miss Grace, the time is 8am!"

"Wake up Miss Grace, the time is 8am!" The alarm rang loudly.

She groaned using her hand to hit the piece of iron.

"Ouch." She yelled, clutching her hand, as she sat up on her bed.

Damn! She did not want any other body ache.. than the one she was feeling.

She bowed her head and said a quick prayer.. before walking to the bath room.

These days.. were times she would not joke with.

Although her company looked stable on the out side.

It was a wreck of havoc on the in side.

damn! She really needed a miracle.

A miracle that would make her stable and free from worries.

She took her bath quickly and wore her clothes.

Although she was not comfortable in the pencil black skirt and white blouse.

She tied her hair to a bun and smiled at her self that was stunning and pretty.

"That'll do." She smirked, and grabbed her bag.... as she walked down the stairs and out of the penthouse.


"Good morning Mom." Brand greeted, as he walked in to the Mansion.

"Good morning." His mother replied, as she kept playing her stereotype and shaking her head.

"Mom, you called me..." He said, as a frown crept to his face.

"Hmm.." She turned to him and sighed.

"I did, but it was last night Brand... This is already 9am." His mother said, as she switched off the stereotype.

"Is Dad really sick?" He asked, staring at the woman that seem as if she would pounce at him any moment from then.

"Yes, he was last night... But he's stable now." She answered.

"You have to take over the company Brand, sooner or later." His mother said.

"I know Mom, but then... right now, I'm not ready." He answered, taking a seat on the couch.

"Then when would you be ready."

"You've been saying the same thing ever since you left School and Damn Brand! it's been Years already." His mother yelled with fury.

"Oh shit."

"I have to go." He was already up, and leaving the house.

"You're not going to go see your father, he's sick for Pete's sake Brand." His mother hissed, tiredly.

"I'll be back Mom, I have some things at hand." He asnwered, walking out the door of the spacious Mansion.

He had no problem with his family

He just wanted his freedom..freedom to live and act the way he wanted.

Not to get stuck in a huge company and Making life shit for him.

He groaned at the thought and hissed.

His phone rang and he ignored it, as he settled down in the BMW that glowed with power.

"Good morning Sir." His driver greeted, for the umpteenth time and he rolled his eyes.

"You can stop greeting now Andrew, it has been how many times these morning." Brand said, as his darted to the brownish part of the Oak tree that stood just out side the Mansion.

He sighed, staring at the black door the separated the Mansion and the Huge Garden..

The black colour of the door seem to be fading.. may be due to the reason that the sun was too hard on the Estate of New Joy castle.

"Where are we going Sir?" He heard Andrew asked.

"Uhmm, my penthouse.... any where but here Andrew." He mumbled, and the man nodded.

"The penthouse it is." Andrew muttered lowly, as he drove out of the Mansion.

"Can you put on the radio. He asked, more like an order, as his eyes stared at the trees that was passing by.

Or may be his eyes was describing him.

"This is Someday News Paper!!"

"Last night, popular Heir of a multi millionaire's Son Mr Brand Milo was found entering a club."

"The people are curious about the Hot Son and Heir of such huge companies."

"Keep your ears ready for more gossips." The radio bang loudly.

Brand chuckled as he could not contain the laughter any more.

"How could they do that?" He asked, as a frown crept to his face.

His brow knitted to a frown... and he could not help but laugh again.

Those media's were definitely trying his patience!!


"Good morning Ma'am." Grace nodded, as she walked in to the company.

Her head high up and her clothes were fixed.

She was indeed a beauty and Damn! She knew how to make her body the center of attraction.

"Good morning Miss Gracy!"

"You look extra beautiful today, what's the secret?" She heard that annoying voice asked from behind, and she turned to her.

"Seriously Sofia!" She glared at the lady that was dancing with an earphone on her left ear.

"Hey beautiful." Sofia winked at her.

"Why did you dress extra good today, any body coming over?" She asked, with a raised brow.

Grace rolled her eyes.

That was so Sofia, talking dirty and acting dirty as well.

She didn't even know how she had be came friends with her.

But Damm! They were tight friends.

"Shut up Sofia, this is the same dress I wore on the day before yesterday.... what's different about it?" Grace asked, staring down at her self.

"Ohh... may be you're on your period season, that's why you're glowing."

"Ladies tend to glow when their on their period seasons." Sofia winked at her best friend.

"Uhmm, may be that's it... cause it's the second day and Damn! it still hits me hard."

"I wonder why cramps are only for the females?"

"Shouldn't God recreate some people and make sure they guys suffer they way we do." Grace whined.

"They think we're complainers.. when obviously In every thing we do, we get pained on." Sofia shook her head.

"Ohh, shut up.. I wasn't referring to you too, you're more like a man." Grace glared at Sofia and huffed.

"So Ma'am, what are we doing today?" Sofia asked, as they both ascended the stairs.

"I don't really know Sofia, but then I intend to meet some companies for investment."

"Miller's Corp is a huge Corporation, So what do you think would happen if I ask for an investment from the Milo's?" Grace queried, with squinted eyes.

"You're not serious!" Sofia scoffed.

"Their your rival in business Grace, if you by mistake in any angle give them the slightest chance..they would make sure they get Miller's corp for themselves."

"And be side you would do nothing... Your shared are degrading and if they by chance invest."

"They might just be a top shareholder than you and if they do.. they will surely kick you out and Boom!"

"We'd definitely lose our Beautiful Corp." Sofia explained, as she closed her eyes, hugging one of the pools that was close to the elevator.

"You're right Sofia, but I don't know what to do." Grace shook her head.

"Let's both pray for a miracle Gracy.."

"You don't want to lose your Company and I don't want to lose my salary."

"Great job huh?" Sofia winked, earning a glare from Grace.

"I'm starting to wonder what's your benefit from doing what you're doing now." Grace mumbled.

"And what I'm I doing Mom?" Sofia blinked, like an innocent puppy that was bathed and flogged for making one wrong move.


"Some ungrateful bitches are just too ungrateful to be grateful." Grace shrugged.

"Wow." What a way to talk to your advisor, stupid." Sofia snapped back.

"Hmm... and what a way to talk to your Boss Crazy!" Grace retorted, glaring at Sofia.

"Boss my foot." Sofia huffed, as she walked out of the elevator that had just stopped in her Department.

Grace chuckled as the elevator closed back and she pressed her button.

It took her to the toppest floor... that is the Ceo's floor and she got out.

Her head was already throbbing hard.. as she recalled all the paper work she had to fill and the meeting.

Can't any day at all get better? She wondered, untying her bun and tying it back.

She took her seat and with out much wasting of time, began her paper filling work, so she would get to the main deal of the day.

Her phone chimed and she brought it out of her bag.

She stared at the message and a scowl found its way to her pretty face.

What was this about? She wondered, staring at the message.

Why would the Milo's Corp want a meeting with her?! She cocked her brows and sighed.

Why would they?!!

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