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Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Enemy of the Forest

Author note:

This fanfiction will indeed be very long, because I want to have a better worldbuilding, character development for Tenebris and other characters that will be added. I hope that everyone will bear with me till the end.

Chapter 10: Enemy of the Forest

[Quest Completed!]


-Lizardman Spear (Low) +5 Phys. Attack

-500 gold

-300 Exp

[You have leveled up!]

+3 Status Points

After a dedicated day of relentless grind of quests within the village of the grove, including Chief Gruk's challenging tasks, my perseverance has borne fruit. I proudly say that I am a level 9 Dragonoid, I have also amassed a collection of valuable items that shall aid me in my upcoming adventures.

My exploits in the village have ingrained me into the community, building a foundation of trust which gave me a lot of quest.

It's funny how these things work. My Gladiator job has gained a few notches while I was out there slaying goblins and helping lizardmen. It's like every swing of my sword and every quest I complete just adds another level to my base class. Pretty convenient, I guess.

As I equipped the spear over my shoulder, I headed back into the heart of the Village of the Grove. I figured it was time to upgrade my gear a bit, maybe grab a better sword or see if any crafting stations were available. I strolled along the forest path, surrounded by the symphony of nature bird calls, rustling leaves, and my own footsteps.

"Thank heavens for the map icon," I mumbled, glancing at the virtual map in the corner of my vision. Without it, I'd probably be wandering around this dense forest like a lost sheep.

As I trudged along, lost in my thoughts, the forest suddenly opened up into a clearing. And standing there, right in my path, were a group of elves.

Hostile-looking elves.

I raised an eyebrow, my hand instinctively drifting to the hilt of my lizardman spear. These elves didn't look too pleased to see me, and I had a feeling it wasn't a friendly social call.

"Uh, hey there," I ventured cautiously, offering a small wave. "Nice day for a walk in the forest, huh?"

The elves exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of suspicion and outright hostility. I was starting to get the feeling that my dragonoid appearance wasn't exactly winning me any popularity contests.

The elf who had stepped forward to confront me had an air of authority about her. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back, contrasting sharply with the vibrant green of the forest. Her eyes, a piercing shade of emerald. She held herself with an unwavering grace.

Beside her stood another elf, slightly shorter but no less imposing. His features were sharp and angular, his sapphire eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and caution. He wore a cloak woven from leaves and vines, blending so seamlessly with the surroundings that he could almost disappear at will.

The third elf in the group was unlike the others. A female with fiery red hair that matched the intensity in her gaze. Her stance was more defensive, a hint of distrust evident in her wary expression. Yet, beneath her guarded demeanor, there was a sense of fierce determination.

"You're not from around here, are you?" The white haired elf said, her voice dripping with a chilly edge.

I cleared my throat, trying to appear nonchalant. "Well, you see, I'm kind of new around these parts. Just passing through, really."

The elves exchanged a knowing look, and I could practically hear the unspoken thoughts bouncing between them. Non-human. Outsider. Potential threat.

Before I could even react, the elf in front of me raised her hand, a ball of crackling energy forming in her palm. "Intruder," she spat, her voice turning icy. "We won't tolerate your presence here."

Oh, great. Just great. I guess not everyone in this world is a fan of dragonoids. With a resigned sigh, I tightened my grip on my lizardman spear.

Well, my attempt at diplomacy had clearly crashed and burned. The elves were having none of it, and the crackling ball of energy in the lead elf's hand told me that things were about to get ugly.

"[Triplet Magic: Freeze Lance]" the white haired elf casted

In a heartbeat, I was in motion. My lizardman spear flashed as I lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding the first barrage of magical attacks. The forest around me exploded into chaos, and I could feel the heat of the magical energy singing the air.

I had faced tough battles before, but this one was on a whole new level. The elves were skilled, their attacks precise and deadly. I deflected one projectile with a swing of my lizardman spear, but another grazed my side, searing my scales. Pain lanced through me, and I gritted my teeth, my grip on the spear tightening.

I had to even the odds. I activated my newly acquired skill "[Draconic Blessing]"

A surge of energy coursed through my veins, and I felt an indescribable power welling up inside me.

[Your Physical Atk. Has been Doubled!]

[Your Magic Atk. Has been Doubled!]

[You are now immune to Fire, Ice and

lightning magic]

[Your movement speed has increased!]

I moved with an otherworldly grace, my senses heightened to an astonishing degree. The elf attacks that had seemed lightning-fast now appeared sluggish and predictable. I dodged, parried, and struck back with a newfound precision and strength.

But even with the Draconic Blessing, the fight was far from easy. The elves were relentless, their attacks unrelenting. I danced on the edge of danger, narrowly avoiding the deadly magical onslaught. My health bar plummeted dangerously low, and I knew that one wrong move could spell my demise.

Yet, in the midst of the chaos, a surge of determination coursed through me. I would not be defeated. I would not fall and start all over again.

My strikes became a whirlwind of power and magic, and the elves faltered under the onslaught. One by one, they fell, their forms dissolving into particles of light. The clearing fell silent, save for my heavy breathing and the crackling energy that still hung in the air.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

I stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, my body aching. I was battered, bruised, but alive. The Draconic Blessing had turned the tide, but the victory had come at a cost. I could feel the drain on my energy, the toll it had taken on me.

[You are in a state of Mana Freezing (64 hours and 45 seconds)]

[You're Physical Atk has fallen Due to mana freezing]

[You're Magic atk has fallen Due to mana freezing]

[You're Magic Def has fallen due to mana freezing]

[Your Base Job Class has leveled up! 7/10]

[Your Racial class (Dragonoid) has leveled up! 4/15]

A notification appeared before me, and I grimaced as I read the words:

[Title Obtained: Enemy of The Forest]

[Karma has Fallen]

I sighed, realizing that my actions had repercussions. The elves had seen me as a threat, and now, I had become their enemy. It wasn't a situation I had wanted, but it was the path I had inevitably chosen.

Examining the newly acquired title, "Enemy of the Forest," I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. While the boost it provided was undoubtedly beneficial, it came at a price. I had become an outcast, an enemy to the very environment I was now a part of. Every rustle in the underbrush, every shadow among the trees, would now potentially spell danger.

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on me. In my attempt to defend myself, I had inadvertently become a threat to the very beings I had hoped to peacefully coexist with.

Sighing deeply, I made the decision to just log out of the game, hoping that perhaps some solution could be found to remove the burdensome title that now marked me as an "Enemy of the Forest." The world of YGGDRASIL faded away, and I found myself back in the familiar surroundings of my room. The transition from the vibrant virtual world to the mundane reality felt jarring, like stepping from one dimension to another.

I stretched my limbs, cracking my neck and easing the tension that had built up during my intense gameplay session. Glancing at the clock, I realized that it was already time for dinner. With a quick shake of my head, I rose from my gaming chair and left the room, making my way to the dining area.

As I settled down to eat, my mind couldn't help but wander back to the events of the game.

But for now, let's focus on the real world: the aroma of dinner wafting through the air, the clinking of utensils.

After finishing my meal, I returned to my room and settled back into my gaming chair. I powered up my computer and navigated to the game's official forum, eager to see if there were any updates, announcements, or perhaps discussions that could shed light on my current predicament.

The forum was abuzz with activity players sharing their experiences, strategies, and speculations about the game's mechanics. Scrolling through the threads, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with these fellow adventurers, even though our paths in the game were unique.

I stumbled upon a thread where players were trading tales of their in-game monikers. Seriously, some folks have titles longer than their equipment lists. I jumped into the conversation, typing away about my encounter with those forest-dwelling elves and the delightful "Enemy of the Forest" title they gifted me. Ugh, so much for making friends in the elven hood.

As I typed out my thoughts, I felt a sense of connection to this virtual community, a shared journey of exploration, challenges, and aspirations.

After browsing the forum and engaging in lively discussions, I leaned back in my chair, letting out a satisfied sigh.

I rubbed my eyes, glancing at the time. "Huh, let's see if there are any updates." My fingers danced over the keyboard as I navigated to the official game page. The screen glowed with the latest news – turns out, YGGDRASIL's beta test was set to wrap up in just a week. Man, time flies when you're dodging goblins and elves.

The popularity of the game was skyrocketing, not surprising given its graphics and freedom.

A light bulb moment struck me. Donating to the game's development before its public release might just be a game-changer.

After a thoughtful moment, I made a decision. Donating to the game's development seemed like a strategic move. The real world might operate on dollars and cents, but in this digital domain, my contributions could potentially open doors to unique opportunities.

With that in mind, I committed to a substantial donation of 400 million dollars to support the growth of YGGDRASIL. After all, this was more than just a game, it was a realm that will soon come alive.

A sense of satisfaction settled over me as I clicked the "Donate" button, knowing that my contribution could impact the course of the game's development.

As if in response to my gesture, an email notification blinked on my screen. Intrigued, I opened the message, my eyes scanning the screen. The sender's name caught my attention: YGGDRASIL Game Development Team. It was as official as it got.

The email detailed how my contribution was genuinely appreciated and acknowledged the significant impact it would have on the game's future. They expressed gratitude not just for the financial support, but also for the enthusiasm and dedication of players like me who believed in the potential of YGGDRASIL.

In addition to the heartfelt message, the email also hinted at a unique opportunity that awaited me. They mentioned a "special collaboration" between top donors and the development team, promising exclusive insights, access, and even the potential for in-game interactions with the creators themselves.




Author note:


Level: 13

Exp: 69/3000


Guardian of the Grove

Beta tester


Enemy of the forest


Alignment: Neutral Evil

Sense of Justice -1

HP: 39/39

MP: 26/26

Phy. Atk: 21(5)

Phy. Def: 17(3)

Agility: 25(1)

Mag. Atk: 9

Mag. Def: 13

Resist: 10(3)

Special: 8

Total: 168

Status points: 19

Job level:

Gladiator 7/10

Racial Class:

Dragonoid 4/15

Skill: Draconic Blessing (In cooldown)

Title: Enemy of the Forest

Description: Your actions within the forest have marked you as a threat to its inhabitants. Animals and creatures of the woodland are more likely to see you as an intruder and respond with aggression. Beware, for your presence in the forest may no longer go unnoticed.


- Physical Resistance:+7% when facing forest-dwelling creatures.

- Forest Affinity: +3% boost to nature-based spells or abilities.

- Woodland Perception: Enhanced awareness of forest surroundings, granting +10% to detection and evasion of forest-based traps.

Note: While the title offers certain benefits, it comes with a price a potential increase in hostility from forest inhabitants and factions. Use this title wisely, as your choices may shape your interactions within the woods.

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