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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: dungeon name

He looked at the dungeon core in the sky and chuckled.

"You did good..."

[Thank you host.]

He then suddenly noticed something.

"I don't seem to have a name."

[Yes. After all, we only have human memories in our head and the dungeon inheritance knowledge. None of which tells us your name. We do not know of who your parents are so we can't say for sure.]

"Parents? Aren't all dungeons born from the primordial dungeon? The mother dungeon."

[Not necessarily host. It's written in our data bank that some dungeons are born spontaneously without origin. It is speculated that these dungeons are made by the universe itself. Plus, in recent years, gods have been able to make pseudo dungeons of their own.]

"Oh yeah."

He looked into the data bank and found the information. When he felt the cluster of memories, which are now more orderly than before, he really felt tired. Instead of actually absorbing and reading everything, he prefers to just let the dungeon core know it instead. Although the dungeon core sorted the knowledge out and are more like a library than a bunch of disordely pictures now, he just doesn't want to do it.

"Well, I can't stay like this."

[Is it necessary?]

"What do you mean?"

[ I find names to be completely useless in our case. Name only serve the function of recognition and distinction. And we only have the two of us here, is naming ourself necessary?]

"This is why i am the leader and you are the sub brain. Some things don't need sense, just do it!"

[Then how should be proceed, naming yourself does not sound right, even for me.]

"You name me and i name you."

[Technically, you naming me is not at all inappropriate. After all, you are my mother in a way. But me naming you is weird. Plus, we are the same person, wouldn't it still be the same as naming yourself.]


"Im not your mother!"

[You are right. Your ego does seem more masculine than feminine. Then you are my father.]


"Whatever. It's like i said, just do it!"

[As you wish host. The what type of name do you want host?]

"Must have three letter and starts with either V, X or Z. Must sound cool to the ears and defenitely must feel ancient or mystic."


The sub brain was speechless. If you already have such a detailed description, why are you still asking me?

The sub brain just toggled in his head and found the perfect names. Well, the perfect names according to him anyway. In his head, it found many names like Vee, Vinn Xerse, Xin, Xavier, Zan and many more.

The sub brain just took them all and made a randomiser program. Let it run down the many names. And soon a name was randomly picked.

[I name you, Zeno.]

"From now on, i am Zeno!"

Zeno proclaimed.


"Okay it's your turn now."

[There is no need. I am you and you are me. You are Zeno and so am i.]

"What am i supposed to called you? Zeno2? Hey what a great name. ZeroTwo."

[Isn't that name already taken?]

"What's he gonna do? Im a dungeon now. Infringement laws can't catch me."


"Fine, I'll name you, Xera."

[Thank you for the name host.]

"Stop calling me that. Since you are not a system, you just sound like a parasite."

[Then what would you like me to call you. There different ways according to the data base. I can call you by name, master, main brain, leader, father...]

"Father? Are you gonna call me daddy next?"

[If daddy wants...]


If he had an eye, it would surely be twitching now.

"What the fuck. You even made your voice sound younger."

[Isn't this what daddy wants? Your emotions tell me that you like it.]

"No! Stop reading my mind! And you make me sound like a lolicon."

[Daddy, I am getting two orders from you. Although you are consciously telling me to stop. Subconsciously, you are telling me otherwise. Does this mean you are actually a...]

"No! Listen to my concious thoughts."

[But both are my leader.]


[Solution reached, I will from now call you father.]

Xera's voice thus changed slightly. If before it was comparable to a 14 year old, now it was 17 year old. With a cold mature tone.

[Father, why are you so worried about me calling you daddy. After all, we are alone in your body. Nobody will hear.]

"Okay, that sounds so wrong. And, for all you know, we might in an anime or something."

[I do not believe that...]

"Nevermind, you aren't ready to break the fourth wall yet."

[We don't have walls...]

"Don't you have any trees to make!?"

[Yes farther.]

With Xera fully focusing in the evolution of the creatures, he could finally sleep again. There was only 221 days left. He had to make sure the monsters are up and ready before them.

"Well, Xera has to."

Thus the acceleration began.

He dosed off and was without a care for the world.

Two days later he woke up. Two hours of sleeping was still great. When he woke up, he was pleasantly surprised.

The ground was green. Greenery was everywhere.

"Is this grass?"

[Yes father.]

Not only was there grass, there was also small bushes that scattered everywhere. What he liked most was the small creatures that lived among these patches of grass.

There was bug like creatures and very small amphibians. In the pond, many things that looked like fishes swam around.

With the assistance of Xera, a somewhat stable ecosystem was made. The creature's lives were not that stable. Because every year, changes are made occasionally by Xera.

Through selective breeding and cutting off of undesirable creatures, the creatures are always changing. But of course, Xera does give them time to adapt to the environment. If a creature is allowed to live, but is not able to live in the wild on its own, it would not be a proper species. They would be pets instead.

"How many creatures have you made?"

[As of current, there are 302 living species. Not including variants that I am still working on. If we include the already extinct species, millions have already passed. But these species are still in our data base, so I can spawn them if the host so wishes.]

"Good job Xera."

Although these species are small and not of any use in a battle, with the current growth, they should be good enough to fight in about a week.

Thats only 70 years!

One must know that it took millions of years for animals to grow back on earth. And unless a weird freak mutation occurs, evolution is a long process. It takes billions of years. One must know that back on earth, humans have been humans for more than 3000 years. Although evolution has taken its course on humans over the years, not much changes have occurred.

From the way Zeno sees it, this has occurred for many reason.

1. Humans have a long life span. On average, humans start to properly reproduce at around 15 years. These 15 years spent growing had extended the time needed to evolve. Most of creatures in Zeno only need a few days after birth to start reproducing again. If humans had a shorter growth period, their evolution would be a little bit more faster.

2. Women. Nobody seemed to voice out the fact that evolution of a species is determined by women. Women decide who gets to fuck, so they also decide how the future species will be like.

"Who decided this...?"

This has been a tradition of many creatures back on earth. The females pick out the males that are pleasing to the eyes. For instance, if two male birds, one black and the other rainbow coloured courted a female bird, the female may choose the rainbow coloured one as long as it likes its feathers. But what if the black feathered one was a rare mutant? A mutant so rare that it could be comparable to a genius born only once in a thousand years?

This black bird could very well have developed superior intelligence far more developed than even humans. But because it can't get hoes, it dies. And just like that a possible transcendent species loses its chance of existing.

"All because women like a guy with a nice car," Zeno lamented. His voice was like a man who has seen and suffered.

But although this system is flawed, it has produce many wonderful creatures, so Xera still implemented it.

"As such, women are still supreme, sadly."

But he has Xera, so the situation of the birds can be changed. If a special mutation occurs, Xera would be able to spot it and get it laid immediately. Producing more like or similar to it. So the situation of special genes getting dusted won't happen

3. Extinction. Extinction may be caused by many things. Competition or a change in climate. Nature is cruel to her children. No matter how special one is, as long as they aren't good enough for her, they get culled. The greatest example are the dinosaurs. When we look back we see how wonderful they truly are. Although they were strong and powerful, they were only at the starting line of evolution. But they are now gone. Unable to continue their evolution to see their peak.

For all we know, there may have been a Phoenix once in time. But no, mother nature decided to bring the ice age. The Phoenix species could have all died out. When we find their left over bones, we think they were common birds. The clues of their previous splendour was now gone. There would be no way of truly telling what they were.

Because of extinctions, evolution back tracks. The ice age has already passed, but where are we going to get another Phoenix? Maybe dodos will replace them in the future.

"Oh wait, they are extinct too..."

But Zeno doesn't have this problem. A species may get a extinct as it wants, all species are recorded by Xera. He could just make more. And if they aren't fit for survival, he could just implement their bloodline and genes to another creature if it allows.

"What? The phoenixes are dead? Fine just put their genes on a moose in the wild."

And just like that, the mighty Qillin with cold resistant bodies and fire breathing mouths are born.

Because of these, evolution can span as fer as 100 years. This is Zeno's advantage over his past world.

"Becoming a fantasy world is only a matter of time now."

[Farther, why are you talking to yourself? If you want to talk to yourself, you might as well talk to me. Even if we are the same person, it wouldn't be as weird.]

Xera was confused. Not long ago, Zeno had started talking to himself as though he had gone mad. Saying things like, "Women are still supreme, sadly" and "What? The phoenixes are dead?"

What phoenixes? Women supreme?

She could have read his mind and understood what he meant, but he just clearly told her to stop reading his mind.

Zeno froze.

"Who is talking to himself? Go back to work!"


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