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Chapter 110: ×Chapter 99×Muru

*Dxd World*

*Haile's House*



Haile was already in his outfit after having relaxed in the tub and bath, he was ready to leave for the school now, he will just be going to visit now instead of attending.

Haile walked into the bedroom to check on Guhna, she still hasn't woken up yet but he could see and feel that she was fine just drained mostly mentally.

He rubbed her face gently as he lean down and kiss her forehead."I will come back later Guhna, I'm just going to the school for a bit."He whispered to her softly as he fixed her hair from her face.

He got some money and went along on his way, he summoned a silver magic circle and disappeared into it.



He arrived just outside the student council room, he walked right inside, he smiled as he saw no one inside, he sat down on the long bench and looked ahead.

."Today is such a wonderful day, fresh air, strong nature energy and a beautiful woman peeking at me, this day couldn't possibly get better."Haile said as he stared off into space directly in front of him with a smirk on his face.


A slightly gasp could be heard from the space before him, slowly a shadowy figure began to appear and form into a beautiful girl, she had twintail black hair, blue eyes and magical girl outfit holding a magic wand.

.""How did you see through my magical girl invisibility mode!?"".

The girl said in shock as she took a dramatic step backwards looking at Haile who she had never seen before.

."Oh you have on that magical girl costume, looks quite nice."Haile nodded as he checked her out a bit rubbing his chin.

The girl smile smugly as she puffed out her chest."So you know me, yes indeed it is I the great and powerful, courageous and beautiful magical girl Levia-tan!."She said as did a twirl and pose cutely looking through a peace sign.

Haile just looked at her not saying anything, he is just thinking to himself, is this really a country destroying devil king that self proclaimed being able to attack heaven and no one even denied it.

."*Ahem* anyway who are you, why are you in my Sona chans can see my great and powerful self in magical girl illusion form."She said seriously as she look at him suspiciously, she looked around at the empty room, this man was going to be here by himself.

Haile chuckled."Well I'm Haile a good friend of Sona's, I just came to see her but no one was here, but then you appeared before my eyes so I couldn't bare leave."He said with a soft smile on his face.

."Ohh you are Sona chans friend, I'm sorry for being suspicious of you, I'm so happy to see so-chan as well."The girls said happily as she hugged her magic stick completely ignoring everything he said except the ones about sona.

Haile's eyebrow twitched slightly, he smiled again and shook his head."So who are you to Sona, a friend of hers as well?."He said casually as he looked at her off in her own world.

."Hehehe Huh *wipes mouth* I am Sona's beloved big sister Serafall, she never mentioned me at all?."Serafall said as her shoulders druped in disappointed then it disappeared almost instantly as she became happy again.

Haile laughed and shook his head again."She was probably just to shy to bring you up, so you are the big sister Satan, cute."He said as he got up and walked to her who looked at him curiously, he pulled her cheeks gently.

."..Sha..nksu..."Serafall said calmly as she allowed him for whatever reason since he had no ill intentions.

Haile released her."Very cute indeed, I can see that Sona took after you heavily in more ways than one, or two..or three."He said as he looked down at her body with a passing glance.

."Mm Mm isn't she isn't she, kya so cute!."Serafall said excitedly as stars appeared in her eyes as she looked at him with appreciation.

Haile sighed, he could see he will get nowhere with her like this, but she is the entire reason he even got Sona in the first place even though she herself might not be overly powerful but her status in itself give her access to great military might in the devil world.

."Alright Serafall, I will be going now, don't worry I won't tell sona so you can surprise her."Haile said as he got ready to leave.

Serafall looked disappointed."Awe why are you leaving so soon I still have more so-tan to talk about, I have pictures of her as a baby."She said becoming excited again as she went into her pocket.


."Look her- huh where'd he go?."Serafall looked around curiously then she shrugged and hid again waiting for Sona once more.


Haile was now walking towards the classes, he had ran away from Serafall after he realized she wasn't going to stop yapping anytime soon, he is headed to little Koneko's class first but just for a peek.

He walked towards class one that he had never seen before it was for first years, he saw two teacher looking people standing outside the open door, they noticed him as he got closer.

.""Hello young man, do you go to school here, Mm you seem familiar, you know about the dress code yes?.""

The kind looking man with glasses said to him seeing him, he didn't believe he was here as a parent or guardian.

."Goodmorning sir, I am here for my little sister's open house, I do not go here, am I allow to take a look?."Haile said with a slight smile as he looked into the class and saw Koneko staring off into space.

The man was surprised."Oh I'm sorry about that, sure go ahead, might I know which student and your name sir."He said as he looked at a book in his hand.

."Her name is Koneko and my name is Haile."Haile said as he entered the class as his smile widened slightly as he looked at Koneko who saw him.

Koneko looked at him in surprise.'Huh, Haile, did...did he come to support me here...'She thought as she felt a strange sensation in her chest, it was a good feeling, she smile slightly as she sat up paidung attention to the class, they were doing a painting, she started doing a painting of him as he was the only thing that came to her mind.


After staying with Koneko for a bit he move on and went to all the others rooms, he went to Sona and Tsubaki, to Rias and Akeno, he even stopped by Momo's room and even gave Saji a nod of the head, now he was tired pretending to care so much...he's kidding.

Now it was finally over and he was indeed glad now he was in the auditorium looking at a bunch of men fan girly over a century old woman dressed as a magic girl.

."I've now seen everything there is to see, other than the opposite which I never hope to."Haile said as he felt a shiver in his spine as he imagined it in his mind, it was creepy to even think about.

.""Hey this is a school you know, stop causing disorder and move along!"".

Out of nowhere Saji appeared and said to the guys as he shielded Serafall behind him from all the perverts which they didn't like at all.

.""What is this a dictator ship, why can't we just get a few photos, come on man, just one more!"".


Saji's eye twitched in anger."Don't cause an unnecessary commotion on the open house day, break it up now, this over."He said with a commanding tone.

The perverts saw that they were not going to win so they left the place not before making some remarks and grumbling to themselves.

Saji looked at Serafall."And you, are you someone's family member or something."He asked her seeing that he never saw her before.

."Yup yup yup."Serafall said happily almost wagging her tail.

Saji looked down at her outfit."You know coming here wearing that is quite problematic, as you just clearly saw."He said to her patiently.

."Magical, mirurun miruru spira-huh, Haile, why did you leave so suddenly earlier."Serafall stopped as she saw Haile in the distance and called out to him familiarly, she jumped off the stage and ran to him.

Haile forced a smile."Oh hey Serafall who I just met just now and have no idea why you want to make me suffer so, glad to see you again, so soon."He said with an awkward chuckle in the end.

."Yes, I still have much more to tell you about Son-."Serafall was speaking but then she was interrupted by someone walking in.

.""Haile, we've been looking for you all over....huh"".

Rias, Akeno and Koneko walked into the auditorium but both Rias and Akeno paused as they saw who he was talking to, Koneko didn't care and just went to him and rub herself on his body.

.""What is going on here, why did I get a report of noise...from...this..."".

Sona burst in in command mode as she surveyed the area and saw someone who she didn't want to, just one thought went through her mind when she saw Haile and her together.



They was an awkward silence in the air for a bit as everyone just said nothing, not for any particular reason but it was done, Saji broke the silence.

."Am I missing something, what is going on here."He said as he looked around at everyone around him.

Serafall beamed with happiness."Sona chan!."She said as she ran towards her stopping just infront of Sona who didn't say anything.

."What's wrong Sona chan, your face is blooding, you can finally see you big sister again aren't you happy, like dear sister Sera and I'd be Sona darling we meet again at last and then I'd take you in my arms and have you in hot steamy action."She said to her as she hugged herself as she danced around.

Sona felt a cold sweat drip down her face as she stood frozen still, her mind was racing right now, she glanced at Haile then back at her sister.

Akeno smiled slightly at the display."I'm surprised you didn't know Saji, since you are her servant, she is Serafall Sona's sister a great devil king."She said with a closed eye smile.

Saji nodded with wonder as this was the first time he saw her also but he did hear of her before.

Rias on the side along with Sona had a frown on her face, not with worry for Haile but instead for Serafall, she know how she loves her little sister and if she learnt of the relationship she has then she will go crazy but this is not the person, she will get herself killed, Haile hasn't shown any signs of liking her as of yet so she doesn't know how he will respond, she has to do something.

."It been awhile Lady Serafall I didn't get to greet you earlier."Rias said with a smile as she walked up to her calmly while at the same time keeping an eye on Haile.

Serafall turn around with a happy smile."Hello Rias long time no see, how have you been."She said animated.

."I'm quite good, thanks for asking, did you by chance come for Sona's open house today?."Rias asked calmly.

Serafall had a hurt expression."Yes but mean mean Sona, she didn't say anything about open house to me, I was so shocked I almost attacked heaven out of sadness."She said pointing her magical girl wand to the sky.

."Oh I see, would you come with me for a minute, I have something to discuss with you."Rias said nervously as she started walking a bit hoping she would just follow behind.

Serafall swung to Haile."Uh uh, I was talking to Sona chans friend, so wait moment, Haile chan look look Sona."She said and showed him a picture, it had a small little baby naked on a bed playing with a toy.

."SISTER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!."Sona shouted out in embarrassment as she dashed over and snatched the picture from her and tore it up.

Everyone chuckled at her behavior, it was so unlike herself, Serafall smile."You can have that one, I copied it 57 million times hidden all over the world so I won't lose it no matter what, but even if I do, I have burnt it into my memory so I can describe it to an artist and have him draw another."She said as she put her hands on her cheeks as she danced around.

."You, why did you come like this, "dear sister" even if you are family as the student council responsible for this, I cannot approve of such actions and clothing!."Sona said feeling frustrated, she just wants to dig a small hole to squeeze herself into and hope she suffocates to death.

Serafall had a dramatic shock look in her eyes."Aw Sona chan you're making me sad saying things like that to me, you know I want to be a magical girl."She said with an animated sadness.

."With my sparking staff, I'll obliterate all the angels and fallen angels once and for all."Serafall said as she waved her wand.

Sona had a serious look on her face."Sister, have some self respect, if you started sparkling you could destroy a small country in a few minutes."She said, that is something she wants to avoid.

Serafall started running around Sona buging her, Sona started to be push to her limits she was like a tea kettle and she was boil.

."AGGGG I can't take this anymore I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!."Sona screamed out at the top of her lungs as she pumped her fist.


Akeno, Rias and Serafall collectively sucked in a breath of air, all for different reasons, Rias and Akeno was because they never expected her to say that, which she knows can cause nothing but trouble.

And Serafall she stood completely still, her eyes look dead on the inside, her heart stopped beating all together, her mind only had that one word.





."Tell me it's not true Sona chan, is it true Sona chan, Rias...."Serafall said with unnatural wide eyes as her head fell to the side as she spoke unnervingly calm.

Sona put her hand on her mouth.'Oopsie.'She said as she finally realized her mistake after calming down.

."'s true, my Sona chan has a boyfriend."Serafall said slowly with dead fish eyes a shadow overcast her eyes, she clenched the wand in her hand.

."He he hehehehahahahahah WHO IS IT!!!!".



Serafall shouted in fury as her magic exploded out as she lost her mind, Sona, Rias and Akeno moved quickly as they contained it from escaping and attracting trouble.

."Sister calm down, it's not a big deal!."Sona shouted to her, her sister is always going overboard.

Serafall looked to her with tears in her eyes."You were supposed to love only me, why would you get a boyfriend that is not your dear sister, do you not love me!!!."She said feeling hurt.

."What are you talking about, I do love you just not in that way."Sona said as she clenched her teeth as the pressure increased sharply.

Serafall grind her teeth."I can't allow this, where is he, Who is he, tell me now!!!."She said louded as she looked around and almost instantly her eyes focused on the oddly calm Haile standing off to the side.

Everyone's eyes automatically went to him, he smiled and waved while sipping on some lemonade that he got from who knows where.

."Haile chan....are you my Sona chans boyfriend."Serafall said as her eyes turn into needles and focused on him with anger, it all came together in her mind.

Sona ran towards Haile and stood in front of him."Stop this now sister, I love him please leave him be, he didn't do anything wrong."She said with a nervous face.

."Yes he did, he took you from me, did-did-did yo-you have sex with him?."Serafall stuttered as she asked with a red but terrified face.

Sona blushed in embarrassment."Sister stop it, be is my boyfriend, so you can't hurt him."She said.

."What do you see in him, it's not like he's handsome, or strong, or tall, or smart, or a man...."Serafall said as she looked at sona then looked at Haile who just smiled and waved again.

Haile chuckled a bit, then he gained a serious look on his face."Serafall, look, I know you love your sister very much but i- this is about her happiness, think of her."He said calmly, he took her hand and drag her along to the side before she can resist.

Serafall was going to attack him but just before that he whispered something in her ear, she froze in her tracks, her eyes gained a small spark of life.

."I accept, I accept, please I accept!."Serafall said as she jumped in excited, she didn't hesitate at all, she jumped on his back.

Haile smirked slightly."Are you sure you want to accept this deal, I hope you don't regret this later on."He said as he patted her head gently.

."I will not, Levia-tan never goes back on her promises, as long as you do what you promised then I will not go back."Serafall said happily as she started to dance around with her magic wand.

All five of the people present were stunned, Saji for many things that just happened, he was sitting on the ground in disbelief as his knees got weak, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Sona wanted to know what he told her that made her act like this all of a sudden.

."Sis-sister what did you two agree on???."Sona came to them as she was curious of what could cause this change, she had a bad feeling about it though.

Serafall smiled beautiful."I am now apart of Haile chans harem and in tern he will do something great for me."She said happily.

."What, did you fall for one of his tricks, why did you agree so easy."Sona was shocked at this, she looked at Haile, what did he say to her.

Serafall hugged Haile."What do you mean why I accepted so easy, isn't he cute, isn't that reason enough."She said doing the peace sign with her tongue out.

."*Sigh* I'm leaving."Sona said as she turned around and walked away not even sparing poor Saji a glance who was on the ground suffering.

Saji saw her leaving and got up."President wait, what is a happening."He said in confusion, he ran after her, he hoped they were just lying.

."Sona chan wait for me, Haile chan darling I'm going don't forget your promise."Serafall said as she skipped along behind Sona.

Rias stood in confusion, she scratched her head."I need to go lie down, this day was to hectic for me."She said as she turn to Haile.

Haile laughed slightly."Come on let's go to the club, I'd like some of your delicious tea Akeno."He said as he rubbed Koneko's head and walked with her.

Rias and Akeno looked at each other and shrugged at each other, they followed behind him as they talked.

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