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Chapter 16: 15. Nelson


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- I agree with you. It would be better if we use Gin's group to our advantage without letting them know that we know their plan. At the moment, this is the best course of action, since we are frankly weak, have no influence on the situation, and many details are still hidden from us. - Bobby gave her assessment of my situation after we got to the place where I was checking out the Element Guns.

- Yes, frankly, I hit that ass. It will be especially bad if the enemies, as you put it, Gin's group, find out about their plan and my role in it. Then the real hunt for me will begin. At least no one knows about my hidden cards. And about you too. - I said with a sigh as I returned the bike to inventory.

- Will you use Gin's services? So he can find out more information about you, and will always know your location. - Bobby asked, her face as nordic as ever.

- Yes, it's certainly unpleasant, but there is no choice. Like you said, we can't let him know what I know, and if I don't use his services, Gin will know right away something's wrong. Besides, whatever you say, it will be useful to me. - I said, massaging the bridge of my nose. I already have a headache from all these conspiracies and plans....

- We must be careful in dealing with this man, and expect that somewhere near us there may be his spy. - Bobby gave a good idea.

- Yes you are right. Fortunately, they don't know what kind of transport I use, and no one will be able to trace our path. This is another one of my trump cards. - I said when we finally got to the top of the mountain.

Luckily, the Quinjet was in place, and as I got closer, the Oracle removed her disguise. I was gone only two nights, and I already missed my wonderful jet.

- By the way, before I forget, keep a baby den den mushi so we can always keep in touch. - I said, handing Bobby one small snail from the box I had been holding in my hands all this time. Unfortunately, since they are living beings, they cannot be kept in a ring.

- Oracle, I'm home! - I said loudly as I climbed the ladder as Bobby slowly followed me, looking curiously at the little snail.

- [Welcome back, Captain!] - said the Oracle rather cheerfully.

- Was there anything interesting while I was away? - I asked, placing the box with sleeping snails on the table.

- [Several people wandered around the area, but I, like you said, lifted the Quinjet into the air so they wouldn't find it. ] - said the Oracle.

- Hmm, well done. You did everything right. - I said, thinking to myself: - 'Perhaps the people sent by Gin? He must have wanted to check my ship. Although, maybe it's just random passers-by. I'm already getting paranoid about this old man. It's time to leave this cursed island already.'

- By the way, we have replenishment. Oracle, meet Bobby, the T-1000 series terminator. She's our new first mate. Bobby, meet the Oracle, she's the Quinjet's on-board computer, our navigator, and, you might say, chief pilot. - I said with a smile.

- …

- […]

- In general, I hope you get along. - I said awkwardly, after a couple of minutes to break this strange silence.

Again, with no response from either the Oracle or Bobby, who was just standing quietly in the middle of the Quinjet, I decided to change the subject by saying; - Okay, let's get off this island. He bored me.

- [Where are we heading, Captain?] - asked the Oracle. I thought she was broken…

- The 8th Branch of the Marines. It is necessary to hand over Alvida, otherwise it turns out cruelly. - I said, taking the captain's seat.

- [In my database, there is no path to this location.] - Oracle reminded.

-Oh yes, I completely forgot. Now, hold on a second…. - I said as I pulled out all the maps Bobby had bought. The fact that she bought them, while I forgot, already proves her usefulness...

- I found it. Bobby, can you put this map on the table so the Oracle can scan it? - I asked, passing the map of the nearest islands to my first mate.

Receiving only a nod, Bobbie did as I asked, and now the Oracle knew the way. We took to the air and finally flew away from Cozia. The farther I'm from Gin, the calmer I feel…

- We don't have that long to fly, so I think you can put that time to good use. Bobby, scan all the other maps, please, while I get the communications system up and running. - I said, standing up.

Bobby again did not answer and silently began to follow the order. And the Oracle is suspiciously silent ... Are they jealous of me for each other? Although, it is unlikely that they are both artificial intelligences. True, they are very advanced... Only this was not enough for me...

'Ever since I left Sixis, more and more trouble has been falling on me....' - I thought, shaking my head, taking a large den-den mushi in my hand and starting to disassemble its receiver.


- [Captain, I think you will be interested. A ship is visible on the horizon.] - Half an hour later the Oracle said, distracting me from work.

- What *bang* Shit... What is that? - I asked, hitting my head on the dashboard to which I plugged the den den mushi.

This turned out to be surprisingly easy to do. All the necessary wires were already in the receiver, they just had to be stripped and connected to a computer in order to establish a connection. It's good that Bobby also bought a tool kit. It's getting better and better every minute.

Now, the Oracle may have been using a den-den mushi, which I named Gary, as a regular phone. Although, we still need to check this...

- It seems that this is a ship of the Marines. - said Bobbie, who had finished her work a long time ago and was just handing me the tools.

- You're right. And this is no ordinary ship. - I said, standing up and looking at the horizon, while wiping my hands from dirt.

The ship would have been huge, had five sails, the bow figure was in the form of some kind of demon, and on the deck there was literally a house that looked like a fortress.

- Seem to be, this is the ship of someone of high rank. - Bobby suggested.

-Mm, I doubt it… - I muttered, recognizing the design of the ship and remembering who it belonged to, and then added: - This ship belongs to the 8th branch, so this is exactly what we need.

-What did you think? - Bobby asked, looking at me.

- Since we met them along the way, there is no point in flying further to the base. I can immediately give them to Alvida and finally get a reward. I think the ship's commander has money. - I said with a grin as I walked into the cabin.

- My help is needed? - Bobby asked, following me in a single file.

- No, I can handle it myself. Besides, I have one thing to do with the commander. - I said, lifting the still unconscious Alvida, who seemed to have lost a couple of pounds.

- Oracle, you know what to do. - I said loudly as I approached the ladder. As with the meeting with Gally, The Oracle placed the quinjet over the ship, having previously activated the cloaking system, and opened the ladder so that I could dive down.

- Are you sure you don't need my help? I can deal with them quickly. - Bobby asked, turning her hand into a blade.

- You don't have to deal with anyone. I just need to talk to them. Don't worry, I'm fast. - I said with an awkward smile. She's a bit overprotective...

After making sure that Bobby wouldn't follow me, I shouldered Alvida's body, then turned into a diamond form and jumped down. This time, I decided not to use a bat-claw, but decided to show up more effectively. The feeling of freefall was great as always, at least until I reached the deck of the ship...


- What the hell? - shouted some random marine who was scrubbing the deck, when I landed next to him in superhero pose, breaking a couple of planks in the process. Well, nothing, the Marines ship is not a pity ...

- Who is in charge here? - I asked pathetically, getting to my feet and throwing off Alvida's body. When you can turn into a living diamond, you don't have to worry about your knees. Bite it, Deadpool...

- What? - the marine asked incomprehensibly, blinking his eyes.

- I say I need a ship commander. I have a conversation with him. Bring him. - I said, removing the diamond form so as not to scare the guy.

- Aaa…attack! ATTACK! THE ENEMY IS ON THE SHIP! - shouted at the top of his voice, apparently a cabin boy, and ran away somewhere into the interior of the ship. He's a little too nervous...

- Hmm. Am I so intimidating? - I asked, looking at Alvida, whom I had already awakened from her sleep, but left paralyzed so that she would not interfere.

Having received no answer, but only wildly rolling eyes, I sighed heavily and began to wait for the cabin boy to bring help. Somehow things don't go quite right as I expected...

After a couple of minutes, steps were finally heard and several armed marines, led by a man, with shoulder straps of, if I not mistake, a Lieutenant Commander, ran out onto the deck.

The Marines lined up and pointed their weapons at me, waiting for the order of their commander. - Who are you? And how dare you attack a Marine ship? - the Lieutenant Commander asked belligerently, pointing his saber at me.

- Oh, I didn't attack you. I'm a bounty hunter. I accidentally met your ship and decided to turn the pirate in. - I said with a sigh, pointing to Alvida.

- Hunter? - the Lieutenant Commander asked, relaxing a little, looking at the pirate.

- Lieutenant Commander Hardy, this is 'Iron Mace' Alvida. There is a three million reward for her. - exclaimed one of the privates.

- Alvida? Ah, now I remember. - said Hardy, put away his sword, and after looking at me a little, he asked: - Aren't you the rookie who took down the Bluejam Pirates recently?

- Oh, the news travels fast. - I muttered.

- You have become quite famous. After all, Bluejam had the second biggest award in the East Blue. It's not every day that an unknown guy shows up to anyone who can single-handedly defeat such a team. The paper calls you 'Diamond Hunter.' - Hardy said calmly, signaling his men to lower their weapons.

- They have a very tight imagination, right? - I asked indignantly. Could have come up with something more original.

- With your powers, don't have to choose.- said Hardy, coming up to me and examining Alvida.

- Iused a paralytic poison, so it will take a couple of hours for her to come to her senses. - I justified the state of the pirate.

- Sure, good job. It's a pity, that young people are now more interested in money than true justice. You'd make a great Marine, but I take it you're not interested. - Hardy said, allowing his subordinates to take Alvida.

- You understand correctly. - I said calmly.

- Oh, how do you know. I just hope you don't walk down a dark path like so many others. Now your money will be brought to you. - Hardy said with a sigh.

I did not expect that the first Marine I would meet would be such a worthy person. I can easily read Lieutenant Commander Hardy's thoughts, gradually drawing useful knowledge out of him, and I can see that he, like many Marines, believes in absolute justice, but without excesses, like the same Akainu.

Hardy still puts his subordinates in the first place and is not ready to risk them in a senseless pursuit of pirates. What can you say about his boss…

- Thank you. But I would like to meet with your commander, I have one thing to do with him. - I said, looking at Hardy.

- Umm… The Commodore doesn't like to be disturbed over trifles. Especially now it's lunchtime. - Hardy said awkwardly, clearly ashamed of the man he was reporting to.

- Don't worry, I'm sure the Commodore will be very happy to hear my offer. - a little ominously, I said.

- Yes? Well, fine, but if Commodore Nelson gets mad, kick yourself. Stay here and don't touch anything. - said Hardy, and went off to the fortress, which was located on the deck, leaving his men to keep an eye on me.

- ...

- ...

- Well, how is the service going? - I asked the sentinels looking at me to get rid of this awkward atmosphere.

- … - Hearing my question, the rank and file looked at each other awkwardly, after which the most daring one nevertheless answered: - Not bad, but still not easy. These constant chases for pirates, battles. In addition, we are away from home for a long time and do not see our families for months.

-Yes, I understand. But such is your service, you yourself knew what you were getting into. - nodding my head, I said, trying to understand their situation.

- Yes, you are right about that. Such is the price to pay for protecting the world from pirates… - the marine replied, and the unpleasant silence returned again.

- …

- …

- …

- What is it like to be a Pirate Hunter? - they asked me anyway.

- Pretty exciting, even though I'm still a novice and have only seen a few aspects of the job. - I said.

- Oh, that's how. Of course, yeah…- they answered me awkwardly.

- ...

- ...

- WHO DARE TO TEAR ME FROM MY DINNER? - From the depths of the ship, an angry cry was heard.

'Finally.' - flashed through the mind of every person on deck.

- I WILL SHOW HIM WHAT WILL BE, IF YOU DISTRACT NELSON ROYALE FROM DINNER!!! - the man shouted again, and heavy footsteps were heard, causing the ship to rock.

Soon a very fat man, three times Alvida's size, squeezed through the door with great difficulty, who was breathing heavily because he had taken only a few steps.

This was Commodore Nelson Royale, the commander of the 8th branch of the watch, it is not clear how he received this position, and the main antagonist of the filler Warship Island arc.

- And? Who are you? What did you want to talk to me about? - Nelson asked, breathing a little, looking at me with arrogance.

- ...

- Well, why are you silent? I don't have time for you. If you didn't have a good reason to bother me, then I'll have you hanged. - Nelson asked impatiently, looking at me with a bloodthirsty grin.

- What a fat you are… - I said involuntarily.

I knew, how he should look, after all, I came here for the most part for him, but reality and anime are very different. He was far from handsome in the anime, but in reality, with this small uniform that could fit on him, with a bare belly, on which there is a marines emblem tattoo and with these huge cheeks with red spirals ... This is the most terrible thing I have seen in own life. That's who really needs the Sube Sube no Mi....

- WHAT? HOW DARE YOU? SHOOT!!! IMMEDIATELY SHOOTING THIS INSANE!!! - Nelson shouted, blushing with anger, like a boiled cancer.

- I warned you, kid… - Hardy said in an offended tone, giving the order to get the weapon ready. Although he did not want to harm me, he could not resist the order…

- THE FIRE!!! - shouted Nelson, pointing his fingers at me as the lookouts cocked their weapons.

- … - but nothing happened.

- WHY YOU DON'T SHOOT? - the Commodore asked angrily, looking at his soldiers.

- I'm sorry, sir, but we can't… - said the same marine with whom I spoke a little earlier.

- He's not a pirate. He didn't deserve it. - another guy added.

- YOU!!! YOU HAVE OBEYED THE ORDER! YOU WILL BE EXECUTED FOR THIS!!! - Nelson shouted, blushing even more, kicking several marines with his foot, who did not even resist.

- Okay, enough of this circus. - I said coldly, paralyzing Nelson with telepathy.

- WHAT? WHAT DID YOU DO? DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU FOR ATTACKING THE COMMODOR? - not being able to move his body, Nelson shouted even louder. Too many screams…

- Nothing will happen to me. Because none of you will be able to tell what happened here…- I said threateningly, making a scary face.

- Kid, don't… - Hardy said warily, ready to fight.

- Don't worry, I'm joking. - I said simply, but when everyone relaxed, I added: - To you personally. The same, I can't say about your commander.

As everyone prepared to fight again, I added: - But I must thank you for reminding me that most of the Marines are simple, weak people who have entered the service to protect their families, not their selfish goals.

- Why are you saying this? - Hardy asked cautiously.

- I just wanted to let you know that you've change to my opinion of the Marines. Now sleep. - I said with a smile and using my telepathy, I put all unnecessary witnesses to sleep.

Everyone on the ship except Nelson instantly turned off, after which they fell to the floor, leaving me alone with their commander.

- Well, now we can talk to you, can't we? - I said with a bloodthirsty grin as I slowly approached Nelson, who was still paralyzed and now horrified by what had happened. And to scare arrogant arrogant people is quite funny…

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