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Chapter 29: Chapter 29

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"*yawns*Come in."

Sitting up from his couch, Corven looks towards the door to see hinami walking in.

"Hinami?, is everything okay?" asks Corven curiously.

"Yeah.. can we play a game?.." Hearing her depressed tone, Corvens eyes gain a hint of pity.

"Sure we can."

Walking over to his shelf, he grabs his homemade chess set and sits down in front of the coffee table on a cushion, with hinami following across from him.

Moving some wooden plates and his sun-dragon flower out of the way, he starts setting up the chess board.

"Would you like to go first?"

"Sure.." says hinami with a nod.

With that set, he sets up her white pieces then his black.

Once the pieces are set up, hinami starts by moving her 2-b pawn forward to 3-b.

Seeing this, Corven moves his 7-g pawn forward to 6-g, mirroring her.

After about 10 minutes, with a couple pieces from both sides being taken away, Corven looks at Hinami with a smile as she's pondering her next move.

"*chuckles*I can see you've been practicing, usually you would've been stumped 5 minutes ago."

"Yeah, I practiced with..daddy.." says Hinami sadly as she makes her next move, moving her knight to 6-c, trying to trap Corvens king.

"I see.. you're worried about your dad, aren't you?,"

says Corven as he uses his bishop to take her knight.

With a slow nod, Hinami stares at the board, struggling to make a move.

"I am too.." says Corven as he stays silent for a few minutes, waiting for her to move.

"You know you'll have to make a move soon."

"..I'm thinking."

"You can't always think." says Corven with a smile.

"Well there's no point, you never let me win anyways." says hinami with an annoyed tone.

"Well if I did, you wouldn't really be winning. My grandfather taught me that a victory won earnestly of your own doing, is a true victory. One which is good for both the heart and soul." ( partial reference:) ) says Corven.

Waiting for a moment, Hinami finally makes her move, moving her last rook to f-8, 3 spaces away from Corvens king.

In check, Corven looks at the board for any possible moves, and seeing as he can use his queen, to take out her rook, as well as put her king on 2-f in check, he takes it, putting her rook to the side.

"I know you're going through a lot right now, and I'm so sorry for everything.."

"..but I think it's time you and everyone else knows that I'll be leaving soon." says Corven in deep sadness.

'I need to get away from here and make sure things go as they're supposed to, I've made friendships and good connection that'll be usefull, but any more than this will most likely make future events change drastically.. there's so many of you I'd like to help but it's no telling if something worse will happen if I do.' thinks Corven to himself as he stares at Hinami, thinking of the trouble her and the others will go through in the future.

Hearing Corven speak, Hinami looks at him with shock, then sadness, before laying her head down and crying into the table.

Giving her a minute to let out her feeling, Corven pats her shoulder, causing her to lift up her head and stare at him, revealing her puffy and red eyes, and snotty nose.

"We still have a game to finish you know, we can't end our last session without a winner now can we?" says Corven with a smile, trying to improve her mood.

After a moment, Hinami wipes her face slightly, making her next move, she then waits for Corven to make his.

"Will we ever see you again..?" asks hinami sadly.

"..One day.. when you least expect it.. I believe that's when you will."

Hearing his answer, Hinami nods slightly, and they continue their game in silence.




Walking into Yoshimuras office, Corven sees him at his desk, writing and reading some papers.


"Taxes *nods*" says Yoshimura tiredly

"Disgusting." says Corven as he walks over to the front of Yoshimuras desk.

Looking up from the paperwork, Yoshimura sees Corven holding up some wood Coffee cups, presumably from his own making.

"Got a minute?"

Smiling slightly, Yoshimura walks towards his couch, followed by Corven sitting opposite of him, as they enjoy their coffee together.

"I think it's time to tell you that-"

"I know" interrupts Yoshimura.

"You may not know this, but I'm a pretty good judge of character myself." says Yoshimura with a grin.

"I figured you'd be leaving any day now, I was just wondering when."

"Wanting to kick me out that bad huh old man?" says Corven with a smirk.

"But yeah you're right.. I figured it's for the best, I just need to let everyone else know.."

"It's gonna be difficult, everyone here is a family, and that includes you." says Yoshimura as he sips his coffee.

"I know.. for now tho, let's just enjoy the coffee?"

Nodding in agreement, the two men enjoy their coffee together, most likely for the last time.

It doesn't take long for them to finish though, sadly enough, showing it's time for Corven to tell everyone.

Walking out the door, Corven looks back towards Yoshimura.

"..Good-bye boss, maybe we'll get to drink some more, together one day." says Corven as he closes the door to Yoshimuras office.

Seeing the cups Corven left, Yoshimura smiles slightly, opening his eyes enough that if someone saw, would show clear sadness.

Picking up the cups, Yoshimura goes and gently washes them, and walks over to the cabinet in his office, placing them right next to matching red and blue set of cups.




Everyone at Anteiku are in a depressed state, due to one of their own leaving.

With everyone gathered together in the temporarily closed shop, they stand together, each wishing their own goodbyes to Corven, a newer but loved member of their family.

"HaHa, Alright! Alright! Enough of this! I assure you all, this won't be the last time you see me!"

"And so this won't end on a sad note, I have gifts for everyone!" announces Corven to everyone, seeing their mood to him leaving.

Walking into the kitchen for a moment, Corven walks back with a small sack filled with some items.

Taking out an item, he walks over to Enji.

"For Enji!, Here, I know how much you love a good bow-tie, so I hope this suits your preferences." says Corven as he hands Enji a handmade, wooden bow-tie, with carved flowers, painted several colors, and a smoother space in the middle, allowing it to hold a ribbon or cloth, so it can be wrapped and tied around the neck.

"It's great! a perfect conversation starter for the ladies!, thanks man!" Says Enji excitedly, as untied his old bow tie, using its ribbon for his new one.

As Enjis messing with his gift, Corven reaches into his bag, taking out the next gift.

"For Touka, I noticed your old mask was getting a little banged up, even one of the ears where falling off, so I made you a new one."

"Don't worry, its an exact copy, I copied the measurements and everything of your last one, the only difference is some slight touches for my own amusement." says Corven as he hands her the mask.

Touka stays silent and admires the slight rigid markings carved into the mask, making it look as if it as real fur, as Corven walks to the next person and reaches in his sack for the next gift.

"For Kaya, don't think I haven't seen you eyeing some of my flowers. So here. it's one of my old crossbreed flowers, it was made between a midnight blue rose, and a camelia." says Corven as he hands her a small case with a beautiful flower in it, with its roots wrapped in a pouch at the end.

"Thank you Corven, it's beautiful.. I promise to take care of it." says Kaya with a hint of sadness, as she admires the flowers beauty.

Walking over to the next person, Corven reaches into the sack, and pulls out a pair of homemade leather gardening gloves.

"For Renji, someone has to take care of my garden while I'm gone, and you've helped me out enough with it to know what to do by now, so I leave it in your hands." says Corven as he walks to the next person.

"..Do I have to?" asks Renji.

"Yes." says Corven instantly

"..I'll take good care of it."

Reaching into the sack, Corven walks takes out his old homemade chess set.

"For hinami, I'll admit I'm surprised by how good you've gotten at chess so soon after learning, but I figured this is the best gift I can give you, so I want you to take this, and beat all these losers here for me, okay?" says Corven as he does a large grin that would make a certain Monkey D. Luffy proud, while rubbing Hinamis head.

"I Will!" says Hinami as she rushes and gives Corven a hug, which he responds with one of his own.

"And finally, kaneki."

Reaching into the sack, Corven pulls out a very special pair of sunglasses.

"I may have only known you for a few days now, but I think you should have these. They were my grandfather's before he died and mean alot to me."

"Don't get me wrong I'll be coming back for these one day, so keep them close and safe, by growing stronger, and trusting your new instincts." Says Corven with full seriousness, making Kaneki nod his head with renewed vigor for the future.

"Good, cause if they get broken, I'll kill you myself." says Corven as he walks away, scaring kaneki.

Walking towards the door, picking up a couple big duffel bags containing all his stuff, with some of the bigger things being in his inventory, Corven looks back to everyone, each having their own looks filled with the same emotion, sadness.

"Take care." says Corven as he does a Cliche salute to everyone, walking out of Anteiku for the last time, with only the ring of the bell resounding in the silence of everyone.

( next episode will be real training and power ups)

(if anyone has any ideas for abilities, technology, or even nen stuff, which will be in the next chapter, comment here)

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