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Chapter 14: Angry Brother.

Hearing the angry and resolute scream of Kanae makes the three girls silent.

Kanae didn't care tho and said, "There is not a fucking chance of her joining a band before school!"

Seeing how angry Kanae was Azusa's eyes started to water a little, "But I came here to play music!"

He looked into her sister's eyes and with a serious and angry voice said, "If you ever tried to join a punk band full of toxic people before finishing school I will send you back! It's a no, and that's final!"

Azusa started to tear up and while angry she screamed, "Is not fair! You choose where I study! What school I'll go to!. I want to choose something by myself!"

After screaming at him Azusa went running off to the second floor.

Nana was a little pale after hearing Kanae call them toxic people.

She used Azusa running as an excuse to leave too. "I'm gonna talk to her…"

Seeing Nana going to his sister makes him get annoyed.

He knew that he should have said things gentler and probably not in front of the new pair that his sister was looking up to.

But knowing the kind of people Nana was hanging with he had been a little defensive already. One was a minor that worked in the sex industry while two others were drug addicts.

There was no chance of her sister being part of that type of group.

While he was thinking about all those things his phone started to ring.

Seeing that Hachi was there not really understanding what had happened, he went outside the house to pick up the call.


"Kanae-kun! Is me your mom!"

Hearing the voice of his mother makes him sigh. She had perfect timing to call him.

"Hello, mom. We are already in the house. Yes, everything is okay. Yes, we have all the luggage. Yes, we already eat. Yes, the house is beautiful."

Kanae answered all the worries of his mom one by one.

"I'm glad that everything is okay, now pass me to Azusa your father was trying to call her but she isn't answering"

Hearing this, he again, though, 'Yes, a really good timing...'

"Azusa is…crying right now"

"Young man what did you do now!?"

Kanae got a little bit irked by the question as if he was always at fault...not that she was wrong now...but it wasn't always his fault, okay?.

He noted himself as way more irritated than usual.

Seeing this he took a deep breath to calm himself.

The last thing he needed was to also speak badly to his mom. Knowing her she might throw her sandal around the globe and straight to his head.

Angry mothers were that scary.

For a second he thought of lying and not telling her the real problem.

But he knew that miss communications and lies only give you drama in the end. And he didn't want any more right now.

After a few seconds of organizing his words and calming himself, he started to tell her everything.

He told her about Nana, that he was dating Ren and how he was part of a famous band.

How they were really toxic people.

If someone heard the description that Kanae was telling his mom about the band members, they would think that Kanae had a grudge against them.

And he kind off was.

He was still a little angry at Nana for telling her sister to be part of that type of group.

Still, He told his parents all of his worries, how he screamed at her sister. And how he was scared and too defensive.

His mother listens in silence and after he finished she chewed him up for yelling at Azusa.

Especially about how she was probably feeling after the whole movie.

He receive the chewing like a champ because he knew he deserve it.

Still, mother knew best, and after the chewing she gently asked, "So, you are worried about the group of people that Nana-chan hangs with, right? Then why don't you move to another place?"

Hearing this he started to think deeply about it.

Moving out was, probably, the easiest way, but finding such a good place as this big house and with a space to make a music studio was going to be impossible.

At least for a year when he started to earn money from the books.

Most important, he knew that if Azusa wanted to be part of the music industry she should know the ugly side of it early on.

And as many problems that the group had they were in the end nice people that had a really bad hand in life.

Except for Takumi, he wasn't going to let him get close to her sister no Hachi. The dude was an abusive bastard.

After coming to a decision he explain his thinking to her mother, and now father, that was listening too.

"Okay, we trust you son. If you see that things are going out of control or taking care of your sister is too much, you can just move with us again. Now I want you to apologize to your sister and nicely explain everything, okay? You are the only one close she has right now"

"Yes, mom. Love you"

Kanae hung up the phone and before he could enter the house he saw Hachi and Nana looking at him with angry faces.

He sighs again…'Is this the life of a protagonist?'

Hachi was the first to speak, "How could you say those things about Nana and the others!?" After saying her short piece she leaves stomping the ground.

Nana on the other hand was looking at him with a threatening glare.

Before she could speak Kanae looked at her with a more intense and treating look and say, "Is good that you heard what I say so I don't need to repeat myself."

Yes, he wasn't going to apologise for saying the truth to his parents. He might had speak a little too rudely. But they had also listened to a private conversation.

If you looked for shit you would find it.

"These are the rules. No drugs. No drunk people. No sex. No smoking inside the house or in front of Azusa.

"You might think that I'm some brat who doesn't know anything. But I know both Trapnest and Black Stones and all the problems you have. I don't give a fuck about any of you."

Kanae got closer to Nana.

He was starting to emanate a strange black aura from his face, while his eyes were getting darker. Making him have a really scary look.

Nana started to tremble and took a step back.

"If a single one of you hurt my sister. I will destroy you."

Hearing what he had said almost make him flinch in cringe. Be to be fair he wasn't speaking without thinking. Apparently, his internal chuunibyou decided to take a peek.

Still, he wasn't going to break his intimidating act now.

"Now. Speak"

Hearing the commanding tone of Kanae Nana went silent.

It was the first time in her life that someone had treated her like this.

Not that she had been a pampered princess. She had lived a rough life.

But hearing him describe their group to his parents. Had been hard for her. Especially when Ren was trying to be better. When all of them were trying to be better.

Thinking about their had life and how a pampered brat was judging them, she angrily yelled at him, "You don't know anything! We are trying! Ren is trying!"

Kanae snorted at her.

He hated the word trying.

It was the excuse that so many people had told him every time that they didn't put the effort to succeed.

He needed to take painkillers to practice the piano every day. It was to the point that the pills were even destroying his stomach.

And even so, when the doctor quit the pills he kept playing. With trembling fingers and spamming muscles.

He hated the word trying.

"Trying is the word that people who aren't actually trying use."


He looked at Nana that was trembling while tearing up and sigh again.

He didn't console her.

They weren't close enough for that. But he wasn't a jackass so he says, this time with a little more gentleness in his voice.

"Look Nana-san…I think that living with you and Hachi is going to be good. We have more in common than you think. But, you need to understand that Azusa is my priority.

"The only thing I can offer you is to help you be better. I mean it. Think a little about the people you are with right now. Think about your future. Your career.

"Anyway, sorry if I offend you. But I mean it. No toxic people are getting close to my sister."

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