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"...violence does not answer everything"

¤ Troy.

⚠️ NSFW ⚠️

He squoze himself into the tsunami of students, he wondered why nobody helped the kid who was cowering on the tiled floor. He continued to push through, his shoulders bumping into the students that stood in his way. He sat on his heels as he examined the blonde, he recognized him. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Hope you are OK?" he asked, stretching his hand to assist him as their eyeballs met. "Hey" he barked at the thong. "Instead of you people to assist him, you all stood here like frozen rats" he tuts angrily. "The show is over now, you guys should leave" he rolled his eyes at them.

With some shrugging and others rolling their eyes, the crowd of students dissipated as they resumed doing whatever they were doing before the incident.

"Hey, who the heck are you to be giving orders?" asked Tom as he winced in pain, trying to recover from the pain of his twisted arm, lucky for him, Troy did not break his arm.

"Excuse me?" the boy turned back to look at Tom.

"This faggot-"

Tom jerked backwards in fear as he tripped over his shoes falling hard on his butt as he tried protecting his face from the punch.

"Thank your stars" he scoffed. "Or should I say thank him" he averted his eyes on Troy, who smiled in return.

Troy had held back his fist, stopping the boy from punching Tom. Now, the bully knows how it feels not to be in power.

"Now, scramble off" he warned.

"This is not over" Tom shrugged the touch of his friends that tried helping him up.

"So, how are you and what happened to you back there?" he asked, placing the back of his palm on Troy's forehead.

"Hey, I am fine" Troy smiled.

"Why did you stop me from hitting that piece of shit"

"First, violence does not answer everything and besides, I think this is your first time here cause I haven't seen you before. So, I do not want you to get in trouble on your first day because of me"

"Well, I do not mind" he smirked. "Let me do you the honors of escorting you to the school nurse" he offered.

"Well, if you insist"

Troy twisted the bronze knob to the right as he opened the blue plastic door that had a large sign that read in bold FIRST AID CLINIC. He came here once in a while to see Mr. Griffiths who happened to be the school nurse. He had this protruding eyes that could gawk the truth out of someone. Troy sometimes would feign an ailment just to get out of class and talk to Mr. Griffiths. Only when his mental health failed him was when Troy found himself here. There was a time he cried for over twenty minutes without stopping, Tom had called him a funny name and the whole class laughed about it. He just could not handle it anymore, before he came out to his family, Mr. Griffiths was the shoulder he cried on and was the ears that listened to Troy whenever he had a mental breakdown.

Now, the slim man who wore blue scrubs was a lady wearing an overly tight white buttoned shirt that protruded her huge breasts that felt like the buttons caging those melons could rip open at anytime and a skimpy skirt that covered just her buttocks that was appeasing to the eyes. No straight man in his senses would resist such temptations, too bad for her cause Troy is gay.

The nurse was promiscuous in chewing her bubble gum as she made bubbles with it popping after three seconds intervals. She was filing her nails and her butt stuck at the edge of the metal table. The blinds were shut preventing the sunlight from entering, the only source of light was the fluorescent bulb. Troy scanned the room for any sign of Mr. Griffiths, all his properties were gone; his medical books were replaced with magazines, his mini library was ripped off its glory by intoxicating it with dildos, condoms all in the name of sex education.

How in the world did this woman get employment with this dirty mindset?

"Yes, yes, what do you peasant want?" her voice sounded as if she was already tired of working when she just got here and it is not even afternoon yet and she sounds exhausted?

"I saw him lie on the floor, so I offered to help"

"So what's the problem boy?" she asked, her eyes fixated on her nails.

"I do not know, most times I feel dizzy, that's all" he lied, he did not want to sound weird or raise alarm because they might end up taking him to the psychiatric clinic if they heard him saying some gooey creature tried killing him then he was saved by a dark winged person.

"Well, whatever" she scoffed. "Ugh, where did I put those painkillers?" she intentionally bent over displaying her black lingerie.

Troy's brows wrinkled at the horrendous sight of her underwear, his face squoze almost puking. The boy beside him just smiled as he saw Troy's reaction. The nurse stood up as she swayed her platinum hair to her right making the reflection of the light bounce off her hair. She handed over a blue packet of pills.

"There, go drink" she rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you going to prescribe it for me? And besides, I haven't eaten" Troy asked, concerned.

"How old are you?" she retorted angrily.

"Seventeen" he rose his head in pride.

"Then you are old enough to use your brain, that is if you have any" she crackled, Troy stumped out of the office, slamming the door. "Hey you, was he turned on by my-" she exposed her underwear, the boy rolled his eyes, camouflaging his disgust. "You know" she licked her lips.

"No, he was not turned on Tracey, more like irritated" he lowered his voice conscious of Troy probably eavesdropping.

"Whatever" she grunted. "Make sure you do your job as I have done mine to stay here and get you into this sorry dump of a school" she exhaled.

He saw Troy pacing back and forth as he occasionally kicked the air in frustration.

"Hey! Hey!! Hey!!!" he grabbed Troy's shoulder, stopping him at his track. "What happened?"

"I went to meet the principal lodging a complaint about the nonchalant behavior of the new school nurse. I asked him about Mr. Griffiths and he said he left for New York few days ago and it is just unlike Mr. Griffiths, at least he would have told me, right?"

Troy began feeling bad. He questioned whether the moments he shared with Griffiths was a lie. He was hurt and the least Griffiths could do was to call him and tell him he was moving to New York. Troy did not have any sexual attachment to Griffiths but an emotional and psychological sense that glued him to Griffiths.

Troy's face was cupped with his finger. "Hey, everything is going to be all right" the boy assured.

Troy smiled, right, he had not introduced himself to his new found crush who had a rare and beautiful red eyes.

"Your eyes are rare" the boy looked away, shamed or somewhat. "No, they are beautiful and em, I do not think calling you red eyes is going to be a good way to start a friendship" Troy teased.

"I am Harrison Damien. Damien with an E" he stretched out his hand.

"I am Troy-"

"Troy Danvers," he saw his perplexed face. "who wouldn't know you? You are a straight A student and the best in school" he took Troy's hand infused it with his as Troy stood there dumbfounded.

"I never knew I was that popular" he said. "Well, I cannot take all the credits, although Tom is a bone in a butt, he is the overall best in the school, maybe he thinks picking on me would destabilise me from beating him academically" Troy chuckled to himself. "Well, it is nice meeting you, Harry or Damien with an E, which name do you prefer?" Troy asked.

"Obviously not Damien with an E" he teased.

"Harry it is then," he smiled. "it actually reminds me of 'The thing about Harry'" Damien was confused. "Oh, sorry, it's just a normal movie, nothing weird in it" Troy blurted out.

"It's OK, I'll see you in class" Harry smirked, he walked three steps before stopping abruptly, he looked left and right being surrounded by lockers and doors he had no idea about, he gulped hard. "Troy, could you-"

"You don't know where our class is, right?" Harry's nod made him burst out fits of laughter. "Come with me, I will be your tour guide" he held his hands as they walked down the aisle, I mean hallway.

Troy had never felt happier. He was holding his crush by the hand, as he showed him the classes and laboratories. To him Harry was his dream boyfriend, little did he know that there was more to meet the eyes.


It rained cat and dog that evening, the lightning tore the dark clouds apart as the thunder clap sent shivers down to anyone who were brontophobic. As the rain poured heavily without remorse, a door bell was heard by the man of the house. Perplexed by who would be ringing the bell at this hour of the night and with this condition of a heavy downpour. He opened the door nevertheless and he stared hard at a wet tight yellow shirt which clung to her enormous titties and he could literally see her brassiere cause her shirt was transparent. He gulped hard as his eyes trailed down at her skimpy skirt that exposed her well waxed legs that were dripping. She was drenched in the rain and all he could do was consume her with his eyes.

That was Tracey's plan all along, no man would resist her gigantic breasts and her seductive dressing looking like an Anime female character. She smirked to herself as she saw the crotch area of her victim rising little by little. Poor crotch, just one touch from her and that veiny rod would erupt juicy milk.

She cleared her throat softly. "Hey" she softened her voice, a contrast to how she speaks. "I am sorry to come in like this" she was shivering, her lips were quivering and this man could not help but unashamedly catch quick glances at her titties. But she did not care, she came to execute a mission. "Are you principal Hank?" she asked despite knowing he was the one.

"Ye- Yeasssh" he gulped down hard at this temptation right in front of him. "Well, come on in" he opened the door wider allowing the drenched lady catwalk in, something he should have done the first thing he saw her instead he consumed her titties with his eyes and played different sex positions in his head with her under few minutes.

Principal Hank was not her type, she preferred jocks not a fifty year old married man with two kids. She rolled her eyes as she saw a picture frame of fake smile from Hank as he snaked his hand around a woman standing beside him, probably his wife and two kids. The picture to her looked rehearsed.

Hank was bald at the center of his head and his Harry Potter like eyeglasses that stuck to his nose like caramel on apples. An average weighted man with a protruding belly.

She came here to do one thing, and she wanted to do it fast, get over the self misery of her job. She was sitting on a wooden chair with a soft blanket round her body as she sipped the hot tea Hank had prepared. Although her head was buried sipping the tea, she felt his lingering perverted eyes on her huge melons. She exhaled deeply and commenced with her plan. She wanted to put herself out of this situation as quickly as possible, although it goes against her rules but she had already broken like two of those personal rules which included; no oldies and married men. She only break these rules when it is mandatory.

So, she intentionally slipped the cup to shattered on the floor, Hank jerked off his fantasies by the sound of ceramic scattering on the ground. His brown shorts were tainted with precum but he was too focused on cleaning it up. Tracey did not bother doing anything because she knew it was time to execute her plans.

As Hank packed the broken pieces of the cup, she moaned softly, slightly spreading her legs to give Hank a wonderful view of her underwear. Funny enough she was wearing none.

"Time to have some fun" Hank thought to himself licking his lips and disregarding any ounce of marital oath.

Hank spread her hairless thighs apart as he shove his face into her warm reproductive organ like a hungry man deprived of sex. He drilled his tongue deeper, finding her clitoris as he nibbled and sucked without patience. Tracey underestimated Hank, she thought he'd be one of those old greasers who don't know how to have sex but Hank was driving her nuts as he dived deeper and deeper, ramming his tongue, teasing her edges with his tongue. She set her head aback, almost in fantasy land until her eyes glowed dark. Her pupils went pitch black, she cannot forget the mission, the main reason she was here. As Hank's head was buried in her cunt, she grabbed his hair.

"Hank, I want to work at your school" her breath hitched. "Hank" she called again, he muffled a sound sending reverberations down her body. "Look, Hank" she forcefully dragged him out of her skirt, her eyes turned normal as they made eye contact.

"Yes, honey" he said, licking his lips.

"I want to work at your school, Hank" she repeated herself.

"As what, my love?" he asked, throbbing his erection.

"As the nurse" she said.

"On one condition?" he shot a sinister grin.

"Which is?"

"I get to suck those large boobs" he winked.

"And I need you to run a smooth admission for my cousin" she added.

"Your wish is my command, baby"

Greedy old man.

Men are never satisfied.


She shoved his head back to where it came from. With a whisper, she chanted a short spell in Latin making the rainstorm go away. It was all her plan all along.

Well, guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, I imputed STRAIGHT SEX SCENES, y'all see that I ain't HETROPHOBIC.

I hope you have watched THE THINGS ABOUT HARRY, if not go watch it. I highly recommend it especially to those that love cheesy gay romance movies.

Word count: 2491

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