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82.78% Idle Immortal

Chapter 125: 125.

"How long do we have to wait!? Why can't we just sacrifice all the people and move on!?"

"SShhhh! Do you want to die!? Didn't you read the new set of rules? If anyone dared to make a sacrifice in secret, they themselves would be sacrificed by the sect."

"Geez... Why do we even need this kind of rule!? We should harvest as much as we can before moving to another place."

"Yeah and that's why you are still an honorary disciple after all these years."

"What the hell did you just say!?"

"What!? Wanna fight!?"

Outside the shop, the group from the Leihui Sect was fighting amongst themselves. And just when they were at each other's throats, a young boy walked out of the shop before standing in front of them.

"You... You guys." The boy stuttered for a moment before looking at them, "The senior sister is calling all of you inside."

"Sigh... Let's go." They didn't doubt him in the slightest.

Following behind him, they all entered the shop only to see the figure of a little girl sitting on a chair looking at them nervously. As for their senior sister, they didn't see her anywhere. At that moment, their eyes were attracted by a flying small ball of blood and flesh. Before they even had time to react, they felt their eyes going dark, as they fell into the eternal slumber of death.

"Tch..." Looking at the newly added five balls of flesh and blood, Yang Ze frowned for a moment before taking out a safe from his personal space. This was the very same safe that he 'borrowed' from that fatty's shop. Placing it on the ground, Yang Ze waved his hand and put all the flesh and blood inside the safe before locking it away. After making sure there was nothing wrong, he put the box back in his personal space, leaving Yao Xiang with widened eyes.

For Yao Xiang, this was perhaps the most eventful day after she left her family. Everything that she saw here, subverted her knowledge and expectations. She might look at others' strengths, but she has no idea about how the cultivation realms were divided. In her eyes, everything was so magical. The boss didn't even move a muscle but all of those bastards from the Leihui Sect were dead.

"Now then... What should I do now!?" With his back facing Yao Xiang, Yang Ze was busy coming up with a plan when he heard a small sound behind him.


"What the!?" Moving his head back, Yang Ze saw the figure of Yao Xiang kneeling on the ground with her head touching the ground.

"And... What are you doing!?"

Yao Xiang didn't speak up immediately but knocked on the ground three times with her head.

"Please... Please help me become as strong as you." After watching Yang Ze effortlessly wiping out an entire group, Yao Xiang too wanted to become as strong as him.

Yang Ze didn't immediately answer but slowly arranged his thoughts. Everything happened so fast that he needed some time to digest what was happening.

"Not right now kid." Refusing her, Yang Ze looked out of the door. He just butchered an entire group of Leihui Sect's people. There was no way they were gonna take it in silence. The only good news was that due to his shop being in this deserted area of the city, very few people were gonna think about him. But unfortunately, it won't be forever. One day, the truth about today will come to light, and at that moment, they will be sure to pay him a visit.

"Why the hell are you still kneeling!?" Looking at Yao Xiang who was still kneeling on the ground, Yang Ze felt a headache coming. Thinking briefly, he suddenly thought of something before nodding in agreement.

"Great... I can be your master."

"YOU WILL!?" Yao Xiang couldn't believe her ears. In her mind, he was ready to go through a lot of hardships and tests before being accepted, just like how everyone does in the city. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine being accepted so easily.

"Sure. I will. But..." With a short pause, Yang Ze looked at her with narrowed eyes "Let's keep what happened today a secret between us. You did not see a group of people outside the shop and we were busy managing the records. Okay!?"

"Okay!" Yao Xing nodded her head furiously. Even if he didn't ask her, she wasn't going to tell anyone about today. After all, she wasn't some naive kid Yang Ze mistook her for. She might look like one, but she was already matured a lot from her past experiences.

"All right then... I will teach something to you tomorrow."

Just when Yang Ze and Yao Xiang were talking, Xiao Li came inside with a smile, followed by two men.

"Hello. Are you the owner of this shop!?"


"We heard you need some furniture."


"Well..." Both the men took a look around before shaking their heads. "Unfortunately due to yesterday's events, we don't have anything suitable for your shop. I would suggest you just buy a decent house if you want to live."

Yang Ze didn't dwell too much on it. After dismissing the two men, he looked at Xiao Li who was sitting beside Yao Xiang.

Sensing his gaze, Xiao Li put on a serious expression before whispering. "You won't believe it, but there is a rumor going on outside. People are saying that the city lord is responsible for yesterday's action and the three families fought and threw him out of the city.

Not only that but the Xia clan's ancestor's birthday party will be held tomorrow, way ahead of the originally planned date. They will provide food and other basic things for people affected by this disaster.

Also... The entire city guards have been replaced by new members and there are various groups of people with weird tattoos roaming the city."

Knocking his fingers on the chair arm, Yang Ze went into deep thought. It was impossible for the three ancestors to fight against the city lord. So the only feasible explanation was that the guy left on his own. And since he left, then it means he must be pretty aware of their movements and the Leihui sect. The more Yang Ze thought, the more he realized that the situation was much more complex than what he had imagined.

"Any other rumors!?"

"Yes, there are." Pausing briefly, Xiao Li continued "I heard the people mention that some kind of festival is going to take place here. Earlier the festival was supposed to be held in a city called... What did they say the name was!?"

"Ig... Ignu!?" Xiao Li was trying his best to remember until he heard the name from Yang Ze's mouth.


"YES! That's the name."

"They said that instead of that city, the festival will be held here."

"What the hell are they doing now!?" With a frown, Yang Ze asked another question. "Did they mention date!? Or when it's going to be held!?"

"No... Nothing of that sort. But I think it will be soon. I heard people saying that the people from different cities have already begun their journey towards Mehull."

"I see..." Standing up from his chair, Yang Ze patted Xiao Li's shoulder. "You did well. Now, try to find a house that we can use as our home. Also, we are rich now, so don't worry about the price. Just try to find the one good enough in a decent location."

"Where are you going!?" Looking at Yang Ze's departing back, Xiao Li shouted but to no avail. The figure of Yang Ze was already gone.





"And we will end with this." Inside the main hall of the Xia family, the ancestor of the Xia family, Xia Jian was sitting alongside three other people. And standing behind them was the figure of Xia Wen standing respectfully.

Compared to his usual image, Xia Wen here had a flattering smile on his face. Coupled with his waist that was bent down, no one could associate him with the patriarch of the Xia family. However, no matter what one's thoughts were, Xia Wen at this moment couldn't afford to be careless.

In front of him were the four Innate realm powerhouse. No matter how cocky he usually was, in front of them, he didn't dare to let out a fart. He could only stand here, attending to their needs like a servant. But even though he was being treated like a servant, he was not going to complain. After all, how many people were worthy enough to serve the Innate powerhouses.

"Patriarch... Someone wants to meet you."

Just when they were busy discussing amongst themselves, a servant called out from the room.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me!?" Looking at the servant with a face full of anger, Xia Wen reprimanded him in a stern voice. Before coming here, he strictly informed all the servants not to disturb them in any condition. But even after all that, someone still came for him.

"I will deal with you later." With eyes that were filled with coldness, Xia Wen spoke to the servant in front of him.

"Master..." As soon as he heard it, he instantly kneeled on the ground, trembling in fear. Even though he knew it wasn't a wise choice to disturb the patriarch at this moment, but the man visiting them offered him a hefty sum of money. And for him, a mere servant, who already lost everything last night, it was like coal in a bone-chilling wintery night. He was willing to bet his life, for this sum of money.

"Who is it!?"

"Its... It's a young boy from the Vault of Heaven."

"I see."

Before Xia Wen could decide his next course of action, the man sitting alongside with the three elder suddenly spoke up.

"I heard a lot about this Vault of Heaven. I am wondering if I can meet the person behind this." Even though his eyes were on the three ancestors, his words were directed at Xia Wen.

"I... I will bring him here." Understanding his intention, Xia Wen didn't dare to waste any more time. With a loud shout, he ordered the servant to escort the man inside.

It didn't take long before the figure of a young boy walked carelessly inside the room.

As soon as Yang Ze entered the room, all sights focused on him. If it were any other person in his position, he would have crumbled on the spot with fear. Afterall, withstanding the gazes of so many powerhouses wasn't something everyone could do.

Looking around, Yang Ze saw the figure of Xia Wen standing behind four people. Moving his gaze, Yang Ze looked at the frail man in the middle with tattoo all over his body. His eyes rested on him for a second before looking at the other two and finally resting on the ancestor of the Xia family.

With a smile, Yang Ze took a step forward before walking in front of him and greeting him calmly "We meet again, Old man."

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