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Chapter 6: Chapter 5



Eina:"Sooo.. to sum everything up,Some women with red blood hair just summon and control irregular version of War Shadow called "SPIRIT" what so over and Mob manage to buy time until back up arrive.Miss Filvis and Miss Lefiya come to rescue you.Plus this Monsters just drop the new kind of drop and you want my advise to turn it into something useful,Correct."As she facing the Black and White duo with straight face while examining the green plat on the table

Mob/Bell:"Yes Ma'am."As two of them sitting stiff and sweating bullet.

Eina:"Hmmmm... may I have one of this.I want to sent to certain person for further investigation.Please don't worry about because I have some connection with that person vice versa.But I advice do not use this drop item yet because this is first time I saw this.Plus this item come from monsters that this unknown female control.So in mean please be refrain to go to dungeon for a while.I will issue this in the quest later for investigate.Now please care enough to describe this person that attack you."As she give Bell piece of paper and ink.After few minute of explanation and writing,then the deed done.

Mob:"Is this good enough Eina-san?"As he still worried about what just happen hours ago.

Eina:"Yes thank you.Hmm Bell-kun your armour seem not in good condition.Why you did not buy new one.*HER EYE GLASSES REFLECT THE LIGHT* I heard the rumour about certain of rookies manage to make income comparable to the seasoned veteran and still using starter weapon.Maybe they in dept or some thing"As he eye glaring at the two.

Bell:"Gherrrrrhh..... well I want to buy the equipment with my own money.Plus I already in dept with Mob to much because most of our share belong to him.Soo---"As his month were shut by Eina finger.

Eina:"Shoshoshoooshh--- I understand about that.*SIGN--* Well, I decided that this weekend I bring two of you.Two days after Monsterphilia tomorrow so it mean on this weekend.You two got did"

Bell:"Ehh--!!?Go where Eina-san?"As he ask question as he put his finger on the chin

Eina:"Bring two of you to some place to buy equipment.So how about it"

Mob:"Wait Eina-san.I have some thing to do on weekend.So I'm sorry"As he just remember about certain elve said earlier.He bow down 45° while sitting.

Bell:"Is that so.Well is just to of us now Eina-san.Ahahahaaaaa"As he laugh innocently.

Eina:"---?!!.A-are sure Mob-san. Leaving two of us alone like that.Is j-ju-just like a {Slow voice} a Date"As she blush red covering her face.

Bell:"Eina-san are you ok.Ahh!! don't tell me you sick"As he quickly approaching Eina and put his head to her head.Of course this make Eina blush even more.

Eina:"Euwwaaa!! *Slap* What are you doing Bell-kub"as she slap the albino boy fast lightning.Her force manage to make Bell fall down to the floor.


Bell:"I- I'm so sorry Eina-san."As he bow down infront the advisor.

Eina:"Mooouuu.. please refrain doing something like this again."As she pout and the same time her eye glaring at Bell with intense pressure.

Bell:"Hiiiieerrghhh--- Yes Ma'am"As he sit on his knee

Eina:"Good...*Cough* Now any question before we end the meeting" She ask with her usual tone.

Mob:"I have one Eina-san.What is monsterphilia"As he raise his hand.

Bell:"Now I think about it.Today we both hear many people said that."As he put of of his finger on his lips.

Eina:"Ehh!! two of you still don't know.Then here what I explain what Monsterphilia really is."As she explaining for 5 minute straight.Her version is short but compact full of information and easy to digest.

Mob/Bell:"Ohhhh!!"As the duo open their mouth with satisfied face.

Eina:"Now if nothing else to discuss now two of you can go."

As she clean up the book and the drop item left by Mob for further investigation.Then the door close sound were hear indicate two of them already exit the room.

Eina:"Hmmm... where should I sent to investigate.Hecate familiar or Hermis familiar.."As she begin for deep thinking for a while

Back to Both Mob and Bell walk with each other close.They visit first any food stall to by food for dinner since to of them still did not eat after returning to surface.Then they head back straight to their home,the abandon church which from outside look rug down but the interior has being fix and modified so at very least the place don't see truly like home should be.After that,both of them clean the body and and take quick dinner.After a few talk then they finally sleep in each bed they buy 5 days ago.




As the goddess of smith almost finish her masterpiece,all she need to do is just final touch.Hestia just infront of her helping her to make a weapon for 3 days straight.She giggling like little girl when she see the weapon has enter final stage.But she also in sleepy state because of lack of sleep.As Hephaetus touching the blade while chanting something,some unknown words with unknown language appear following the trail of her finger

Hephaetus:"Hmm... Hestia,now please tip your blood into this blade."As she said with mild smile of her face.

Hestia:"O--okk.. *Sleepy* So I just tipping the blade with my blood right?Yosh.."As she putting her finger on the blade releasing small amout of blood.The words on the blade begin the shine white light for couple of second and as the blood flow from the tip until i treach at the end of the blade.



-MORNING 9:00 A.M.-

Bell:"Uwaahhhh..!! Today indeed special right Mob.Even this road always busy but not this much."As he observe the crowd more than usual he see

Mob:"Indeeed,Should we go to see the event on that Colloseum since Eina-san forbid us from going into dungeon."

Bell:"Sound good idea.Maybe we meet Kami-sama along the way"As he smile brightly to his friend.The two of them walk with casually speed.

The black and white duo is on they way to the to the colloseum but when two of them walk just in front The tavern they usually go stop by cat person waitress that waiting on the tavern entrance.She has brown hair and eyes with cat ears and a tail of the same color while wearing green and white uniform.

Cat person:"Nyah!!? what you two."As she shout to notify the duo.

Mob:"?? Oh is you cat waitress young lady.What your name again?"As he stop walking and head to the entrance of the tavern.

Cat person:"Nyaahh!!?You has good way to pick up lady nyaah.Ahh!! Is rude of me,my name Anya Fromel but just call me Anya since two of you Syr friend Nyah"As she doing cat pose at the end of her speech.

Mob:"(Is all cat person ending they speech with Nyah?Maybe is just cultured thing)My name is Kageyama Shigeo and call me Mob.This my friend *Pointing his hand to Bell direction* Bell Cranel"As he politely introduce himself and Bell.

Bell:"Go-good morning Miss Anya-san.By the way,why you calling us?"As he do quick bow and ask the question with curiosity.

Anya:Why Mob Nyah?,That name is not cute so call you Shige-chan Nyah.That is Nyah.I want you to help pass this to that foolish Nyah.You know Syr nyah.Nyah-nyah *Move her head to left and right* Syr-chan just forget her wallet and just rushing without thinking nyahh"As she talk to fast for Mob and Bell to understand it.Two of the confuse but before one of them could respond suddenly there are female Elf with sky blue eyes and green hair at the entrance.

Elf:"Anya-san can you explaining to them properly.Look at them how confuse they are."As she said it with blank and stoick voice.

Anya:"Nyaah,is that so.Hmm *Look at Mob and the Elf 2 time*.Ahahaa nyah, two of you has same black face.Hey Ryuu,is he your brother or something."As she laugh a bit.The female elf with the name Ryuu begin to approach Anya and hit her head while maintaining her blank expression.

Ryuu:"Are you want to ask help or making a unfunny joke here.*Ahem* I'm sorry about my college here.Since this is the first time we meet properly, My name Ryuu Lion and please call me Ryuu and nice to meet you"As she bow 90°.

Mob:"Nice to meet you to.So can you explain what she said again?"

Ryuu:"Anya said Syr forget her purse before heading out for the festival since she take holiday for this occasion.So can you sent this to her?" As she handing the purse to Bell.

Bell:"*Look at Mob and Ryuu back* *Sign--* I understand now lets go Mob-san"After he bitter smile as soon her walk away,Ryuu make Mob stop.

Ryuu:"Wait Kegeyama-san,Miss Lefiya request me to said to you meet her at the at in front of main colloseum plaza.She want to discuss something with you."

As the duo were shock after Ryuu saying that.Why would she from other familiar and among the strongest one at that want to meet Mob at that.

Mob:"But why? (Did I do something wrong?)"As he ask while having his usual expression.

Ryuu:"I do not know but you must hurry.She already waiting for 2 hours right now,probaly"

Bell:"Ehhh!! She willing to wait that long.But our plan tod--"As he was push by Anya.

Anya:"Go finding Syr-chan Nyah!!. This friend of yours seem having a little date.(Wow never I see Thousand Elf want to meet a boy before.Ah!!maybe her spring has come"As she pushing while having smut face at her

Bell:"(So aggressive!!!.)I get it×2.I--I'm sorry Mob-san.Later we meet at the colloseum at 12:00 p.m. ok"As he walk away while waving his hand.

Mob:"O--okk... so aaa... where the main plaza again?"



-10:30 A.M-

-3rd POV-

As certain elf girl waiting at the fouintan at the center of plaza 100 meter infront Colloseum main entrance.Her patient on its limit so her face begin to turn red.

Lefiya:"Moooo!!?Why this human is so late!!.Is he did not receive Miss Ryuu message or something"As she pout and make angrily face.Her behavior has attract nearby people that included 2 amazon on the distance.Yes this amazoness is one of the Loki familiar.The first one has busty body and second is the opposite.

Tiona:"Uwaaa..... look Tione.Lefiya seem waiting someone"As she speak excitedly.

Tione:"Yeah... never before I see her like this.That's why she going out early then usual.She even skip breakfast you know that.So who the lucky one that manage to capture her hearth. Hm?"As she make a smut face.But she notice something.

As the young eastern man with raven black hair and eye with black face.He wear a red robe decorate with white and golden line as motive.His pant is black and some sort white shoes.As the young man approaching Lefiya but he get 'WARM' welcome in form of hitting.Lefiya hit the young man chest while pouting.She seem very angry.The young man then bow then as act for forgiveness.It seem he was late.

Tiona:"Wow!!two of them look like real couple.But somehow I has saw him some where"As she try to recall her memory.

Tione:"But to me his face is to boring and look weak.But if Lefiya has choose him so what I can do.At least he seem not a bad guy"As she fold her hand as she leave small SIGN of relieve.

Tiona:"Ehh!!two of them is on the move.Look like both of them heading to food vandal district.Nee-nee-neee Tione let's follow them."As she said while pointing her finger like child found new toy.

Tione:"But it seem rude you now. Stalking her and his boyfriend.But I worried you know.Which familiar he come from?"As she hesitate a little but she agree anyway.Now the Amazoness sibling stalk them from behind.



Mob:"I'm sorry again Miss Lefiya I'm late.But I just receive Ryuu-san message this morning so I didn't expect you know."As he apologise with sincere tone.

Lefiya:"Hmph!!It can't be help.Now let go straight to our agenda.Now tell me w--"As her talk were interrupted by her own stomach.Then she blush so hard then some smoke escape from her ear.

Mob:"Eerrrhh.... you by any change did not take breakfast first?Skipping breakfast is bad for body"As he ask with concerned fast

Lefiya:"I know that.Don't treat like I some kind 6 years old kid."As she pout even more.

Mob:"I-- I see.. how about we go to food stand first at that district.Is my treat as token for my late"As he politely invite her.Lefiya stomach groan even more.

Lefiya:"Find.. *SIGN* lets go"As she leave small SIGN and soon two of them walk the the crowd.For couple of minute later two of them arrive at food vandal district.But the road is to crowd that force Lefiya to close to Mob shoulder.

Mob:"Aaarrgghh.... to crowd.Are you Ok Lefiya-san"As he struggle to move forward.

Lefiya:"I'm find.Hey why we take this crowd road here again.*GASP* Don't tell me this you want make this as a date.You despicable human!! "As she hitting Mob back.

Mob:"N-noo.....*Blush* I never think some thing like that. Beside the food here seem like delicious and you look hungry.How about we go to that food stall there first?"As he pointing at Takoyaki stall.

The owner wearing some kind eastern cloth while accompany by 3 other individual wearing similar cloth.But they colour is purple.As Mob and Lefiya approaching,the see some group of people doing some ruckus.

??:"Hey-hey-hey!!.Where my order.I waiting here for 10 minute."As he shout with unsatisfied tone.

His has brown hair and golden-brown eyes. He bears two long scars on his face, one on his left cheek, and the other across his forehead.The attire includes a fur strap around his neck and chest on top of a green shirt, as well as dark brown gloves and a belt over orange fur cloth and grey leggings. Beneath this, he wears black striped chartreuse boots.His armor consists of shoulder plates that reach down to his lower arms.His name Mord and he from Ogma familiar.

Mord Party member 1:"Yeah!! we waiting that long.Is this how you treat the customer.Hey Mord what should we do"He ask with angry tone

Mord Party Member 2:"Yeah.Give us your opinion"As he ask eagerly with his patient on his limit.

Mord:"Shut up you guys.Today I have bad mood ok.Hey you shy looking girl.Please make faster ok"As he slammed the counter table hard.The force is enough to shake the entire tent.

??:"Y-yess.. please be patient.We have some problem with our supply earlier so give us a minute"Answer the shy and timid looking girl.Her long bang cover her eye make her look more.. shy appearance.

??:"Chigusa what happen.Hmm?Hey what you guys doing"He said with defensive tone.He look buff and have confidence face.He currently carry a crate full of ingredients.He just out from behind tent entrance that covered by piece of white cloth.

Mord:"Huhhh!! can you see your beloved Customer just making a complain.Is not I doing this without reason."As he change his vision to the man.He anger directed to

??:"What you said.You don't need to use threatening tone to Chigusa-san you bastard."As he glaring back to Mord.

Mord:"Hoo.. third class adventure from small familiar try to challenge me middle class eh.Now interesting" As some spark appear from they eye clashing.The tension begin to rise rapidly.Then he push the guy and sent to the wall around 3 meter from original spot.



??:"Ghaaaaaahh-----"As he receive initial shock from the impact

Chigusa:"Ou-ouka-san and customer please calm down."As she try to calm them with her best but it futile.From close distance Mob and Lefiya watch from distance.

Lefiya:"Just two airhead make some ruckus.I just lost my appetite.Mob lets change ,hey wait.Where are you going"As Mob suddenly move forward heading to the source ruckus.

Mob:"Mister, can two of you calm down please.You has cause trouble to other people"As he said with his usual tone and expression.But he get smirt by Mord friend.

Mord Party Member 1:"Tsk,who are you to stop us.We just want our order to finish that's all"

Mord Party Member 2:"Yeah,You just a kid a you seem weak.So don't bother us.Shooh Shooh"

Mob:"You don't need to use force. Look at him, his hurt"As he still insist to talk.

Mord:"Ohh yeah.You try to give advise to me.Look kid's I have bad mood so I let you go or ELSE" As he begin to switch from annoying tone to threatening.But still not enough to force Mob from leaving.

Mob:" should apologise what have you d--"As he get punch by Mord and force him to move from his original spot around 5 meter.The force from the punch give small of gush of wind.

Mord:"Tsk, a rookies like you just stay down.*Heh* Don't worried, that punch just knock you out."As he was about to change his vision but suddenly he felt pressure.



As Mob still standing as nothing have happen.He clean his cloth as the dust from punch earlier.


Mob:"Is rude you know to punch people like that.You even leave some damage to infrastructure.I don't want to hurt you so apologise to that girl and that man you just punch"While his expression still the same but his voice seem be little serious.His eye give some threatening glare.

Mord:"W-what?!!How rookies like you still standing.That punch earlier is enough to knock out even the strongest Level 1 you know.Level 1 don't stand a change standing like that."As bleurgh out.But he soon realise something along with his comrade

Mord Party Member 3:"Wait!!I recognise those red robe and blank face.His a rising rookies."As he exclaim.

Mord Party Member 2:"If you think about it.I heard he and his friend make income on par with Seasoned Level 2 veteran and they did it on they first week of adventure.Plus he manage to go down to Floor 7 that is famous known as rookies killer"

Mord Party Member 1:"But I heard they are supporter.You know that Thousand Elf and Banshee just kill monster parade and two of them collect it."As he argue back

Mord:"Shut upp!!?(What the hell?? How the heck that kid still standing and act like it never happen.)Forget it,you guys attack!!"As he ordered the men to attack Mob.

Lefiya:"Mob noo!!"As she shout out of concern.But soon she see something incredible.

But something appear from the ground they stand and the ground shaking managing knock out low level adventure and non-adventure from their feet.Something look green and plant looking as it radiate a powerful aura that only the bless one can feel it.The small fight stop for a bit and focus on new threat.



-1 minute earlier-

As two amazon sister keep following Lefiya from behind but the crows has slow them down a bit.As the Lefiya and the boy stop at food stall.There some ruckus happen.As thing escalate further but the boy approaching the group of man that cause the ruckus the seemingly leader just launch an attack that powerful enough to left gush of wind

Tiona:"Watch out!!?"As she try to help but.. stop after she witnessing something incredible.The young Boy manage to withstand the blow despite Level 1.

Tione:"Uwaaa... that young man look fragile at first but to think he that strong.I can see his potential."

Tiona:"Wow.. Ne-ne Tione,Should we intervene.But wow that amazing"

Tione:"Naahh.. Lefiya boyfriend seem has under control but..Hey Tiona did you sense something"


As the ground shaking and some monster appear out of no where in middle of town full of people and soon attacking people.Can Mob stop the disaster?.


Mastar_Chef Mastar_Chef

Words keep decreasing so the quality.So what I'm running out of idea.

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