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Chapter 3: Pine Pack 2

"So?" I asked arrogantly.

I know their beta won't be here aside them needing help from me which I don't think I'm ready to do. No one would try to come to my pack without having a very important and sensible thing to say. If not they are joking with their life. I don't like to entangle myself with any pack and they know me for that.

"Alpha we have a problem..."

"If it's about me helping you to fight bigger packs, I'm not interested. Tell your alpha that he should fix it himself. I hate weak people" I said bluntly.

" No alpha. That's not the story. It's not to the way you thought it to be at all. I plead you hear me out alpha" he pleaded.

My anger as started to build. I was super hungry and this guy here is hindering me from eating. I feel like to rip his head off but I have principles that I won't hurt anyone that is innocent to me.

"You better make it snappy with whatever you've got to say before I have your head on the platter. I don't have all day" I threatened fiercely.

Even with the man being an alpha, I could sense his fear and nervousness. I wouldn't blame him but I don't like his weakness.

"Alpha, as it is well known that the Pine pack is well endowed with a valley of different precious stones and we've been trading this stones for decades now but alpha, ..." He sawlloed and continued almost immediately.

He was really talking fast so as not to get me angry.

".... Some sort of alpha get to know that we just discovered a vast land filled with diamonds so they paid us a vist to tell us that they want part of the diamonds. As a peaceful pack, our alpha didn't object because we believe that the moon goddess gifted us so that we can share with the world. We dig the diamonds and share with them in 30/70 for months. But where the problem lies is when those alphas do not only want the largest share of our precious stones but they want our land. This our alpha wouldn't agree. He told them that he won't vacate the land so war broke out. But alpha, these alphas won't fight fair. They fight is with wolfsbane that had this disastrous communicable disease in them. This diseases kills out wolf in minutes and makes the bearer die in days. This disease killed us in hundreds starting form our alpha's family with our alpha inclusive. We tried to negotiate with them but they wouldn't . They want us to leave so that they could take over" the beta finished his narration.

The story to a normal person was so touching and pitiful but to me as the abnormal peron I am was so annoying. I felt like it's all the fault of their alpha to let those greed alphas into his home in the first place in the name of peace. He didn't need to tell me who those greedy alphas were because I know them. They've been like this for years and I've been finding a way to deal with them but I'm taking my time so I would make their death worthwhile.

"I hate weak people" I growled.

But I do love precious stones. In fact I sleep on them. Looking at the way I gather them, it was obvious that I love them. Not that I didn't know about the pine pack's blessed vast land of precious stones but I might be a brute but I'm not a greed. I buy my stones with my money. I might be very wealthy, I'm still seconding the pine pack and I don't covet them. I also didn't want to think that they intentionally came to be to entice me with their stones since they might have heard that I love those stones.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

No one knew exactly where I orginated from. They just make up stories that suit them and I don't care. They named me after demons but I also don't care.

"We want you to save us alpha. Save our people from been killed unjustly with diseases" he replied.

I gave him a glare. " Why? Do you think I have healing for this disease? Do I look like a physician to you?" I asked harshly.

The beta became dejected. He didn't even know what to say. Looking at his face I knew he care for his people. I love that. That was one thing I love about my papa.

"What would be my gain if I decide to save you" I asked.

The beta's face lit up with excitement.

"We are ready to give you all our lands to head alpha" he replied.

Wow! That's was more than I thought he would say. I thought he was going to offer me huge precious stones but an entire vast land was a sumptuous offer. No alpha would hear that and wouldn't want to click the bargain almost immediately. But even at that offer, I have huge principles. One which is I don't want unknown people in my pack. I want to be all might alone and not with adding someone's pack with mine. Two I want to bear my name alone. I gave the guy a nonchalant look.

"Well theat offer sounds so mouth watering but I'm not interested. I don't want your lands or people" I rejected.

The beta seem to be shocked at my rejection. It is only a fool that would reject such offer but I Bounce decided to be a fool.

"Alpha I'm not offering you the land as a price but I'm pleading that you should add us to your pack. We need a leader alpha so as much as we need protection" he pleaded.

I cocked a brow at him and pressed my lips.

"I'm only a beta blood alpha and I wasn't taught so much about war. Moreover a pack needs it's alpha to become stronger. We are in need of a lot alpha. Please come to our aid by leading us" the beta said enthusiastically.

" I seem to start developing a sudden like for this inexperienced beta" t told my wolf Derek.

" Me too. He seem like he's not a greedy one for power" Derek replied.

" But he's weak. He can't even start my least warrior" I said examining the beta.

" I noticed that but I think it's not because he's really weak but he hasn't been so trained. He's a child Bounce" Derek said.

That's when I truely noticed that the person standing before me is truely young. This made me frown a bit.

"How old are you?"

The beta bowed his head shyly. "I'm nineteen alpha".

"Oh" I grimaced.

"You see I told you. He's really a child" he said with a grimace.

I glared at the boy. I need to talk to a more matured person not some sort of a child but I was determined to help them to punish those greedy packs.

"How many packs are there between your border and my border?"

My land is so vast that I didn't even know who borders with me. I don't concern myself with those border thing because I have a lot to deal with. My time is so precious to me. I know no one will never ever have the nerve to cross my border illegally.

The look on the boy's face was as if he was surprised I don't know but I don't really care. It's my information not his.

"We are the pack that border you alpha" he replied.

I look slightly surprised. I didn't even expect him to say that. I looked at one of the guys around me.

"Is that so?" I asked him.

"Yes alpha" he replied me.

"Well if that's the case, go bring the counsels in your pack to me tomorrow so that we can discuss more about it. I wouldn't want to feel like I cheated guy because you ce to me for help" I said.

I needed to dismiss him so I can at least go have my meal.

Sorrow flowed through the beta's face. "There is no counsel alpha. Those people started with our counsel and made sure to kill them. In the family of the leaders I was the only one oppurtune to survive. They killed all our warriors and guards especially the stronger one and their family. Only myself and a few warriors are left" he explained.

" Hmm" I said. " If that's the case I'll draft and agreement so that you will go give you and the reminant of your pack. This agreement will serve as our bond and if breached you will have me to contend with. You sure do know what contending with me is all about" I said baldly.

" Yes alpha" he said happily.

I stood up and headed to my dining room which no one share with me. I was super hungry. On getting there my food was already served and I dig in with talking with anyone.


I came out of my bedroom and I saw my brother's friend Alec in our private living room. He was there with a book. I smiled happily to see him here today. He scarcely come by because of his busy schedule. I went to him to see the book he was reading. It then turns out to be an history book.

Alec is a lover of books and that's how I came a lover of books too. Yes Alec is my crush and I've loved him since he saved me and my friend from climbing a tree we disobediently climbed. Since then he has been my hero.

"What are you reading?" I asked as if I do not know.

I sat so close and his scent was really enticing to me.

"It's about the demon alpha" he replied then looked at me. "How have you been Jessy" he said patting my hair.

" I'm fine" I said with a smile.

I was jumping so hard in my head. This is not Alec's first time of doing this to me but every time he does I feel like I'm in heaven.

"Is that story true? I asked him.

As if I've not heard the story a thousand times but I didn't want to believe it. I think it's either it is a myth or there is an exaggeration in the story. Not that I was really interested in the topic but I needed a start up topic with Alec. He's such a nice guy to talk to and I would trade anything just to have him with me for the whole day.

"It's not a story Jessy, it's the reality" he replied.

I gave Alec a not believing look. Alec is a warrior, also my brother who has fought lot of wars. I don't really like wars because it always take my crush from me and make me anticipating and fearful for his coming. I don't know if Alec didn't notice my moves or beauty that he just treats me like the little child he knew me to be. This was always so painful but I plan to endure and I'll be victorious in the future.

"But it's too good to be true. Since everyone thinks he emerge from the sky, that's why they are been scared of him. I think it's an exaggeration" I said .

" It's seems so baby..."

" He called me baby" I screamed in my head almost dancing around.

"Stop screaming girl!" My wolf Storm scored me.

I rolled my eyes at her because I knew why she's acting so grumpy. Storm and I shared almost everything together except for my feelings for Alec. She has told me lot of times that she doesn't see anything so great about the guy. She even told me I don't have high taste which I don't think it's true.

Alec is such a handsome guy with creamy skin and he bright blue eyes. I know how many times I've want to drop dead just for him winking at me. Not to talk of him always looking after me. He even most times scold my brother for been harsh to me. I just love everything about him. He's so divine.

".....but it's the truth" he completed his sentence. "Most alphas don't pray to have ahim visit their pack. He is a messanger of death because anywhere his foot steps, they are doomed" Alec explained.

With his looks I know he really believed what he was saying, but I don't care. All I care about his me talking with him.

"Well I think the guy demon is not so great as he is painted. He seems to be just some frustrated old ugly loser of a guy that has no respect for human lives" I said with a grimace.

Alec burst into laughter flashing me his dimples which is one of my weakness. I like it when his dimple deeps in. They makes him look so cute and me falling in love the more. My heart kept pounding at the sight of it.

"Can you please at least because if me don't let this heart stop?" Storm said to me raising her nose in disgust.

"You better shut it" I said to her in my head.

She then pouted looking at me as I almost entered Alec. I know if Alec could possibly see all I imagined him of in my heart, he would be shocked. What have I not compared him with? A Greek god, a Prince, tell me and I would tell you more than you could ever imagined.

"You are so hilarious Jessy" he said smiling.

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