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God of Fear and Hope God of Fear and Hope original

God of Fear and Hope

Author: Master_Yasuke

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue - Accidents and Rebirth

'Where am I...?' a formless male thought as he floated in an endless void. Not long after he felt warmth embrace him, it came to him as a breeze from wind would. "Jaime Rodriguez..." Called a formless but loud voice. It sound like it was both male and female at the same time. "You have my condolences, forgive me for having caused this." The voice apologized as Jaime saw a wall of light form in front of him. He didn't know what it was, but he knew full well that whatever he was looking at was SOMETHING. "I...I don't understand." Jaime slowly said, his voice trembling in fear. The voice mused then slowly showed Jaime what had happened to him.

The wall of light began to shift and turn into a sort of Television screen. The scene played with Jaime walking down the street, though the formless Jaime was confused. It took him a few moments to realize what he was looking at. If he still had eyes they would be widening in shock right about now. The scene continued to play, the nineteen year old Jaime walked down the street reading one of his favorite comic books. It was Unworthy Thor, he was a fan of Marvel comics obviously and paid no mind as to what was going on. Jaime was reading and walking on the sidewalk almost without a care in the world.

Just before he walked off the street, a hand snatched him by the cuff of his shirt, practically saving the young man from being trampled by a truck.

"Ey Ey!" yelled a middle aged man with a concerned and annoyed tone, "Look up will you ese?"

Jaime looked up to see the eyes of his uncle. He gave him a sheepish smile before nodding. "Sorry uncle Joel." Jaime said, earning an exasperated sigh from the man. "I know that just because I bought you the comic doesn't mean that you get to play nerd." He said then placed an arm around his nephew's shoulder. "Come on, your sister should be getting home from school." Jaime and Joel began to walk off, heading down the street once more.

The year was 2122, the sky was cloudy, and the streets of Austin, Texas was not as crowded as it normally would. "What are we gonna eat this time?" Jaime asked before looking over at his uncle. Joel shrugged before looking down the street, he was noticing someone odd walking further away from them. "Order pizza?" Jaime questioned then saw Joel look at him with a smirk. "Order pizza." Joel confirmed.

Just as Joel was about to say something, he turned to get blind sided by a crowbar to his temple. The man's eyes rolled to the back of his head before falling over. Jaime's eyes raised in surprise before catching his uncle in shock. "Uncle Joel!" Exclaimed the young man before looking up to find a hooded man raising his crowbar. Before the man could bring his crowbar down on Jaime's head, the young man kicked the assailant's knee. This earned a grunt and the man buckling down to one knee. Without missing a beat, Jaime pounced on the man. He let out a yell of anguish, his uncle was the only male role model in his life. If his uncle had died, then he was going to give this man hell before he died. Jaime brought a hammer fist down onto the man's jar, making the man's head hit the concrete behind him. Jaime didn't let up, aiming to beat the daylights out of this man. He hit the man again and again, until pried the crowbar out of the man's hand.

He stood over him now and raised the crowbar over his head now. "W-wait!" Cried the hooded man, he had his hands raised upwards in fearful plea. Jaime however didn't listen and brought the crowbar down. The next thing that happened was the sound of three gunshots. Back with the formless Jaime Rodriguez, he was staring at the scene with fear, anger, and hopelessness. The person who had shot him was a police officer who mistook the situation. "I-i....I died?" Jaime stated then watched as the wall of light reformed in front of him once again. "Yes, you died due to the actions of a just recently recruited Isaiah Crews", the voice stated, "He was afraid and knew not of what he should have done. Regardless of choosing to make his presence known to you.. he shot you hoping that what he did was right."

Jaime was just dead silent, it took him a moment to find his voice before finding his voice. "What happened to uncle Joel!?" he exclaimed. "Your uncle lives, fear not." The voice responded much to Jaime's relief. Then came the next most important question. "Why am I here?", he slowly asked, "Is this purgatory?" The voice let out a slight chuckle before enveloping Jamie's formless body in a vapor like tentacle. "No, you are currently in the void between worlds", the voice continued, "It is where those who perished before their time go for me to see them, you are the recently deceased for me to speak to." Jaime felt himself being pulled upwards and towards something. "I am surprised that you have yet to ponder of who I am." The voice stated with curiosity. Jaime wished that he could shrug before responding. "I mean, if you're able to show me how I died with such ease then you're probably God." Jaime said nonchalantly then felt a breeze of what felt like air blow against him. "Quite perceptive for a young adult." The voice sounded impressed then formed a gateway of sorts behind Jaime. The gateway resembled a black hole, though it was hardly trying to suck him in.

"Jaime Rodriguez", God addressed, "I can give onto you a new life, one that will hopefully lead you unto a much better ending. That said, it will not be within this universe....I cannot return your life unto you." Jaime felt sadness fill his formless body. He won't be able to go home, nor would he be able to reincarnate there. "However." God said to gain Jaime's attention once again. "I am able to accomplish any wish that you may have, only one sadly." Jaime gazed at the wall of light that was God and for a moment wanted to know what he or she looked like. That was when he figured that if God didn't want Jaime to actually "see" him, then that means it has something to do with him not being able to take the true form of God without being blown from existence.

God had assumed that Jaime was going to need time to think over his wish, but was surprised by the young man's sudden response. "Could you take care of my family?", Jaime asked, "Me, my uncle and little sister weren't going through good times. If you could, please help them have better lives." God processed that request before responding. "I am capable of doing such a request, though I am surprised that is what you wish for." God said not sounding too surprises. Jaime did his best to try and shrug before responding himself. "I mean, what would he the point in me asking for you to kill someone for me?" Jaime asked.

"You're literally God, if there is a Hell then that guy's going to it before I even ask for you to do that. Plus, by asking you to look after my uncle and little sister, they'll be protected by God." Jaime elaborated to which God wished to know more. "Tell me child, what if I had just lied to you?" God questioned then found Jaime turn towards the black hole. "Well, all I can do is just hope that you're not lying", Jaime said while feeling the black hole started to consume him, "Hope is all I can do now, I can't get mad at the cop for shooting me, he was scared. If I died, then I died, I'm just glad that God themselves are giving me a second chance at life and is willing to grant my wish." Those were the last words that Jaime said before disappearing into the black hole. God was left alone in the void peering at where Jaime's soul was.

"Fare thee well Jaime Rodriguez, you are a shining example for humanity." God said to no one in particular. "You are going to be reincarnated in the body of a very vile and dangerous man. Though, your spirit alone should change what he would have become. I shall bestow upon you a fraction of the Hope that I have always harbored for Man." God said then allowed a blue essence of himself being drawn into the black hold as well.

'It's dark again...' Jaime thought then heard the wails of a woman. When he opened his eyes he found himself somewhere fleshy. With another muffled scream around him, he was being pushed out of a womb. Now outside of a woman's womb, Jaime was being put into a silk like towel. Everything around him looked golden and refined. After a moment, he was handed off to a beautiful blonde headed woman with long braids. She gazed down at Jaime and gave him a warm smile. Her beauty was on full display to the newly born Jaime Rodriguez. "My son.. " The blonde began to say, her voice carrying a soothing tone.

"My firstborn son...Cul." She called to him, though not in the tone that he should have. It was at this moment that he started to recognize her from somewhere. Jaime's blue eyes began to gaze around before landing on a man in armor. He wore horns that pointed downwards before stepping forth. 'Wait a minute...That's Bor!!' Jaime thought. Bor was the King of Asgard before Odin, he was the reason why Odin was such a jerk and probably the reason why all the other Asgardians were assholes. 'Wait if that's Bor...then that's Bestla, I'm half Frost Giant!'

Bor stopped once he was beside his wife and son. He gazed down at his freshly born son, then gave a stern look towards Cul. The Asgardian king looked as if he was disgusted by his son. Jaime didn't know what to expect, he had never heard much of Bor, but he did know that he wasn't that much of a good father. Just as he was about to be afraid, he felt himself become invigorated with some passion. No not passion, Hope, hope that the man before him will change. So with steely eye gaze, he looked up at his new father. To this, Bor felt a proud smile curl onto his lips. "Aye, a Son of Bor you are indeed." He said with a hint of a Scottish Accent.

Bestla smiled down at Cul before the his eyes closed, falling asleep not long after he was born. It wouldn't be long before he opened his eyes once again. Now Jaime or rather Cul was in a crib, one that had another beside it. Cul glanced over and saw another baby that shared his resemblance except he looked more like Bestla than Bor. 'Wait...that's Odin?' Cul thought then heard heavy footsteps approaching their cribs. The moment they stopped, Cul saw the armored king of Asgard, Bor glaring down at him.

"My son", Bor began, "I see a great future for you as the king of Asgard, you are my Firstborn, my heir, my greatest creation. I care little for what your brother will do, I care more for what you will become. I sense great power within you, it is dormant for now, but when it is unleashed? I pray not what will happen to, I pray for who all will have your wrath upon them." As Bor spoke, Cul felt as if his father was different than he normally would be. He didn't know what it was, but it felt as if Bor actually cared to see Cul's growth. "I look forward towards what you will do Cul, I hope that you will not disappoint me." With that said, Bor left the room containing his two sons.

'What an asshole...' Cul thought, 'He didn't even say anything towards Odin, no wonder the guy is a terrible father! But still I can't believe this but i'm a brother of Odin! I'm gonna get old!...Wait no Odin lived a long time so that means I will too.' Cul's thoughts were interrupted by the awakening baby Odin who cooed in his crib. The elder brother looked over at Odin and saw the that the young brother was looking back at him. The baby Odin giggled at him causing Cul to internally smile. Then a thought occurred as he remembered the origins of Cul.

'If I'm Cul....doesn't that mean that we'll become enemies?'

As Cul thought that, he watched as baby Odin tried to reach out to him. Cul contemplated on the future then came to a quick decision for things to come. 'Yeah.....I don't wanna be king.'

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