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Chapter 35: Chapter 35 - The Eve of Conflict

"They refused to be reasoned with, and they venomously denied being the Evilus.", she remarked with a depressed look, "We showed them proof, and they stormed out saying we were framing them. Now that they have been exposed...I'm sure they will attack soon."

"You did what you could to reason with them, that's all you can do.", I told her, "Don't feel like you are responsible for what happens to them. You have given it your best shot, they are the ones that won't listen."

Trying to comfort her, because I knew this was weighing heavily on her, she tried to plead for their lives again.

"You don't have to kill them! I will make sure they don't hurt-", Astraea started to say before I cut her off.

"Goddess Astraea, sending them to Heaven is merely a slap on the wrist to them. You act like it's a punishment, but Heaven is a paradise. Just because the deities are bored of it doesn't change that fact.", I reminded her, "What they are going to do is destroy thousands of lives because of their childish behavior. I understand that the people will reincarnate, but that doesn't excuse their actions. Those people will die cowering in fear because they can't protect themselves."

Hanging her head in defeat, she knew I wasn't going to change my mind either. While I understood this situation was torture for her, I still had a job to do. Those men had to pay the price for killing innocent people, they weren't above being killed by me just because they were deities. Even if it destroyed any chances of me courting Goddesses, I still had to hold them accountable. No amount of women would change my mind...I knew what it was like to lose people you loved, the Gods didn't.

"You really intend to kill all five of them?", Hephaestus questioned.

"Yes, because if they weren't Gods they'd receive the death penalty wouldn't they?", I asked her.

Letting out a sigh, she couldn't argue with that logic. She herself agreed with what I was saying, it just upset her to see Astraea like that. Deciding that it was best for me to leave, I turned to Alice with a serious look.

"Keep your sisters safe, all of you have bounties on your heads...the Evilus want all of you dead.", I warned her, "They will even cause a Juggernaut to spawn if it means they can kill you."

Staring at me, she took my warning seriously. She knew enough about me from Bella and Lily that I was a reliable person that wouldn't lie in a serious situation.

"I understand, we will be extra careful.", she remarked.

"Keep these with you.", I said handing her several High Potion I bought on Earthland, "Use them if things get hairy, you are important to Bella and Lily...that makes you a friend in my book. Make sure you come back alive, drinks are on me after this shitstorm."

Smiling at me, she said that just because they were women didn't mean they were a cheap date. Reminding them that Bella and Lily weren't either, the women laughed at that and bid me a good night. Saying goodbye to Bella and Lily before I left, I walked out the door with a smile on my face. As soon as the door closed behind me, the smile vanished as I looked to a nearby alley. A man standing in the shadows realized he had been seen. Turning to run, he ran right into me.

"What the hell!?", he spat stumbling back, "How did you move so quickly!?"

Grabbing him by the throat, I carried him away from the scene. Taking him to secluded area, I removed his soul and ate it to learn what the plan was. Thanks to my previous interventions, the Evilus were planning a preemptive strike against the powerhouses in the city. A bunch of low level Adventurers were going to do a suicide run on the Familia Houses, and try to take out as many Adventurers as they could. While things were in disorder, the Evilus would launch their primary attack before the other Familias could reorganize.

---Twilight Manor---

Heading to Loki's place first, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Opening the door Ais and Finn were the ones who greeted me.

"Can I help you?", Finn asked almost falling over to see my face.

"Is Loki available? Tell her Mael wants to speak with her, it's about the Evilus.", I said in a low voice.

The drowsy expressions on their face vanished as they let me in. Having me sit in the study, Ais stayed to keep me company. Having only recently joined the Loki Familia, she had become a Level 2 Adventurer only a few weeks ago. Making small talk, I asked her for her name and about her weapon. Answering my questions, she asked me about who I was. Telling her that I was Bella's older brother, I explained that I had only just returned for a trip.

"This is ridiculous!! Can't a beauty like me get some sleep!!", Loki shouted as she came into the room, "Mael ya better have a damn!! You got a lot bigger and shredded to boot!! Come to join my Familia have ya?"

"Actually I am here to warn you about the attack coming tomorrow morning.", I told her, "The Evilus have the major Familias under surveillance, I caught a spy watching the Stardust Garden and one watching Twilight Manor. They intend to use low level Adventurers as suicide bombers, the plan is to attack just before dawn when everyone is asleep to bury you alive."

Her expression immediately soured.

"That sounds like something Thanatos and Erebus would do...", Loki growled, "You are sure it's tomorrow?"

"Yes, the attackers will make their attempt at 5am on the dot. Be ready to move, they intend to breach all four Gates at 5:30am.", I informed her.

"Finn, get everyone ready to go.", Loki told her Captain.

"We are going to trust this guy?", Finn questioned.

"Yes, he was the one that told us about the Man-Made Dungeon, the weapons smuggling, and the stampede they want to cause. I got no reason to distrust him.", she yawned, "Should I warn the others?"

"No, they have people watching the streets. If they think something is up, they will strike sooner.", I warned.

"Got it...", she sighed, "You heard him, get to it...come on Ais, I need yah to be my lap pillow."

"I kindly refuse.", Ais said in a calm tone.

"Ya need to learn to cut loose a little, what's the harm in being a lap pillow?", Loki chuckled with a smirk.

"I am going to Riveria...", Ais remarked leaving the room.

"Wait!! Don't do that!!", Loki shouted chasing after her, "I don't need another lecture!!"

Leaving Finn and I alone, he asked me what I was going to do. Telling him my plan was to protect the innocent people, he gave me an inquisitive look. Saying they would evacuate the civilians, I shook my head with a smile. He was lying to me because he wanted me at Babel to protect the deities and seal over the Dungeon.

"Oh no, you intend to use them as bait for the monsters. You already determined that protecting the Gates would leave Babel with too few defenders.", I chuckled, "Since you have left them for dead, I will protect them myself."

"I am not leaving them for dead...", he refuted.

"You are thinking logically, I can't fault you for that. That said, I can't in good conscious leave them to fend for themselves. There are a lot of families that are going to lose their lives if I don't help.", I told him.

"You can't be serious, fighting a horde that size yourself is suicide!! No Adventurer in Orario could fight that horde alone!!", he shouted, "You are going to throw your life away for a bunch of civilians?!"

"Who said I would die? Why couldn't I face a horde of monsters alone?", I said walking towards the door, "I didn't decide that, I can guarantee you they won't breach the Gates."

Calling me an insane idiot, he said there was no way that was possible. Chuckling as I left the manor, I told him to just watch me do the impossible.


Heading to see Freya next, I knocked on her door and Ottar answered. Even though I towered over him, he looked me in the eyes ready to die for Freya. I understood this man saw Freya as his mother so I couldn't fault him for that, it was just unfortunate that his loyalty blinded him to the crimes she herself committed.

"Can I help you?", he asked.

"I am here to see Freya, its about the Evilus.", I stated.

Before he could respond, I heard Freya tell him to let me in. Opening the door so I could enter, I stepped into the dark, moonlit room. Seeing Freya in a silken nightgown, she motioned for me to take a seat.

"It's nice to formally meet you.", Freya said stretching her hand out.

"Likewise.", I replied as I shook her hand.

Seeing her try to use Charm on me, I just gave her a playful smile and said she needed wait a few years before trying that on me. I had no interest in courting anyone at the moment because that wasn't the priority right now.

"I see you are immune.", Freya laughed with a smile, "It's the first time someone hasn't fallen for it. Am I not beautiful enough?"

"Looks has nothing to do about it, I happen to know what you are capable of if you try. While you and I may butt heads in the future, right now we are allies.", I remarked, "I came here to warn you that your Familia home is under surveillance and is going to be targeted tomorrow morning."

Giving her the finer details, she nodded her head. Saying she would send Ottar to do it, I shook my head.

"Why not have Allen do it, he's just standing by the fireplace after all.", I chuckled.

Seeing her smile grow, she immediately told Allen to warn the others. Acknowledging her order, Allen left a bit shaken he had been found so easily.

"Is that all?", she asked.

"No, I actually wanted to ask you for a favor.", I stated.

"A favor? What sort of favor?", she inquired.

"Finn intends to use the civilians as bait, and I will protect them so they can flee to Babel for safety. My request is that you have a few of your people ensure the orphanage gets evacuated safely. When the fighting starts, I am afraid the children will be trampled under foot with no parental protection.", I told her honestly.

"Not to be rude, but why should I care?", she giggled.

"I know you are using your Arcanum to view the souls of mortals, and picking the brightest souls to join your Familia. Not only that, you also have body doubles you use...specifically the Orphanage Caretaker and Syr Flova at the Hostess of Fertility.", I chuckled.

Suddenly the air in the room got cold as Ottar reached for his sword.

"Are you blackmailing my Goddess..?", he growled letting out his Killing Intent.

"No, but you should realize that if you pull that sword out you won't see the sunrise tomorrow.", I warned him as a wall of Killing Intent hit him coming from me, "I don't take threats lightly."

Standing firm, I could tell he was only still standing because he didn't fear death if it was for protecting her.

"Stand down Ottar.", Freya said, "So then, if you know my secret why tell me?"

"Even though you have an addiction to collecting people, I know you also care deeply for the orphans. Not many Gods ever visit the orphanage, yet you go out of your way to give them joy when you can.", I stated with a soft smile, "I believe that's why Ottar and so many other people stick by you so adamantly. While you may be a bit crazy in some ways, I can respect the kindness that you keep hidden away."

Seeing her face soften, I saw her genuine free of ulterior motives or scheming. If she smiled more often like that, I wouldn't mind the craziness she had.

"Very well, I can do that. What do I get in return?", she asked.

"What would you like?", I inquired.

"I want to know about aren't a normal mortal, in fact I doubt you are mortal.", she stated.

'I knew she'd request that.', I thought, "Fair enough, you help me and I will give you the answer you seek. For now, suffice to say I am not an ordinary person."

Leaving it at that, I bid her a goodnight and said I would see her tomorrow morning.

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