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Chapter 11: Hello

The night of the wolf's mating ball had finally arrived. All three girls were awake bright and early by Sister Rhian. She had insisted that she would be the one to take charge of their hair and make-up. The order had also hired professional stylists to make sure the girls were absolutely flawless. It had been years since the order was allowed to show off the perfection of their students, and they would make sure to remind every wolf that night how powerful even their young initiates were.

Celest and Calixta were truly excited to get out and finally enjoy the long-awaited night, but there was still the black cloud of what had happened to Aella, and the feeling that everything would change for them after this night. The storm that had been plaguing the city for days had finally ended, and it was promising to be a beautiful night.

"They revealed that the dance will be outside this year," Rhian said as the stylist pulled Aella's hair into an intricately braided side ponytail that would cover the one side of her neck that her mark laid hidden beneath a layer of foundation.

"That sounds nice," she responded with little enthusiasm. Aella knew she should be either excited about possibly dancing with Lucus under the stars, afraid of what being around large groups of wolves would mean for her, or humiliated that she would have to face Jarek knowing he knew very little of her, other than she may be insane. But she found it hard to feel much of anything lately. Everything around her felt dull or muted. She no longer felt compelled to paint, none of the colors seemed to come to life on the canvas anymore. Rhian briefly looked at Aella with pity, but it went unnoticed. Aella's only concern was looking perfect and not disgracing the Order as she had in the past.

"Sister Rhian!" Mixie came bursting into the room, full of excitement. "The dresses are here!"

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Rhian clapped her hands together and stood up. "I can't wait to get you three all dressed up!" Rhian took Mixie's hand and allowed her to lead her to the dresses.

"Finally!" Celest sang as she spun in a circle. "We are going to be the envy of the dance! And once all this is done we will take our vows and the world will be open to us!"

"Miss please sit still! We still have to do your make-up!" One of the stylists begged. Celest gave a girlish giggle and took her seat, "Sorry I just got a little worked up. Please work your magic."

Calixta sat on her bed as she watched the other two receive the finishing touches. Her hair and make-up were the first to be done for the stylist felt there was not much they needed to do for Calixta. Calixta asked for a more simple look either way. She did not want a bold lip, but a simple pink balm. She was fine with a light shade of blue eyeshadow and eyeliner, and her hair needed only a simple braid. Even with the simplistic look, she was stunning.

Once the stylists were finally satisfied with the girl's appearance, they allowed Rhian to bring in the dresses. Aella was so dazed she had not realized that preparing for the one masquerade had taken hours, the sun was already beginning to set. Two girls, of which Aella did not catch the name of, helped her fit into her new green dress and they cinched the corset as tight as they could. Aella did not gain much weight from the last fitting, she had a severe lack of appetite and only ate when ordered to. The large gown almost dwarfed the poor girl.

Aella was gifted a pair of green sapphire earrings that completed her look. She turned her head this way and that as she studied her reflection. She wondered if there were any features of hers that resembled her mother. From all the stories she had heard, she looked nothing like her mom so she most likely took after the man that defiled her. Aella quickly looked away, no longer able to look herself in the eye.

"Vetra would be so proud," Rhian whispered almost as if she could read Aella's mind. "You have her little nose." This little fact made Aella smile as she resisted the need to touch her nose.

The door then opened and Greta took in all three of her charges. She smiled pridefully, finally the anger she had been holding onto the last few days was subsiding. "You three look magnificent! I don't need to remind you how important this night is. This ball may be for the wolves, but it will be your night. You will remind everyone what kind of powerful women the Order produces. So don't disappoint us." She stared deeply into each of their eyes but stayed on Aella for a minute longer than the rest. Aella would not break contact as she nodded her head silently. She understood how much weight was on her shoulders tonight.

"Now, the carriage is here. It will take you to the Winter Palace. Listen to everything Rhian tells you. If you can avoid any of those savages I suggest you do," Greta instructed. The girls nodded their heads and made way for the door.

"Oh, Calixta I need you to stay behind."

Calixta turned around, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Don't worry there will be another ride for you, I just wanted to go over something with you. Celest and Aella you go on ahead."

Celest gave Calixta a reassuring pat on her arm, "I'll save some cake for you, don't worry."

Aella locked eyes with Calixta and mouthed goodbye, as the door slowly shut, blocking her view of her friend.

"Look at all the lights," Celest marveled as their path became lit with all kinds of floating lights. It gave the illusion of fireflies guiding them through the night. The Winter Palace was isolated from the rest of the city, allowing the King to have privacy when he came for a visit.

"I wonder what spell keeps them floating like that," Aella wondered out loud.

"Maybe it's something we can learn when we take our vows," Celest winked. "I do hope Greta doesn't keep Calixta too long, she is going die when she sees all this. It does fit all the fairytale books she loves so much."

"Greta knows how important this night is, I'm sure Calixta is on her way now." Aella looked out the window as their carriage came to stop. They were at the entrance of the Palace, and the footman gently assisted Celest, Aella, and Rhian out of the coach. "Fallow the Orbs," He instructed as he pointed to a wooden path that had more lights dancing in the air. Aella and Celest did as he said and followed the lit pathway. As they walked Aella could hear the faint playing of an orchestra and slowly a variety of smells wafted her way.

"This is interesting," Rhian mused. "I have been to several of these and it already feels like the wolves have put a lot more care into this year's party. This is surely the first year it's been outside."

"I do believe there was a rumor going around at Aella's party that the Alpha claims he will find his mate this year. I wonder if that has anything to do with it," Celest suggested.

Aella looked ahead and she could already see more dancing orbs, some were glowing with different colors, it truly did add a magical air to the scenery, "Whoever she is, he must really like her."

Celest gasped as they finally approached the rest of the guests. None of them knew what they expected but they did not imagine anything close to the breathtaking vision that awaited them. The area was surrounded by trees and flowers, some of the flowers illuminated a soft glow. There were round tables that all had vases full of tulips. To the side was a long table with an assortment of foods and desserts. There was a little fountain that produced chocolate instead of water, with a tray of strawberries resting next to it. In the center of all this was a circular stone stage for dancing. There were already dancers making use of it, their beautiful colorful gowns swaying hypnotically, as the dancers glided harmoniously with one another. Even the moon played her part as she shone brightly above them all.

"Wow," Celest said breathlessly.

"Come on ladies, it is time to make your debut," Rhiana whispered as she gently pushed Celest and Aella forward. Celest reached for Aella's hand and gave it a quick squeeze before leading the way. There were so many wolves, some had been claimed but many were mateless. Not all wolves were from Daimos, many of them were from different parts of Autheria that never had the chance to find someone in their small towns that they wished to mate with. This was more of an opportunity for them.

Of course, there were the usual socialites who come just to have an excuse to drink and dance the night away, or to spy on the foreigners. Aella could already hear Penelope's nasally laugh offend her ears. Aella followed the sounds of peeling laughter to see where Penelope and her Possee were holding court, demanding all of Lucus' attention. Aella smiled silently to herself, he looked so handsome in his green lapel overcoat that matched her dress perfectly. Underneath the jacket, he had another green vest that covered a white undershirt that had ruffles decorating the collar. The whole piece was tied together with a black tie and matching mask It was rare to see her peers wearing dark colors, but it helped contrast his brilliant blond hair making it shine brighter.

Celest took notice of the group and she lifted her head high as she looped her arm through Aella's. "Come on, let's go get your man," she demanded.

"He isn't really my-" Aella started but Celest ignored her and began pulling her closer to the cluster of girls.

Lucus' eyes sparked with life when they fell upon Aella. His smile nearly took up his whole face as he pushed the girls out of his way. "Celest and Aella, you both look stunning," even though it was directed to the two of them, he never looked away from Aella. Celest rolled her eyes but smiled at the pair. "You two play nice, I'm going to scavage the dessert table," She said, leaving before anyone could stop her.

"I have to say, green does look good on you," Said Aella, averting her eyes to the ground.

"I hope you don't mind, but I chose it because you always wear green, I was kind of hoping we would match."

"That was a bold choice. I have to say, I think it suits you better than me."

"I don't know about that," he said as he gently touched a strand of her red hair. He stopped as he realized what he was doing. "Forgive me. I know you just arrived but I was hoping to have the next dance with you..."

Aella held out her hand for him to take as she dipped into a low graceful curtsy, "It would be a pleasure."

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine," he said as he led her to the stone dance floor. The next song had just begun and Lucus swept Aella effortlessly into place. She was not sure why she was so worried about her dancing, Lucus was so light on his feet he easily lead her in time with the music. he spun them around as they artfully meshed with the other dancers. They fell into place so effortlessly that it was as if they completed an intricate puzzle. "Goddess you look beautiful," he whispered. Aella looked down, she was not used to the admiration, that was usually reserved for Calixta.

"You are very kind," she demurred. He lifted her hand above her head and twirled her around before pulling her gently back into his arms. She accidentally stepped on his foot, but he recovered so fast, that it was as if he never noticed.

"I'm sorry, I really am terrible at dancing."

He laughed as they circulated around another couple, "It's fine, I wore thick shoes." He lifted her above him and a little gasp escaped her. The wind began to pick up around them as her stomach did little flips.

"You know, there have been whisperings of the possibility of another Union between the Whitelocks and the Order."

She blinked her blue eyes a little confused by what he meant.

"I mean, perhaps you may rethink taking your vows?" He elaborated. "You do still have a few more days, you could always hold it off another year, if you aren't sure."

"My mother was a part of the sisterhood. She chose it over marriage..."

"She did that during a time of war. They needed more sorceresses, that was why she broke it off. That is what my father told me anyways."

This gave Aella pause, "She did?"

"Yes, she and my father fought alongside each other on the battlefield. He said she was a sight to behold. What I am saying is, that your mother made her choice out of duty that was necessary for our people. We are not under the same circumstances, perhaps, she would like you to choose what makes you happy?"

"I... I don't know. It is something to think on..."

"I am not trying to change your mind, only to make sure it is what you want. I wouldn't be opposed to perhaps getting to know you better."

Aella was about to answer when the song ended. She looked around as dancers began leaving the floor. Lucus lead her back to where they originally met. "You don't need to answer now, just promise you will think on it?"

She nodded, "I promise." He kissed the back of her hand and took his leave as someone called for his attention. Aella silently walked to the food table. Normally she would fill up a plate of almost everything there, but she had no appetite. So she picked a couple of strawberries and made use of the fountain.

A familiar red-headed wolf stood next to her as he helped himself to the cheesecake. "Well, it appears we meet again," he said trying to sound nonchalant. But Aella could see his eyes were clouded with hidden thoughts. "I was wondering, I didn't see your other friend with you, is she ok?"

"She hasn't come in yet?" she asked as she surveyed the guests. She still could not see Calixta. "I guess, whatever Greta needed, is taking longer than she thought. I hope they didn't get lost on the way..."

Rowan nodded, but he did not seem reassured. "So you and the Whitelock boy, no offense but I don't see it."

She rolled her eyes, "No offense to you, but I don't see how that is any of your business."

"Sure," he replied not offering an apology. She huffed but ignored it.

Just then all the music ceased and everyone's attention turned as King Bastion was introduced. King Bastion walked with his head held high, his graying beard complemented his salt and pepper hair. He wore a blue suit with white pants. A golden cape stopped just before hitting the ground to keep it from getting dirty. He made way to a simple throne that was set just for him. Everyone, except for the visiting wolves, bowed in fealty. He said nothing as he took his seat, he let the silent moment last for another minute before waving his hand for the orchestra to continue.

"Your king doesn't say much," Rowan whispered, leaning in close for her to hear.

"I have heard your Alpha isn't much of a talker either."

Rowan shrugged, "He speaks when he deems it necessary. Oh, I like this song." He smiled and offered his hand. "I know wolves aren't your favorite, but how about one dance?"

"NO offense, but you aren't really my type."

A look of shock and something she could not decipher flashed in his eyes. He tried to hold back a laugh but failed. Aella had been so good at keeping her temper since receiving the bracelet but she could not help the small breeze that responded to her annoyance with the rude wolf, messing up his once nearly combed hair. He laughed a little more but then cleared his throat, as he fixed his hair back into place. "Forgive me, but I am already taken. I promise this is purely platonic."

She eyed his hand and thought for a moment, "Fine, what is one dance?" She took his hand and he lead her to the dance floor. Poor Rowan was not as graceful on his feet. His timing was just good enough to keep them from bumping into other dancers. She knew she was not helping much as she stepped on his foot a couple of times.

"Sorry," she sighed.

"It's fine," he squeaked as he held in a shout. He lead her to the middle of the dance floor. She noticed that this time the dancers were all wolves. She wondered if they were all from Daimos. She looked around suspicious as everyone seemed to give them space as if this were planned beforehand. "Rowan?" She whispered, "What is going on?"

"What?" He asked with false confusion. Then the music stopped and Rowan came to a halt. "This is where I take my leave."

"What?!" she asked as she looked around frantically. Was this some kind of joke? Why lead her to the middle of the dance floor just to leave in the middle of a song?! She looked at each guest as if someone would give her some kind of answer to what was going on, but to her surprise, they all said nothing as they dipped into a deep bow, just as the Autherian's had done for their king.

A dark shadow loomed over her, as heavy footsteps sounded from behind. She felt a strong presence staring at her. Her words caught in her throat, she almost feared to turn and face whoever was waiting on her. It felt almost as if everything that night was building up to one moment and she was in the center of it all.

The voice that resounded with dominance and authority, set her whole body on fire. She knew this voice. It was the one she heard in her dreams, her nightmares, her fantasies, and in her head. But she knew that what she would hear in her mind was nothing more than a dull echo of what HE truly sounded like. He said only two words. Two words that cleared her of any doubt she ever had that he may exist. Two words that would be seared into memory till the day she died.

"Hello, Ariel."

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