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Chapter 2: The Rise And Fall Of A Thunderer

The material multiverse plane of DC cosmology is considered big and wide to even the most powerful beings. And in the eyes of mortals, pretty much infinite. It is filled up with different layering and overlapping dimensions, relating to three major aspect of the multiverse namely Science, Magic And the Cosmic. Ranging upwards towards the high spiritual Heavens to the tumultuous Hell below. From the Phantom Zone to even the realm of concentrated energy known to most as 'The Speed Force'

There are also various cultures with their deities that dominate an aspect of the universe ranging from the Old Gods. Such as the Greeks with their Olympians and their Olympus, and the Norse with their Asgardians and their Asgard. There are also the New Gods of two opposing ideologies. The God that governs the Order and is considered an extension of the will of the source the 'High Father' and his brother. The God who holds dominion over Destruction 'Darkseid' ruler of Apocalypse.

Each of this conceptual beings dictate the universe with their interpretations of the What Was?…What Is?… and Will Be?

But even then there is a planet. One that in one way or the other seems to possess the greatest mysteries in the universe. The tiny blue pearl, located at the milky way galaxy with its solar system in possession of one yellow star and one natural satellite, the insignificant but glorious planet Earth. Humble in the sense that in comparison to the whole universe it might as well be less than a drop of water. Its position of top dog is held by species called Humans who in general are not special in the grand scale of things. An average human does not possess any exceptional physical characteristics, they possess zero special strength, and no exceptional fields on study. They are rated overall to not possess any meta-physical capacity in comparison to the other universe. They are regarded by all to be a low class planet.

And for that they are mighty.

Humanity say what you want about them, but they are a very tenacious race. They possess the capacity to have what it takes to succeed, even when they are pushed down, beaten down, even in the face of discouragement, pain and hardship their mind-set is one of a kind. Where humanity are slow they have machineries to push them forward, physical weakness and they have guns, armories, scientific biological breakthrough to forge ahead, they are even considered to hold the fore font knowledge in the mystic arts.

Humanity, truly a unique race for they are the ones who do find their limitation as not limits, but motivation that they can do more. It is of no wonder they are considered by the Source as the starting point of the 5th world,

The Writer.


Milky Way Galaxy

Earth (PRIME)

Year -2009

Earth has been described as many things by all sort of extraterrestrial species that had any form of interaction with the planet. But among all others they are known for one thing alone and that is their Heroes, the Earth has been recognized as a planet that possess the most density of Heroes. The concept of a Hero is nothing more than ideology and it has been defined in various ways by different people. Throughout Earth's history at every time and age. They have experienced all forms Heroes all at certain times of crises but, the first group of publicly recognized Heroes came during the second world war, in which at that time, the era of terror was sky high. Innocent people were dragged into the front lines and served as collateral in wars they wanted no hand in, it seemed like the world was about to enter a stage similar to the dark ages. It was at that time remarkable people came together for one purpose; to stop the war and end it's senseless destruction 'the Justice Society of America' which at that time comprised of Hour Man, Black Canary, the first Flash, Wonder Woman, Doctor Fate, Wild Cat and the first Green Lantern. All coming from different walks of life together to save lives lost in the war. Their stories inspired others to take on the mantle for the protection of earth. Today we have the all new Justice League comprising of hundreds of heroes, the Teen Titans, the Young Justice, Doom Patrol, even vigilante groups the Outlaws, the Outsiders. Each circle with their own meaning what it is to be a hero. But all with the same common goal 'the protection of Earth and Humanity' leading heroes such Superman, Batman, Wonder-woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern and Cyborg are all prime examples of model heroes.

But we are not here to look at those guys. The hero group in focus is one not as famous as the founding members of the Justice league. They do not have the style of the teen Titans, nor are they as resourceful as most other heroic teams. But still they stood out among many others as one of the iconic heroic team that stands for what is good ' the Marvel Family' protectors of Faccet city. A group of Supermen and Women who have faced their own share of villains notably Mr Mind, Doctor Sivanna, and Black Adam. they even have their own villain group counterpart the Monster Society Of Evil. And even then against all odds, they all still prevailed. but just like all heroic groups they have also faced all sort of failures, it comes with the job...but this failure…this one particular failure, spelled the end for the chivalrous group.


Faccet, an idyllic city located at the American mid-west is known to tourist for its various qualities and most regarded was its similarity to the city of tomorrow 'Metropolis'. High rising buildings that littered across the city, a picturesque Central Park and most of all not a day goes by will you not see the symbol of thunder flying overhead. If Superman is regarded as the Man of Steel by the city of Metropolis, then this hero is regarded as Captain Marvel, the Earth Mightiest Mortal, defender of Faccet city. But unlike Superman this hero doesn't do it alone. The city was introduced to an entire family of thunderers going by the name 'Marvel Family' with two of its members among the big names 'Miss Marvel' and 'Marvel JR'

As a result of this. The city experienced an all low crime rate as a result of its heavenly protectors. But like all good things must come to an end, disaster struck against the heroes in such a way they could have never recover from.

Today makes it a two whole months since Faccet city had last seen it's caped protectors since their first public debut two years ago. The city was of vary opinions, as some thought them to be on an off world mission, others considered them facing some sort of Villain trouble preventing them from going public, the few pessimistic others thought of them dead. Even though the city was of differing opinions, the one thing clear about the situation, and that is Faccet city is without it's heroes. Giving small time crooks, muggers and all other society nuisances the opportunity to crawl of their holes to strike fears again towards the heart of their city, and leading most to pray and hope for the return of their caped protectors.


The central district of Faccet city is always said to be hectic during the morning time of the day. It is at this period time the district is said to be bustling and fast paced. One can see around the area buzzing with various people from all walks of life. Around road walks there are always someone in a need to go somewhere. People setting up shops, students going in ones, twos, fours, or more traveling either by walking, waiting for their school buses or some in a hurry to the train station with their destination in a much more farther place like in another town to their various educational institutions. But even then the expression of their faces shows that they all have one thing in common. and that is their sense of Purpose. But in the midst of such a conurbation one youthful individual went along with the crowd with no destination in mind. Dressed haggardly in a worn out blue pants, red hooded sweatshirt and a dark brown jacket that has seen better days, the individual wandered aimlessly among the buzzing crowd, reaching the zebra road intersession towards the central park. Where as a result of not paying attention, he mistakenly bumped into an older individual almost pushing him into the road occupied with cars that were passing by at the moment.

"Hey watch it kid!" the shocked angry man turned to look at the kid. Looking towards the said kid who didn't seem to realize his mistake as he tried to keep moving on, the boy's action incensed the older man even more as he grabbed the kid's cloth by the collar pulling him towards him.

"Kid look me in the eye when am talking to ya. Kids this days. Don't you have any manners!.." the mounting tirade of the man was cut off when he took notice of the appearance of the individual. A curled rustled hair that looks more brown than it's supposed black, blue eyes with a face that alternated within the age of fourteen and fifteen years old. What gave a pause to the man was the kid's expression. His eyes, looked at him listlessly as it shown only negative emotions, ranging from pain, regret, self-loath and resignation. The man looked at him shocked and to be honest quite spooked by the expression the kid showed, so not knowing on how to deal with such an expression. He just removed his hand from the kid collar and tucked his hands into his own jacket.

"you know what kid, just go. The next time you do something like this, apologize immediately. After all the next person might not be as understanding as me" he chastised in a gruff but not unkind tone, the road terminal signaled the road was free. As the man left and walked away, he couldn't stop thinking about the boy's face as he sighed to himself.

"Just what is this world coming to if a kid could have such an expression. The one time I saw something like on a kid's face was that time I went to Gotham. Well what can one man do. This is the world of Heroes… senseless destruction, broken homes and too many lives lost, we've seen that too much nowadays. All because the game of catch between those so called Heroes and Villains" as he turned back to look at the kid. He couldn't help but mutter to himself "God help us all kid. God... Help us all…".

The boy looked back towards the old man apparently he heard what the man said but that only seem to intensify the pain in the boys eyes, the boy or rather Billy Batson could only mutter a tiny word "sorry" as he pulled on his hoodies hiding his face and vanished into the crowd.


The life of Billy Batson had not always been an easy one. Born as an unwanted child Billy Batson was abandoned by his parents to an orphanage straightly declaring him an orphan. At first he couldn't fit into the all homes that adopted him, as he was always the runaway child, he had always believed that his parents were alive hoping to find them and to ask them just one question. Why? But like always, he would be caught by the Local Cops or Public Officials. It was to the point those who knew him named him 'Rebellious Batson' a child with no sense of responsibility. After that he would always then be returned straight back to the orphanage home because his assigned foster parents could not cater for such an unruly behavior. This situation continued until he was adopted by the childless couple George and Amanda Goodman, a married couple who had already adopted other kids. He would have continued the precedent of running away, if he hadn't hit it off with one of other adopted kid. The disabled Freedy Freeman. Together, they tried looking for clues concerning Billy's blood parents, until a particular point reached Freedy also gave up and instead tried to make Billy let go in order to enjoy the other factors of life. While Billy ultimately never gave up, he eventually mellowed his obsession somewhat... the one thing that never changed even after all that time he spent at the Goodman's was his relationship with the other family members especially the siblings. As it wasn't that different from the first time when he came.

Though throughout his short life, if there was one character that Billy Batson ever claimed to have pride in was his sense of Justice. Living in a world filled with impossibilities straight out of a comic book. Billy Batson had always looked up to the heroes with his role model being Superman. As a result he wouldn't stand by when other kids where bullied in school as he was always one to fight the bullies. All in all he was a just a kid, a stubborn one, but one whose heart was in the right place.

The turning point of his life was during one of his 'Heroic Escapades' the vengeful bullies numbered six didn't take it kindly to one of his shticks. So, they chased him around town to the point he needed to use the train to escape, leading him to meet the Wizard. Till this day he could still remember the discussion he had with the Wizard especially that one particular question

"A hero is one who must be of a pure heart" the Wizard Shazam stated solemnly "and that was what I believed and was proven wrong, so... you young man tell me. what do you believe is the one thing that a hero must possess" he asked.

"I am not a philosopher that I can safely answer that question... But a pure heart could mean either good or bad so having too much of either one makes you lose sight of the original goal" he replied "well for me, I believe that it's doing what you believe is the right thing and keeping your heart in the right place, never losing sight of your goal"

Billy didn't know what the Wizard saw in him; may be it was that once in a while passion he sometimes exhibited. It could be have been his eyes that one old caretaker once told him show a certain sparkle whenever he shows sincerity in his words. It might had been that his reply and philosophy was different from his first champion Teth-Adam. But regardless, on that day Billy was granted with the power of Shazam, A power and title given to the Defender of Magic. Bestowing upon him special abilities as a result of his connection to six Gods and making him the Wizard's champion.


Presently, Billy sighed as he made his way into the city park, walking on he spotted one of the empty park benches, he walked over and collapsed tired as he tried to recall what went wrong. During his adventures as a solo Hero he went against all forms of foes, fought incredible people, even met members of the Justice League. But it was during one of his battles with Doctor Sivanna that taught him the importance and significance of what it truly means to have a family, during that particular arc, his adopted siblings were placed in danger with seemly no choice and of the knowledge that he could not do it alone. He shared his powers with his family, but at present he could not help but think.

'Was I wrong when I did that? Should I really have brought them towards my world? If-if... well it's too late for regrets' even as he kept on reminiscing those days. The words of the Wizard during the aftermath of that fiasco still stuck to his mind till this day like a haunting ghost

"Shazam… family can be Shazam's greatest strength…but it can also be its greatest weakness" the Wizard warned him.

At that time Billly took his words for granted, after all every Villain they fought defeated, the bound of their family unbreakable, and the team had the capacity to go toe to toe with most of the other groups, even those on the big leagues acknowledge them and so he like all others immature superheroes fell into the same trap that destroyed most of them 'Hubris'. The pride in the strength they had turned into arrogance at the things they could achieve and when it all came crashing down... it was just too late.


It was around two months ago when all this started. After a good prolonged victory against Mr Mind, King Knull and Captain Nazi in another plot for world domination through the use of mind hypnosis rays made by Mr Mind. They were all high with victory not knowing that it was an all elaborate plot by Black Adam as he had found a back door leading to the Rock of Eternity. It was during their return flight home when it all began. The team was in good spirits as there was cheer in the air.

"Woo-hoo team Marvel wins again. We're just that awesome" Freedy howled out to the night sky.

"Freddy its ok, we've heard that for like one thousand times now" Mary chided him.

Freedy responded by blowing a raspberry at her "oh Mary, Mary don't be such a spoil sport. After all, we all just won that grueling fight with the worm. And also don't call me Freddy, call me King Marvel. All am just saying is that as 'the Marvels' we are the best team ever"

Eugene Choi the elctro-master of the group cut in a quite annoyed tone "yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Let's all just hurry up home now. Cause while I don't know about you guys, I don't wanna be late again for school tomorrow. Miss Anderson has been getting on my case since the past two weeks" he said as he yawned, but then as he performed that action he became quite alarmed.

"Um guys..." he motioned his friends " I'm feeling strange here. Why am I feeling tired?... like am I supposed to feel tired"

Pedro the Marvel member with the beard replied "what are you talking about of course we're not supposed to feel ti…yahnnnn" he followed in the yawning and also paused "ok now am freaking guys what's going on!"

It wasn't only those two even the rest of the family complained of tiredness... well all except Billy.

"What's going on? While you guys are not supposed to receive my full powers but only one portion. The rest of the other characteristics of my powers should still be there lightly. You sure you guys aren't pulling my legs… Freedy~ did you set this up?" he asked.

The said individual looked at him incredulously "Are you serious Billy! I mean look at my face" Freedy motioned "you see this is my freaked out face and I don't know about you guys but I feel like my powers are waning or something"


"Me too Billy what's going on?" Darla questioned.

Billy paused in the air as he looked over his family as he could not help but think 'now that's worrying even Darla too and she doesn't even know how to tell a lie' he paused before calling everyone's attention " okay, okay everybody calm down. Lets land on that roof and then sort this whole thing out I don't want any thing to happen while we are on air right now"


If there was one thing I would love to do, is that, if I was given a chance to go back in time. I would want to box out that particular time Billy's teeth out, after all it was that inmature decision that lead me into teleporting them to the rock of eternity, never knowing that soon, my whole world will come crashing upside down.

The Rock of Eternity' a Nexus located just outside of the texture of reality and outside the flow of time. It was said to be the physical proof of the Gods covenant of magic with man. At that time when the Gods introduced magic to earth, the Rock of Eternity was designed to be its focal point. Before the creation of the Wizard's champion, there was the need of a gate keeper. The Gods looking for a candidate choose the shepherd 'Mamaragan' or his fellow humans once called him 'Jebediah of Canaan' as it's protector, granting him the power of seven Divine beings 'Marsosh', 'Arel', 'Ribalvei', 'Voldar','Elbiam', 'Lumiun' each granting him the Divine Blessings of Stamina, Speed, Power, Strength, Courage and Wisdom making him into what was known as the God of Shazam. Twice he had chosen two Champions of Magic, the first was Teth-Adam, someone who at that time he saw as a devoted man fighting for his people against the tyranny of his Pharaoh only to become a tyrant himself and Billy Batson a child who's take on what it means to be a hero intrigued him but this time, unlike the first, the young boy had not proven him wrong. While the Rock of Eternity also served as a focal point of magic for the Earth, It was also the lair of the Marvel family. It had the appearance of what looks like that of a wide natural crypt with three rooms. The first room of Forbidden doors were filled mostly with just plain doors but each of the said doors were connections to multiple realities, the room of Shazam council a simple wide room each filled with stone chairs in an arc shape, Freedy actually gave it a name 'the round table of Shazams'. And finally the throne room of the Wizard, directly connected to the Rock of Eternity, this particular room was filled with up with two adjacent gigantic pillars numbering twelve with no cave ceiling but dark expanse serving as its covering.

The very moment we had teleported, I should have noticed that something was different; the magical presence that filled the lair was different from the Wizard's, It felt rather tainted in a way. But at that time I was just too concerned with the situation that happened to my siblings to have noticed, at this point all the others lost had each of their special powers and only remained in their adult forms, obviously we were all very nervous, and as we arrived at the Wizard's throne room I rushed in ahead calling the attention of wizard.

"Wizard!-Wizard!" I called out "I hope you know what's going on, course we are facing some sort of major crisis here… need help any time now Wi-" before I could continue my breath hitched as I gaze on the figure seated on the throne. The man who sat on that throne was definitely no Wizard, he was a tall muscled man with brown skin, his hair seemly bald on both sides, his ears were straight and his face having a sharp feature, but the most prominent on the person was the dark suite similar to my own with the symbol of lightning on his chest, the figure looked towards us as his face twisted into a mocking sneer.

We all gasped as saw the familiar looking individual looking unto us, as I helped saying what was on all our minds at the moment "you! How are you here? You are not supposed to be here… Black Adam"

"Yes it is I Black Adam, Captain Marvel or shall I say" he continued leaning his face over from the throne seat filled in mockery "Billy Batson"

"No-no-no what the hell is going on? Why the hell is Black Adam here and how the bloody hell does he know Bil-..I mean Captain Marvel's true identity" Freedy couldn't help but cry.

"Of course I would know child, you wouldn't understand now seeing now that you have lost the blessing given to you by Billy Batson" he said towards Freedy.

A chill crawled up from my spine as I began to piece it all together "you bastard" I couldn't help but say heatedly "what did you do to the Wizard"

My observation sparked my group as they also made the same observation "Yeah, yeah where is he? What did you do to him" Darla shouted towards the man on the throne.

This question was repeated many times by my other siblings, it was then Black Adam slowly lowered his head with his shoulders quivering as he soon busted out in maniacal laughter"..E-HE-HE-HE-HAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA" his outburst silenced all our buzzing questions, as it was the only sound that carried on into the unending expanse.

"Billy Batson, boy as one who possess the wisdom of Solomon. You of all people should know the system behind the Rock of Eternity, so help me explain to this peasants using that wisdom of yours what has already transpired" he looked towards me, at that I could not help but shake in rage as it dawned on me the implications of what has happened, looking solemnly towards my team members I could do nothing more but tell them the entire truth.

"Ok guys, I need all of you to be calm and listen attentively to what am about to say. The Rock of Eternity is more than a focal point to the realm of Gods. But even so it must always have a watcher; someone who watches the Rock and regulates it's use of Divine and Demonic magic in the world… and there are two ways to claim ownership as the Keeper of the Rock; first he must be passed title from the original watcher and the other… by Killing the original watcher" at this the others gasped as they arrived at the same conclusion as I.

Pedro could not help but quiver out shaking his beard, it would have appeared funny if it wasn't of the situation at hand "and so you mean..." the sound of lightning and thunder blared out as Black Adam decided it was time to cut in.

"Yes I did it, blasted him to ashes with my own hands, if he would not give me the power I needed, I just had to pry it out of his cold, dead corpse" he said raising his hands in a sign of regality, as he continued "and now I have total connection to the realm of the Gods. I am capable of achieving Ultimate Power!"

"You would do no such thing If I had to any say about that" I retorted, he looked at me quietly giving a derogatory snort, and then slowly stood up, and that was when it happened. His suite began to change as lines of gold appeared along every corner of his suit. As where he and I once shared similarities in suite, his appearance changed, or rather metamorphosed. What was once a skin tight suit became more like a light armor It looked like It was made of gold and a strange kind of dark metal, making it very sleek and form fitting, and where we both beared the symbol of lightning, his changed to the symbol of a falcon head and a sun-disk both curlled around by a cobra. It wasn't only that, his eyes became crystal blue as a golden halo appeared behind his back. It was honestly intimidating. The most shocking of all was that I could sense the multitudes of Divine Blessings within him.

"What did you do?!" I couldn't help but ask, fear evident in my voice.

"Impressive is it not child, the old fool, while wise was indeed a fool, having this much power and not wanting to use it" Black Adam remarked.

"Black Adam What did you do!" I snarled as I walked hotly towards him. The figure looked on towards me and seemly fazed from existence too fast for even my godly senses to track, appearing behind me in sheer speed. Before I could even react out in alarm the only thing I felt at my back was the sensation of exploding pain behind me as the very air expanded into a sonic boom. I flew up away at great speed over towards the expanse without being able to stop myself.

"Gahh!" I gagged out in pain. It took me a full whole minute to orient myself and as I settled down in the air, I looked down towards my precedessor making no movement from his position with one of his hand raised as if performing a simple swipe.

"Oh! Just the power of a single swipe, perfect! This is just perfect!" he laughed as he turned towards me "and to answer your question. It's very simple the Rock of Eternity is a connection to the Gods realm where all Gate Keepers and Champions draw their powers from. But who said it must only be seven Divine Blessings we must receive.".

The implication of what he meant was not lost to me "so you're telling".

"Yes I did" he boomed "using my position as the new keeper of the Rock of Eternity. The Adam you see before you holds the Divine Blessings of not 7, 8, or even 16 he holds the dominion over an entire pantheon of Gods so how does this power feel Billy Batson!"

Well to begin trying to stand was painful. I wasn't even surprised when I saw blood leaking out from my lips 'probably a busted lung. But it'll heal quickly' "and so now what's next, Adam"

"It's God-King Adam to you peon. And now, you will suffer"


Looking back in retrospect, I ask myself. If heading back to fight and not trying to escape was the right decision... well I will never know now.


The world crawled into a stop the expression of my siblings pausing at full stop as they looked on with various amount of concern on their faces. I positioned myself as cocked my fist back in preparation of a punch.


Using my stance as a leverage, I shot forward straight towards him reaching sub-relative speeds as he still looked on bored. In an instant i arrived within his perimeter and threw out a straight punch.


The floor below ruptured and shattered up like an explosion had occurred. The force of my blow stirred up great winds but even after that. He did not budge an inch from his spot. With one hand behind him and the other raised, he caught the punch without any sign of exertion.

"please Billy Batson continue to amuse me more. This should not be all the great Defender of Magic has does he" he said smugly.

And he then pushed me back lightly. But even that told me of his new strength, as the force landed me roughly a few feet away, I gritted as I rushed at him quickly once again taking the initiative. I threw jabs and kicks infusing them up with lightning for a stronger effect. But even so he still weaved around all thrown attacks with obvious bore present on his features, even slapping away some of the attacks for good measure. Looking around even after all that has transpired, I could not help but notice that just a few seconds has passed in normal time. We moved rapidly around the room with me attacking and him just... weaving around me.

"Any time now Chosen Champion" he taunted.

I never listened to him, just kept going on the offensive, just let him play around some more... until at least a little opening. As luck would have It there was a little fluttering of his cape but It was one I could actually capitalize on, seizing that opportunity I grasped his cape pulling it fiercely and kneeled him on the stomach hard. I didn't bother to check if he felt that as still with the same momentum I spun him with enough force to create a mini tornado as an effect. After that as hard as I could, I then threw him out of the throne room far into the dark expanse. It was there with lightning rattling throughout my body I gathered the energy around my fist, I rushed over before he could begin to compose himself and gave him the hardest punch I had ever thrown in my life. Frankly I was sure that not even Superman during the Lex fiasco had received such a punch from me, as the one I had just given Black Adam.

The dark space light up like the birth of a new star was born. But only this time it was lightning, it tore and streaked across the expanse, with thunderous sounds accompany it for good two minutes. At the end I couldn't see what happened but I just presumed that he was knocked out.

"And that is the one ending a villain like you deserves" I spat finally before sighing in relief.

"Hey's everyone okay" I called out, to my siblings, as I returned back to the throne room from the expanse.

"Yeah we're all okay, we all hid behind some of the rocks during the fight" Mary replied. Making me to release a hidden breath I didn't know I held till now, Darla left the others skipping towards me.

"Billy that's so cool! the fight you gave that guy it was first like Bam, Woosh, Wroom, Wroom and then the punch Kaboom! Can you teach me that please" she waved and droned on excitedly with practically shining eyes as she addressed me. Before I could say anything. Mary cut her short as she pushed past her and came to me.

"Billy what's going? What's the deal with Adam? Why did his costume suddenly change? And most importantly….did you get him?" she fired off. Before she could continue I raised my hands in a placating gesture.

"Mary-Mary relax take a deep breath" I tried to calm her down "don't worry everything's gonna be just fine I'll just round this up and then we'll go home, rest a little and then we'll deal with all this tomorrow" he assured.

Taking a deep breath she smiled nervously at billy "okay Billy tomorrow. We will deal with all this tomorrow"

Our premature victory was cut short with a burst of hysterical laughter ringing around the throne room upping my guard in alarm the voice continued on without regard "is that the best you can do Billy Batson! Oh how the tables have turned, I have been waiting for this moment for quite some time now…allow me to repeat this again... none of you are returning out of here… alive"

Black Adam bursted out of the lightning storm unharmed without so much as a scratch, seeing that, I was just about to signal them to leave before resuming offensive, but he initiated first by flying straight towards me at blinding speeds, appearing before me as though he teleported.

Boom! I experienced an excruciating pain at that moment, he punched me so hard in the stomach I vomited a fistful of blood. It sounded like the sound of multiple drums bust out all out once, I could only numbly remember flying back at great velocity crashing against the rows of pillars in the throne room destroying them completely.

"Behold Billy Batson as you witness the end of such flimsy bond the life of your family and yours. Knowing the cost when one goes against a God"

It was at that moment the courage of Achilles left me as I laid down frozen in fear hearing the cries of my younger siblings... I wanted to beg, do anything it takes so long as he wouldn't commit what I thought he was about to do. It would be a betrayal to the Wizard's faith in me but I could care less at that moment. As I finally stood up with some difficulty, I looked towards as Black Adam only to see something that will terrify me for the rest of my life. On the floor were the bodies of Pedro and Eugene soaked in blood as they laid dead on the floor, Black Adam hands was coated in blood as he stood over Freddy, Mary and Darla looming over them with a sneer as they stood helplessly huddling together with Freedy holding them both protectively.

As if sensing my presence the monster in human form turned towards me "remember when we first meet, child remember my promise, when I warned to you the consequences of not relinquishing to me your power! Do you remember!" he bellowed gesturing towards my siblings both the ones dead and alive "that it would be who and all that you love that will pay the ultimate price... and now, my will shall be carried out"

The pain prevented me from speaking but he seemed like he didn't mind "oh don't bother speaking, save your strength. This King will deal with these nuisances and then we shall settle our score"

I stood up quickly ignoring the pain as I rushed over, he laughed as he turned posing his hands in a spear pose as he striked my siblings all at once. But Freedy in a fit of courage and a burst of strength threw both Mary and Darla away from him, the Egyptian god king scoffed as he still went on to strike Freedy. I could feel a part of my soul die as I saw Black Adam hand create a hole through his chest. I couldn't even hear myself screaming as I gave everything I got into the punch I threw at him, when I finally arrived. A physical wind barrier appeared as a result and knocked over the surprised Adam off his feet far away into the expanse, in that spilt second I gathered everyone and teleported away. Even as I left, the words of the Wizard came crashing against me.

"Shazam …family can be Shazam's greatest strength…but it can also be its greatest weakness".


The world seemed to snap back in Billy eyes as he suddenly felt very tired, looking upwards, he was surprised to find out that the sun had set already; he had sat down for almost the entire day, but he could not even find the urge to eat and was rather too weary to notice.

"Being a hero is never an easy job.. I just wish I never… nope, nope its too late to think like that Billy get your head back in the game" he chastised himself.

Apparently because of my direct contract with the Rock of Eternity, Black Adam couldn't take away my powers, because my contract was not with the Wizard, but directly from the Gods, so I was apparently safe.

When we had returned back, the Divine Blessings I had given my siblings had totally left them returning them to their child and teenager forms. I could only look on numbly as Mary and Darla cried over their corpses. The news would later call it 'a Freak Villain's attack' with the Goodman's utterly shattered by the news. Time went by in a blur until the day of the burial. After all that has happened, a little part of me just thinks it is all my fault for bringing them into this whole mess, so I did what every coward would have done... I ran away again, going back to the cold jaws of the street. Only this time, carefully prowling the streets not to get caught by the Public Officials.

Immediately after the burial, just some days after I left the Goodman's also left the city with Mary and Darla. Presently Just some days ago when I had checked up on them, I learnt that Mary had won a foreign scholarship leaving the country to continue her studies abroad, and Darla also seemed to be breaking out of her shell after the whole incident. Finally breaking away from the crazy world of Heroes and Villains for good this time. Well it's good for them, they deserve better, I wish them all the best from the bottom of my heart.

Well for me its not over yet. Its me and my problem now. My face turned dark in anger as I left the park with a little resolution. I swore 'it's time to drop the Hero gig and become an Avenger, am gonna kill that son of a bitch even if it is the last thing I do and after all this time I finally know just how to do it. Just wait a little longer Black Adam... I'm coming right for your head.

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