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100% A Cosplayer In Danmachi (re-write) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

-Loki Familia Headquarters-

"Ah. my head hurts..." Paul woke up because of a headache. Its the cause of a hangover, he got from the alcohol yesterday.

After he joined the Loki familia. Loki forced him to drink. She made him drunk many cups of beer with the other main members while using the excuse of creating bounds through drinking.

"I remember passing out on the table. After i drunk 5 straight cups at the end of the party. Did they carry me here..."

Paul is laying on a luxury bed. He's inside an unknown room again.

The room doesn't look shabby though. Unlike from the room before in Hostess Of Fertility pub.

The room here looked like ancient chamber from medival era . There's a unique runic design on the walls, furniture's and other items here making the room have a feeling of nobility.

"Im in the Loki familia living quarters?"

The door in the room opens and an elf with golden-yellow hair came inside. She glance around the room. Then her gaze fell on me.

"Paul-san, Loki-sama is calling you. plss come with me." After that she walked out of the room fast. Its like she's feeling shy or something.

"Ok, wait for me a bit." Pail did his daily routine in the morning like stretching his body and washing his face. Then he followed her leading him to Loki's chamber.


"Loki-sama, Paul-san is here"

Inside the chamber. You can see Loki sitting at the edge of a bed. She have a excited expression on her face. "Strip your clothes now!"

"um.. what?" Paul is a bit confused at first. Then he remember in Anime (Danmachi). that If someone want to become an adventure. They need to do a ritual called "Blessing" with their own goddess/god.

"I need you in your bare back. So i can give you my grace. " Loki explained to him patiently and she pats the bed besides her. She's signaling Paul to go on the bed.

After her explanation. Paul remove his clothes silently and he lays on the bed near Loki.

Loki couldn't help but marvel at Paul perfect smooth back for a second. "Paul, are you sure your not a girl...?"

Paul glance at Loki sharply with his deep sky-blue eyes. He is warning her to not talk nonsense and do her job properly.

Loki smile awkwardly feeling his glare."che.. im just joking hehe."

Then she didn't talk anymore nonsense and took out a needle. She stabbed it on her finger making a blood flow out and she painted her blood across Paul back gently.

*swish* The blood dissolve on Paul's back turning into clown like tattoo and a light spreads out.


Falna Status:

Name: Paul Greyrat.

Race: Human

Level: 1







Luck: S

Magic: None


Cosplayer (Unknown):

Effect: Unknown.


'Cosplayer with a label of Unknown? What kind of skill is this... and the effect is also unknown? this is impossible. falna should be able to identify anything in this world! As i thought this kid must be...' Loki narrows her eyes in deep thought. While she's busy thinking. She didn't notice his weird expression below her.

Paul couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise because in front of him a game like setting interference appear in his view.


Hidden Status:

Name: Paul Greyrat.

Race: Human

Level: 1







Luck: S

Magic: None


[Cosplayer] (Divine):

1st Effect: The user have a hidden status. That only he himself could see. This status have a separated growth from the falna blessings.

2nd Effect: Through acting and recognition of other living beings. The user can rise synchronization with his cosplay characters to gain their experience, abilities, skills and power.


Artoria Pendragon: Synchronization (0.03 %)




3rd Effect: The user true soul cannot be seen through by anyone and the user soul can store a cosplay items.

Cosplay Items: The cosplay items can be used. If the user spoke the items true name.

The Sword Of Promised Victory: (???)

Sword Of The End: (???)

Gods Will: (???)

White Angel Of Destruction: (???)

[Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan]

1st Effect: The user can copy any kind of magics. After he saw them with his own eyes.

2nd effect: The user reaction speed raises to × 5-10 while the sharingan is activated.

3rd Effect: The user can use all. The sharingan and abilities of character Sasuke Uchiha with a corresponding equal mana consumption.


1st Effect: The user affinity to all of the elements increase.

2nd Effect: The user reaction speed raises to 10-20 times when activated.

3rd Effect: The user can use all. The Rennigan abilities of character Sasuke Uchiha with a corresponding equal mana consumption.


"Oh right, your status" Loki slapped Paul back with a paper.

Awakening him from his dazed state.

The paper shines with a light while copying his falna status data.

"Here." Loki shows it to him.

After looking at his falna stats. Paul quickly understood his situation.

According to his understandings. He have 2 separate status in this world.

First status come from the blessing of falna. Everyone can see this stats. If they look at his back. While the second status come from his skill [Cosplay]. A hidden status that only he himself could see.

Paul inspected his stats throughly and his gaze stops at falna blessing. 'Cosplay effect unknown.... Loki must be disappointed right now. After seeing my empty magic slot and a 1 unknown skill. She even specifically invited me in a special manner but she didn't get the results. that she wants-'

"Heh~ intresting. you have been staring at your unknown skill [Cosplay] for a while now. Don't tell me.. you can see its effect?" Loki whispers to his ears from behind.

"Yes." Paul said to her truthfully because he knows. The gods in (Anime) Danmachi can see through lies of a mortals and he also needs to show his worth to Loki.

So she will support him more and get a better treatment inside the familia.

"Tell me the effect!!" Loki said excitedly because she's about to discover an unknown variable after all. This is like a new experience for a god like her.

"It says. I can copy any types of magic after i saw them with my own eyes."

Of course Paul only shared a little bit of his secrets. That can give him the most benefit and he also didn't told her a lie.

The Sharingan skill is displayed in [Cosplay] 2nd Effect: Hidden status.

So basically all the skills he have in his second status are all under his skill [Cosplay].


"what?" Loki become dumbfounded when she heard the absurd effect of his skill.


-2 days have passed after Paul received falna blessings-

Under the tower of babel. Paul is walking alone on the stairs downward to reach the dungeons 1st floor.

You can see many groups of adventurer coming in and out of the dungeon.

When Paul reach the 1st floor. He couldn't help but sigh in relief because before he can get here alone. he gone through some difficulties first.

like getting the permission of Loki.

Paul had a hard time convincing Loki to let him go alone inside the dungeon but it was all worth it.

"Now its time to test myself" Paul unsheathed the sword attached on his side. he got this sword from Loki.

The sword looks normal with no special decoration or whatever on it but Paul is satisfied on this weapon. It really matches his taste.

"There's many people here.. i need to go deeper." Paul walk cautiously with a sword in his hand. Although there are many people around. He still carefully scanned his surroundings. Anything can happen in dungeon after all.

*grrrr..* A sound of a monster groans.

"A goblin?" Paul saw a moving green humanoid monster three meters away from him. It has a large eyes and plump like body.

Paul didn't hesitate and raised his sword in a knight stance. He approached his enemy silently then swing down his sword on the goblin head.

*Ah-!!* The goblin couldn't even finish his scream as his head was cut into half and he turn into black gas.

The black gas disappear in the air.

"That was easier than i thought." Paul said casually with a calm expression but his body is feeling excited like its saying to him to kill more monsters.

*grrr?* Another Goblin walk out from the other side of the cave. It seems he heard the last scream of the goblin that just died from Paul sword.

*Grrr!!* The goblin rushes to Paul wanting to wrestle him to the ground.

Paul panicked a little but when he gaze at goblin carefully. He notice how slow it was while running towards him.

He regained his calm again and he goes back to his knight stances.

*Swish* Paul side stepped to dodge the goblin making it stumble on the ground. Then he swing his sword down again on its head before the goblin regains its balance.

*ah-!!* The goblin dies and exploded into black gas. A small purple crystal in a size of a pinky finger nail dropped on the ground.

"magic stone.." Paul remembers that in (anime) Danmachi. When you kill a monster in dungeon. There should be a drop items like crystal or some rare part of the monster that died in your hands.

"Another one" He also searched where the first goblin dies and found the second magic stone.


-Unknown hours have passed-

*ah-!!* *ah-!!* *ah-!!* 2 goblins explodes into black gas and two small magic stones dropped on the ground. where they died.

"hah...hah.." Paul breaths heavily. he's now feeling exhausted because he's been running around to kill goblins in the first floor for how many hours now.

He didn't even know how much goblins died in his hands.

The small pouch his carrying is already full of mana crystal.

"I need to go back now..." Paul goes back to the cave paths he used in coming here.

*Grrr* *Grrr* *Grrr* A sound of goblins groans.

Paul spotted a three goblins wondering aimlessly at the other side of the cave. "What a bad luck..."

"Crock crock!!" A rooster with fluffy yellow feathers appears besides Paul and because of the noises its making. The goblins notices him.

*grrr!!* The three goblins roars while they rush towards him.

"I thought my luck stats is S rank...? ays its because of this rooster." Paul swing his sword to the noisy rooster near him.

*Croook!!* The rooster want to run but Paul sword is faster. It was killed before it could react. It turned into black smoke and dropped a golden egg.

Paul didn't have time to check the drop items.

He confront the three rushing groblins.

*Grr!* The goblins are moving to him in slow pace and they didn't have a cooperative movements. So Paul quickly solve them by dodging the first goblin. Then blocking the second goblin and pushing it to the ground.

The third goblin was hacked to death by him.

He have a little delay because of the full swing he took to kill the third goblin, but he's still quicker than the second confused goblin. Its still laying on the ground. He quickly chopped its head to death.

The last goblin dies faster from a single downward swing of Paul.

"Drop item is more expensive than mana crystals right?" Paul saw a golden egg on the ground and he put it away.

He left after talking all monster drops on the ground. to go to the surface.


- Main Adventurer Guild Night Time. -

Like in (anime) Danmachi. The Guild here is an organization that manages Familia within Orario and provides services to adventurers.

The main building of the Guild is called the Pantheon. It has a wide space with counters for adventurers to talk with their advisors and also has a exchange area.

There are also small meeting boxes where adventurers can talk one on one with their advisor without anyone else hearing them. Aside from that, there is a library area.

Paul is currently inside one of the meeting boxes. He is being sermon by his guild advisor.

"Do you have any idea how long have you been staying inside the dungeon...? Its been 18 hours! and this is your first dive inside. Do you want to die-"

Paul Guild advisor is a female werewolf. Her name is Rose Fannet. A guild employees, she have a long red hair and brown pupiled eyes with long eyelashes like a fox. She's wearing a tight guild uniform that shows her hourglass figure.

' she's beautiful...' Paul commented inside his mind to kill some time. He really couldn't listen to her sermons because with his hidden cards. He have a confidence to stay in even more deeper floor with a lonnger time than 18 hours.

but he appreciates her goodwill on caring for his well being. Thats why he didn't become rude and interrupted her speech.

"From now on as your personal advisor. I can't allow you to stay any longer than 10 hours inside the dungeon. Unless you joined a party." Rose said seriously.

"Alright. I accept your condition Rose-san and Thank you very much for your todays hard work." Paul said in a respectful manner. "so.... can i go back to my familia now? so i can rest.."

Rose was taken a back because Paul compromised quicker than she thought. Normally if she said those words to other adventure. They would snap and become rude especially.

The male adventurers because it looked like she's belittling them after all and that's hurting their pride.

"Yes..." Rose answered him in unsured tone.

Paul smiled as he nods his head at her. Then he left and went to go to the counter. Where you can exchange your loots from the dungeon.

"Th-This is Jack Bird's Golden Egg!" A shout resound from the exchange counter. Making the other adventurers gathers their attention there.

"What a lucky bastard."

"Isn't this the new boy from Loki familia?"

"the Loki famila? you mean that Loki Familia?!"

"Yeah i heard that he's been especially recruited by Goddess Loki."

The adventures around whispers in a hash tone as they discussed.

"Here is your 1,019,700 Valis." The employee inside the exchange area gave Paul a big bag full of coins.

Paul received happily while thinking 'My rank S Luck stats isn't a lie after all...'

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