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Chapter 5: Meta Powers(part 5)

-->Almighty Law Creation

The ability to create unbreakable and unbendable laws that are absolute. Sub-power of Omniarch and Absolute Law Manipulation. Opposite to Abolishment

Also Called

Absolute/Divine/Fundamental/Supreme/Unbendable/Unbreakable Law/Orders

Althing (Plunderer)



User can create rules and laws that are unbreakable by any means. Everything is subject to them, including: Space, Time, Life, Existence, Reality, Truth, Logic, Etc.


Absolute Erasure - By controlling the laws that dictate nonexistence.

Boundary Manipulation - Altering boundaries to make the laws impossible to reject in any way.

Existence Manipulation - By controlling laws that control existence.

Logic Manipulation

Paradox Manipulation - Override and control the laws of reality, logic and common sense.

Principle Manipulation

Reality Warping - Rewrite all aspects of reality without limit.

Taboo Inducement - Force others to comply to rules/prevent any actions that are outlawed.

Truth Manipulation

Universal Principle Manipulation

Absolute Change - Create laws that dictate change


Absolute Law Manipulation


-->Almighty Magic

The power to wield omnipotent magic. Opposite to Almighty Science. Not to be confused with Magic Embodiment. Variation of Metapotence.

Also Called


Boundless Magical Power

Omnipotent/Metapotent/Supreme Magic


Users possess and can use magic of omnipotent nature, entailing omnipotence, but in what we know as magic and everything associated, related and branched out from it. This includes the esoteric, mystical and supernatural. Essentially, the user is an Omnipotent being, which means the calibre of magic possessed surpasses all the rules. Magic, for the most part, is about feeling and gaining power from one's emotions; this is why magic is the counter-balance to science.

While Almighty Science users may need to understand the fields of science to control their vast powers, Almighty Magic users do not possess that limitation, they are simply able to do as they feel. This does not mean that Almighty Magic users cannot be omniscient; however, for the most part their emotional state won't change as much as a science manipulator's, even when they possess vast knowledge.

Despite their great power and knowledge, most Almighty Magic users will still possess noticeably human emotions, like anger and joy, or the need to be entertained; some may even become the embodiment of all magic, or the embodiment of the universe in which they reside. Regardless, the only real explanation you will ever get as to how these almighty users are able to accomplish such amazing feats of grandeur is "because it's magic".


All Magical Powers

All Forms of Magic All Almighty Powers

All Esoteric Powers

All Mystic Powers

All Supernatural Powers

All Forms of Transcendental Magic:

Magic Ascendancy - Have capabilities beyond the laws of magic.

Magic Embodiment - Be physical representation all forms of magic.

Magic Lordship - Have absolute control over magic.

Magic Manipulation - Manipulate magic and mystical concepts.

Mystic Derivation - Become the driving force of all magical energy.

Science-Magic Ascendancy - Have abilities beyond science and magic.

Science-Magic Mixture - Combine scientific and magical forces to achieve a variety of feats.

Science-Magic Lordship - Have unparalleled capabilities of both science and magic.

Ultimate Alchemy - Utilize alchemy at the highest level.


Absolute Condition - Possess capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level.

Absolute Body - Have limitless physical attributes/capabilities.

Absolute Mind - Possess limitless mental attributes and capabilities.

Omni-Magic - Possess absolutely every type of magic .Transcendent Magic - Use the ultimate form of magic. Meta Magic - Transcend the rules of magic. Divine Magic - Use Divine Magic.

Transcendent Mage Physiology Magically Enhanced Physiology - To be powered by magical forces and composed out of them. Magical-Based Nigh-Absolute Immortality or Absolute Immortality - Be all or almost supremely eternal and indestructible. Magical-Based Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability or Absolute Invulnerability - Be immune to all or almost any kind of damage.

Magical-Based Nigh-Absolute Regeneration or Absolute Regeneration - Heal from anything on an infinite or near-infinite scale.

Magical-Based Nigh-Complete Arsenal or Complete Arsenal - Possess all or almost all powers/attributes in an unlimited scale.

Magical-Based Nigh-Omnipresence or Omnipresence - Be present everywhere or almost everywhere at the same time.

Magical-Based Nigh-Omniscience or Omniscience - Know everything or almost anything and everything.


All Absolute Powers Absolute Attack - Create an attack that can bypass even the strongest defence. Absolute Combat - Able to engage in combat with anyone/anything with absolute potential.

Absolute Strike - The user is able to deal strikes with immense amounts of power.

Absolute Erasure - Completely erase anything/everything on any/all levels. Absolute Destruction - Destroy everything.

Totality Collapse - Absolutely destroy all of existence.

Total Erasure - Completely erase all of existence for good.

Absolute Force Manipulation - Possess absolute and infinite control over all forces .User can Manipulate All Forces. - via Magic.

Absolute Law Manipulation - Have absolute control over all of laws. Absolute Command - Impose

absolute commands upon any existence, even reality itself.

Almighty Law Creation - Create unbreakable and unbendable laws that are absolute.

Absolute Manipulation - Manipulate absolutes of everything. Omni-Physics Manipulation - Manipulate physics in all forms.

Absolute Restoration - Restore everything via Magic. Omnicounter - Oppose anything and everything.

Autopotence - Be omnipotent over oneself. Absolute Transcendence - Transcend everything.

Absolute Will - Have limitless willpower.

Creation - Create something out of nothing.

Destruction - Cause so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.

Omnifarious - Change form by any desire.

Perfection - Have a perfect condition/existence.

Universal Irreversibility - Render an action impossible to be stopped, blocked, manipulated and reversed.

Absolute Wish - Instantly make any wish come true. Absolute Change - Change everything.

All Meta Powers Meta Banishment - Banish everything. Limitless Banishment - Banish an object or being from a specific place, without limits.

eta Fate Manipulation - Manipulate all destinies/fates. Meta Disaster Manipulation - Manipulate the ultimate disaster.

Meta Miracle Manipulation - Manipulate the ultimate miracles.

Meta Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate all perspectives. Limitless Aspect Manipulation - Manipulate all aspects of reality and beyond.

Concept Manipulation - Manipulate individual concepts as a whole ordered set.

Meta Power Manipulation - Manipulate absolutely all powers/abilities without limit Almighty Ascension - Gain virtual omnipotence.

Meta Probability Manipulation - Manipulate any and all probabilities. Meta Jinx - Have infinite misfortune.

Meta Luck - Have limitless luck.

Meta Summoning - Summon everything .Limitless Summoning - Summon absolutely anything/everything under your control.

Meta Variable Manipulation - Manipulate all forms of variables. Attribute Manipulation - Manipulate one's or others physical and/or mental condition.

All Omni Powers Omniarch - Rule over everything via magic. Conceptual Lordship - Have absolute control over all concepts.

Mentifery - Warp reality via thoughts and imagination.

Potentiality Lordship - Have absolute authority over potential.

Totality Embodiment - Possess a body that personifies everything.

Unity - Possess a body made of everything.

Omnificence - Create something out of nothing. Absolute Recreation - Perfectly recreate anything that was erased.

Almighty Object Manifestation - Create almighty objects.

Omnireplication - Replicate anything.

Omni-Manipulation - Manipulate everything. Alpha Reality - Manipulate the origin of all realities.

Beyondness Manipulation - Manipulate everything beyond anything.

Boundary Manipulation - Manipulate boundaries.

Causality Manipulation - Manipulate causality.

Cycle Manipulation - Control cycles.

Definition Manipulation - Manipulate definitions.

Dual Warping - Manipulate reality rationally and irrationally.

Etherius Warping - Warp existence through direct control of ether.

Existence Manipulation - Manipulate existence. Parallel Existence Manipulation - Control parallel existence.

Interaction Manipulation - Control interactions.

Meta-Concept Manipulation - Manipulate incomprehensible concepts. Concept Manipulation - Manipulate concepts.

Omega Reality - Manipulate end of all realities.

Omni Distortion - Distort everything.

Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of anything. Absolute Prime Source - Be the cosmic source of everything.

Self Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of oneself.

Reality Warping - Control reality.

Supernatural Manipulation - Manipulate the supernatural.

Freedom in all aspects Immutability - Be absolutely immune from any alteration or change by outside force.

Living Anomaly - Escape of the rules and laws of reality.

Unpredictability - Have completely Unpredictable Nature.

Absolute Potential - Have absolute potential and capacity for growth and learning.

Logic Manipulation - Manipulate the rules of logic. Norm Manipulation - Manipulate what is normal and what is not.

Paradox Manipulation - Manipulate paradoxes.

Status Manipulation - Manipulate status/state of being. Authority Manipulation - Manipulate the authority of anything/everything

Subordination Manipulation - Subjugate others by dominating them and their ability to be sentient and independent beings.


Magic: Utilize supernatural forces to potentially achieve any effect one desires. Users are able to utilize magic, the use of rituals, symbols, action, gestures, language, etc., to utilize mysterious and/or supernatural forces that don't abide by conventional science or laws of reality to achieve virtually any effect imaginable.

Meta Magic: Transcend the rules of magic. User has magical powers which transcends the rules under which they operate, making them either the exceptions to those rules or beyond them all together and granting them total dominion over the cause and effects to the rules of magic by their source.

Omni-Magic: Possess absolutely every type of magic. They can bend, break, and even create natural laws, distort the fabric of reality on a cosmic scale, perform unbelievable miracles, and create things without limit, all by merely using their magical prowess.

Almighty Magic: Wield omnipotent magic .Users possess and can use magic of omnipotent nature, entailing omnipotence, but in what we know as magic and everything associated, related and branched out from it. This includes the esoteric, mystical and supernatural.





-->Almighty Mind

The power to be omnipotent over the mind. Psychic/Mental Expression of Omnipotence. Absolute version of Psionic Godhood and Absolute Psionics. Not to be confused with Absolute Mind or Psionic Embodiment

Also Called


Mind of God

Almighty Intelligence

Omnipotent Mind/Psionics



Psionic/Psychic/Mental Omnipotence

Supreme Psionic/Psychic/Mental Perfection


The user possesses an almighty, supreme and omnipotent mind, meaning the user has a mind on the same scale as an Omnipotent being if it were to have one. This means that the user has unrestricted and absolute access to all aspects and segments of the mind on an omnipotent and infinite scale. With the mind of the user being unfathomable and inconceivably powerful beyond any rule, logic or definition, they can do absolutely anything independently of it being logical, illogical or contradictory, bypassing anything and everything with their mind alone. As such their mind is beyond any other in Creation, making it so incomprehensible to other minds grasp it totally.

Since Omnipotence is limitless and absolute, the mind of the user has the same aspects, attributes, traits, abilities, and everything beyond always in the absolute state, including metaphysicals such as psionics and psychics. The user's Knowledge is infinite and have their mind over Totality and the basest state of reality. All in all, the user is Truly Omnipotent, but focusing all of it on what we refer to and know as the Mind.

Applications (General)

All Almighty Powers

All Absolute Powers

All Infinite Powers

All Mental Abilities/Mind Based Abilities All Brain Functional Abilities All Intuition

All Smart Powers

All Emotion-Based Abilities

All Manipulation Abilities

All Psychic Abilities All Telekinetic Abilities

All Sleep-Based Abilities


Applications (Detail)

Absolute Mind Absolute Awareness

Absolute Brain Capacity

Absolute Charisma

Absolute Creativity

Absolute Emotions

Absolute Intelligence

Absolute Reading

Absolute Wisdom

Absolute Wits

Accelerated Thought Process

Adaptive Mind

Clear Mind

Formless Mind


Hyper Instincts




Unrestricted Thought Process

Absolute Psionics Absolute Illusion

Astral Plane Lordship Astral Plane Manipulation

Dream-World Lordship Dream Manipulation

Mental Plane Lordship Mental Plane Manipulation

Meta Teleportation

Omni-Manipulation Absolute Force Manipulation

Absolute Vector Manipulation

Diverse Interface

Meta-Concept Manipulation Meta Perspective Manipulation

Quantum Telekinesis

Totality Embodiment Unity


Absolute Will Absolute Invincibility


Complete Arsenal

Alpha Reality



Omniarch Civilization Manipulation population Control

Society Manipulation

Communication Manipulation

Mental Presence

Omniverse Manipulation

Subordination Manipulation


Perception Manipulation Sense Manipulation

Psionic Derivation Psionic Embodiment

Psionic Godhood Unimind Meta-Learning

Omni-Telepathy Omni-Empathy

Transcendent Consciousness

Psycho Warping Faithifery

Mentifery Reality Mind

Xenopsychic Reality Warping

Oneirifery Reality Dreaming


True Illusion

Rule Transcendence



Absolute Ability Derivation

Transcendent Esper Physiology

-->Almighty Science

The power to wield an omnipotent form of science. Scientific version of Ultipotence. Omnipotent version of Physical Godhood. Not to be confused with Science Embodiment or Science Lordship. Opposite to Almighty Magic.

Also Called

Absolute/Omnipotent/Ultipotent Science

Absolute/True/Ultimate/Unlimited Divine Science

Function-Based Omnipotance

Omnipotence Based On Information

Science God/Goddess

Scientific Ultipotence/Omnipotence


Science Of God


Users can manipulate and understand a level of science/knowledge that only an omnipotent being would possess. This power allows the user to achieve limitless and beyond the impossible results due to being so advanced and complex that it cannot be measured or equaled, let alone understood.

Most users use this unique type of science to enhance or bestow others. With ultipotent/omnipotent powers that can bend, break or even rewrite all laws of physics, create omniverses and warp realities without limit.

Ultimately users of Almighty Science have unlimited means at their disposal through absolute understanding in any fields of science, sharing a unique connection to the concept of Ultipotence as both allows one to achieve anything and everything without any limit but requires knowledge in order to be effective, with users of Almighty Science, in this case, knowing different fields of science.


All Science Powers All Almighty Powers

All Cellular Manipulation

All Cosmic-Based Powers

All Chemical-Based Powers

All Data-based powers

All Dimensional Powers

All EM waves-Based powers

All Elemental Manipulation

All Energy Powers

All Fundamental Forces

All Gas Powers

All Gravity-Based Powers

All Manipulations

All Matter-Based Powers

All Medical Powers

All Molecular Manipulation

All Organic Manipulation

All Physics-Based Powers

All Smart Powers

All Spatial Powers

All Temporal Powers

All Technology-based Powers

All Type of Science

All Void Powers

All Forms of Transcendental Science:

Science Ascendancy - Have capabilities beyond the laws of science.

Science Embodiment - Be physical representation all forms of science.

Science-Magic Ascendancy - Have abilities beyond science and magic.

Science-Magic Mixture - Combine scientific and magical forces to achieve a variety of feats.

Science-Magic Lordship - Have unparalleled capabilities of both science and magic.

Science Manipulation - Manipulate science and scientific concepts.

Science Lordship - Have absolute control over science.


Absolute Condition - Possess capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level .Absolute Body - Have limitless physical attributes/capabilities.

Absolute Mind - Possess limitless mental attributes and capabilities.

Higher Consciousness - Gain a new state of development in consciousness. Calm State/Tranquil Emotions/Tranquil State - Maintain a great calmness and immense self-control.

Cosmic Awareness/Hyper-Cosmic Awareness - Obtain a mind that is one with the universe & beyond.

Omnicompetence - Handle all situations and matters. Omni-Communication - Communicate with anything/everything.

Omni-Intuition - Instantly understand the complexity and exactness of anything/everything.

Physical Godhood - Manipulate aspects of existence through scientific operations. Transcendent

Science - Use the ultimate form of science. Meta Science - Transcend the rules of science.Super

Science - Utilize highly advanced science.

Reality Interface - Interface with reality and control it like the settings for a system. Alpha Reality - Manipulate the origin of all realities.

Omega Reality - Create and manipulate the conclusion of all realities.

Omni-Customization - Redefine the properties of anything/everything.

Reality Level Manipulation - Manipulate various layers/levels of existence/reality.

Transcendent Scientific Physiology Physics Powered Physiology - To be powered by physical forces and composed out of them .

Science-Based Nigh-Absolute Immortality or Absolute Immortality - Be all or almost supremely eternal and indestructible. Science-Based Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability or

Absolute Invulnerability - Be immune to all or almost any kind of damage.

Science-Based Nigh-Absolute Regeneration or Absolute Regeneration - Heal from anything on an infinite or near-infinite scale.

Science-Based Nigh-Complete Arsenal or Complete Arsenal - Possess all or almost all powers/attributes in an unlimited scale.

Science-Based Nigh-Omnipresence or Omnipresence - Be present everywhere or almost everywhere at the same time.

Science-Based Nigh-Omniscience or Omniscience - Know everything or almost anything and everything.


All Absolute Powers Autopotence - Be omnipotent over oneself.

Creation - Create something out of nothing.

Destruction - Cause so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.

Absolute Will - Have limitless willpower.

Perfection - Have a perfect condition/existence.

Author Authority - Be the author of existence. Stage Manipulation - Manipulate reality like a play on a stage.

Life Story Manipulation - Manipulate the life stories/scripts.

Absolute Character Erasure - Erase absolutely any type of character.

Absolute Character Creation - Create any type of character.

Absolute Attack - Create an attack that can bypass even the strongest defense. Absolute Combat -

Able to engage in combat with anyone/anything with absolute potential.

Absolute Strike - The user is able to deal strikes with immense amounts of power.

Absolute Force Manipulation - Possess absolute and infinite control over all forces. Absolute Vector

Manipulation - Manipulate the vector of anything and everything.

Meta Matter Manipulation - Manipulate any/all types of matter.

Omni-Physics Manipulation - Manipulate physics in all forms.

Quantum Foam Manipulation - Manipulate quantum foam.

Absolute Law Manipulation - Have absolute control over all of laws. Abolishment - Abolish/overturn anything/everything.

Absolute Command - Impose absolute commands upon any existence, even reality itself.

Almighty Law Creation - Create unbreakable and unbendable laws that are absolute.

Absolute Erasure - Completely erase anything/everything on any/all levels. Absolute Destruction -

Destroy absolutely anything/everything without limit.

Totality Collapse - Absolutely destroy all of existence.

Total Erasure - Completely erase all of existence for good.

All Meta Powers Meta Banishment - Banish everything. Limitless Banishment - Banish an object or being from a specific place, without limits.

Meta Fate Manipulation - Manipulate all destinies/fates. Meta Disaster Manipulation - Manipulate the ultimate disaster.

Meta Miracle Manipulation - Manipulate the ultimate miracles.

Meta Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate all perspectives. Limitless Aspect Manipulation - Manipulate all aspects of reality and beyond.

Concept Manipulation - Manipulate individual concepts as a whole ordered set.

Meta Power Manipulation - Manipulate absolutely all powers/abilities without limit.Almighty Ascension - Gain virtual omnipotence.

Meta Probability Manipulation - Manipulate any and all probabilities. Meta Jinx - Have infinite misfortune.

Meta Luck - Have limitless luck.

Meta Summoning - Summon everything.Limitless Summoning - Summon absolutely anything/everything under your control.

Meta Variable Manipulation - Manipulate all forms of variables. Attribute Manipulation - Manipulate one's or others physical and/or mental condition.

All Omni Powers Freedom in all aspects Immutability - Be absolutely immune from any alteration or change by outside force.

Living Anomaly - Escape of the rules and laws of reality.

Unpredictability - Have completely Unpredictable Nature.

Absolute Potential - Have absolute potential and capacity for growth and learning.

Logic Manipulation - Manipulate the rules of logic. Norm Manipulation - Manipulate what is normal and what is not.

Paradox Manipulation - Manipulate paradoxes.

Omniarch - Rule over everything via science. Conceptual Lordship - Have absolute control over all concepts.

Mentifery - Warp reality via thoughts and imagination.

Potentiality Lordship - Have absolute authority over potential.

Totality Embodiment - Possess a body that personifies everything.

Unity - Possess a body made of everything.

Omnificence - Create absolutely anything/everything without limit.

Omnireplication - Duplicate anything without limit.

Omnifabrication - Invent and create anything.

Creation Manipulation - Manipulate creation.

Omni-Physics Manipulation - Manipulate physics in all forms. Pataphysics Manipulation - Manipulate Pataphysics, the things beyond what metaphysically exist. Metaphysics Manipulation - Manipulate Metaphysics, the philosophical phenomena beyond physics. Physics Manipulation - Manipulate the laws of physics.

Omni-Manipulation - Manipulate absolutely everything. Alpha Reality - Manipulate the origin of all realities. Reality Warping - Control reality.

Beyondness Manipulation - Manipulate everything beyond any Higher-Dimensional Manipulation -

Manipulate higher dimensional space and time.

Boundary Manipulation - Manipulate boundaries.

Causality Manipulation - Manipulate causality.

Cycle Manipulation - Control cycles.

Definition Manipulation - Manipulate definitions.

Dual Warping - Manipulate reality rationally and irrationally.

Etherius Warping/Ethereal Chaos Manipulation - Warp existence through direct control of ether.

Existence Manipulation - Manipulate existence. Parallel Existence Manipulation - Control parallel existence.

Interaction Manipulation - Control interactions.

Meta-Concept Manipulation - Manipulate incomprehensible concepts. Concept Manipulation - Manipulate concepts.

Omega Reality - Manipulate end of all realities.

Omni Distortion - Distort everything.

Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of anything.Absolute Prime Source - Be the cosmic source of everything.

Self Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of oneself.

Supernatural Manipulation - Manipulate the supernatural.

Omni Teleportation - Teleport anything to any location and any time.Planeswalking - Traverse anywhere, even across separate planes of existence or alternate eras.

Conscious Spatial Awareness - Be aware of the location in space you want to teleport to.

Intangibility - Teleporting your physical body into a state where you can't be harmed.

Omni-Awareness - Be aware of anything that affects the users surroundings on a quantum level. Reality Perception (Able to see the truth that lies within all things around them)

Dimensional Awareness - Locate and find potential dimensional rifts.

Omnichronal Perception - Perceive the time-stream playing out.

Omni Empathy - Sense and feel an infinite number of emotions across all universes, planes and dimensions.Primordial Emotion Manipulation - Manipulate primordial emotions.

Empathic Mimicry - Copy the ability of another through an emotion associated with them.

Telempathy - Read minds/emotions and communicate both telepathically and empathically.

Omni Telepathy - Communicate an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions.Meta Memory Manipulation - Manipulate all memories.

Transcendent Consciousness - Have or be the original primordial consciousness.

Psychoscience - Know everything about everyone/minds/souls/lives/individuals.

Status Manipulation - Manipulate status/state of being.Authority Manipulation - Manipulate the authority of anything/everything.

Subordination Manipulation - Subjugate others by dominating them and their ability to be sentient and independent beings.


Almighty Magic

Almighty Mind



Super Science: The user has access to powerful science, the use of formula, technology and various other scientific powers, allowing users to perceive, understand and control anything to any precise degrees in scientific studies in order to obtain knowledge through organized experimentation in all of its branches include physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc.

Meta Science: User has scientific powers which transcends the rules under which they operate, making them either the exceptions to those rules or beyond them all together and granting them total dominion over the cause and effect to the rules of science by their source.

Transcendent Science: They can use a near-omnipotent form of science, only presented with transcendet like entities, top scientists in the universe, and learning experiments that can disrupt reality.

Physical Godhood: The users can manipulate aspects of existence through scientific operations. They can govern almost all types of matter, energy, force, the space-time continuum, and reality with near-limitless authority.

Almighty Science: The absolute form of science interfering, the user can warp the omnipotent version of science, able to manipulate particles, physics, realities, universes, laws, etc. Though they may need to comprehend some fields of science to use efficiently.


Almighty Object




Universal Force Physiology

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