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River At Dusk River At Dusk original

River At Dusk

Author: Megara_Writes

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Legend has it that flesh eating wolves once ran among us. These vicious beasts tore apart defenseless animals limb from limb and ate every last piece during the light of the moon. The people in the village of Minsi still live in fear that one day, the monsters will find them, just as they found their leader's brother.

The story is told to all children who try to venture out at night. It serves as a reminder that the creatures beyond the walls will not hesitate to rip anything or anyone open, regardless of status, without a second's thought.

About 50 years ago, the village of Minsi was in the command of a man named Tavarious. A kind, gentle father of two twin sons, Edric and Ulric. He governed the village and its people in a way that was fair to all. He had not a mean thought in his head. Until one day, misfortune struck.

Edric and Ulric were playing in the woods by the river at dusk when a wolf the size of a bear came from beyond the trees. Its muzzle was menacing as it locked onto the boys, fur beginning to puff around its neck, only adding to its size. It was huge, hungry. The twins were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The beast struck quick, swatting at Edric and knocking him into the river. As he began to float downstream, he saw the wolf sink its teeth into his brothers abdomen. Ulric let out a blood curdling scream, falling to the ground in agony. Edric being only 9 at the time could barely float, let alone fight the current. he flailed his arms to reach the edge, pulling himself out. He ran as fast as he could back to the village, hoping for reinforcements.

Tavarious acting as quick as he could given his son's frantic state grabbed the patrol, arming every man with swords and spears of silver and steel. The patrol raced to the river, but all was in vain. When they arrived, only a pool of blood and a scrap of fabric remained. Succumbed by grief, Tavarious fell to the ground.

Something changes when a parent loses a child to tragedy. Something that Tavarious wouldn't wish on anyone. He vowed to make his home safe, for the other villagers, and his remaining son.

Walls were built soon after, surrounding all on Minsi. They towered as high as the trees in the forest. A curfew was placed on every home. No villager was to be out from dusk til daybreak, as armed patrols watched the walls and the homes of those sleeping.

The biggest change came when Tavarious passed and Edric became the leader of Minsi. The man never forgave, and he never forgot. Every month, he sends a patrol to the river, hoping to track the wolf that took his brother. He would not rest until the monster's head was on a pike outside his home.

Fear and anger can blind you from seeing the truth. Sometimes the truth is not always what it claims to be, and sometimes the monster in the story is more of a man than you realize.

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