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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"Ah finally your awake young man, I assume you must be quite perplexed." Stated the director. "Yeah, you could say it like that." Trevor shakily replied.

"That thing was a hellhound." Explained his father, it came after your because... well your a demigod son. It's why so many strange things happen around you."

Trevor reflected on all the strange occurrences in his life and replied, "I'm a demigod yeah sure. You must be kidding why would I be stupid enough to believe this!"

His father grabbed him by the arm. "Thank you for your help mister Black, but we have to go." The director gave him a nod as the two left the office.

"Don't worry about your enrollment young man. It's already done."

At least Trevor got to have one happy thing to today.

His dad drove into Rhode Island and stopped at the foot of a hill. He told Trevor to climb up, the young boy doing so reluctantly. His father not far behind him.

Trevor heard a sigh and turned around. His father stood there with his hand in the air.

Confused he approached him and turned his head to his fathers side. Seeing his hand pressed against what looked like a force field.

"You're mother warned me this would happen. You'll have to go without me."

Trevor was about to shout no, but his usually meek father sent him a stern look. Effectively silencing him.

"I can't come with you and that's final. Don't worry about me, monsters sadly don't pay attention to my lot. I'll come back at the end of the summer, if you do want to come back by then I'll be there. Now go! You're real journey begins here."

Trevor turned around and walked a few steps before spinning around and running into his fathers arms.

"I love you dad." He said, his father stating the same before gently pushing his son in the direction of where he belonged.

Camp half-blood.

As he started walking around he finally saw a sign with big letters above it saying Half-Blood Camp as he entered the camp it was like everyone was staring at him like he was a snack that was when a girl with brown hair and Jade green eyes with brown rings around the irises (the middle) along with tan-dark skin approached him with an eager smile.

"Hey there newbie. Welcome to camp half-blood. I'm Katie Gardner, your new sister."

Sister, what do you mean? I don't have a sister, "Trevor exclaimed.

"Since it was predicted that you would arrive, I'll explain everything as we walk, "she added.

Trevor wasn't really paying attention as they started to walk; instead, he was just observing the children engaged in sword and archery training

Katie questioned, "Are you even listening to me?"

"Oh no, please say that again, "Trevor sheepishly said.

"Fine listen well this time, I'll get right to the point; I'm your head counselor, and there are these things called prophecies, Additionally, you might receive missions from the gods, but it doesn't happen often, so you'll be OK. Also, today is our day for capture the flag, so get ready because cabins 4 and 5 will be playing versus 3 and 6 in an hour, with some luck we won't get pulverized like last time."

"What cabin our we " hopefully asked Trevor

"We are cabin 4" said Katie with a deadpanned expression.

Katie finished her explanation, the two reaching their cabin. Tomato vines sprouted from the inside out, the pale stone barely shinning through the vegetation covering the cabin. Even the porch and roof was covered in long grass and weath plants.

Trevor curiously stepped inside gazing at the tress serving as pillars in each corners of the cabin. They're branches supporting the roof and they're roots strengthening its foundation.

Each bed throned on a wildly magically grown root frames, hamacs of made of large flowers hung from the ceiling. A few kids in them reading or sleeping all having some features in common with Trevor.

The ground was littered with flowers, bags of seeds hung from white strings, each with Greek inscriptions.

Trevor, who was thrilled to be surrounded by so many plants, inquired, "Is this our cabin?"

"Yes it is come in I'll show you to your bed now remember don't be late for capture the flag, I know it's your first day, but trust me it's best than just being eased into it." With those words, she left Trevor in the cabin to reflect.

After some time passed, he got up and began to explore the camp while asking for directions to the capture-the-flag area, which happened to be a forest with the biggest trees Trevor had ever seen.

After completing the briefing and realizing that everyone else had weapons and armor but him, he asked if anyone had any spares. At that moment, a young man with messy black hair and sea green eyes approached him and handed him a sword and some armor while introducing himself as Percy and urging him to play the game.

Little did Trevor realize that saying "don't go easy on me just because I'm new" would turn out to be the worst thing he could have said at the time as he grasped Percy's hand and shook it.

When the game of capture the flag began, Katie advised Trevor to stay and guard the flag because he didn't know how to fight. Although he wanted to disagree, he couldn't do so because she was right.

When everyone left to go fight and get the flag, Trevor decided to take a look around to see if there was anything he could use as a weapon while he waited. As he did so, he overheard screams that said Percy and Annabeth were here, but the screaming was cut short. This startled Trevor, and he was then startled when the same kid who had earlier given him his sword and armor emerged from the clearing.

"Guess your the last one." Percy said with a small smile.

"Guess I am." Trevor replied trying to steel himself. Because there was at least a dozen other campers that used to seperate them.

"So you can just hand the flag over or you can get your ass handed to yourself. No offense really, no one ever blames the newbies on they're first capture the flag game."

"As if, I'm no coward." Trevor spat his eyes glancing between the people circling the clearing.

He kept away from the flag acting like he was charging Percy, but a vine was springing from the ground like a cobra behind him.

Trevor tried to basically whip him in the back with it, but with inhuman speed Percy sliced the vines to little pieces and whirled back around to meet Trevor's sloppy strike. The calm and casual look on Percy's face made it clear how outmatched he really was, as he kept recklessly striking at Percy, using his sword more as a club than anything else.

When Percy swiftly disarmed Trevor sending his sword to imbed itself in a nearby tree. The son of Demeter was backed up against a tree. The bark digging into his neck.

Percy went to strike Trevor with the pommel of his sword, but all he did was graze the tree with it as Trevor melted into it, disappearing from sight. Much to everyone's surprise.

Trevor only saw darkness until his head exited the tree where his sword was stuck. He walked out of it like he was trudging through deep water. He quickly had to overcome his shock when Percy came back on the charge.

Trevor managed to hold his own for a bit, but the fight was still clearly one sided, much to his obvious frustration.

Taking his chance Trevor re used his new strange ability many more times, trying to sneak up on Percy. Who always managed to counter him.

Seeing that he couldn't win, Trevor opted for something else. He popped up at random spots of the forest, until he ended up behind a large pile of rocks.

Where the enemy flag throned, bellowing in the wind.

Trevor smugly reached for it, but he was knocked down from behind. Rolling on his back someone pressed they're foot to his chest, and a sword under his chin.

"Give up" coldly demanded a blonde haired girl with piercing storm grey eyes.

"Okay." Trevor managed through his panting, the new ability tiring him out quite quickly.

He was so tired in fact that he passed out from exhaustion.

But despite that fact, he was happy.

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