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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Trevor expected the next days to be just as exiting as the capture the flag game. A new adventure a new challenge for him to overcome. He understood it probably wouldn't meet his great expectations. Although he was appalled to find out the role of his cabin.

Picking and growing plants. He understood where it was coming from, naturally his mother was goddess of agriculture and all that grew.

But he wasn't sure about spending all of his time doing this. He craved more, something that was actually important.

Glossing over the fact that his cabin fed a lot of people and also happened to be the main mortal income for camp.

Yet he never failed to grumble as he filled that role. One day Katie got annoyed.

"Okay you know what Trevor, if you're going to keep killing the mood you can go back at the cabin and clean up!" She snapped pointing back at their shared cabin.

Trevor's eyebrow twitched, but he obeyed trudging back to the cabin. Grumbling about stupid rules and stereotypes.

"You're the new kid right?"

Trevor turned his head to a beautiful girl. She was Asian with pale skin and long smooth hair. She looked at him like she was trying to figure out a puzzle. "Not everybody goes after Percy Jackson of all people on their first week here." She hummed analyzing him.

"What's so great about him?" Huffed Trevor rolling his eyes. She shrugged "I don't know he just stopped the gods from going to war by retrieving the master bolt, but they do that all the time so I don't know what the big deal is." She added with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"That was pretty balsy is what I mean. He is the son of Poseidon after all."

"Like that means anything." Shot back Trevor. Now she looked interested. "Well I'll see you around, my name's Drew by the way." With that she walked away leaving Trevor to his cleaning.

The son of Demeter grumbled more and more as he cleaned his cabin. He felt like being petty, maybe cause more of a mess, but then Katie could make him do something worse.

Vines in the cabin started to grow a bit erratically. Reacting to his anger they crept along the ceiling.

"I see you have my temper."

Trevor jumped and spun around to the tree at the end of the cabin. The bark had formed in the benevolent face of a slightly elderly woman. Her hair were like roots that went up to the branches.

Trevor looked up at her getting closer. "Are you a nymph?" He asked with a small voice. Something about her made him feel somewhat, meek.

"No I'm a bit more than that." She smiled "I am Demeter, you're mother."

Trevor wasn't sure what to think as his mind suddenly grew blank.

"Oh." Was all he managed to say. He wasn't sure what to think about this. For one he understood why gods could barely interact with their children.

But growing up Trevor would have taken barely anything.

"What do you need?" Came Trevo's curious question.

"I, have lost control of my chariot." Admitted the goddess with a sigh.

"So? Why don't you just find it yourself?" Trevor hadn't meant to sound rude, but Demeter sent him a stern look nonetheless.

"My dragons were spooked by an Hydra. I have much to do with the harvest coming soon."

"I'm sorry dragons?" Trevor blankly parroted his mind stuck on that fact.

Who would use a dragon to pull a chariot? Trevor incredulously thought. His mother apparently.

"Yes dear child dragons." Demeter confirmed with a smile.

Trevor wasn't sure what to think about being called dear child by the mother he had only known for about three minutes.

"Where did you see them last?"

"Oh I have no need for you to track them down. Only to retrieve them. If I am not mistaken they are somewhere in Central Park. They like to gnaw on the statues and fountains." Exclaimed Demeter.

"And bones I assume." Deadpanned Trevor.

"Sometimes yes." Stated Demeter oblivious to her son's nervousness.

"So how am I supposed to retrieve them?"

A branch extended from the bark above Trevor. The reddest apple Trevor had ever seen growing from it. It suddenly snapped off the branch into Trevor's outstretched hand. A second one coming soon after.

"They will smell the apples and come to you. You should smell enough like me for them to remain calm. Afterwards you can drive the chariot back to camp half-blood."

"But I don't know how to drive a char." Trevor began protesting only to be spoken over. "I trust you to carry out this task on you're own. No one needs to know about this at the exception of Chiron. If Dionysus finds out he'll be even more insufferable than usual." Huffed the Olympian before suddenly receeding back into the bark.

"Nice meeting." Bitterly grumbled Trevor. He didn't want to help his absant mother, but he had heard enough stories about Demeter's anger to know she wasn't one to be displeased.

He trudged to the big house apples in hand. The fruits nearly gleaming in the soft sunlight.

Chiron needed one glance at the apples to know what's going on. "Oh Poppy and Rosie escape Demeter again."

"Why does that sound like a white woman naming the most vile and bloodthirsty pitbull known to man?" Commented Trevor without thinking.

"For that you'd need to ask you're mother. I assume she put you in charge of this quest?"

Trevor nodded. "Chiron." He began with a small voice.

"Yes child." Chiron softly replied knowing what to expect from his tone.

"Do our parents no take care of us because they can't, or because they don't want too?"

Chiron pursed his lips. "The gods are far more human than they'd like to admit. Flaws and all, but I wouldn't know child. I am sorry."

Trevor gave him a small nod.

"I'll have Argus prepare a van for you."

Trevor glanced at the darkened tree upon the hill. "I don't think it'll be necessary."

Slowly he marched towards the poisoned bark. The tree suddenly splitting apart. A few steps later and the son of Demeter was stepping in the middle of Central Park.

It was still a disorienting experience, but Trevor was thankful of this abbility.

"If I were a fire breathing dragon where would I be?" Quietly said turning around on himself.


Authors Note:Sorry about the slow updates and short chapters I'll try and do better. Also can y'all guess who the love interest will be lmao?

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