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Chapter 18: Chapter 16

This chapter will be about coping skills. What coping skills do you have? Today I'm going to be listing off as many as I can think of or find online to help give you some ideas, and if you have one that I didn't put or a specific variation of one, feel free to comment it. Take deep breaths, Do a positive activity, Play sports, Think of something funny, Take a quick walk, Practice yoga, Stand up and stretch, Listen to music, Take a time out, Slowly count to ten, Use positive self-talk, Say something kind to yourself, Talk to a friend, Talk to an adult, Close your eyes and relax, Say, "I can do this", Visualize your favorite place, Think of something happy, Think of a pet you love, Think about someone you love, Get enough sleep, Eat a healthy snack, Read a good book, Set a goal, Jog in place, Write in a journal, Hum your favorite song, Doodle on paper, Draw a picture, Color a coloring page, Clean something, Meditate, Use a stress ball, Dance, Write a letter, Look at pictures you've taken, Make a gratitude list, List your positive qualities, Do something kind, Give someone a hug, Put a puzzle together, Do something you love, Build something, Play with clay, Hug a stuffed animal, Rip paper into pieces, Play an instrument, Watch a good movie, Take pictures, Garden, Write a list, Keep a positive attitude, Schedule time for yourself, Blow bubbles, Write a positive note, Chew gum, Paint your nails, Write a story, Blog, Read a joke book, Write a poem, Drink cold water, Draw cartoons, Read a magazine, Write a thank you note, Count to 100, Make a list for the future, Read inspirational quotes, Compliment yourself, Visualize a stop sign, Laugh, Smile in the mirror, Smile at others, Do schoolwork, Look at animal pictures, Hyperfocus on an object, Notice 5 things you can see, Paint with water colors, Use a relaxation app, Watch a funny video, Drink some tea, Cook or bake, Plan a fun trip, Use an I-statement, Identify your emotions, Express your feelings to someone, Write down your thoughts, Identify a positive thought, Make your day's schedule, List 10 positives about you, Ask yourself, "What do I need right now?", Tell someone you are thankful for them, Pet an animal, Make a list of choices, Ask an adult for help, Organize something, Play a card game, Listen to nature sounds, Sit and relax all your muscles, Ask for a break, Exercise (running, walking, etc.), Put on temporary tattoos, Create a blog or write a story, Draw/scribble/doodle on a piece of paper, Call a friend, Watch your favorite show, Seek out the company of others, Do your homework, Play an instrument, Sing and dance around your room, Paint your nails or do a makeup tutorial on YouTube, Lay in the grass and look up at the sky, Punch a pillow, Watch a silly tv show, Talk to your family, Organize your closet, Look for fun recipes online, Listen to great music, Cry it out, Go for a run, Read a poem or a book, Teach yourself to knit, Watch a YouTube video of cute puppies, Go shopping for fuzzy socks, Put on the fuzzy socks and dance around your house, Take a bubble bath, Snuggle with your animals, Try some aromatherapy (candle, lotion, room spray), Blow bubble, Try progressive muscle relaxation, Go somewhere very public, Bake something yummy, Organize your shoes, Finger paint, Rip paper into itty-bitty pieces, Go outside and play sport, Write a letter and send it snail mail, Plan your dream room house, Hug a pillow or stuffed animal, Dance, Design the world's best smoothie, Play with a bounce ball, Build a fort in your living room, Ask your parents to take a drive to the beach, Walk on the beach, Paint rocks, Make a long list of things you are grateful for, Jump on a trampoline, Watch family movies, do a random act of kindness for a stranger. Some of the items on this list are repeats because I copied two lists that I found. Thank you for reading My Journey Through Mental Health, Going Through it Together. Please remember to collect and comment on, vote on or review this book. Also if you have any topics you'd like me to discuss please put it them in the comments.

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